

3698 Uppsatser om Postoperative care - Sida 63 av 247

Vårdpersonalens behov av stöd i sitt arbete med vårdtagarna i demensboende

This study will examine if caregivers, working with people with dementia problems, is in need of support and in what way they see how the support should be designed. Previous research shows that there are many factors in elderly care that affect all of the caregivers. Working with people in this sort if dependence, requires a lot of the caregivers, both mentally and physically. To study if the caregivers consider themselves to be in need of support, and in what way they see how the support should be designed, the study employs a qualitative approach using to types of interviews, one focus group with four assistant nurses, and two individual in-depth interviews with the administrative personnel and one nurse. The results show that the need for support for the caregivers exists. Caregivers working with people with dementia problems, daily face difficulties, some more difficult to handle than others.

Riskfaktorer för postoperativa sårinfektioner efter Coronary Artery Bypass Graft

Bakgrund: Postoperativa sårinfektioner [PSI] är en allvarlig komplikation och ett hälsoproblem som orsakar lidande för patienten. Såsom vid alla operativa ingrepp förekommer en risk att få PSI i operationssåret/-såren efter Coronary Artery Bypass Graft [CABG], men det finns redan en rad kända riskfaktorer som ökar risken för PSI.Syfte och metod: Syftet med rapporten var att undersöka om kombinationen av ett antal sedan tidigare kända riskfaktorer ökade risken för PSI efter CABG på ett mellansvenskt sjukhus åren 2009-2012. En retrospektiv journalgranskningsstudie med totalt 228 patienter genomfördes.Resultat: Av 228 undersökta hade totalt 50 patienter rapporterat sårinfektion och 73 patienter hade ? 3 riskfaktorer. Bland de som hade ? 3 riskfaktorer rapporterade 32,9% PSI och bland de som hade < 3 riskfaktorer rapporterade 16,8% PSI.

"Kärringsjuka?" Att leva med Fibromyalgi

Bakgrund: Fibromyalgi drabbar två till tre procent av befolkningen och är ett kroniskt smärttillstånd utan känd orsak. Majoriteten av dem som drabbas är kvinnor. Sjukdomen syns inte utanpå och det finns därför en risk att drabbade blir missförstådda av människor i sin omgivning och av sjukvårdspersonal. Syfte: Att med den här litteraturstudien beskriva hur kvinnor med fibromyalgi upplever sin livssituation. Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på elva kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar.

Att erbjuda största möjliga lycka: en kvalitativ studie av ett parledarskap på en somatisk vårdavdelning

The aim of this study was to investigate leadership in public health care. The methods used were shadowing and semi-structured interviews. The shadowing involved observing the shared leadership of two head nurses in an administrative management position of a ward in their daily work during two weeks. The observation was supplemented by ten semi-structured interviews. A thematic analysis of the data was carried out and the result indicated that shared leadership is a form of leadership well suited for an organisation as big and complex as the clinic where the study took place.

Teamchefer och vårdpersonal-Deras upplevelser kring kompetens och kompetensutvecklingTeam Leaders and care personnel in homecare- There experiences concerning competence and the development of competence

ABSTRACTWe have chosen to write an essay about competence because we think that it is an important and a current subject of interest, both to us as future team leaders, but also to all activities within the community. We have a background working with eldercare and we have noticed that there are continued changes going on. This made us want to study what team leaders and their staff think about competence and the development of competence. The purpose of this study is to analyse how team leaders work to develop competence with their personnel working in home care. We also want to analyse how the personnel experience their competence and their need for development of competence.

Akutvårdsavdelning och intensivvårdsavdelning - utformning, arbetsuppgifter och vad behöver finnas på plats?

Animals can be ill and need veterinary care for many reasons. The conditions can be more or less emergent, some can even be life-threatening. When an animal is in a life-threatening condition you can save the animals life just by having the right equipment near-by and ready to be used. This literature-study help you, as an active working veterinary nurse, with which these conditions are that can show up in your emergency ward and what you should have near-by to give animals with acute life-threatening conditions the care they need. The author also looked at work tasks at the emergency ward and found out that in Sweden it is not defined who can and/or should execute them. Interviews were also done with nine of the largest small-animal hospitals in Sweden to compare the studies found with the Swedish emergency wards.

Digital kompetens : Äldreomsorgspersonals upplevelser av en digitaliserad arbetsplats

This study highlights the importance of computer technology and its impact on elder care staff's skills development in the public sector. The government presents the digital agenda within which information and communication technology today is considered to have a potential for sustainability, growth and development. According to the EU Commission, there are several important elements that should be improved to digitize the workplace. Among these are digital literacy, collaboration between agencies and increased investments in research, education and innovation. New technology can be understood in different ways by individuals, some see the computer as something positive and exciting, while others may find it hard to see the opportunities for learning and development.

