

5520 Uppsatser om Primary education - Sida 18 av 368

Undervisning och identitet En intervjustudie om betydelsen av religiös eftermiddagsundervisning för bevarandet av en judisk identitet

The aim of this essay is to study the religious education which the Jewish Community of Göteborg offers to members between six and fourteen years of age. The main question of the essay is ?what function does the religious afternoon education serve for the Jewish Community of Göteborg??To answer this question I have interviewed four people who in various ways are engaged in the religious education. To analyse the result I have used Danièle Herviue-Léger?s theory ?religion as a chain of memory?.

Competition and its outcomes: Does a more campelilive electoral system elect more well-educated politicians?

Recent studies have reemphasized the importance of competition in democracy. An ideaoriginating from Weber: that demoeratic competition leads to more qualified leaders, has been resurrected. Research shows that democracies are more Iikely to elect leaders with a high leve l of education, and with in demoeratic states stronger competition correlates with elected politicians with higher education, more political experience and higher previous income. This study researehes whether the earrelation between greater competition and electedcandirlates with higher "Curriculum vitae-qualities" holds between electoral systems. Does a more competitive electoral system elect candirlates that score higher on such measures? Using education as a proxy forthese qualities the study traces different outcomes on education in a mixed electoral system, camparing the majoritarian (more competitive) part of the electoral system with the prop011ional (less competitive) part.

Talet om talen : Vuxenmatematikens retoriska vändning

This is an empirical study of how the mathematical talk of adult learners constructs/reconstructs different mathematical discourses. The study is to be regarded as an attempt to develop a discursive approach within the field of mathematics education and to complicate the status of mathematics in education and in society in general. My theoretical underpinnings consist of three possible mathematical discourses ? coercive, regulative and emancipative mathematics. From a discursive psychology perspective, I let these discourses function as analytical interpretive repertoires in relation to the adult learners? rhetorical use of mathematics and their claiming of mathematical subject-positions, named the coerced, the self-regulating and the responsible mathematician.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av hot och våld i mötet med patienter inom ambulanssjukvård : - en intervjustudie

 Every day media reports acts of violence in various kinds. Crime statistics shows that threats and violence are increasing in regard to both frequency and intensity within the nation. Nurses in the ambulance service are often the first to meet with a patient, therefore these nurses often find themselves in situations where violence and threats occur or have occurred. Drug addiction or some kind of illness are often reasons behind threats and violence.Earlier studies within this area of knowledge are mostly foreign and therefore little describes Swedish nurses` experiences of threats and violence within the ambulance service.The purpose of this study was to describe nurses experiences of threats and violence in the meeting with patients within the ambulance service.The study is a qualitative interview study performed within the School of Life Sciences at the University of Skövde. Six nurses were interviewed with the criterion that they should have experienced threats and violence within their occupation.

Psykisk ohälsa i primärvården : en litteraturstudie om patienters upplevelser av mötet

Background: Mental illness is a growing public health problem which can cause significant disabilities and lead to poor quality of life. As primary care nurses often are the first to encounter these patients they need knowledge to be able to respond appropriately to this group.Aim: The aim was to describe how the sufferer of mental illness experiences the introduction to primary care. Method: The literature review was based on the results of 11 scientific articles which were analyzed with the inspiration of a metasynthesis method.Results: Four categories emerged: the experience of being treated like a human being, the importance of a therapeutic space, the experience of time and availability as well as the importance of competent personnel and the importance of continuity. Patients described different aspects deemed important when encountering nursing staff. Conclusion: Patients experienced that they received good care when they felt listened to and seen as individuals with their own thoughts and feelings.

Sjuksköterskekallet nu och då

The aim of this study was to describe how retired nurses, educated in Uppsala, and students at Uppsala University's nursing program experience the importance of vocation in education and career choice. None of the participants had experienced vocation as a reason for choosing nursing as a career. The main reason was instead a desire to work with people. They also expressed that it was a profession like any other. The retired nurses said that the education was something of an up-bringing with religious elements.

Hur sjuksköterskan genom patientundervisning kan främja egenvårdskapacitet hos typ 2 diabetiker/ How the nurse through patient education can support self-care capacity in type 2 diabetes

Background: Effective treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes needs a good communication between nurse and patient. This creats a good relation and leads to a more effective patient education. Aim: The aim with the literature study was to describe how nurses trough patient education can achieve self-care for patients with diabetes type 2. Methods: Literature studies with both qualitative and quantitative articles were examined. Findings: The articles that were chosen for the results were sorted in the two categories relation and communication.

