

1592 Uppsatser om Practice - Sida 3 av 107

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AbstractThe aim for this study is to establish how teachers and supervisors at the Child and Recreation Programme interpret the concept ?vocational knowledge?. It is also about how they substantially can see that the pupils are developing vocational knowledge, during their work placement training. The aim of this thesis is to create a base for teachers to work with continuing development in teaching Practice. The empirical part of this study is based on interviews. Interviews were analyzed in three categories: definition of vocational knowledge, substantially developing in vocational knowledge and success factors. The result shows that knowing how and knowing why is salient in vocational knowledge.

The diffusion of minimum tillage in agricultural China : a study of the factors influencing the farmers? choice of tillage system

The Chinese government´s aim to be self-sufficient in food production in combination with the increased food consumption in China has put high pressure on the productivity within the Chinese agricultural sector (He j et al, 2010). In order to increase the productivity, modernization and adoption of new farming techniques are essential. The opportunity to adopt and import foreign technology has lately been possible in China, as more authority and decision rights have been given to the individual farmers and the country has opened up for foreign trade (Zheng, 2012 & Fan, 1991). A more open Chinese market enables new opportunities for foreign agricultural companies to expand their businesses by introducing their products to Chinese farmers. But to succeed with this strategy the Chinese farmers must be willing to adopt these, for them new innovations. Minimum tillage is a tillage Practice used worldwide that is suitable in northern China where drought and erosion are the main problems in the crop production (pers.com., Arvidsson, 2012). Potential users? opinion of new innovations such as minimum tillage is closely related to adoption (Rogers, 2003).

Social taggning: En studie av en webb 2.0 tjänst i OPAC

The aim of this thesis is to study social tagging in an OPAC by looking at the tags of Ann Arbor District Library?s catalogue. In this thesis I analyse the possibilities of social tagging. The main questions to be answered are what is the distribution of tags in different categories, what are the differences between fiction and non-fiction and how do the social tags differ from the terms of the professional indexing Practice. Studying 500 tags I find that subject matter was the most frequent category for tags assigned to fiction and non-fiction.

Deliberativ demokrati i praktiken : Begränsning eller utveckling av den representativa demokratin

Bachelor essay in political science by Andreas Byfeldt, autumn 2007?The Practice of deliberative democracy- limitations or enhancements of representative democracy??Supervisor: Erik AmnåThe purpose of this study is to find out what impact the Practice of deliberative democracy might have on a representative democracy. What effects deliberative democracy could have in this context are scientifically as well as publically relevant seeing that participation in representative democracies as well as the forms of representation is altering.The essay contains both a theoretical segment and a case study. The information regarding the case is based on the results from a questioner, conversations by and observations from the author. In addition an analysis is performed in the case study.The conclusion of the essay is that there is too little empirical research on the subject of deliberative democracy to make a qualified conclusion about what effects the Practice of deliberative democracy could have on a representative democracy.

?If we zigzag in the middle, it?s OK? : En fältstudie som undersöker turismens påverkan på balinesisk religion och kultur

[?If we zigzag in the middle, it?s OK?] The purpose of the following study is to examine the relationship between tourism and religion in a Balinese context. We look specifically at changes in religious Practice, culture and mentality, as well as how religious philosophy is used as a tool for limiting the negative impact of tourism. The methods used are semi-structured interviews and participant observations. Central themes in the following essay are globalization in the form of tourism, westernization, subsystem theory and capitalism, which also make up the theoretical framework.

Teori och Praktik :  En studie beträffande svensk forskning om internationalisering i svenska företag och dess relevans för praktiker utifrån Handelskammaren, Exportrådet och forskare

Title: Theory and Practice: A study of Swedish Research on the Internationalization in Swedish Business and its Relevance to Practice´s, according to The Camber of Commers, Swedish Trade Council and researchers.Main issue: Within marketing science, there is an general ongoing discussion about the gap between researchers and practitioners, this leads to the thesis main issue on whether the Swedish marketing research conducted in the internationalization of Swedish companies, is relevant to practitioners and provides essential tools for practitioners to applicable in real business situations.Purpose: The purpose is to answer the problems of theory and Practice, what it looks like and what the underlying factors and impact difference between internationalization theory and Practice are.Method: The thesis has a qualitative methodology mainly based on theory, as well as empirical findings from researchers and organizations working with Swedish company's internationalization.Results: The result shows that there is a difference between theory and Practice and that there are several factors underpinning this. Theories primary purpose is not to be practical but to explore an unanswered need to create an understanding to the researcher?s audience, which is other researchers, thereby are theories based on knowledge not demands from the practitioners. The result also shows that the internationalization theories can be applied in Practice´s reality on the internationalization of companies. Research degree of generality has a sense of reality given by the empirical studies which therefore reflects the reality of the theory which gives theory a content of truth.Conclusion: The gap that exists between theory and Practice has both positive and negative effects.

