387 Uppsatser om Postmodernity in philosophy - Sida 21 av 26
Förbereda sig för att fira gudstjänst -men hur? : En undersökning av från 1986 års kyrkohandbok avvikande beredelsemoment
In this essay I examine how in seven different congregations that belong to the Church of Sweden the preparatory office is formulated in ways that differ from the form that is prescribed in the current service-book of the Church of Sweden. My purpose is to examine how and why the congregations have chosen these alternative preparatory offices. This I have tried to find out by reading the written instructions and/or homepages of the congregations, studying their orders of service and interviewing one pastor in each congregation.Before describing, comparing and commenting on the different ways these congregations have chosen to formulate their preparatory offices, I give a historical background to the preparatory office itself and how it is formulated/designed in the current service book of the Church of Sweden. I also describe the history and the introduction of the Kyrie.I then describe each congregation, trying to point out the main characteristics of it, then concentrating on the process that lies behind the urge to formulate an alternative preparatory office, the reasons for it and the results.One of the conclusions I draw is that in the congregations I have examined there is an ongoing discussion about and reflection on the advantages of including the Kyrie in the preparatory office. I also found that in the congregations there are different opinions about the words following the prayer of penitence - should they be words of direct absolution or words that speak about the promise of God's forgiveness? This discussion is closely connected to a discussion about what is the connection between the preparatory office and the holy communion/Eucharist.
Representationer av migranter inom biblioteks- och informationsvetenskaplig forskning : En textanalys utifrån kritiska ras- och vithetsstudier och intersektionell teori
The purpose of the essay has been to examine representations of immigrants in contemporary library and information science research in a Scandinavian context. By analyzing nine articles from the past decade we examine the perceptions that exist in the concepts of multiculturalism, culture, race, ethnicity, religion, gender and whiteness and what role and importance the library as a place is assigned in relation to immigrants as a user group. Our study consists of a qualitative text analysis, a critical oriented close reading method based on critical race and whiteness studies and intersectional theory. We have, with the help of Sara Ahmed´s theories of hegemonic whiteness, demonstrated how multiculturalism is partly presented as something desirable and good, partly as something potentially threatening.The discourse of multiculturalism can be said to express the notions of the other, which in the source material manifests itself by ascribing otherness to immigrants. We have, for example, examined how ethnical and cultural differences are highlighted by a separation of East and West, the library?s educational and assisting role in relation to immigrants as a user group as well as representations of whiteness, gender and clothes.
Utvärdering av offentlig verksamhet: begrepp kontext, motiv, strategier, användningen och aktörerna
Based on a review of literature on evalution of public activities and in purpose to introduce amore general framework, this study describes a picture of the concept, context, motives,strategies, use and actors in Evaluation as these are experienced outside the field of libraryand information. The background is the increased need for" evaluations in public libaries and aneed for new LIS knowledge about it. The reviewed literature has its origin in differentdisciplinary contexts and the study include contributions from policy studies, sociologi,education research, business administration, philosophy and anthropology. The focus, though,is not placed upon differences in the literature but on similarities.The review is organised in six parts. In the first part a presentation is given of how evaluationsare conceptualized and its meaning in a historical perspective.
Jag är någon annan : Psykiatrikerna Karl Jaspers och Viktor Emil von Gebsattels filosofiska perspektiv på depersonalisation
Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka psykiatrikerna och filosoferna Viktor Emil von Gebsattels och Karl Jaspers föreställningar om ett psykiskt fenomen de besriver som depersonalisation. Uppsatsen analyserar deras respektive föreställningar om fenomenet med särskilt tonvikt på skärningspunkter mellan psykiatri och filosofi. Depersonalisation definieras av dessa tänkare som att kroppen och jaget upplevs som främmande, automatiskt, externt och iakttaget från utsidan på ett tvångsmässigt sätt. Jaspers och Gebsattels föreställningar står i motsättning till ett biologiskt och psykologiserande förstående av psykiskt lidande som var vanligt i deras tid. Det finns hos dessa tänkare en konflikt mellan att å ena sidan vilja undvika att förtingliga människan och hennes lidande till fastställda definitioner, och att å andra sidan betrakta ett upplöst och undflyende jag som patologiskt..