Samverkan och stöd för närstående till personer med schizofreni

Background: Relatives to people with schizophrenia often experience a great burden and inmany cases takes a lot of responsibility for the person suffering from schizophrenia. Nationalguidelines emphasize the importance for relatives to be involved in mental health care, butunfortunately that is not always the case. Objective: The aim of this study is to investigateand describe how relatives to people with schizophrenia have experienced collaboration andsupport from mental health services, and what requests they might have for the futureregarding the design of collaboration and support. Method: Qualitative approach. Interviewbased study with qualitative content analysis as a method.

Eutanasi inom smådjurssjukvården; yrkesverksamma djursjukskötares upplevelser

The quality of health and care of our animals in the veterinary clinic is dependent on the veterinary nurse. Therefore it is important that the nurse has a good mental health and can provide this. Research shows that veterinarians are exposed to an elevated risk of suicide, moral stress, depression and anxiety. One of the factors contributing is believed to be exposure to euthanasia. The impact of euthanasia to veterinary nurses is yet unclear, as research focuses on veterinarians.

Risker vid läkemedelshantering i primär-, kommunal- och hemsjukvård. En undersökning av Lex Maria-ärenden mellan 2006 och 2012.

Bakgrund: Läkemedelshantering utgör en stor del av det dagliga arbetet för sjuksköterskor. Varje år orsakas ett stort antal patienter skador på grund av brister i läkemedelshanteringen. Ett ständigt säkerhetsarbete där avvikande händelser rapporteras och utreds kan förhindra att fel upprepas. Lex Maria är en form av avvikelserapportering som syftar till att identifiera bakomliggande orsaker till den avvikande händelsen. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att identifiera vilka fel som begås i samband med läkemedelshanteringen inom primär-, kommunal- och hemsjukvården och som medför, eller riskerar att medföra, skada för patienten och där sjuksköterskan hade kunnat påverka händelseförloppet.

Diabetes : En studie om informationsbehov och informationssökning kring sjukdomen

The aim of this study has been to examine how people with the chronic disease diabetes are seek-ing information about their disease. The study also look at the sources, which are mainly used, and the information behavior of the participants in this study. Especially in diabetes health care the idea of empowerment is central, which means that the patients need a lot of information to get know-ledge and become empowered. The study also examine the public library as a resource of health information, and for that purpose an examination of the OPAC catalog in two public libraries has been done, using the word ?diabetes? to illustrate the literature and other medias related to di-abetes.


This thesis has been performed at the system development company Verendus System AB, together with the home care company Basic Care Unit (BCU).The thesis has consisted of developing a web based informationsystem for BCU in which they can administrate their business. At the time of writing this thesis, BCU was using a windows-application to administrate their activities, which was both costly aswell as resulting in an unnecessary burden. The aim the thesis has thus been to create a platform-independent information system that simplifies and streamlines BCUs work by being user-friendly aswell as imposing some simplifying features.The students has been developing the system by the help of a work method they themselves developed. The method consisted of working in several iterations that each had several milestones. The method resulted in the students knowing easily when each iteration was finished or not.The thesis resulted in a working platform independent prototype.

?Jag är väldigt stolt över att säga ifrån när saker och ting inte är som de ska!? : om inflytande för vuxna personer med lindrig utvecklingsstörning på gruppbostad

The aim of our study has been to investigate what kind of space there is to exert influence for adult persons with mild intellectual disabilities who live on group housing. We wanted to investigate what kind of hindrance and possibilities there were to exert influence for people on group housing. Our study has been built on qualitative group discussions with 9 persons with mild intellectual disabilities and 6 care-keepers. We have analysed our discussions on the basis of the theory of empowerment. Our result indicates that there is different kind of factors that affect the possibilities for people with mild intellectual disabilities to increase their influence, and it does not always have to do with the disability how the persons can make their voices heard.

Preoperativa förutsättningar och postoperativ smärta efter hysterektomi

Andréasson, M, Preoperativa förutsättningar och postoperativ smärta efter hysterektomi. Examensarbete i omvårdnad 15 högskolepoäng, avancerad nivå (105-120 hp). Malmö högskola: Hälsa och samhälle, Utbildningsområde omvårdnad, 2008. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur 50 patienter bedömer den preoperativa fasen inför en planerad hysterektomi och att beskriva eventuella samband mellan dessa aspekter och upplevd postoperativ smärta. I studien användes ett frågeformulär med strukturerade frågor och ordinalskalor samt VAS verbala smärtskala för att värdera den pre- och postoperativa omvårdnaden. Studien visar att 18 (36 %) patienter hade postoperativt ingen till måttlig smärta och 32 (64 %) patienter hade medelsvår till outhärdlig smärta. Trots detta tyckte 36 (72 %) patienter att den postoperativa smärtlindringen var tillräcklig medan 13 (26 %) tyckte den var otillräcklig.

Socialsekreterares psykosociala arbetsmiljö relaterad till utbrändhet

The main focus of this study is to explore Swedish soldiers? experiences of the transition back to everyday life after international service missions. This includes the help and support that they have received and also what barriers to care they have experienced during the transition back to everyday life. The theoretical perspectives of this study are social identity and stigma theory. This study was performed using a qualitative method and includes six individual interviews with active duty officers within the Swedish armed forces.

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