364 Uppsatser om Prenatal diagnosis - Sida 15 av 25
Fyra specialpedagogers uppfattningar av elever med diagnosen dyskalkyli : En exporativ studie av fyra specialpedagoger
This thesis examines some special education teachers with experiences of childrendiagnosed with dyscalculia. Problems with mathematics at school may occur to allchildren in all schools. It is therefore important that the teacher knows the variousdisabilities that teachers may encounter. The study is based on four randomlyselected special education teachers, all-working at schools that are related to amedium-sized Swedish town. This work will immerse in the knowledge ofdyscalculia among four special education teachers.The interviews revealed that all special education teachers felt that dyscalculiainvolves specific difficulties in mathematics, their views on dyscalculia is consistentwith current research.
Evaluation of a new microarray method for genotyping of HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 for investigation of celiac disease
Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune disease, induced by an immune mediated reaction in the small intestine after ingestion of gluten and related prolamines. There is a strong genetic linkage and most important are the genes that encodes for HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8. The European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) has developed new guidelines for investigation of CD in children and adolescents, which include genotyping for HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8. Therefore, the clinical microbiological laboratory in Västmanland wants to introduce a method for analysis of these genes. Microarray is a newly developed method for determination of the alleles HLA-DQA1 and HLA-DQB1 that encodes for the ?- and ?-subunits of the HLA-molecules.
Användning av dietfoder till hundar och katter på Smådjurskliniken vid SLU :
During one week (9-13 May, 2005) the use of veterinary diets for the hospitalised patients att the University clinic was registered. The animal owners were interviewed by telephone six months later about the feeding after coming home.
Four out of ten animal owners answered yes to the question if the veterinarian had asked what food their animal normally consumed.
Out of 35 animals, 15 (43%) were prescribed to a veterinary diet. Among cats it was 8 out of 14 (57%) and among dogs it was 7 out of 21 (33%).
Four animals out of ten were recommended a veterinary diet when going home, but 20% did not follow the recommendation all the way through and stopped feeding their animal the veterinary diet. Reasons that were given was that the diet didn't last the entire period, that the animal didn't need the diet anymore according to the owner and one dog that became to lean when fed the diet. The diagnosis for these three dogs was vomiting, foreign body in the digestive system and bloody diarrhoea.
Kunskapsdiagnos i matematik ? något att räkna med? : En kvalitativ studie av lärares och rektorers tankar kring kunskapsdiagnos i de tidiga åren.
Syftet med studien är att belysa lärares och rektorers tankar kring diagnostisering av elever i de tidiga skolåren vid användande av Skolverkets diagnosmaterialDiamant, som riktar in sig på den förberedande aritmetiken.Studien har en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerad intevju som metod. Deltagarna i undersökningen är fyra lärare samt två rektorer med erfarenhet och utbildningen inom området.Resultatet visar att informanterna anser att de får betydelsefull information om var barnen befinner sig i den grundläggande taluppfattningen via diagnosen och därmed kan barn med behov av hjälp och stöd uppmärksammas. Informanterna har en formativ syn på diagnostisering. De fokuserar på hur resultatet följs upp, hur de finner pedagogiska och organisatoriska lösningar. Rutiner för detta är olika på de enheter där informanterna är verksamma.
Reference interval for urinary catecholamines and methylated catecholamines analysed using HPLC
Catecholamines are stress hormones that are produced and released by a rare tumor called pheochromocytoma. This tumor can cause hypertension which if undiagnosed and untreated leads to death. Since good therapy is available, it is important to find the tumor in time. The most common way to diagnose the tumor is measurement of the biochemical markers; catecholamines and their metabolites, methylated catecholamines.After observation that almost all normetanephrine results for women were higher than the upper reference limit and therefore pathological, the accuracy of the present reference intervals was questioned. Therefore new reference intervals for both urinary catecholamines and methylated catecholamines were developed by analysis of 46 samples using HPLC.
Dyslexidiagnos på gymnasiet
Öhberg, Carina (2009). Dyslexidiagnos på gymnasiet (Dyslexia diagnosis at upper secondary school). Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Specialpedagogik, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö högskola. Att få diagnos dyslexi när man går på gymnasiet påverkar både elevens studiesituation och den bild eleven har av sig själv. Den här undersökningen baseras på halvtstrukturerade intervjuer med sju elever som alla fått diagnos dyslexi sedan de börjat på gymnasiet.
Koffeins påverkan på osmolariteten i tårfilmen
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate if there was a difference in the tear film?s osmolarity before and after drinking coffee. 'Method: All subjects in this study were asked to fill in a questionnaire to diagnose factors in their subjective symptoms, the questionnaire TERTC-DEQ. The subjects with a total graduated points of over 17 were not allowed to participate in the further measurements. In the study there was a total amount of 38 subjects, were 5 participated twice for both measurements, coffee and water.