Jeanne d'Arcs kanonisation : en kyrkopolitisk strategi eller skapandet av en nationell symbol
The following essay is named The canonization of Joan of Arc, a Church political strategy or the creation of a national symbol? Joan of Arc, the French heroine of the Hundred Years War, was canonized as late as 1920, in a process that began already in 1869. In the following essay I am trying to work out if this canonization is a work of the Vatican in order to gain popularity in France after the breakup with the state in 1905. The Catholic Church had, since the French Revolution, faced difficulties withstanding its position of power in the presence of the upcoming Secularism and Liberalism and their growing public support. The Catholic Church had been fighting for its members and at the same time fighting the new ideas of Socialism, Communism and Liberalism.
Utvärdering av Near Field Communication och Certified Wireless USB : Säkerhet vid utveckling av applikationer
Today?s society is one where technological advances are made daily, which increases the need to stop and assess the risks against users? integrity when integrating new technology in contemporary systems all the greater. We have taken two technologies, Near Field Communication and Certified Wireless USB, whose envisioned area of use is to be integrated into mobile phones, and evaluated what security threats are revealed for the respective technologies. The threats against security have been identified through research of the standards and existing reports for each technology. Practical experiments have not been conducted on account of us not having access to any equipment to run such trials.
Dikaiosyne theou : Guds rättfärdighet i Rom 3:21-26
The aim of this study has been to try to understand the meaning of dikaiosuvnh qeou` in Rom 3:21-26, and how man receives this righteousness.The study has two main parts. The first part is a study of Greek terms and words, where the following terms are examined: First the iJlavskomai word group, and especially the word iJlasthvrion. Secondly the words divkaio" and dikaiosuvnh. Thirdly the word novmo" and fourthly the words pisteuvw and pivsti". The final term examined is ajpoluvtrwsi".
Läsa sig empatisk - läsning av skönlitteratur för utvecklande av den empatiska förmågan
Within the Swedish school and the public library communities it is generally held as a truth that reading of fiction develops the empathic ability of the reader. This opinion is also expressed in political guiding documents for the school system and cultural sector. This paper's main hypothesis is that there is no assembled theoretic ground for the statement that reading of fiction develops the empathic ability. The investigation consists of two parts, the first being theoretical and the second empirical. Definitions of what empathy and reading is, are reviewed in the first part.
Den spruckna metallen : En psykoanalytisk läsning av Karin Boyes roman Kris
Karin Boyes Crisis (Kris) was published in 1934 as a contribution to the contemporary ideas of moral issues, challenging the dominating traditionalism within the literature critisism.With different kinds of stylistic procedures is Crises expressing a self which seeks to relieve itself from the repressing experience of Language. The text shows an attempt to create meaning beyond the conventional system of linguistic signs, beyond the tradition of literature.The focus in the essay is the self; the self is the basic structure and the theme of the text. Crisis shows it?s self-assuredness and points out a dialogue with the nietzschean philosophy. Nietzsche claims that the truth is a rhetorical creation, something which the language produces in the will of power.
Moralpanikens (o)logiska dagordning - En fallstudie av den amerikanska kontextens undantag från den konstitutionella ordningen
Abstract"The war on terror" has resulted in numerous exceptions from the constitutional order. This thesis is an attempt to give empirical support to Georgio Agambens theory that these exceptions should be regarded as a constant element in modern societies based on a constitutional order. The results of the case study of the empirical exceptions in the American context give Agambens theory validity. The exception is a reappearing phenomenon, which implies that the constitutional order is fragile. What then is it that makes the legal norms fragile? In this thesis I will discuss the causality of moral panic.
