

2593 Uppsatser om Power copy - Sida 37 av 173

Nya metoder för vibrationsmätning på vindkraftverk

This project has revolved around finding better ways of overseeing vibrations of the gearbox at a wind power station. The gearbox has been a huge problem at the stations located at Gässlingen and the sooner the warning of an incoming breakdown is at hand the more money you can save from preparations. The work has been carried out together with Askalon AB in cooperation with consults from ÅF. Askalon is a company with a department focused on overseeing vibrations and it is in collaboration with that department the work has been carried out. During this work, new positions for the sensors and new methods of gathering and analyzing data have been worked out. This was then implemented at a wind power station to be tried out on site.

Ett Imperium På Nedgång?: En studie av USA: s Imperium

This is a thesis about the American empire. I also focus my work to see if this American empire is declining. The two main questions I ask and want to answer in this thesis are: is America an empire and is it in decline?I first conclude that America has been an empire ever since the end of the Second World War. The sheer military and economic power of the American empire matches and exceeds the ones before them.

Energiåtervinning från gjuteriprocess till fastighet, undersökning för ökat utnyttjande av spillvärme

This diploma work on D-level is made in cooperation with Varnäsföretagen AB in Eskilstuna. The company performs contract manufactured aluminium goods. This work is a continuation on earlier diploma work in Varnäsföretagen AB. Even if the industry process consumes much energy for melting the aluminium goods, they consume a great amount of oil to warm up the building. The purpose of this work is to examine some places in the building and the process to see how much energy it is possible to recycles to the heating system and reduce the costs for heating.

Ett kompatibelt control package? - en fallstudie av Metso Power AB

Bakgrund: Under senare år har många företag valt mer processorienterad inriktning påverksamheten, framförallt i syfte för att förbättra kundvärdet. Många företag har enmer hierarkisk struktur i utgångsläget, vilket innebär att vertikal och horisontellstruktur kombineras. Ett vanligt misstag är då att nya processorienterade styrmedelinförs, utan att existerande vertikalt orienterade styrmedel tas bort. Detta leder tillatt företagets styrmedel sänder ut motstridiga styrsignaler. För att öka företagetsmöjlighet att uppnå uppsatta mål, så krävs det att dess styrmedel är kompatibla.I sämre tider är det vanligt att företag formulerar mål med Net Working Capital somgrund.

"I go to Elland Road sometimes. Would you bomb me?" : en genealogisk närläsning av villkoren för överlevnad och subjektivitet i Sarah Kanes Blasted

Sarah Kane?s first play Blasted (1995) has often been read in a normative and biographical way by critics, authors and previous researchers. This essay makes a supplementary close reading of Blasted from gender and genealogical perspectives and utilizes theoretical works by Judith Butler, Luce Irigaray and Michel Foucault. My study makes clear that the characters different positions in language and talk create and maintain a power imbalance between them. Efforts to change and develop one?s individual position in language and talk are being made throughout the play since it is the only way to bring about a change in the social power structure.

Mentala gränser & social hierarki i det folkvandringstida dräktmaterialet

The purpose of this essay is to inquire whether there are any resemblance or differences in the Migrationperiod textiles between the three places that I have chosen, Högom in Sweden, Evebø and Snartemo in Norway. Another purpose is to investigate if this magnificencedressmaterial indicate some kind of mental borders, social differences or hierarchy not only towards other powerful chieftains in other areas but also inside there own society and groups, a dresscode. In other words both individually locally as regionally and internationally. If there are resemblance's between the dressmaterial, gravefinds and the graves context could that be a sign of the same sphere of power, alliances, trading, intentional import, domesticproduction, culturedistribution? My aim in this essay is to try to show that the textile ought to have a higher significance place among archaeological material.

Vindkraft: en undersökning av fem europeiska länders vindkraftutveckling och faktorer som kan påverka den

En del länder väljer att investera och utveckla vindkraftmarknaden mycket, medan en del länder väljer att inte göra det. I Europa startade vindkraftutvecklingen under 1970-talet. Efter en trög start är den europeiska vindkraftutvecklingen nu marknadsledande och fortsätter att expandera i hög takt. Tyskland har den högsta installerade kapaciteten av vindkraft i världen, och Danmark har den högsta installerade kapaciteten per capita. Dessa länder, samt Spanien, Sverige och Storbritannien har alla satt nationella mål för utvecklingen av vindkraften.

Vem är du? : En studie om etnicitet och positionering på den svenska arbetsmarknaden.

Research shows that non-european academics are discriminated in the labor market. The purpose of this study is to examine non- European academics narratives about their Job search process. By applying an intersectional approach, this study aims to demonstrate how the interplay of different aspects such as gender, class and etnicity shape the interviewees experience in swedish labour market. A postcolonial perspective is applied in order to contribute to deeper understanding of the discriminating structures that the interviewees deal with.The analysis shows that colonial conceptions are embedded in the validation system and institutions such as employment service. This mechanism affects the interviewees negatively in their Job search process.

