2602 Uppsatser om Power copy - Sida 65 av 174
Individualitet, frihet och kreativitet : En kvalitativ studie om bildpedagogik i waldorfskolor
Den här studien är gjord för att beskriva och analysera skillnaderna och likheterna I bildpedagogiken hos den kommunala och waldorfdrivna skolan. Empirin består av två intervjuer med två rektorer tillika bildlärare i waldorfskolan och en jämförelse mellan styrdokumenten. Resultatet visar på att waldorf lägger mer tid till bild utöver bildundervisningen..
Elevers tankar kring ämnet idrott och hälsa : En studie om hur ämnets syfte och innehåll upplevs av eleverna
This paper is about how the contemporary discourses on the slut in various ways discuss sluttyness, and what consequences these discussions may be for those who see themselves as sluts. The study is based on five electronic interviews, conducted via instant messaging, with five people who consider themselves to be dealing with sluthood and that, according to their own definitions, identify themselves as sluts. My conclusion is that sluttyness, when given the opportunity to be discussed and problematized, visualizes power and normative systems between sluts. This means that sluttyness is more complex than only influenced by patriarchal oppression and hierarchy of femininity, as I show through an intersectional conscious analysis. .
Flexicurity - En komparativ studie av de danska och svenska systemen
Flexicurity is a union of the English words flexibility and security. The union of the two words to one common term, hints that flexibility and security does not have to be each others counterparts in order to achieve good economical development and employment. Flexicurity, as it is found in Denmark, is described as a three part model composed of active labour market politics, generous financial compensation in the case of unemployment and flexible labour law. The existence of strong collective agreements and three part cooperation is of great importance for the good flow of the Danish model. The same goes for education of different kinds.
KONSTEN ATT KONSUMERA - En kvalitativ studie om föreställningar, materialitet och identitet inom Every Day Carry
The purpose of this thesis is to study how today?s consumer society can be understood from ananalysis of the phenomenon Every Day Carry (EDC). The aim is thus to problematize the daily useof the artifacts that surrounds us and investigate how these can be understood as networks of humanand non-human actors, aswell as identity- and meaning-making practices in today?s consumersociety.The theoretical and methodical framework is built upon an eclectic variety of consumptiontheories,Michel Callon?s, John Law?s and Bruno Latour?s work on Actor-Network-Theory,Discourse analysis inspired by Michel Foucault, Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe and anethnographic methodology specifically adapted for online research. The empirical material consistsof photographs and commentaries from two EDC blogs aswell as commentaries regarding EDCfrom a commentary field on Youtube.com.
Det smarta kapitalet : En studie av nyetablerade IT-företags syn på relationen till sitt riskkapitalbolag
Background: The growth of the venture capital industry has given birth to new relations between investors and entrepreneurial firms. Venture capital firms are by definition investors serving as an active partner which implies a deeper relation between investors and entrepreneurs than has been the case previously. This new situation leads to a number of questions. Do venture capitalists really act as active partners with a long term interest in the venture? Do they add any value besides capital? How important is their influence in the portfolio company's decision making process? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to give a deeper understanding of the relation between venture capital firms and IT companies in the start-up phase.
Makten att välja klienter : En studie om maktobalans i samverkan kring barn och unga med psykisk ohälsa utifrån skolkuratorers och socialsekreterares erfarenheter
The purpose of this study was to examine the school counsellors and social service workers experience of how the child psychiatry manage their authority in the collaboration concerning children with mental health problems. The study was conducted using qualitative interviews with school counsellors, social service workers and one former employee of the Swedish child psychiatric care. Our results are divided into two themes: Collaboration and distribution of responsibility and Children who fall between the cracks. Examples of groups of children who according to our study are at risk of falling between the cracks are those who apart from mental issues have substance abuse issues or social issues, those whose parents are in a child custody dispute, children who are acting out and children with self-harm issues. The study also reveals that it's easier for children whose parents are active and knowledgeable to get help from the child psychiatric care and that it's a requirement for both parents and children to be highly motivated.There are established social hierarchs between agencies who partake in collaboration regarding children with mental illness.
Böndernas vägar till Bryssel, många och långa men värda att gå. En studie om svenska jordbruksintressens möjligheter att påverka den gemensamma jordbrukspolitiken
In this essay, I investigate Swedish possibilities to influence the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union (CAP). After having summarized my findings, I try to explain the structure of influence by using Multi-level governance theory.Ten years have passed since Sweden joined the Union, and many changes have followed in the agricultural sector. By investigating the small country of Sweden's possibilities to influence CAP, I hope to be able to get a notion of the possibilities to influence the EU in general. The essay examines four possible paths for agricultural interests to influence the policy process in Brussels:* Through elected representatives of Sweden in the European Parliament, the Council of Ministers and in the Swedish Parliament* Through subnational institutions, such as the local authorities and regional representatives.* Through the Swedish Agricultural Office* Through the Swedish pressure group within the agricultural area, LRFThese four groups all have very different channels to the policy process on agricultural issues. The differences are mostly in terms of decisive power or advisory power and institutional contacts or lobby contacts.