Emerging church : en missionerande gemenskap i en postmodern tid
The main discussion in this essay concern what the Emerging Church is, its sociological and theological context, their main critique of modernism and the consequences in theology and praxis. EC is not a new church but wants to be a new way of being church. In England much of the discussion concerning EC has found a context within the report Mission-Shaped Church (MSC). EC differs from Emergent Village which is a continuing discussion from a postmodern philosophical view.EC is born in an evangelical context with the tensions in the postmodern context, the liminal situation with among other items the disussion about a liquid culture and liquid church. Other backgroundfactors are the ChurchGrowth-movement, Willow Creek and the Gospel and Our Culture.EC critisizes its evangelical background and moves the center from justification to incarnation, from propostionalism, individualism, mission and activism to a theology of incarnational community life.Four different proponents are considered; Brian Mclaren, Dan Kimball, Karen Ward and Ben Edson.
Slöjdprocessen : processbedömning i trä/metallslöjd
The globalization of political and economic processes is a growing moral concern for theologians and political philosophers alike. My thesis aims to outline, analyze, and compare church studies of globalization with global theories of justice.To do this, I draw upon recent studies of globalization made by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). The WCC and LWF are two global reaching church organizations. They have a common aim of uniting churches for ecumenical dialogue and are involved in social, economic, political, and ecological questions. The WCC and LWF analyze globalization by applying biblical and theological principles from the Christian tradition.
Säg mig vad du är: Balkan : En mediebaserad diskursanalys med fokus på relation och påverkan
The globalization of political and economic processes is a growing moral concern for theologians and political philosophers alike. My thesis aims to outline, analyze, and compare church studies of globalization with global theories of justice.To do this, I draw upon recent studies of globalization made by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). The WCC and LWF are two global reaching church organizations. They have a common aim of uniting churches for ecumenical dialogue and are involved in social, economic, political, and ecological questions. The WCC and LWF analyze globalization by applying biblical and theological principles from the Christian tradition.
En ny diskussion kring religionsfriheten : Alternativ till religionsfrihetsbegreppet under Europakonventionen och Europeiska domstolen för de mänskliga rättigheterna
Freedom of religion or belief is indisputable in Human rights discourse, more discussed is exactly what it is that is included in the concept of freedom of religion or belief (in Swedish: religionsfrihet). This thesis focuses on the freedom of religion or belief in a European context, in particular on the European court of human rights and article 9 in the European convention for human rights. Some criticism has been directed against the Court to the effect that its practice and verdicts don't answer to the pronounced desire to develop a pluralistic and inclusive form of freedom of religion or belief.My aim is to examine, analyse and test three different theories, which all try to develop alternatives to the expression freedom of religion or belief, in relation to six verdicts from article 9 in Europe convention. My basic purpose is to try to find new ways of talking about freedom of religion or belief that might lead to a more inclusive, pluralistic and equal interpretation of that concept.The three theories wich I use are elaborated by Richard Amesbury (associate professor at Claremont school of Theology); Hugo Strandberg (TD at Åbo Akademi) and Eberhard Herrmann (professor in philosophy of religion at Uppsala University); and Martha Nussbaum (professor of law and ethics at the University of Chicago). The six cases from the European court are: X v.
Dialogen som möjlighet till en ny miljöfilosofi : En analys av Djupekologins själv-realiseringsprincip
This is my thesis on the D-level at the university in Karlstad at the department for environmental science. It is an analysis of the idea of self-realisation in the deepecology movement.The Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess is one of the profiles in the foreground of deepecology in the world. His teories is important for the development of how to look at ecophilosophical matters in the nordic countries.i will therefor investigate his theories and see how Naess constructs the relation man-nature in his ecosophy T. The principle of self-realisation and identification is there the most important foundation for the antropocentric perspective.In my analysis I use Martin Bubers philosophy of dialogue and his thoughts about relational concept of the self as tools for my investigation.Ecophilosophy is an academic subject that touches a variety of fields of studies but has the collaboration between the subject of culture and nature as its base. Bubers concept of the self that highlights the third.