

740 Uppsatser om Principal-Agent - Sida 38 av 50

Kateterrelaterade urinvägsinfektioner ? brist på effektiva preventioner ? En litteratursammanställning

Background: Urinary tract infections caused by indwelling urinary catheters causes unneccesay suffering among those it affects. These infections are also financially straining on the health care services. It is therefore of importance to gain knowledge about which evidence based preventive interventions that have the possibility to reduce the risk for bacteriuria and urinary tract infections among patients with indwelling urinary catheters. Aim: This study aimed to compile available knowledge concerning i) if silver alloy catheters does reduce bacteriuria in this patient group, ii) if aseptic catheterization does reduce bacteriuria in this patientgroup, iii) which routines for changing the urinary drainage bag reduces the risk of bacteriuria, iv) which routine genital hygenic care reduces the risk of bacteriuria? Method: Litterature was searched for in the data bases Cinahl, Medline and The Cochrane Library using the data bases? thesaurius combined with OR/AND.

Lågstadiebarns uppfattningar och faktakunskap om kost och hälsa : En fokusgruppsstudie

BAKGRUND Två av de mest inflytelserika faktorerna bakom barns matvanor har alltid varit de matvanor som finns inom familjen och de vanor och information som tillhandahålls av skolan. Föräldrar och skola har ett ansvar att ge barn en sund grundsyn på mat och hälsa samt hjälpa dem att fatta hälsosamma beslut i livet. Fokus på mat i media har ökat och media ses därför som en tredje agent som påverkar barnens matval samt relation till mat.SYFTE Syftet med studien var att undersöka lågstadiebarns uppfattning av och faktakunskaper om kost och hälsa. Det är barnens resonemang kring kost och hälsa, samt hur detta resonemang framkommit, som är av intresse.METOD Tre fokusgrupper med 5 barn i varje, utfördes på två olika skolor i Uppsalaområdet. En lantligt belägen skola samt en närmare Uppsalas stadskärna.

The secret life of Bacillus anthracis

Bacillus anthracis is the causative agent of anthrax, a serious and globally distributed zoonosis affecting a wide range of wild and domestic animals, invariably also humans. However, although known to humans since biblical times, much remains to be elucidated concerning the ecology and transmission of this bacterium. Of particular interest is the Bacillus anthracis spore, the uptake of which is the predominant way to contract anthrax and which is legendary for its resilience in the environment and thus crucial for persistence and spread of the disease. Hence, the aim of this study is to review the natural transmission of Bacillus anthracis and investigate potential means by which soil persisting Bacillus anthracis spores reach concentrations sufficient to infect susceptible hosts. When reviewing the literature, three different theories can be distinguished. Firstly, ?the incubator area? hypothesis suggests that favourable soil factors, possibly in association with amoebas, may constitute an environment supporting repeated spore-bacterium-spore cycling, thus increasing the local amount of spores.

Socialt och emotionellt lärande i grundskolan - hinder och möjligheter vid implementering

Social and emotional learning is getting more and more common to work with in Swedish schools today. That has made it more actual to do studies of how you best can implement a method in health prevention and promotion in schools and how you do for to keep the work sustainable. There are some American studies that describe implementation of methods in schools and a few studies that describe implementation of methods for social and emotional learning in schools. It is important to see implementation as a process and not as an individual event. The process never end but continues as a cycle in three phases; readiness phase, planning phase and implementation phase.The aim of this study was to describe teachers and principals experiences of obstacles and possibilities at implementation of an evidence based program for social an emotional learning in compulsory school as a part of the schools health promotion activities.

Syn på och handledning kring inkludering, neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar och matematik: : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om vilka framgångsrika handledningsmetoder specialpedagoger kan använda för att stödja matematiklärare som arbetar med elever

The basic principle of the integrated school according to the Salamanca Declaration is that all children, whenever possible, should be taught together, regardless of any difficulties or diversity. It has been shown that students with neuropsychiatric disorders are having much more difficulties to achieve the targets than the average student. Pupils with neuropsychiatric syndrome will always be present in school and we who are working in the business must be better at learning to adapt to them so that they too can achieve proficiency in school.Mathematics is perhaps the topic that Swedish students generally have most problems with,and it will not obviously be easier if you have some form of neuropsychiatric disability.In our future role as special education teachers, we will mentor and support other teachers in the complex educational environment that exists today. The aim that has been built up is thus partly to explore how mathematics teachers work with included students with neuropsychiatric disorders, as well as how teachers wishing to become supervised by specialeducation teachers in mathematics. The study is conducted from a sociocultural perspective.A sociocultural perspective on learning means that all people are learning all the time in social settings.