Uppamma mod och utjämna makt : Ett aktionsforskningsprojekt där arbetsredskap utformades tillsammans med sjuksköterskestudenter för att kunna lindra för personer att leva med ovisshet.

Uncertainty is a well-known phenomenon that is recurring in biographies, imaginative literature and science, but is less studied in nursing science. The aim of this participatory action research project was to, in collaboration with nursing students; explore nursing activities for relieving patients? uncertainty. A qualitative approach was chosen with focus groups and the text was content analyzed. The students studied their third semester on a nursing program.

Transportbranschen : Går det att överleva utanför de stora strukturerna inom godstransportbranschen?

Title: Images of Sweden in ItalyNumber of pages: 5252 (589 including enclosures)Author: Oskar GustafssonTutor: Martin NilssonCourse: Political Science C level ? Bachelor?s ThesisPeriod: Spring term 2010University: School of Social SciencesLinnaeus UniversityPurpose/Aim: The purpose of my research study is to, through the use of political science theories on soft power and marketing theories about nation branding and in comparison to previous studies on the image of Sweden in Italy, gains a better understanding of the image of Sweden in Italy, with special focus on national political institutions and young Italians.Method: The method of analysis is a combination of qualitative methods: interviews where information about the image of Sweden amongst national political institutions were gathered and a survey where information was gathered about the image of Sweden amongst young Italians.Main results: On the basis of the results I have gained it can be concluded that a positive and well informed image of Sweden emerges when it comes to cultural and social factors but a more restricted and somewhat negative image come to light when asking national political institutions and young citizens in Italy about their views and knowledge on Swedish domestic and international politics and economics.Keywords: Soft power, Public Diplomacy, Nation Branding, Images of Sweden, Italy..

Våldtäkt, texter och diskursiv ordning : - ett diskursanalytiskt perspektiv på våldtäkt i samtiden

This study's interest area loops around how it is possible to understand texts' leverage over human thinking and acting. Focus lies on understanding which forces that form people?s views around men and women's relationships and relations in the public room. From this perspective our interest is to explore how the phenomenon rape is expressed in texts and how we can understand how rape through these texts are to be shaped in individuals' thoughts awareness and. Finally, it is also relevant to create understanding for how rape as a discoursive practice can have effects on individuals and society.

Elkraftsystem för fälttest av Polygeneration system EXC

I ett modernt samhälle är elektricitet en nyckelkomponent för industrins, individens och samhällets utveckling. Naturkatastrofområden där elektriciteten slagits ut står inför stora prövningar för att kunna få samhällsviktiga funktioner att fungera igen. Med hjälp av den mobila miljövänlig energienhet Emergency Energy Module (EEM) kan elbehovet lindras.Detta examensarbetes mål var att ta fram en elsystemsbeskrivning för den kommande Export container (EXC), samt ta fram ett korrekt elschema för den befintliga EEM.Elsystemsbeskrivningen måste ta hänsyn till EXC:s kravspecifikation samt innehålla Bills of Material (BoM) och elschema. Problematiken ligger bl.a. i att få flera olika energikällor (sol, vind och biomassa förgasare) att fungera tillsammans i ett elsystem där likspänning, växelspänning, trefas och enfas blandas.

Hur kommer barn till tals i domen?

The purpose of this essay was to see how the child's voice was being heard in the verdicts in trials. I looked into court cases where parents wanted custody of their child/children. The focus of my analysis was on how the verdicts were presented and if the child/children were described in the court cases. The method that I used was qualitative documentanalysis. I chose seven court cases to investigate and analyse.I described theories of Foucault's power to get a different perspective on courtroom cases and the children's voice.

Politecast : ett nytt kommunikationsprimitiv för trådlösa sensornätverk

Wireless sensor networks have the potential for becoming a huge market. Ericsson predicts 50 billion devices interconnected to the Internet by the year 2020. Before that, the devices must be made to be able to withstand years of usage without having to change power source as that would be too costly. These devices are typically small, inexpensive and severally resource constrained. Communication is mainly wireless, and the wireless transceiver on the node is typically the most power hungry component.

Religionens roll i konsten och arkitekturen i antika Egypten

The purpose of this Bachelor thesis in religious history, is to examine how religion reflects in the artwork and in the architecture in old and new kingdom in ancient Egypt, also to explore how book of the death reflects in the artwork. By means of using the visual culture theory, I have analyzing the selected pice of art with myths and texts from the ancient religion, to been able to come the the results of this study. It was know that religion had a major part in the artwork of ancient Egypt, especially in the new kingdom. In the old kingdom pharaoh generally was in the centre of the art, but also the gods. In new kingdom they started to illustrate texts and myths from book of the death, and the life after death was of great matter.

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