

7565 Uppsatser om Previous knowledge in physics - Sida 2 av 505

Global uppvärmning : A survey of students? knowledge about the phenomenon

Global warming is one of the most debated environmental issues right now, and it could be argued that it is important to study how the phenomenon is treated in schools. The main purpose of this study is to put students? knowledge about global warming in relation with the control documents for chemistry, biology and physics studies. Interviews have been conducted with six students in the 9th grade. The conclusion of the survey indicates that the students generally have a satisfying knowledge about the phenomenon and that they know how they should behave from an environmental perspective..

Hur arbetar man i förskolan med fysik med de minsta? : En intervjustudie med förskollärare och förskolechefer.

Syftet med undersökningen är att se på fysik med de minsta barnen på förskolan, hur det uppfattas och hur det arbetas med. Har man bra material för att arbeta med fysik och känner man att man kan det? Metoden som används i undersökningen är intervjuer av det kvalitativa slaget. Fyra förskollärare och två förskolechefer intervjuades utifrån 2 frågescheman som skiljde sig lite åt ifall man var förskollärare eller förskolechef.  Resultatet visade att förskollärarna ansåg att de inte hade så jättemycket kunskap inom fysikområdet och att det kan vara lite knepigt att arbeta med. Att se vilket material som passar att använda i en fysiksituation sågs inte som superlätt av två stycken medans två ansåg att det mesta gick att använda..

Undervisningsmetoder i fysik : En jämförande studie mellan den svenska och den finska skolan

In the current situation there is not much written about assessment of laboratory work, and the majority of the working physics teachers are retiring and there are only a few newly qualified physics teachers. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how physics teachers assess laboratory work within upper secondary schools, with Gy2011 in mind. The new grade system, Gy2011, has a larger focus on the laboratory work then the earlier system Lpf 94. Skolverket has in their man-ual with examples of assessment two different sorts of laboratory experiments. The first assess-ment is regarding the planning of a laboratory work and the other about how able the pupil exe-cutes laboratory work.


I have in my thesis produced a start of a multiplayer, voxel, strategy sandbox game withadvanced AI. The world is made out of voxels in the form of blocks that both the players andother units can affect and change. In a world where every block follows the laws of physicsfor both fluids and physics. The game is designed for several players that fights for controllover land and resources..

Att känna sina elever : Fem lärares förhållningssätt till att undersöka förkunskaper hos elever med migrationsbakgrund

This study aims to give an account of five teachers? views and understandings of second language (L2) learners? previous knowledge, as well as, their linguistic and cultural backgrounds. This is carried out by the means of qualitative interviews, where the sampling consists of five primary school teachers at various schools. The findings are presented and analyzed using a thematic analysis. Furthermore, the study indicates that teachers in general have a positive attitude to learning more about their L2 learners? prior knowledge and backgrounds, both for the pupils, as well as, their own sake.

Genetisk artbestämning och karaktärisering av Trypanosoma theileri

Global warming is one of the most debated environmental issues right now, and it could be argued that it is important to study how the phenomenon is treated in schools. The main purpose of this study is to put students? knowledge about global warming in relation with the control documents for chemistry, biology and physics studies. Interviews have been conducted with six students in the 9th grade. The conclusion of the survey indicates that the students generally have a satisfying knowledge about the phenomenon and that they know how they should behave from an environmental perspective..

Higgsbosonen, standardmodellen och LHC

This report aims to provide an insight into the particle physics of today, and into the research that goes on within the field. The focus is partly on the recent discovery of the Higgs boson, and partly on how software can be used to simulate processes in particle accelerators. Basic concepts of particle physics and the search for the Higgs boson are discussed, and experimental results, including those from the Large Hadron Collider, are compared with simulations made in MadGraph 5. Furthermore, simple new models of particle physics are created in FeynRules, in order to make simulations based on the models. To support the presentations of these aspects, some of the underlying theory is built from the ground up.

Fysikattityder : Sambandet mellan fysikattityder och tilltänkt eftergymnasial fysikutbildning

Hur studenter klarar sina introduktionskurser i fysik på universitetet beror till stor del på deras attityder till fysik och fysikundervisning. Studenternas attityd påverkar hur dem arbetar med föreläsningar, lektioner, laborationer och kurslitteratur, och avgör hur studenterna gör för att tolka, resonera och bygga förståelse kring kursinnehållet. Det finns utförliga studier gjorda om vilka attityder som är fördelaktiga för fysikstudier på universitetsnivå. Men det finns väldigt lite forskning som visar om det är elever med fördelaktiga attityder som söker sig till fysikutbildningar. I detta arbete undersöks och karaktäriseras ett samband mellan elevers fysikattityder och deras val av framtida studier..