Användarundervisning och uppsatsarbete: Några ekonomistudenters uppfattningar av undervisningens betydelse för informationssökning och -användning

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate a few economy students? perceptions of user education connected to essay work, focusing on aspects of information literacy of importance to the studies and the role of the user education in this context. The study was conducted with a qualitative approach. Five economy students were interviewed regarding their experiences of working with information, their perceptions of user education and its impact on their essay work. The interviews were transcribed and analysed with Bruce?s (1997) relational model of information literacy.

?Bråkar du ute åker du in, bråkar du inne åker du ut!? : En kvalitativ studie om specialpedagogens roll i arbetet med elever i socioemotionella svårigheter.

The study's aim was to examine the professional role of the Special Education Teachers, working with students in socio-emotional difficulties with focus on externalizing behavior. The study is qualitative in nature, based on 10 interviews conducted at four different schools where four Special Education teacher and six teachers were interviewed. The system theoretical perspective was used as a theoretical basis, based on a holistic view of the schools where relationships, interactions and context is of great importance. The Special Education Teacher is a part of the school context and therefore it has been interesting to study how he/she works with socio-emotional difficulties in school activities on organization, group and individual level. The results show that externalizing students becomes a problem in schools today when they influence their surroundings and requires a lot of time regards to needs of both teachers and Special Education Teacher.

Bibliotekscheferna och bibliotekarieutbildningen. En enkätundersökning av bibliotekschefers syn på utbildningen i biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap i Sverige

The aim of this thesis is to investigate what chief librarians in Sweden know about the present education in Library and Information Science and what opinions they have of it. We have used the following four questions as a starting point for our work: + How much do the chief librarians know about the education in Library and Information Science? + What are their opinions of the education? + What emphasis do they put on academic degrees and practical experience? + Are there any differences between various kinds of libraries regarding these issues? We decided to use questionnaires to gather our information. These were sent to 200 chief librarians on both public and research libraries all over Sweden. 151 of the questionnaires were answered.

Svenska och utomhuspedagogik i lågstadiet : -Vi går ut för att lära in

AbstractThe comprehensive purpose of this essay is to get deeper insight, and more knowledge of how it is possible as an educationalist to integrate Swedish with outdoor education at a junior level. Children learn to read in different ways. In order to improve their reading and writing it is important to be open for alternative ways. In my survey I have chosen to interview three active educationalists. The method I selected was quality interviews.

Lärare och digitala verktyg i matematikundervisningen : En kvantitativ studie om lärares inställning och kompetens kring användningen av digitala verktyg i årskurserna F-3

The purpose of this study is to examine in what extent primary school teachers, teaching children in the age of 6 to 9, choose to use digital tools in their teaching of mathematics. I also want to examine what these teachers think, in terms of advantages and disadvantages, about using digital tools on their mathematics lessons. Finally I want to examine what skills they possess about digital tools.I am using a quantitative method to collect my data. The quantitative survey consisted of a questionnaire survey of ten questions that 38 primary school teachers have answered.The results of my study show that the teachers to some extent use digital tools when they teach mathematics and that the availability of various digital tools are generally good. But it turns out that the availability of tools is not a guarantee that they are used in teaching of mathematics.

Reflekteras det nya insatsförsvaret i utbildningen till officer? : En komparativ studie av det militärhistoriska ämnets kursplaner och inriktning i krigsvetenskap på Försvarshögskolan och West Point

This paper examines whether the American officer?s education at West Point and the Swedish officer?s education at the Military Academy Karlberg have adapted their history of the military art education in accordance to the new requirements of the Armed Forces and its focus on the operational defense. Sweden is evolving towards an operational defense and so is the United States. This in turn requires that training and education keep up with the changes. The National Defense College in Sweden do not focus the teaching of advanced history, which happened beforet he invention of the engine, in the officer?s training program, while the American education is rather advanced, with special focus on events taken place in the 19th century up to the Cold War.

Okej vi bor tillsammans och ska klara det, men nu vill jag göra något annat : en studie i den svenska relationskomiken

Swedish films are often based on the genres romance and comedy. The films dealing with relations and comedy can almost be seen as a genre of its own. The composition of the complex relation between the audience and the genre is the primary research focus of this thesis. With the teoretical ground in intertextuality, sociology and romances the thesis examines three relations in three different films. The films english titles are, Adam & Eva, Making Babies, and Double Shift.

En skola för alla? : En undersökning om hur sex olika kommuner arbetar med utbildning för nyanlända elever

 The Swedish school of today reflect the society we live in. We live in a multi cultural society and in our schools there are pupils with different backgrounds, cultures and mother tongue, which make it necessary for every teacher to treat every single pupil?s need and condition. The education in Sweden must be equivalent, according to Skollagen, 1 kap. 2§.

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