

364 Uppsatser om Prenatal diagnosis - Sida 6 av 25

Gym ombord på fartyg : Behöver sjömän träna och hur?

Background: Stroke is one of the leading causes for longlasting sequelae, among themloss in cognitive function, like aphasia. Aphasia effects the patients ability to understandand express themselves in speaking and writing. To be able to reach a good level of care,the careproviders and patients ought to have the same goals and values. This requires agood communication between the careproviders and patients. Which can be problematicfor the caregivers when they don't feel secure in their way of getting close to these patients.Aim: The purpose of this study was to illuminate caregivers experience of caring forpatients with the diagnosis aphasia following stroke.Method: This is a literature study where nine studies, with qualitative design, has beenanalyzed and compiled.

Kommunalstrejken 2003 : Motståndet mot en uppvärdering av kvinnodominerade sektorn

Urination is a biological need but the routines surrounding urination are culturally specific and ever changing. This makes the organization of public space an important part in deciding what actions are made possible for the people in it. This paper considers women?s public urination and the possibilities to merge the need to urinate and the construction of the female body as feminine.A number of texts that describe the construction of the female body and identity as both gendered and socially produced are analysed in relation to women?s experiences of incontinence. Incontinence as a medical diagnosis is by this becoming possible to question, and may be seen as one of several strategies used to manage both the organization of the public space and the expectations of the female body to be a docile body.The conclusion is that a woman who wants to enter public space has the following options when it comes to the need to urinate:To strive for the feminine ideal.

Ultraljudsundersökning av buken på vuxna nötkreatur :

Ultrasound is still a relatively new method for the diagnosis of abdominal conditions in cattle. The objective of this study is to evaluate ultrasound as a diagnostic tool for the common diseases affecting high-producing dairy cattle, for example traumatic reticuloperitonitis, right- and left displacement of the abomasum, fatty liver, wound infections and abscesses. This paper is a combined litterature study and a report of the results from ultrasound examinations of bovine patients at the ruminant clinic at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. The study includes two healthy cows from the ruminant clinic, and seven patients with abdominal related diseases. The examinations were made with a 2-6 MHz curvilinear transducer and both the right and left sides of the abdomen were scanned.

Solokvist eller ensamvarg : Socialt samspel hos personer med psykosproblematik

Background: People diagnosed with psychosis are often described as introvert, isolated and with little or no ability to create and maintain social relationships. While every angle of a phenomena is valid and important, we believe that the first-person perspective provides the only direct access to the diagnosed persons? feelings and experiences.Aims: The aim of this study is to explore how a few people diagnosed with psychosis describe their experiences of social interaction.Method: This study is conducted in a Grounded Theory manner. An analysis has been performed on interviews made with five individuals, all diagnosed with a psychosis diagnosis.Results: The main result of this study is that the self-image is a core factor in the individuals experiences of, and initiative to, social interaction. The social interactions are linked to the individuals own relation to their diagnosis in a dynamic process where all components affect each other in the creating of the self-image.Conclusion: This study concludes that people diagnosed with psychosis is no different than other people when it comes to dreaming and longing for functional social relationships, but that they have some difficulties in actually finding them due to both social stigma and a poor self-image..

Primär ciliär dyskinesi som orsak till kronisk lungsjukdom hos hund : en litteraturstudie och fallpresentation

Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is an important but unusual cause of chronic respiratory disease of young dogs. The purpuse of this paper is to study and present internationally publicated papers on PCD in dogs and present three dogs, in which PCD was suspected. PCD has been reported in many dog breeds as well as in people. In dogs an humans, PCD is caused by inborn genetical defects which causes structural and functional abnormalities of cilia in the respiratory organs and other cilia in the body. Situs inversus occurs in about half the cases in people and probably in dogs as well. Respiratory signs usually predominate.

Patientens informations- och kommunikationsbehov vid cytostatikabehandling

Introduction Malignant lymphoma is the most common haematological blood cancer diagnosis. In spring 2013 a questionnaire was handed out to patients with various haematological malignancies. The results showed that the patients requested more verbal and written information about their disease and treatment. Providing information about chemotherapy and how it affects the patient's quality of life is part of the nursing care. Communication between nurse and patient is very important to share experiences and knowledge with each other Aim The aim is to describe the information and communication patients with malignant lymphoma demand, based on their own experience, in meeting with the nurse before and during curative chemotherapy treatment at a haematology outpatient clinic.

Att hålla tätt : Offentlig urinering och inkontinens som könad praktik

Urination is a biological need but the routines surrounding urination are culturally specific and ever changing. This makes the organization of public space an important part in deciding what actions are made possible for the people in it. This paper considers women?s public urination and the possibilities to merge the need to urinate and the construction of the female body as feminine.A number of texts that describe the construction of the female body and identity as both gendered and socially produced are analysed in relation to women?s experiences of incontinence. Incontinence as a medical diagnosis is by this becoming possible to question, and may be seen as one of several strategies used to manage both the organization of the public space and the expectations of the female body to be a docile body.The conclusion is that a woman who wants to enter public space has the following options when it comes to the need to urinate:To strive for the feminine ideal.