Du slåss ju som en hel karl, tjejen! Tankar om kickboxning i skolan som en väg till att nå ökad jämställdhet
The purpose of this thesis is to, based on interviews and document studies, critically discuss how the introduction of kickboxing in Physical Education (PE) could affect gender equality in society. Based on a queer feminist and norm critical perspective on the prevailing teaching of PE, which, despite official efforts to challenge and modernize PE, persists in reproducing gender norms by e.g. spending 75% of class time on ball games. The hypothesis is that girls accessing violence (empowerment) through a bodily awareness in the form of kickboxing, positively would challenge the power imbalance that gender norms create. Girls are brought up, even today, in accordance with gender norms arguing against girls/women wanting to use their bodies as powerful tools to set limits.
Autenticitet och det offentliga rummet
Authenticity and The Public Space, the paradoxical relationship between them. There focus is put on the need to create a new contextualization for my aesthetic practice, and to make be possible incorporating critical views, questioning both the format and the scenic heritage of the west. ! ! ! I do not believe in authenticity in terms of the more individualistic relations of power but in terms of vulnerability, interdependence and mutual care. Also a way to question how capitalism has shaped and created the way of how we understand ?the? art or the value or the way that it is enjoyed..
Elevdemokrati som mål och medel
AbstractStudent democracy as an objective and as a meansEssay in Political Science, D-levelAuthor: Erik LisshammarTutor: Susan MartonDespite attitudes towards student democracy being generally positive, students have almost no influence over their position. This implementation study looks into whether or not students? weak position of power results from something other than a democratising of schools taking priority when student influence is encouraged.With an aim of explaining what is hoped to be achieved and if these intentions are to be spread, the purpose is to investigate to what extent standards concerning student democracy are transferred between institutions. In order to find out, the question is posed of whether their aims for student democracy conform. This overriding question is coupled together with the following four defining research questions:1.
Simulering av kabelbränder i sekundära säkerhetssystem med CFD-koden SMAFS
This report contains CFD-simulations of cable tray fires in nuclear power plant applications with the CFD-code SMAFS. Furthermore the report evaluates the use of CFD-codes within this kind of problems. The assessment of this report is that there is a tendency towards the good use of CFD-codes but before using it solely more research has to be done on the subject..
Talande Toner : En studie om förskollärares uppfattningar angående tidig språkutveckling.
Abstract The purpose of the study is to examine how children perceive the relation between play and sex and analyse it from a gender perspective. This by answering the questions: "Is the children?s choice of place, materials and company in play dependent on gender?" and "Is there a significant difference between the sexes and/or ages?" The study was done through twelve focusgroup interviews with three children in each group except two groups of two children in each. Eight boys and nine girls of six years old and nine boys and eight girls of nine years old were interviewed. Boys and girls were interviewed in separate groups and the questions were open ended and followed up.
Trygghet i stadens offentliga rum : diskurser, makt och möjligheter till förändring
Women experience, in a vaster extent than men, unsafety in urbanpublic spaces. This is a structural phenomenon, based on unequalpower relations. The theoretical starting-point for my thesis is that howwe choose to express ourselves shape the ways we can think about andunderstand society. In my thesis I study depictions of safety in six ofMalmö city?s action plans and guidelines towards increased safety.
?It was easy to write about whores, but to write about a good woman was much more difficult? : En queer läsning av Charles Bukowskis Women och Love is a Dog from hell
A Queer Reading of Charles Bukowski?s Women and Love is a dog from hellThis thesis aims to examine how the representation of gender is portrayed in relation to sex and power in Charles Bukowski?s novel Women and poetry collection Love is a dog from hell.The theoretical frame of the analysis is based on Judith Butler?s queer theory regarding the heterosexual matrix and gender performativity. The analysis consists of a textual comparison where a specific selection of poems is analysed parallel to the novel to see how they interact and how they oppose each other, through a queer reading.The analysis is divided in three parts where the first one discusses the construction of masculinity in Charles Bukowski?s protagonist Henry Chinaski and how this is presented differently in the two literary genres. The second part reveals how sex is presented in relation to power and how active and passive women are considered as sexually acceptable.
Hjälpguider: en diskursanalytisk ansats
The empirical data used for this master thesis, consists of eight manuals with the main purpose to help students evaluate information resources found on the web or Internet. The purpose is to elucidate the discourses and investigate those textual characteristics, which figure in the investigated manuals. The method used is a discursive and linguistic approach, with a power/knowledge discussion applied to the results. The analysis identifies, among other things, the production and consumption of the investigated texts, and that the manuals function as a reflection of the relationship between the participants in the situation, the sociocultural practice of the institution and its identity..