

740 Uppsatser om Principal-Agent - Sida 21 av 50

Knutby och stockholmssyndromet. : En religionspsykologisk undersökning avstockholmssyndromets koppling till våld i religiösa rörelser.

In January 2004 two members of the Pentecostal community Knutby Filadelfia in Uppsalamunicipality, Sweden, were shot by their fellow member Sara Svensson. With a qualitative hermeneutic case study as the principal method this essay takes on the task of not only investigating if and how Stockholm Syndrome can be used as a model for interpreting and understanding the violent incident in Knutby Filadelfia, but also to see if the unique characteristic of the Knutby incident can tell us something about Stockholm Syndrome as a model for understanding violence in religious movements. The material shows Stockholm Syndrome as having been present in Knutby because of among other things, a mileu, leadership and theology that supported the normalization of abuse and the enabling and maintaining of self punishment in the community. While Stockholm Syndrome still is a controversial theory this study shows that it can be used as a powerful tool in the understanding of violence in religious contexts..

Fritidspedagogens syn på samverkan med lärarna

I have in my thesis examined what a leisure pedagogue does in school. I have asked the questions how it is with interaction between leisure pedagogues and teachers according to policy documents and according to the interviews I did with three professionals. In the literature part I began by describing the historical background to the after-school and leisure pedagogue profession until the new teacher education in 2011th.  My theory section, in previous research and theory, focuses on interaction between leisure pedagogue and teacher. In the research part I describe the interviews I did with three leisure pedagogue on three separate occasions.

Företagsstyrning i kooperativa organisationer - Vilka likheter respektive skillnader finns det mellan en konsument- och en producentkooperation?

A co-operation is established when a group of people, sharing the same preferences and values, come together in order to satisfy a common need. The co-operative association should be democratic, governed and supervised by its members and open to everyone. The purpose of this article is to, from our ideal type, study similarities and differences regarding the corporate governance of the consumers? and the producers? co-operative movement. The motive behind our choice of alignment is that the mechanisms of corporate governance often are described from the perspective of the joint-stock company, making it valuable and interesting to study these mechanisms from the co-operative point of view.

Nyemission. Var det värt det? : En studie om nyemissioners effekter på idrottsaktiebolag

This essay has examined the effects that new issues had on the four Swedish football clubs that are organized as sport limited companies. The difference between a limited company and a sporting limited company is that the clubs always have majority ownership by the 51% rule. Previous research on sport limited companies and on new issues has been associated with the agent theory and the pecking order theory in order to explain the effects.The thesis is a qualitative study with an inductive approach, where the interviews have been selected as the method of collecting data. Through the years the clubs have performed new issues several times. The study says that the clubs perform a new issue for two reasons, either for investment purposes or because they have a poor economy and must collect liquid assets.

Musik som kommunikation

Music affects us humans. Marketing has long made use of music as a means to enable customers to identify with a brand, and thus increase sales. The Influence of music is obvious, but can you use this on students, and how effective is it to use in a classroom?I will answer the question: how does soft music provide reassurance/create a harmoniums learning environment at the beginning of a lesson?By observing how students react and behave to the playing of soft music. My aim is to create different strategies that teachers can effectively use to get students to ?jump in? to their lessons without wasting 5-15 minutes of class time.Professor Lennart Grosin conducts research into what is in Sweden called PESKO.

Friskolor med muslimsk profil : En studie om fyra rektorers tankar kring arbetet på en friskola med muslimsk profil

Independent schools are a central issue in the school world, the perception of independent schools varies and many people express opinions about them in the media. An independent school is according to the National Agency a school that has a different principal than the county or municipality. Independent schools may not charge fees but their revenue comes from municipal grants from municipalities (Berglund 2007, p. 10). An independent school can be driven by an association, foundation or company and to run an independent school requires a permit from the Education Department.The purpose of this paper is to see how four principals at independent schools with a Muslim profile are working to strengthen their students? Muslim identity in relation to the society they live in and how schools work with value issues.

"Hjärnan mot hjärtat": En kvalitativ studie av Migrationsverkets handläggares upplevelser av etiska dilemman.

This study is focused on the caseworkers of the Swedish Migration board and their experiences of ethical dilemmas in their daily work with asylum seekers. Our research question is aimed at examining the ethical dilemmas that the caseworker as a social agent is experiencing in the meeting with the asylum seeker. The empirical material in this study is based on interviews with five caseworkers of the Swedish Migration board. The material has been collected through semi-structured interviews and has then been analyzed through professional ethics as a theoretical framework. The results of this study show that ethical dilemmas are constantly being present in the work of the caseworkers. Ethical dilemmas are in different ways occurring in the meeting with the asylum seeker. The law that regulates the caseworkers work is functioning as a limiting aspect, which leads to a feeling of contradiction between the caseworker?s personal ethics and the professional ethics..

Den trådlösa massan - svärmbeteende och kollektiv handling

This essay seeks to analyze the consequences of modern information and communication technology for collective action within the framework of social movements. With references to the protests in Seattle 1999, the essay argues that the emergence of distributed collective action is closely related to the use of technology, for example cell phones and Internet. This distributed collective action can be characterized by its decentralized and self-organizing features, forming a global pattern emerging from local interactions. Whereas contemporary theories of collective action can be ´stretched´ to fit these aspects, they lack analytical tools to describe and analyze such systems. Further, their rejection of classical crowd theory is problematic, since it contains valuable insights.