Våldet mot professionella inom neuropsykiatriska verksamheter : Ur ett livsvärldsperspektiv
The aim of this study has been to describe and clarify the phenomenon violence from patients within neuropsychiatric institutions, as experienced by staff members. The study has adopted an actor perspective and phenomenology as a philosophic and theoretical framework. The method used for data collection and analysis has also been influenced by phenomenology. Data consisted of five semi-structured interviews of a descriptive nature, and the goal of the analysis has been to articulate the general structure of the phenomenon. The results showed that the violence from patients is characterized by a professional commitment which includes always staying ahead and being able to help, protect and express a high level of emotional self-control.
Restenos efter PC1 (ballongvidgning i hjärtats kranskärl): Upplevelser ur ett patientperspektiv
Background: The intention of this study was to clarify the patients perspective of what it means to suffer fiom documented restenosis after one or more Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI). Aim: The aim of this qualitative study was to ascertain the patients experience of restenosis. Method: Nine patients were interviewed. They had undergone at least one PC1 and two had also undergone Coronary Arterio Bypass Grafting (CABG). Data collection and analysis were done simultaneously according to Grounded Theory methodology and were continued until new interviews provided no additional information, i.e saturation was met.
Patientens upplevelse av ett cancerbesked
Varje år diagnostiseras över 50 000 individer med cancer i Sverige. Ett cancerbesked väcker blandade känslor och associeras ofta med lidande och död. Ett svårt besked kan leda till en förändrad livssituation och kan även ses som början på en lång och mödosam resa. En vetenskaplig litteraturstudie baserad på 15 originalartiklar genomfördes med syftet att belysa patientens upplevelse av ett cancerbesked och därmed öka sjuksköterskans förståelse för patientens situation samt fördjupa kunskaperna inom ämnet. Genom litteraturgranskningen identifierades tre teman: information, emotionella reaktioner samt psykosocialt stöd.
Metodutveckling för analys av serglycinuttrycket i blodet hos hundar :
The development of quantitative, real-time PCR (qPCR) combined with the mapping of the canine genome opens new possibilities in veterinary medicine. This method provides a quick and accurate quantification of the expression of a specific gene at a given point in time and thereby also information of how the gene expression for a certain protein is influenced by various conditions and diseases. One possible area of application is identifying bio markers for cancer. Recently the protein serglycin (the core protein of an intracellular proteoglycan) was found to act as a selective marker for the disease acute myeloid leukemia in humans (Niemann et al, 2007). Serglycin is produced by most hematopoietic cells, although mast cells account for the largest amount of serglycin.
Unga lago?vertra?dare i socialtja?nstens yttranden : en studie om konstruktionen av maskulint och feminint i yttranden enligt 11§ LUL
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how gender is constructed in presentence reports written by social workers? as mandated by 11§ LUL. Young offenders are often assigned normative masculine or feminine attributes by personnel at treatment centers, girls are considered emotional and in need of support while boys are considered disorderly and in need of structure. Young female delinquents are victimized which affects their culpability; they are less likely to be held responsible for the crimes they committed. Young male delinquents are viewed as aggressive and in control; they are more likely to be held accountable for their criminal actions.
?När livet gick sönder?? : Upplevelser av att mista sitt barn i cancer
Background: To be a parent to a child dying of cancer affect not just the parents themselves, but the whole family. Experiences of fear, powerlessness and anxiety surrounds them. Nurses need knowledge about parents? experiences to help and support these parents adequately. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe parents? experiences of losing a child to cancer, from diagnosis to the child?s death.
Känsla av sammanhang i förhållande till ålder, egenupplevd sjukdomsbild och hälsotillstånd hos en grupp individer med reumatiska sjukdomar
Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune disease, induced by an immune mediated reaction in the small intestine after ingestion of gluten and related prolamines. There is a strong genetic linkage and most important are the genes that encodes for HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8. The European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) has developed new guidelines for investigation of CD in children and adolescents, which include genotyping for HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8. Therefore, the clinical microbiological laboratory in Västmanland wants to introduce a method for analysis of these genes. Microarray is a newly developed method for determination of the alleles HLA-DQA1 and HLA-DQB1 that encodes for the ?- and ?-subunits of the HLA-molecules.
Svårläkta sår : Sjuksköterskans kunskaper om omvårdnadsåtgärder vid svårläkta sår
In the nurse's profession ulcer care is a common nursing intervention. Being inserted in methods of treatment and updated with evidence-based knowledge is therefore an important part of the nurse's work. Chronic ulcers are expensive for health care and occupy a lot of time. Knowledge is therefore important for ulcer healing, for the patient comfort and to reduce costs. The aim of the study was to illustrate the nurse's knowledge of nursing interventions of chronic ulcer.