Celiaki i barn och ungdomsåren : Livskvalitet ur barn- och föräldraperspektiv

Introduction: More and more children and young people get the diagnosis celiac disease established. Celiac is a life-long disease, which means that the child during the rest of its life has to be on a strictly gluten-free diet. There are few studies so far, which have examined how children having a life-long disease with food treatment and increasing prevalence really experience their health related quality of life (HRQoL).Purpose: The purpose of the study was to examine how children (8 ? 18 years old) suffering from celiac valued their HRQoL and to illustrate as well whether the age of the child and its extent of disease when it was taken ill affected the child?s evaluation of HRQoL later in life. The purpose was also to compare whether the children?s parents valued the HRQoL of their children to the same extent as the children did.Method: 160 children, 54 boys and 102 girls were included in the study.

Stökiga, bråkiga, ouppfostrade och störande elever

I vårt examensarbete skrev vi allenast om elever som redan har diagnos ADHD. Vi valde att undersöka och studera de pedagogiska strategier som lärare använde sig av gällande läs-, skriv- och talutveckling hos elever som har ADHD. För att anpassa skoluppgifterna till elever som har ADHD fanns det många fakta, tips och idéer. Våra frågeställningar handlade om läs-, skriv- och talutveckling, undervisning, klassrumsmiljö och utbildning. Litteraturen som vi har läst poängterar vikten av att vuxna, såsom lärare och föräldrar, skall utbilda och vidareutbilda sig.

Lärarstudent och dyslektiker : En kvalitativ undersökning om fyra lärarstudenters erfarenheter av dyslexi under deras studier

It is very important to gain knowledge and better understanding for people with dyslexia in other words people with reading and writing difficulties. I have therefore chosen to learn more about this subject. In my study, I have focused on adult people with dyslexia.This study is about four student teachers different experiences of dyslexia during their studies. The aim is to find out how the student teachers diagnosis has affected their education situations of these areas; the need for help, environmental significance, management of the different reading and writing tasks in their education and the advantages they believe there is in their future work as teachers.As a research method I have used qualitative research and qualitative interviews. The participants in this study are four female persons in the ages of 23 to 25 years old.The results showed that the need for assistive help devices varied because of the student teachers different experiences.

Blodtrycksfall, pulstryck och lindriga kognitiva symptom - En polytom logistisk regressionsanalys

People live longer. There is a growing need to increase the knowledge of aging and of the need among the elderly for medical care in the near future. As a step towards meeting this need, a survey among the elderly in Skåne is made by the division of Geriatric Medicine in Malmö University Hospital. This survey is called Gott åldrande i Skåne, GÅS. A frequent decease among the elderly is Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI).

Crash Boom Bang : En kvalitativ studie om estetik och användarvänlighet vid produktion av en extremsportares webb

?Between normal and abnormal? is a qualitative literature study about adults with Aspergers syndrom. The study aims to understand how a person with Asperger syndrome understand himself. The study is built around two issues. These are; how does a person with Aspergers syndrom describe himself and how does the diagnos influence the self-image.

Diagnos av stiktion i reglerventiler för prediktivt underhåll

This master thesis reviews advances in detection and diagnosis of static friction (stiction) in control valves. Control valves suffering from stiction results in oscillating control loops which in turn decreases both the process stability and reliability. Perstorp AB sees a necessity to automatically detect stiction in valves before the effects of the malfunctioning valves have become too severe. This thesis presents an introduction to maintenance, control loops and how stiction in valves can affect performance of control loops.A selection of methods presented in the literature are introduced and examined using normal operating data from the site in Perstorp. Common for all selected methods is their intuitive ideas and that they are based on normal operating data and minimum amount of process knowledge.

Utvärdering av en snabbtest för diagnostisering av hypokalcemi hos nötkreatur :

Clinical signs of hypocalcaemia in dairy cows are easily recognized, and a rapid response to treatment generally confirms the diagnosis in the field. However, clinical signs of other disorders in cows, such as toxemia, calving paralysis, or muscoskeletal injury, may mimic those associated with hypocalcaemia. Therefore, making a diagnosis of hypocalcaemia on the basis of clinical signs alone may be difficult. In ambulatory veterinary practices, cow-side tests are useful to make the diagnosis and prognosis easier. Kruuse?s Kalcium Test is a cow-side test based on the principle that calcium ions are necessary for coagulation of blood, and that chelation with EDTA prevent coagulation.

En praktisk lösning - om styrningsteknologier inom könsutredningar

The purpose of this article is to explore the technologies of government that are created within gender disorder assessments as an institution. I have done so by utilizing Norman Faircloughs discourse analysing instrument ?communicative action?, which focus on the social institution as relational.The material is strategically chosen by gathering texts from the Swedish state, the psychiatric clinics, NGO:s and by performing interviews with transsexual patients.When analysing the communication of the main agents, I have concluded that practices highly are a result of repeating text and speech inside the institution. The psychiatric assessments can also be seen as an illustration in changes in how citizens are governed in advanced liberal societies, where the role of the state has been gradually reduced in favour of other agents.I consider that the change illustrates an ?acting at a distance?-mentality where the patient is introduced to participate in the definition of the care in what I call ?negotiation as a technology?.

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