Revisionspliktens avskaffade -Vilka effekter kan förväntas och vilka eventuella förändringar sker hos revisionsbyråerna

This essay examines the expected impact of the statury audit exemption in Sweden from anauditor perspective and any conscious changes made on the accounting firms to meet the abolition.The theoretical framework is divided into three parts where the first deals with the concept of audit, who the stakeholders are to revised information, the auditor's function from an agent and positive accountingtheoretical perspective and the expectation gap of what an auditor cando and what the client expect audit to be. The second part deals with the audit exemptions and effects in Denmark and England. The last section addresses the current debate, studies and statements by FAR SRS, small businesses, banks and the tax authority.The essay is essentially inductive with a phenomenological operator perspective. The thesis has a qualitative approach with four respondents who are authorized or approved as an auditor with extensive experience, active on four different accounting firms. The questionnaire is divided into two parts where the first part consists of a number of very open questions and the other part of more structured questions in order to obtain comprehensive answers.The survey shows that a number of new services, certifications and authentication degrees are to be expected in Sweden aswell.

Samspel mellan elever med autism och utvecklingsstörning

ABSTRACTTitle:The town's largest employers, is there a need to exchange?Level:Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor:Emmelie Eriksson, Malin StrömSupervisor:Lars EkstrandDate:2012 ? JuneAim:?Gain a deeper understanding of the topic corporate culture?Get an understanding as to how corporate culture influences the daily operations?Possibly be able to help with any concrete to help the investigated company toimprove its corporate cultureMethod:Data collected through both quantitative and qualitative surveys in the form of aquestionnaire answered by 71 people, three interviews with the employees with leading rolesat the investigated company and an observation. The material is analyzed with a hermeneuticsapproach, which means that we have assumed facts and then built our work on trying to findan understanding and to draw our own conclusions based on the perspective that we found.Result & Conclusions:The results of this study show that the company needs to work on itscorporate culture. We have found a few points we would like to improve in the company weexamined. We believe that it is the company's reputation and it begins already in thecompany's own recruitment process it is the main finding from our study.Suggestions for future research:Interesting would be to seek employment with thecompany you want to investigate to see how the whole recruitment process goes on toperform deeper analysis, another idea would be to ask the employees that enjoy to work thereagainst those who does not enjoy to work at the company to find the basic building blocks ofcorporate culture to this particular company.

Ett kandidatexamensarbete inom lättviktskonstruktioner .

Due to recent legal enactments regarding carbon dioxide emissions, the car industry is facing higher demands. An effective way of reducing these emissions is to minimize the weight of the vehicle. This thesis constitutes a feasibility study on whether or not it is applicable for the car industry to utilize an inner floor structure comprising composite materials. The principal was the projectSåNätt, in which the main participant was Volvo Cars Corp. In consultation with a reference group, consisting of delegates from the industry and KTH, a specification of requirements was produced.

Tillväxt och lönsamhet : Balanserar företagen sina finansiella mål?

Inledning: Vi lever i en föränderlig värld, det ekonomiska tillståndet skiftar från land till land och när en stor finansiell kris bryter ut så drabbas de flesta länderna. Företag möter varje dag utmaningar, det är dock under en finansiell kris som dessa utmaningar är som svårast. Det gäller i dessa situationer att företagen sätter upp verklighetsbaserade mål, som under de förutsättningar som råder går att uppnå. Samtidigt ska företagen balansera sina mål gällande lönsamhet och tillväxt så att både ledning och aktieägarna blir nöjda och får det som de efterfrågar. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur företagen uppnår en balanserad mållinje med hjälp av nyckeltalen för tillväxt och lönsamhet.

