

221 Uppsatser om Preparation - Sida 2 av 15

Barn och preoperativa förberedelser : Hur upplever barn olika förberedelser inför en elektiv operation?

AbstractBackground: An elective surgery can be something new that is frightening and unpleasant. The children and their individual needs are not always considered when surgery is prepared. Children?s needs differ and depend on their sense of coherence. Aim: The purpose of this study was to illuminate how children experience Preparations before elective surgery.

De bortglömda barnen : En kvalitativ studie om hur några lärare arbetar med de nyanlända eleverna i den svenska skolan och om de olika undervisningsformerna bidrar till integration

Children of school age, who have just moved to Sweden can either start in a Preparation class or in a normal class. There is no Swedish law or national policy that determines how new children will start and continue their education in Swedish schools. The decision is up to the schools or the communes.This study investigates what kind of educational methods teachers, from a sample of two different schools, are using to educate the newly-arrived students and if these methods are making any contribution to integrating these children into the Swedish school system. The study will raise questions like, how are the new students introduced to the Swedish school, what is the purpose of having the children in Preparation class as opposed to normal class, and what methods do the interviewed teachers use to integrate the new children into the school system?Interviews were conducted with four teachers, an associate professor and a senior lecturer in education, who has done several years of research about children from abroad coming in to the Swedish school system.

Jag vill bli golfproffs. En undersökning om ungdomars tankar och funderingar inför gymnasievalet

I wanna be a golfpro. A survey of students thoughts and feelings in Preparation for upper secondary school.

Influence of prescribed burning and/or mechanical site preparation on stand stem density and growth of Scots pine stands above the Arctic Circle : results 9-19 years after stand establishment

Prescribed burning was commonly used for site Preparation in Sweden to establish new forests until the 1960?s, when mechanical scarification was introduced. During recent decades the interest in prescribed burnings has increased again, mainly due to certifications of forestry stating that 5% of the regeneration areas should be burned on dry and mesic soils. The objective of the study was to evaluate actual influence of prescribed burning compared to other site Preparation on stand stem density, growth parameters and tree damages for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) after direct seeding and planting. The study also attempts to simulate growth until first thinning.

Återväxt av blåbär (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) efter ångbehandling : orsaker till effektiv kontroll

Steam was used as a site Preparation method to eliminate unwanted bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) in the boreal forest. The efficiency of steam to suppress bilberry was compared with prescribed burning and cutting the bilberry. Different combinations of steaming and/or cutting the bilberry were set up to investigate in which way steaming and cutting influenced the sprouting and regrowth of bilberry. The regrowth of the bilberry vegetation was monitored for 40 month. Steam was most efficient in suppressing bilberry.

Effektivare hantering av foderspannmål : en fallstudie

The purpose with this work was to investigate some alternatives for an effective handling with grain, to find the most economic alternative. It is not common that moisture content is below 14% when harvesting grain in Sweden. To store the grain safe it has to be preserved in some way. I have described some of the most common systems for preserving grain in this paper. I have used the systems as a basis when I made calculations in handling the grain for a company. I have chosen a company placed in south of Sweden. The productions are crop farming and pork.

Preparering av kabelände inför statorlindning

At Uppsala university scientists have during the last years developed and built wave energy converters. This project is called "Lysekilsprojektet". The development has come so far that they are currently investigating how to gain profit in a mass production. For that reason they want to automate as many steps in the production as possible.The winding of the stator is one part that is being automated using industry robots. The stator is cable wound unlike many other generators.

Evaluation of preanalytic methods in order to shorten the processing time before identification of fungal microorganisms by the MALDI-TOF MS

Identification of fungi is based on macroscopic observations of morphology and microscopic characteristics. These conventional methods are time-consuming and requires expert knowledge. For the past years Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry has been used for routine bacterial identification in clinical laboratories but not yet in the same extension for fungi. In this study three preanalytic Preparation methods for fungi were evaluated in order to shorten the processing time in routine laboratory performance.Clinically relevant strains (n=18) of molds and dermatophytes were cultivated on agar plates and prepared according to the different Preparation methods for protein extraction. Each strain was analyzed in quadruplicate by the MALDI Biotyper and the database Filamentous Fungi Library 1.0.The results showed that the genus and species identification rates of the least time-consuming direct extraction method were 33% and 11% respectively.

