

364 Uppsatser om Prenatal diagnosis - Sida 9 av 25

Trombocyträkning hos katt : en ny metod

Platelet aggregation is a major and common problem in blood samples from cats. This greatly affects the accuracy of counting of the platelets. Because of the difficulties in counting feline platelets, results for patients and reliable reference values for cat platelets are currently so inaccurate as to be almost useless in diagnosis of thrombocytopenia. In this study we used an effective method to prevent platelet aggregation. Blood was collected in CTAD test tubes and prostaglandin E1 was added to the blood sample.

Kvinnors upplevelser av missfall : och dess påverkan på nästkommande graviditet

En övervägande stor grupp kvinnor drabbas av missfall, antingen tidigt eller sent i graviditeten, och för många är det en traumatisk upplevelse. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva aktuell forskning om hur kvinnor upplever ett missfall och hur den upplevelsen påverkar den psykiska hälsan i nästkommande graviditet. Litteraturöversikten baserades på tjugotre vetenskapliga artiklar publicerade mellan 1995 och 2007. Sökning har skett i fyra olika databaser med ett antal sökkombinationer. Resultatet visade att missfall är ett komplext tillstånd där många olika känslor är involverade. Blandade känslor i form av sorg, oro, förtvivlan, depression och skuld beskrevs av kvinnorna. Vid nästkommande graviditet upplevdes en stark oro och ett hot mot graviditeten och barnet.

Med den inre känslan som drivkraft - barnmorskors upplevelser av att förmedla trygghet och en god omvårdnad

The expectations of a successful outcome are great during childbirth. The overall objective of prenatal care and birth care is that midwives contribute in creating the most positive experience of pregnancy, child birth and infancy as possible. During the past 30 years there has been a significant increase in sectiofrequency both in Sweden and the rest of the Western world. More parents feel an overall insecurity when it comes to child labour. The purpose of this study was to describe how midwives experience the work of creating a sense of security and good nursing when meeting the expectant parents.

Inkludering av elever med ADHD : En fallstudie från åk 5

Today there are many students with behavioral and developmental disorders in schools. One of these disorders is ADHD. The medical designation ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. I have chosen to research how two students with ADHD can be included in a fifth grade classroom.This research paper addresses the issues surrounding the student?s day-to-day life with a focus on the classroom.

Hur föräldrar till barn med läpp- käk- och gomspalt upplever beskedet samt bemötande från vårdpersonal : -en litteraturstudie

Syftet med denna studie var att, utifrån vetenskaplig litteratur, beskriva hur föräldrar till barn med läpp-, käk- och gomspalt (LKG) upplevde beskedet och den första tiden efter barnets födelse, samt hur de bemöttes av vårdpersonalen. Litteratursökningen genomfördes i Medline och totalt valdes 15 vetenskapliga artiklar ut till föreliggande studies resultat. Många föräldrar till barn med LKG befinner sig den första tiden efter beskedet i en utsatt situation, deras funderingar kan vara många och behovet av stöd kan vara stort. Föreliggande studie visade att en viktig faktor för föräldrarnas upplevelse och välmående var grundlig information och stöd till föräldrarna, givna av välutbildad och erfaren vårdpersonal och att de inte enbart såg till barnets missbildning utan även till barnets hälsa. Vid sjukhusvistelse borde vårdpersonalen uppmärksamma föräldrars eventuella behov av att få känna sig delaktiga i vården av sitt barn.

Vem förstår sig på mig som liten är? : Att arbeta med barn som har känslomässiga svårigheter på förskola

In my story there are daily conflicts that occur around the boy Peter. I focus on the role of the educator and the preschool, on the grey area children, on the interaction with parents and on "fighter relation". I have during my work tried to see this dilemma from differentperspectives. I question my role as a teacher and recently become a preschool teacher. Peter has no diagnosis, but I have decided to proceed from emotional disorders and language difficulties..

Loggning av användares interaktioner : utvärdering av användbarhet

The disconnect between assumptions regarding computer users interactions made by software engineers and the actual interactions do, for various reasons, not always match. Gathering actual usage data from user interfaces can enable software designers to make better educated decisions. By buildning a prototype for collecting such data from a diagnosis tool for the automotive industry this project has shown not only how to benefit from the data but also how to perform the work. The data is 1 600 sessions consisting of 26 000 individual events. From this it has shown that available tools can assist in rudimentary questions regarding usage.