En studie av drivkrafter hos kinesiska medarbetare : ? ur fo?retags perspektiv

In 2009, the estimated number of residents in China was 1.331 billion, representing approximately 22% of the total world population. China is the world's most populous state and is in constant growth. This is also a market that offers huge opportunities. The major cultural differences between China and the rest of the world can often cause problems for companies that choose to expand in China. A major problem with the cultural differences is that Chinese employees feel that foreign managers do not understand the Chinese culture which is said to be the reason why Chinese people tend to change jobs often.

Den interaktiva IR-forskningens genomslag i söktjänsterna på webben

The theoretical focus in this master is information retrieval (IR), and especially the part of IR that includes interactivity. This research is by some researchers called IIR. Our principal aim was to examine if search engines on the WWW are taking advantage of research results from IIR research. A way to do this is to look at the application of special features, in this case query expansion (QE) and relevance feedback (RF). Both these methods aim for a better matching of documents and the searchers information need.

Dogs on the move : a study of the travel habits of Swedish dogs and their owners? awareness of infectious diseases.

ABSTRACTThe principal aim of the study was to compare the feeding behaviour of cattle, sheep and goats on pasture and explain any differences between speices. Furthermore, I compared foraging behaviour between dry season and the beginning of the rainy season, in order to see any relationships between weather and behaviour.The study was carried out in Shompole in southern Kenya. Behavioural data were collected by observing herds of cattle, sheep and goats on pasture. The livestock were herded on pasture during the days and kept in bomas, where people live, during the nights. The weather in Shompole is characterized by high ambient temperature and low, bimodal rainfall.

Hur påverkar Finansinspektionens nya regler om rörlig ersättning institutionella aktieägare att styra ledningen mot deras mål?

???????Främsta anledningen till att kontant rörlig ersättning existerar är för att motivera ledningen till att arbeta mot aktieägarnas främsta mål, vilket är en ökad avkastning  (Kaplan & Atkinson, 1998). Dock kan en rörlig kontant ersättning resultera i att ledningen endast arbetar efter kortsiktiga mål vilket kan leda till ett högt risktagande och är därmed riskfullt för företaget (Jacobsson, 2010). Den 1 januari år 2010 gav därför Finansinspektionen ut nya regler, FFFS 2009:6, som innebar att för anställda som har inflytande över ett företags risknivå ska minst 60 procent av deras rörliga ersättning betalas ut efter tre år eller mer. Finansinspektionen ger även ut nya regler, CRD III, som är mer preciserad om den rörliga ersättningens form och träder i kraft 1 januari 2011.

Kateterrelaterade urinvägsinfektioner ? brist på effektiva preventioner ? En litteratursammanställning

Background: Urinary tract infections caused by indwelling urinary catheters causes unneccesay suffering among those it affects. These infections are also financially straining on the health care services. It is therefore of importance to gain knowledge about which evidence based preventive interventions that have the possibility to reduce the risk for bacteriuria and urinary tract infections among patients with indwelling urinary catheters. Aim: This study aimed to compile available knowledge concerning i) if silver alloy catheters does reduce bacteriuria in this patient group, ii) if aseptic catheterization does reduce bacteriuria in this patientgroup, iii) which routines for changing the urinary drainage bag reduces the risk of bacteriuria, iv) which routine genital hygenic care reduces the risk of bacteriuria? Method: Litterature was searched for in the data bases Cinahl, Medline and The Cochrane Library using the data bases? thesaurius combined with OR/AND.

Val av fastighetsmäklare : En jämförelse småstad/storstad

Tillskottet av nya mäklarkontor ökar årligen och varje år examineras flera hundra nya fastighetsmäklare. Att säljare jämför fastighetsmäklare har kanske varit vanligast i storstäderna, men i takt med att konkurrensen hårdnar även på mindre orter upplever vi att det blivit ett allt vanligare fenomen även där. Vi kommer båda från en småstad och är inte främmande för tanken att flytta till en större stad som nyutexaminerade fastighetsmäklare. Vi frågar oss vilka faktorer som är avgörande vid valet av fastighetsmäklare i en storstad kontra småstad? Kan vi se några skillnader? Avsikten med uppsatsen är att ge oss en ökad kunskap om vilka faktorer privatpersoner anser viktiga vid valet av fastighetsmäklare vid en villaförsäljning.Materialet bygger på två parallella enkätundersökningar, en i Hudiksvall och en i Stockholmsamt intervjuer med branschfolk.

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