Underrättelser för sjöstriden : IPB-metoden och den maritima arenan

Högkvarteret beslutade 2004 att interoperabilitet med Natos metoder har högsta prioritet i Försvarsmakten. Därför är underrättelsemetoden Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace (IPB) vägledande för svensk underrättelsetjänsts framtagande av beslutsunderlag. Försvarsmaktens underrättelsehandbok betraktar dock IPB som en inte ?i alla avseenden tydlig? metod. Eftersom krigföring inom mark-, luft- och den maritima arenan karaktäriseras av olika faktorer, vilka ej framgår i IPB, existerar här ett problemområde.

Vattenskydd och krisberedskap hos allmän dricksvattenproduktion : Skydd av täkter, tillgång till reservvattentäkter och andra nödvattenlösningar hos svenska vattenproducenter

The objective of this report was to analyse and compare vulnerability and Preparation in Swedish municipal drinking water production, in case the commonly used water sources were inoperative. Methods used were a questionnaire and a less extensive study of regulations for water protection areas. The questionnaire was answered by 41 Swedish municipalities. A handful of them were companies co-owned by a few municipalities. Only one out of four municipalities had source protection areas to all their water sources and for many sources the protection was not satisfactory.

Modell för dimensionering av AGV-system inom tung industri

Interest in the implementation of AGV-systems (Automated Guided Vehicle) has in recent decades increased. The reason is that it allows companies to perform reliably and secure internal transport while reducing the need of personnel. It is one of todays most advanced and complex material handling system that can independently make their own decisions regarding flow paths and traffic control. An AGV-system consists of transport units carrying cargo from point A to point B, and communicates using a computer.The purpose of this study is to develop a model on how to proceed in order to design an AGV system in heavy industry. The model is tested by a case study of a company in the metal industry to determine if the model works and gives the correct result.

"Det är svårt att gå i två klasser samtidigt" : En studie om nyanlända elever i den svenska skolan

The essay aims to highlight the newly arrived immigrant students? experience of social integration and social security in the Swedish school system, which is important for their further language and learning development. This essay aims to see it from the student's perspective. The main question in this essay is: What factors seem to matter the most for the newly arrived immigrant students in their language and learning skills, and what does the students themselves think about the issue? The study is based on a qualitative research method in the form of interviews and observations conducted in a multicultural school for a period of two weeks.

Metodval i projekteringsfasen : Bostadshus Ljusbojen 1

This major project in Building Engineering has its focus on inquiring into what methods has been used in the planning process of the residential buildingLjusbojen 1. This project has been conducted in cooperation with Kadesjös Ingenjörsbyrå AB, an engineering contractor firm which also acts as the property developer. Initially several different general methods for planning residential buildings have been presented. After the methods from the process of building Ljusbojen 1 has been analyzed compared to the general methods presented in part 1. This shows what the determining factors are during the planning process; factors such as cost, quality, time management, know-how and environmental issues.

Produktivitet vid stubbskörd :

Stump harvest could be found in the late 1970?s and the early 1980?s. And now when the prices on energy are high it has become an interesting topic again. This work has been conducted within Holmen Skog?s stump harvest testing in Norrköping.

Massdigitalisering och kvalitativ digitalisering: En jämförelse av digitaliseringen på nationalbiblioteken i Norge och Sverige

The purpose of this thesis is to compare mass digitization and qualitative digitization, to see how the digitization process and the digitalized material differ. The study emanates from the mass digitization as it is performed at the National Library in Norway, and the qualitative digitization at the Royal Library in Sweden. The method used is document studies combined with mail interviews. The focus is upon the practical operation, to which counts: ?purpose & selection?, ?Preparation, image capturing and processing?, ?metadata & text encoding?, ?quality assessment?, ?storage of digital originals and copies? and ?display?.

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