

740 Uppsatser om Principal-Agent - Sida 29 av 50

Gymnasieskolan som demokratisk arena? En utvärderingsstudie av demokratimålen i Lpf 94

The essay is an evaluative study of student democracy in the Swedish high school, its departure point being the 1994 national curriculum for the voluntary school forms (Lpf 94). We adopted an interview method, the survey units consisting in a number of high school teachers. The analysis has two principal theoretical departure points, involving democracy theory and implementation analysis, respectively. The former is utilized to help identifying what sort of democracy permeates the governing document and high school daily life, the latter to explain actual outcomes.The study concludes that the 94 curriculum is characterized by a strong democracy with emphasis on participatory democratic processes, whereas in practice there is a thin democracy in both classroom and formal student government contexts. Representative processes are given plenty of room although few attempts at participatory democratic components can be identified.A deeper analysis of the result reveals implementation problems traceable to elements of symbolism in the goals.

Traumahantering hos nyanlända flyktingbarn i skolan : Ett krispedagogiskt perspektiv

To this date there are 14 major armed conflicts, four of which are defined as war. Every day several people come to Sweden as asylum  seekers and refugees looking for a residence permit in Sweden. This paper is about the children who receive a residence permit in Sweden and attend Swedish schools. Many of these children have experienced trauma ? damage to the psyche after a traumatic experience.From two qualitative interviews of a principal and a counselor at a school in Järfälla municipality, and three teachers at the same school, I studied what trauma management at this school looks like.

En sekulär Lucia? : En argumentationsanalys av debatterna kring det svenska skolväsendets förhållningssätt till religiösa institutioner och traditioner under åren 2011-2012

On the 1st of July 2011 a new education act was carried out, which elucidate that all education in course of a public principal shall be non-denominational. In relation to this a public debate about the educational system's policy toward religious institutions, particularly the earlier nation church Svenska Kyrkan, and religious traditions burst out. This thesis reconstructs the ?Lucia debates? that were kept during the years 2011-2012. The aim of this thesis is to identify the mechanisms of the Lucia debate's issue and progress.

Värdeförändring på butiksfastigheter och makroekonomiska variabler - en ekonometrisk studie av samvariation

The purpose of this Bachelor thesis in Economics at Lund University is to try to establish the correlation between the value change of retail real estate buildings in Sweden and macro economic variables. The principal method is the multiple regression model and it is used to estimate the basic model. The basic model is enhanced by estimating some 30 models and the result is two good models. The difference between the basic model and the two better models are small but important. In the lagged basic model, the same variables are used as in the basic model but with different time lags.

Belöningens roll - En studie om motivation

Bakgrund och problem: Belöningar används ofta som ett hjälpmedel till att motivera deanställda och få dem att agera i företagets intresse. För att åstadkomma ett bra samspelbehöver organisationen ha förståelse för hur belöningar kan bidra till motivation. Men vadsom motiverar de anställda kan skilja sig åt. Hur bidrar olika typer av belöningar tillmotivation?Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att försöka beskriva vilken roll olika typer av incitamentspelar utifrån Maslows teorier kring mänskliga behov.

Att lära sig svenska i Spanien : En kvalitativ studie om lärarnas resonemang kring elevers utveckling av det svenska språket vid en svensk utlandsskola

The aim of this paper is to investigate how teachers in Swedish schools abroad reason about their work developing the Swedish language as the students live in a non-Swedish speaking country although going to a Swedish school. Furthermore the study intends to examine the teachers' attitudes towards the impact the Swedish language has upon the school. Research questions:What thoughts do the teachers signify in reference to the language development of the students?How do the teachers reason about the role of the Swedish language in the school?In order to answer these questions, qualitative measures has been used in terms of observations and interviews. The study is based upon a social constructivist perspective with the idea that reality is socially constructed.

Nationella prov i NO : Verktyg för likvärdig bedömning eller dolda svenskaprov som diskriminerar?

This study is focusing on students at compulsory level and their performance in national exam tests when the students first language is taken into account. Students in Swedish schools with non-Swedish speaking parents commonly follow language classes for limited Swedish proficient students. How does this affect their results when tested in other subjects as physics,biology and chemistry? A general claim is that national tests can provide data for balancedand fair grades. This view is challenged in this paper, through Principal Component Analysisof test results that shows a difference between schools when the schools social position and share of limited Swedish proficient students are measured.

Dialektens retorik : En studie om dialekter som retorisk resurs

This paper examines dialect as a rhetorical means of persuasion. A survey containing inquires about four different Swedish dialects have been handed out mainly in Södertörn University and Stockholm University, in order to research the values and connotations of theese dialects. The four chosen dialects are as following: Göteborgska, Stockholmska, Norrländska and Skånska. The results of the survey are processed and compiled to see which attitudes these values and connotations may indicate to each dialect. These attitudes and values are then discussed in correlation with five rhetorical theories: Attitude as a means of persuation, Ethos, Persona, Rhetorical Agency and Pierre Bourdieu?s theory of Field and Habitus.

