740 Uppsatser om Principal-Agent - Sida 22 av 50
Agent Provokation - En studie kring avsändarens påverkan på provokativ reklam
Even though provocative marketing is a widely used tool among companies to distin-guish themselves from the crowd and catch the attention of consumers, there are several variables that remain relatively unexplored. This paper aims to investigate what impact the brand has on how provocative advertising is perceived and how it affects attitudes and behavior. An experiment was conducted where several well-established measures of ad effectiveness such as brand attitude, buying intentions and word-of-mouth intentions were used to analyze the effects of brand knowledge. The results show that a provocative advert lowers attitude and buying inten-tions for the established brand while it remains unchanged for the unestablished brand. This implicates bigger freedom for unestablished brands to elaborate with provocative elements in their marketing.
Yrkesrelevant Gymnasiearbete på El- och Energiprogrammet
The purpose of this development project is to create a model for working with a high school project in Electrical and Energy Program. It should be conducted in a form like companies do according to the goals from The Swedish National Agency for Education. In order to fully perform this we use the concept of Young Entrepreneurship. The model is created according to the new conditions from The National Electrical Safety Board. There is now an exception saying that a student during education is released from the demand of employment that is the normal procedure where you are under supervision from a certified electrician. During the project there has been theoretical and practical examinations in order to clear out the advantages and disadvantages using this model, but also to examine whether it is useful in the future and to what extent it can be used. The result indicates that the model is useful and fulfills the goals from The Swedish National Agency for Education but that the model has its limitations and difficulties.
Identitet och svenskhet : En diskursiv granskning av svenska läroböcker i historia
This thesis is concerned with how identity is connected to historical writings and what normsshapes the perspectives of history. The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibilitiesfor identification offered in history books used for history teaching. This study is concernedwith what role the nation plays and how it shapes the conception of history, with the hope ofcounteracting negative attitudes towards those not being identified as ?Swedish? in the historytelling.The study was conducted through discourse analysis. The material for this analysis consistedof three history books directed towards 4-6th graders.The study shows how identity is created through putting ?us? against ?them?.
Veto: En motivanalys av FN:s säkerhetsråds fem permanenta medlemmars agerande i konflikten i Syrien.
Aim: The aim of this study is to analyse the possible motives behind the actions of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council in relation to the conflict in Syria. The background of this aim is the Arab Spring and the protests and violence that have followed the uprising. While, in Libya, the UN Security Council adopted resolutions that allowed sanctions against the Libyan government, no such resolutions have been adopted yet in Syria.Theory: The principal theory of the analysis is Stephen D. Krasner´s theory on sovereignty.Method: I have researched various resolutions and statements done in the Security Council, together with official statements from the actors, through Hadenius´ motive analysis methodology and Gilje & Grimen and Ödmans theories on hermeneutics.Conclusion: The conclusion of the analysis is that there, in the case of Syria and Libya, are two different parties in the Security Council. One that stands for sovereignty and one that stands for intervention.
Medmänniska och vän - en guldkant på tillvaron : frivillig besökstjänst i Trollhättan
The essay deals with questions concerning the reasons, difficulties and subjects for rejoicing which various people experience when visiting "voluntarily" old, lonely people in the congregation of Trollhättan. What knowledge is developed and which values are formed? How is aging and solitude experienced? The visits are co-ordinated by two lay workers employed by the Swedish Church. The study is built on oral interviews in April and May 2003 from a questionaire using open questions. The research group consists of six women between 65-80 of age with 1-30 years´ experience.Inner reasons, contact with other people in similar situations, positive responses to visits, and meetings in the visiting service group seem to be the principal driving forces.
Evidens eller referens?: vad påverkar rektorers beslut?
Today the school is a given place for preventing social problems. The school struggles continuously to live up to the expectations of balancing preventive social work with pedagogy in a satisfactory way.The purpose of this essay is to get a picture of priorities of social work in school. I want to know what it is that affects and controls the principal's decision about what kind of social project they will accept and be a part of.This essay shows that only one of the eleven principals interviewed apply projects based on evidence when they decide about participation in a social project. Instead, the decisions are based on references from other schools. The reason why the principals do not base their judgement on projects which are based on evidence is because they consider the search for results too time consuming.When there is no requirement that a certain part of the social work in a school must be based on evidence, it leads to the children taking part in different social projects which we can not guarantee are good for them.One solution can be to guide the principals through a national social teachingplan, which can assure that social work based on evidence are being applied in the municipality schools as well as the independent schools..
En biologisk översyn av två vanliga konsumtionsvalsteoretiska antagande
Följande uppsats utgör en litteraturstudie över två vanliga konsumtionsvalsteoretiska antagande och deras biologiska rimlighet. De antagande som testas är: (A) En ekonomisk agent handlar som om hon maximerar en nyttofunktion. (B) Individen är självisk. Angående (A) dras slutsatsen att denna kan antas uppfylld. Antagande (B) är mer komplicerat.
?Relationer över tid och rum? : ett skolutvecklingsprojekt som syftar till att utforska hur man som pedagog kan arbeta tematiskt med begreppet ?historiemedvetande? genom att använda sig av det lokala kulturarvet i historieundervisningen på gymnasiet
The thesis handles the principal-agency problem between shareholders and the Chief Executive Officer. The purpose of the thesis was to examine the link between CEO compensation and corporate performance measured as a change in Market to Book ratio. Data was collected from corporate annual reports between the years 2000 ? 2008 and the study covers 39 Swedish companies from the Stockholm Stock Exchange Large Cap list. To examine whether there is a link between the CEO´s compensation and firm performance, we performed a regression analysis, and no significant relation is found.