Att vara förälder till ett barn med medfött hjärtfel : en litteraturstudie

Introduction : Structural cardiac malformations affects 0.8-1% of children born worldwide, in Sweden 800-1000 children per year. Most children with congenital heart disease and their families will have frequent and lifelong contact with highly specialized care. Awareness of the parents experience is crucial in order to improve the nursing care. These experiences will be illustrated using a theoretical model of family-based nursing. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe experiences of being a parent to a child with a congenital heart disease.

PLA som metod för detektion av bornavirusinfektion hos katt

A method for intra vitam detection of bornaviral infection and diagnosis of bornaviral dis-ease in the cat is currently lacking. The aim of this work was to explore the possibility of using the proximity ligation assay (PLA), with its capacity of recognizing femtomolar con-centrations of a protein, as a method for detection of the minute quantities of antigen and antibodies that are present in the tissues and body fluids of a bornaviraly infected cat. For this purpose reliable comparative assays, in the form of an ELISA and an IFA, had to be established. When this proved impossible within the time frame of the project, the aim of the study had to be abandoned, further underscoring the need for improved means of detec-tion of bornaviral antibodies and antigen..

Uppföljning och återkoppling efter prehospital bedömning och behandling

The Swedish prehospital/ambulance organization has the last decades evolved from a transport organization to a an organization that focus on alleviate and treating acute medical conditions in the field as well as transporting patient to the emergency ward. The ambulance service is developing continually and offers today a high-tech and highly specialized nursing/care. Which in turn demand a higher standard and competence on the care provider. Ambulance mission can vary in priority and magnitude. This in turn demand a high medical competence our capacity.

Hur skiljer sig skolmatematiken för årskurs 3 i en turkisk och en svensk skola? : jämförelsestudie av undervisning i matematik i Turkiet och Sverige 

The purpose of the study is, through some aspects, to make it visible and compare the education in mathematics in classes 1-3 in Sweden and Turkey. I have also studied the mathematic lessons, textbook and teaching aids, examinations and the use of calculator, on the basis of steering documents in curriculum and syllabi. The method used in this study contains of qualitative interviews and have an unstructured character but also observations noted continuously. The result is a comparison between my own experiences and the observations connected to relevant theories and the questions..

Transformatordiagnostik genom dissolverad gasanalys

The transformer is one of the most common and most important electric machines for power companies. Cost of investment and the economic worth of a transformer are counted in millions of SEK. Because of that, proper maintenance actions that may lead to longer technical life time should be the aim in all situations.The aim with the report was to perform transformer diagnosis by dissolved gas analysis on Umeå Energi AB´s power transformers and a risk assessment. The report should also contribute to longer life time for the transformers.Oil samples were taken from each transformer two times. The first sample in summer 2013 and the second in April 2014.

Kronisk hjärtsvikt hos katt

This student report is a literature study about cardiac insufficiency in cats and it is written mainly for veterinary nurses. It is about cats with an underlying heart disease that has led to an incompensated heart failure.It presents a general basis on normal anatomy and physiology, and also how to make the diagnosis, therapy and intensive care.The student report is also about the role of the veterinary nurse during the process of the disease, how to help the veterinarian in the best way, how to handle anesthesia in cats with a heart disease, which factors that can have a significant matter in feeding, and what advices to give to a pet owner with a cat with a incompensated heart failure..

Nyblivna föräldrars tankar kring föräldraledighet, amning, föräldrautbildning samt barn- och mödravården

Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på nyblivna föräldrars tankar kring främst föräldraledighet, amning, föräldrautbildning, barn- och mödravården, med tyngdpunkt på vårdens roll och pappans delaktighet. Intervjuer genomfördes med 11 föräldrar och svaren analyserades och kategoriserades i teman. Resultatet visade att de allra flesta var nöjda med vården de hade fått från både MVC och BVC, men enskilda föräldrar var missnöjda med enstaka sköterskor de träffat. Informanterna var också nöjda med bemötandet, då båda föräldrarna kände sig delaktiga i samtalet med barnmorskan. Alla föräldrar ville vara hemma med sitt barn under någon period, vilket berodde på personliga skäl och en vilja att vara med sitt barn.

Salmonellosis in Peruvian guinea pig production : a study to evaluate the prevalence of salmonella spp and importance of the disease

In Peru guinea pigs are raised for meat production and salmonellosis is considered as a major problem. Studies have detected salmonella in animals with enteritis and pneumonia. Salmonellosis exists both in an acute and a chronic form. In the rural areas the diagnosis is made according to clinical signs and macro pathological findings at autopsy. The major systems applied for the guinea pig production are often classified as family, family-commercial and commercial. These systems differ in number of animals and how industrialised they are.

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