Informationskompetens i Tyskland och Sverige : En jämförande studie av användarundervisningen vid två högskolebibliotek

This master?s thesis studies library teaching at two university libraries, Freie Universität Berlin in Germany and Södertörn University in Sweden. The aim of this paper is to study views on information literacy, how these views affect teaching Practice, and how the teaching of information literacy is connected to, on the one hand, German and Swedish learning culture and, on the other, the local community of Practice at the studied university libraries. The theories applied in this paper are learning culture and community of Practice as developed in the works of Judith Ricken and Etienne Wenger. The methods that have been used are qualitative, semi-structured interviews that were conducted at both university libraries.It was observed that the teaching Practices were highly connected to learning cultures.

Yrkeskunskap på Barn- och fritidsprogrammet : Yrkeslärares och handledares reflektioner kring elevers utveckling av yrkeskunskaper

AbstractThe aim for this study is to establish how teachers and supervisors at the Child and Recreation Programme interpret the concept ?vocational knowledge?. It is also about how they substantially can see that the pupils are developing vocational knowledge, during their work placement training. The aim of this thesis is to create a base for teachers to work with continuing development in teaching Practice. The empirical part of this study is based on interviews. Interviews were analyzed in three categories: definition of vocational knowledge, substantially developing in vocational knowledge and success factors. The result shows that knowing how and knowing why is salient in vocational knowledge.

Revisorsyrket i förändring

Changes in the society engender changes in the Practice of the auditor profession. Stricter laws, more detailed recommendations, and demands from the auditor?s clients have increased. The auditor constitutes a profession and therefore it is important that there is a trust since the auditor is the one that certifies the quality of the company?s economical information.

Gå bredvid mig - : En studie om förskollärares tal om uppdraget som VFU-lärare i relation till det formella dokumentet

This study contains how pre-school teachers talk about their mission as tutors and their assignments to educate student teachers in relation to the document that contains information concerning Practice-based learning. The students are involved in communities of Practice regarding pre-schools for children between one year and five years old. The pre-school teachers will share their daily work and pedagogical responsibility in the activities, meaning that the students are expected to show social engagement in interaction between children and adults. When teachers from the University visit the pre-school, the students are supposed to have a lesson or activity with the pupils in the Practice class. And afterwards the students, the pre-school teachers and the teacher from University together have a developing discuss about the outcome objectives that the students are supposed to reach during the Practice.

Praxis och praktik i flerspråkiga tesaurer

A prerequisite of an international exchange of information is multilingual tools for information retrieval, such as the multilingual thesaurus. There is an ongoing discussion about the construction of, and the guidelines for, multilingual thesauri. In recent years the praxis as defined in ISO 5964 Guidelines for the establishment and development of multilingual thesauri 1985 has been the topic of a scientific discussion. It has been about how equivalence across languages is to be established when it comes to concepts, terms and relational structures. This masters thesis treats the praxis and Practice of multilingual thesaurus construction.

Särskild uppmärksamhet åt invandrare och andra minoriteter? : En fallstudie av relationen mellan styrdokument och bibliotekspraktik i en lokal kontext

Policy documents in the public library field, such as the library legislation, local political goals and intra-library plan documents, often include ambitious but ambiguous formulations. This two years master?s thesis examines the relationship between four policy documents and library Practice in a local context. The theoretical framework is inspired by a sociocultural theory developed by the Swedish professor of pedagogical psychology Roger Säljö. The theory emphasizes the importance of context to learning and development.The thesis? method is a case study.

Hur sprider vi kunskap? : En kvalitativ studie om Räddningstjänstens kunskapsöverföring

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur Räddningstjänsten sprider kunskap som erhållits från erfarenheter och övning, samt vilka strukturella faktorer som påverkar denna spridning. Med strukturella faktorer avses exempelvis hierarkier, avdelningsgränser, strategier för kunskapsöverföring och belöningssystem. Studiens empiri har samlats in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer och är således en kvalitativ studie. Urvalet består av sju medarbetare på olika befattningar som bedömts som nyckelpositioner för kunskapsspridning. Studien utgår ifrån olika Knowledge management-strategier och Communities of Practice för att förklara skapande och spridning av organisatorisk kunskap. Resultatet påvisar att det finns olika spridningsmetoder för kunskap som består av ett avvikelsesystem, insatsrapporteringssystem samt Communities of Practice inom arbetslagen.

Revisorsyrket i förändring

Changes in the society engender changes in the Practice of the auditor profession. Stricter laws, more detailed recommendations, and demands from the auditor?s clients have increased. The auditor constitutes a profession and therefore it is important that there is a trust since the auditor is the one that certifies the quality of the company?s economical information.

Den organisatoriska strukturens påverkan på Agile i praktiken

Agile as an idea was created in 2001 through the Agile Manifesto with focus on social relationships, communication and flexibility. This was a reaction to the traditional, hierarchical organization with the goal of restoring balance within organizations in the IT business. Today we can see a transit of Agile from the IT-industry to other industries and areas, such as HRM.There is a challenge in attempting to traditionally control a social idea such as Agile, and there is a lack of empirical studies of the organizational context and its effect on the interpretation of Agile in Practice. This study is an attempt to connect Agile to the science of business administration.The purpose with this study is therefore to research the organizational contexts effects on the interpretation of Agile in Practice, within IT and HRM. Where Agile is established or well known.To fulfill our purpose we chose social constructivism as our scientifically approach, and conducted 12 in-depth interviews.

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