Europeiska Unionen- en demokrati? : En studie om demokratins utbredning och utveckling inom EU:s institutioner.

The purpose of this thesis is to study the level of democracy within the European Union (EU). To do so the following issues were examined: How the EU works and the efforts it has made to improve levels of democracy; and the degree to which the EU fulfils the criteria set by Robert Dahl in his theory of polyarchy.The study is based on a qualitative text analysis. The focus of the analysis is documents released by the EU that can be connected to democracy, and human and fundamental rights. The theory of polyarchy proposed by Robert Dahl and Joseph Schumpeter?s theory of democracy are the principal theories applied.

Virtuellt Genus : Hur virtuella agenters visuella genus påverkar bemötandet från användare

Att föra en dialog med en virtuell karaktär blir ett allt vanligare fenomen, till exempel som interaktiv kundtjänst på en hemsida, att testa agentens gränser och vara otrevlig och förolämpa den virtuella agenten är en förekommande händelse likaså. Virtuella karaktärer blir ofta representanter för könsstereotyper, i värsta fall kopplas den förolämpning som ges till agenten också till stereotypens motsvarighet i det verkliga livet. Denna uppsats har som syfte att ta reda på om virtuella agenter med olika visuella genus blir behandlade olika. Loggade chatdialoger mellan högstadielever och virtuella agenter analyserades, resultaten pekar på att ju fler feminina drag en virtuell agent har desto mer förolämpningar får agenten. Detta visar att det är viktigt att ta hänsyn till virtuella agenters genus vid design av dessa agenter, då förolämpning uppstår i olika mängder trots att agenterna i övrigt är identiska..


This research project is based on observing and Analyzing the Role of a textile merchandiser in managing the supply chain of the Home Textiles In The Buying or retailing, in the Mill and with the Agents. The project also "highlights the comparative analysis of the practices by Followed merchandisers into the retailer side, mills and Those In The Agents', on the basis of the Functions Which Supports the supply chain. In the discussion, We Have highlighted Importance Of The Role Played by an agent and by the merchandisers of Buyer and Supplier in Different situation. By our research work we find out The Challenges face by merchandisers And Then we come up with sometime suggestions.This Research Project Has Been Developed by Contacting and Visiting Hemtex, Brink Textiles, by interviewing the merchandisers working in the Industries like Al-Abid Silk Mill . By Analyzing the data & the data through the visits and the interviews, this Research Project Has Been Combined to give in-depth knowledge about the Activities Which merchandisers performer in a mill and into buying a house..

Sju husmödrar berättar : en etnologisk studie om husmödrar under mitten av 1900-talet

This thesis is about how ideology affects the way leadership literature measures good and bad leadership qualities. The paper argues that ideological influences in leadership literature, from a teacher perspective, complicate the understanding of leadership in its practice and theory. The methodological tool used in this thesis is an idea- and ideology analysis approach applied on leadership literature that is used in teacher education. A theoretical discussion about the definition of leadership and its possible ideological connotations sets a frame for measuring ideological influences in the texts. The analysis from the textbooks showed clear signs of ideological influences when talking about leadership.

Dold mångfald i den öppna demokratin? Om diskriminering på grund av sexuell läggning bland förtroendevalda kommun- och landstingspolitiker

Groups that are often referred to as being dismissed in society in general is by some aspects also considered being so in political arenas. A recent compilation of existing research over structurally based objections of gaining power and positions within Swedish parliamentary politics highlight a lack of research considering whether sexual orientation could be such a discriminatory basis. Using a queer theoretical approach, and drawing on concepts such as heteronormativity and homophobia, the principal aim of this essay is to illuminate aspects of local parliamentary political areas where discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation become relevant. In order to do so six in-depth interviews with homosexual politicians have been conducted. Finding a queer potential in certain ideological parliamentary political environments that enable homosexual politicians to be open about their sexual orientation, it still relies upon the individual to be confident enough not to interpret the political context as homophobic and heteronormative..

Automatisk textsammanfattning: en experimentell studie

The principal aim of this thesis is to test if extracts, produced by the automatic summarizer "Copernic Summarizer", are possible to use as abstracts. The aim is also to give a picture of what automatic summarization is and why it is motivated. Three questions are asked: What is automatic summarization and what can it be used for? Is it possible to replace the author-written abstracts with extracts from "Copernic Summarizer"? Is automatic summarization motivated for the different areas of use that are identified in the first question? An automatic summarizer is a program that is intended to summarize text automatically and it can be used for different purposes, for example for summarizing WebPages or scientific articles. To answer the second question an experiment is carried out.

En studie om elevers val av metoder vid subtraktionsberäkningar

In this qualitative study of students? methods of calculating subtractions, I have used interviews, subtraction exercises and analysis of teaching material. The purpose of my study was to explore which methods students in grade three uses when calculating subtractions. I also wanted to highlight which strategies the students use and their comprehension of the concept of subtraction. In the study, I also highlight the different pedagogical ideas on which the teaching material is based on and the students? choice of methods.  The study shows that the students choose to use the methods?deduct? and ?kind of number? independently.

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