Fysikattityder hos gymnasieelever? : Trender bland intresse för fysik och fysikattityder bland svenska gymnasieelever

Empirisk forskning har visat att det finns tydliga kopplingar mellan intresse, attityder ochstudieframgångar. Enkätundersökningen som föreligger denna rapport ämnade att mäta hur intressetför fysik och attityder till fysik och fysikundervisningen skiljer sig åt mellan de olika årskurserna pågymnasiet. För att kunna mäta attityderna har enkätverktyget Maryland Physics Expectations(MPEX) Survey använts. Enkäten har besvarats av 605 respondenter från teknik- ochnaturvetenskapsprogrammet på två gymnasiumskolor i Mellansverige. Intresset för fysik är lågt påde undersökta skolorna och det tenderar att bli lägre med åren.

Tillgång till Open Access: En studie av hur svenska högskole- och universitetsbibliotek tillgängliggör Open Access-tidskrifter i ämnet fysik

The aim of this Master thesis was to examine how libraries at Swedish colleges and universities make Open Access journals in physics available to users. We examined if, where, and how the 50 Open Access journals that are listed in the Directory of Open Access (DOAJ) under the heading Physics (General) were made available to the public at 19 Swedish colleges and universities. We also examined possible patterns regarding qualities in the Open Access journals and to what extent the libraries made them available. For this descriptive statistic was used. The selection of library portals that were included in the study were those Swedish colleges and universities that teach physics.

Förskolan Förgätmigej

This report aims to provide an insight into the particle physics of today, and into the research that goes on within the field. The focus is partly on the recent discovery of the Higgs boson, and partly on how software can be used to simulate processes in particle accelerators. Basic concepts of particle physics and the search for the Higgs boson are discussed, and experimental results, including those from the Large Hadron Collider, are compared with simulations made in MadGraph 5. Furthermore, simple new models of particle physics are created in FeynRules, in order to make simulations based on the models. To support the presentations of these aspects, some of the underlying theory is built from the ground up.

Ett kallbadhus och en strand i Visby

This report aims to provide an insight into the particle physics of today, and into the research that goes on within the field. The focus is partly on the recent discovery of the Higgs boson, and partly on how software can be used to simulate processes in particle accelerators. Basic concepts of particle physics and the search for the Higgs boson are discussed, and experimental results, including those from the Large Hadron Collider, are compared with simulations made in MadGraph 5. Furthermore, simple new models of particle physics are created in FeynRules, in order to make simulations based on the models. To support the presentations of these aspects, some of the underlying theory is built from the ground up.

Analys av marknaden för lågenergibostäder

This report aims to provide an insight into the particle physics of today, and into the research that goes on within the field. The focus is partly on the recent discovery of the Higgs boson, and partly on how software can be used to simulate processes in particle accelerators. Basic concepts of particle physics and the search for the Higgs boson are discussed, and experimental results, including those from the Large Hadron Collider, are compared with simulations made in MadGraph 5. Furthermore, simple new models of particle physics are created in FeynRules, in order to make simulations based on the models. To support the presentations of these aspects, some of the underlying theory is built from the ground up.

Butikens roll i distributionssystemet

This report aims to provide an insight into the particle physics of today, and into the research that goes on within the field. The focus is partly on the recent discovery of the Higgs boson, and partly on how software can be used to simulate processes in particle accelerators. Basic concepts of particle physics and the search for the Higgs boson are discussed, and experimental results, including those from the Large Hadron Collider, are compared with simulations made in MadGraph 5. Furthermore, simple new models of particle physics are created in FeynRules, in order to make simulations based on the models. To support the presentations of these aspects, some of the underlying theory is built from the ground up.

Svenska vindkraftverk till Storbritannien

This report aims to provide an insight into the particle physics of today, and into the research that goes on within the field. The focus is partly on the recent discovery of the Higgs boson, and partly on how software can be used to simulate processes in particle accelerators. Basic concepts of particle physics and the search for the Higgs boson are discussed, and experimental results, including those from the Large Hadron Collider, are compared with simulations made in MadGraph 5. Furthermore, simple new models of particle physics are created in FeynRules, in order to make simulations based on the models. To support the presentations of these aspects, some of the underlying theory is built from the ground up.

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