Motstridigt samspel mellan ord och bild : En kvalitativ undersökning av samspelet mellan text, bild och omgivande komponenter i Sydsvenska Dagbladet

Med denna uppsats undersöker jag med kvalitativ metod om, på vilket sätt och i vilken utsträckning som en svensk dagstidnings text, bild och i viss mån även omgivande komponenter samspelar. Undersökningsmaterialet består av fem nyhetsartiklar publicerade i Sydsvenska Dagbladet mellan år 2005 och 2007. Artiklarna behandlar ämnet hemlösa personer. Resultatet visar att bild och text ofta har en liknande form om man jämför bildkomposition och textdisposition. De hemlösa skildras något oftare som objekt och upplevare, både i text och i bild, medan de icke-hemlösa framställs som subjekt i bild och har i texten främst funktion som agent.

Utbildning som lönar sig? : Riskkapitalbolag som investerar i skolor

This paper aims to give an insight into how venture capital work with their investments in the school sector. The purpose of the paper is to examine their work, regarding to goals of the company and the process of controlling the goals.  The study also aims to determine the way the companies work with value growth.This study uses a qualitative research method, where the theories license to operate, the relationship value management framework, agency-principal and new public management theory is tested in relation to the collected data. Eleven persons were interviewed in this paper. This paper also aims to give an overview to venture capital in the school sector, where it will examine whether financial goals could collide with social goals.What the study can tell is that venture capital does not have a license to operate in this sector, according to the theory.

Due Diligence : En jämförelse av riskkapitalister och uppdragstagare

           Bakgrund: Företagsförvärv har under den senare delen av 1900-talet uppvisat en stadigt uppåtgående utvecklingsriktning. För att minimera riskerna för ett misslyckat företagsförvärv genomför köparen en granskning av förvärvsobjektet, en så kallad due diligence. Syftemålet med en due diligence är att förvissa sig om att förvärvsobjektet inom rimliga gränser motsvarar det som köparen förväntar sig.Syfte: Att kartlägga om och i så fall hur, skillnader i utförandet av en due diligence föreligger mellan riskkapitalister och uppdragstagare. Identifiera huruvida det existerar ett gap samt hur det ser ut, mellan den normativa teorin och jämförelseobjektens utförande av en due diligence i praktiken. Förklara eventuella skillnader och gap med stöd av positiva teorier.Metod: I vår uppsats har vi använt oss utav ett positivistiskt synsätt och tillämpat ett abduktivt angreppssätt.

Knapptryckardemokrati : Om synsätt på IT-stödd demokratiförnyelse

With the increased significance of information technology (IT) in today?s society the term ?electronic democracy? (e-democracy) has gained much importance within the democracy theory. Naturally, there are several competing views on how the technology should be used for democratic purpose. One aspect of this is the somewhat revitalized claim for direct democracy in accordance with the hypothetical opportunity to finally realize it as a democratic system. The ideal of direct democracy combined with the almost total credence in the potential of technology constitute the idea of a ?push-button democracy?.

Rotpostvolym = stämplingslängd?

This work was conducted during spring and summer 2012 together with the company Uppsala Academy of Management as the principal. The two main objectives for the work are that: ? Make a comparison between the measured volume in the standing forest and the measured volume at the industry on Uppsala Academy of Managements actual stumpage sale volume to see how well it conforms. ? Examine if the buyers see any particular advantages or disadvantages of actual stumpage sale volume and what they think of Uppsala Academy of Managements actual stumpage sale volume and structure in general. I chose to use actual stumpage sale volume from the tree years 2009, 2010 and 2011 in my work. I divided the actual stumpage sale volume following four categories which was pine, spruce, pine/spruce and seed trees. After that I picked out sixteen actual stumpage sale volumes from each category to be a part of the work.

Lawsonia intracellularis : utvärdering av provtagning med tops : utvärdering av provtagningsteknik med tops vid diagnostik av Lawsonia intracellularis hos tillväxtgrisar

Lawsonia intracellularis is an important pathogen in the intestine, causing diarrhea and retarded (or poor) growth in pigs. Diagnostics is based on sampling of small amounts of faeces. Several publicated scientific papers mention the use of faecal swabs as sampling material for diagnosis in experiments and in prevalence studies. Therefore the need of an evaluation of this sampling technique is urgent since, to our knowledge, this has not previously been done. Here reported work compare the use of rectal swabs for feacal sampling, with sampling and analysis of 0.1-0.2 gram of faeces. The studie included twelve herds with a case history of earlier or ongoing problems with diarrhoea where Lawsonia intracellularis could be suspected as the causative agent. A total of 120 growing pigs where examined.

Turnaround Management - Nyckeln till framgång?

Titel: Turnaround management ? nyckeln till framgång? Författare: Maria Lejefors, Caroline Odell och Sofie Svensson. Handledare: Richard Ek och Bo Markulf. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att identifiera de nyckelfaktorer som bidrar till ett framgångsrikt förändringsarbete inom en organisation. För att göra syftet mer operationaliserbart kommer vi att använda turnaround management som den lins vi betraktar syftet genom.

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