Det civila samhällets roll för demokratin En kvalitativ textanalys av regeringarnas propositioner mellan 2002 och 2008
When Sweden acceded to the European Union in 1995 the term social economy was introduced to the Swedish context, gradually replacing the term civil society. This replacement can be seen as an indicator of a changing meaning of what the concept of civil society used to stand for.The aim of this essay is to study if it is possible to identify changing perceptions of the role of civil society for democracy in Sweden in government bills between 2002 and 2008, and, if so, what effect does this have on the delineation between the civil society and the government.An analytical model is proposed consisting of two dimensions which both capture the roles of civil society for democracy and the model examines how those roles relate to the government.The conclusion is that the government still sees the main function of civil society as a democratic school and a change agent for democracy. However, there is strong evidence to suggest that the civil society is increasingly regarded as more of a welfare producer than a fosterer of democracy..
Ledarskap och ideologi : En textanalys av ledarskapslitteratur för lärarstudenter
This thesis is about how ideology affects the way leadership literature measures good and bad leadership qualities. The paper argues that ideological influences in leadership literature, from a teacher perspective, complicate the understanding of leadership in its practice and theory. The methodological tool used in this thesis is an idea- and ideology analysis approach applied on leadership literature that is used in teacher education. A theoretical discussion about the definition of leadership and its possible ideological connotations sets a frame for measuring ideological influences in the texts. The analysis from the textbooks showed clear signs of ideological influences when talking about leadership.
Optical and Structural Properties of CuxS Quantum Dots Concerning H2O/Ethanol Solvent Ratio
Nanotechnology, one of the most interesting sciences today will no doubt have an enourmous impact on tomorrow's society and industry. One of the most interesting nanomaterial that has been discovered is the semiconductor quantum dot (QD). This material shows interesting novel properties such as a size-dependent band gap, which is an effect caused by the quantum confinement effect in all three dimensions. Due to this phenomenon the absorption spectrum can be tuned to the desired value by adjusting the size of the QD.This thesis aims to investigate how the solvent ratio of H2O/Ethanol affects the optical and structural properties of copper sulfide QDs manufactured in a chemical synthesis way using modern microwave heating. The process of manufacturing QDs using chemical synthesis often involve a capping-agent to prevent the QDs from agglomerate into bigger structures.
Amigos, Vale y Tapas : En analys av de kulturella aspekter som presenteras i några textböcker i spanska
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los contenidos culturales de algunos libros de enseñanza del español, como lengua extranjera, publicados en Suecia.Estos libros de textos fueron analizados basándose en la información cultural y centrándose en los aspectos interculturales que estos pudieran presentar. Para analizar la información cultural los datos han sido divididos en datos concernientes a España y América Latina, respectivamente. Para abordar la interculturalidad se ha tenido como base principal la contrastividad cultural.Este trabajo llega a la conclusión que dos de los libros estudiados presentan de una buena forma la contrastividad cultural, sin embargo, su falta de variedad en la temática cultural y su falta de acercamiento a una discusión sobre los estereotipos, hacen que los libros, finalmente, nos entreguen una visión incompleta de la perspectiva intercultural.Palabras claves: enseñanza del español, cultura, la perspectiva intercultural, contrastividad cultural..
Relation utan oberoende? : En studie av sex mindre revisionsbyråer
Real estate managers work in a hard branch with big competition and skeptical customers. For most people, buying a property is the biggest private purchase of their lives. This puts a big pressure on the real estate agent to make the process run smooth. But how does the customer know which real estate manager to choose? We have researched what effect the real estate managers clothing has on the customers? first impression and how clothing affects customers? choice of real estate agents.To answer our questions we´ve done 13 projective interviews with ten customers and three real estate agents, where we showed four pictures with the same person dressed in different styles.
Design och konstruktion av Splitmaskin
During springterm 2010 Erik Persson and Magnus Hansson performed their ThesisWork with DIAB Laholm, in Hallands County for University of Halmstad.The project has been a product development project without exterior customers. Thusit had a great emphasis on functionality and less emphasis on marketing and such.This reflects the ambition to develop machinery to be used within the productionfacilities of DIAB Laholm, not to be sold to exterior customers.Main objective has been to create machinery which enables the production ofrotational symmetric work pieces within a NC-milling machine with 5 axles. Thework pieces milled will be made of DIAB?s material Divyncell with varyingdensities.The project has followed Fredy Olssons method involving Principal ? Primary ?Manufacturing constructions. However a complete manufacturing construction hasnot been made since DIAB just wanted a good Primary construction which will serveas a base for finishing touches at DIAB.By the end of the project material including calculations has been sent to DIAB andthey will finish the work and manufacture the machine if they find economic viabilityin this.The work method has been suited for this by several reasons, it was created withthese projects in mind and it?s also the method most familiar to us..
Datorspel som hjälpmedel för att förstå och hantera komplexa system : Möjligheter, problem, frågeställningar
Detta arbete tar upp iden om att datorspel kan användas som ett hjälpmedel för att förstå och hantera komplexa system, för den enskilde spelaren såväl som för forskare. Arbetet fokuserar på ett antal kritiska faktorer: möjligheter, problem och frågeställningar, samt tar upp en diskussion kring möjligheten att se datorspel som världar, lika verkliga som vår egen, då vi ser på det från en position innanför systemet, genom speljaget som en agent i den virtuella världen, och vilka implikationer detta kan få för hur vi kan lära oss att förstå och hantera komplexa system.Vi lever i en verklighet i vilken vi omges av komplexa system, både sådana vi skapat själva och sådana som finns naturligt. Det är en paradox att den teknologiska utvecklingen som strävar efter att förenkla vår tillvaro också undantagslöst komplicerar den. Att försöka hitta nya vägar att kunna lära oss att förstå och hantera dessa komplexa system är därför viktigt, och här presenteras datorspelet som ett tänkbart redskap för att göra just detta..