3440 Uppsatser om Post-modern feminism - Sida 31 av 230
En applikationsinfrastruktur för massutskick av e-post
In today's society it is becoming more and more important with direct marketing. Some of the direct marketing is done through e-mail, in which companies see an easy way to advertise himself. I did this thesis work at WebDoc Systems. They have a product that creates web documents directly in your browser, also called CMS. The CMS has a module for sending mass e-mail, but this module does not function properly and WebDoc Systems customers are dissatisfied with that part of the product.
Information eller kommunikation? En kvantitativ studie av mellanchefers användning och uppfattning av intranätet Nova
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.
Det sa bara klick. En kvalitativ analys av unga svenskars uppfattning om implementering av tvådimensionella koder i Aftonbladet
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.
Hur får man reda på något om man inte använder intranätet? En kvantitativ studie om hur vårdpersonalen på Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset får ledningsinformation
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.
Informatörens nya kläder? En kvalitativ studie av arbetsinnehållet för sju förvaltningsinformatörer vilka medverkar i samverkansprojektet Grafiska gruppen
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.
Upproren i Arabvärlden. En studie i kommunikationskanalernas roll i kollektiv handling
The purpose of this study was to examine how modern information and communication technology influence collective action within the framework of social movements. By studying the protests in the Arab World 2011, and focusing on the social movements in Suleimanya in northern Iraq, by observation taken on place, the essay discusses that collective action is closely related to the use of technology, for example cell phones and Internet.Result shows that modern communication technology has enabled immeasurable access andconnection between individuals throughout the world, which seems to be different from previouscollective action. The new communication channels in the form of social media, has been used for the dissemination of information and news, documentation, organization and membership recruitment in the social movements in the Arab World and Suleimanya. The new social movements have the tendency to be decentralized and flattened organized, they are now self-organizing and that they only do a whole as global patterns, as evidenced by the social movements in the Arab World andSuleimanya..
"Outsider" - moder: en undersökning av identitetskonstruktioner i TV-serie "United States of Tara"
AbstractSyftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur bilden av ?moderskapet? gestaltas i den amerikanska TV-serien ?United States of Tara?. De frågor som ligger till grund för undersökningen är: hur skapas och definieras identiteten av modern i serien ?United States of Tara?? Hur konstrueras relationen mellan modern och de andra familjemedlemmarna i serien? Hur förändras framställningen av den kvinnliga huvudpersonen Tara från det första till det sista avsnittet?Analysen utgår från en metod för analys av TV-program som presenteras i boken ?How to Study Television? (1995) av Keith Selby & Ron Cowdery, med fokus på begreppen narrativ och konstruktion.Materialet består av första säsongens första avsnitt och sista säsongens sista avsnitt av serien ?United States of Tara?.De teoretiska utgångspunkterna som ligger till grund för undersökningen är en teoriblandning av begrepp som: representation, performativitet, identitet, identitetsordningar samt Rosalind Gills teorier kring den postfeministiska kvinnan.Resultatet visar på att i serien ?United States of Tara? presenteras en ovanlig bild av modern, en outsider-moder som, i enlighet med den postfeministiska synen på kvinnan, genomgår en tydlig förändring under seriens gång från en svag och förvirrad kvinna till en självsäker person. .
Utvärdering av en subjektiv metod för att skatta mängden trädbiomassa längs vägkanter :
Forest biomass is becoming an increasingly important source of renewable energy, and thereby the demand is increasing. There is currently 213 000 km of forest roads in Sweden that could be suitable for biomass harvesting. Harvest of biomass along forest roads both provides biomass and maintains the quality of the roads. Currently, the volume of biomass along roads can only be assessed post harvest, chipping and industry deliverance.
As the decision of whether or not to harvest should preferably be based on more than experience, the TJ-method has been proposed. The TJ-method is a subjective method to quickly determine the dry matter quantity with the assessment being conducted from the roadside.
Debatten kring en litterär kanon: En diskursanalys av artiklar på dagstidningarnas kultursidor
Literary debates about canon occur regularly. In the summer of 2006 such a debate took place in Sweden. The aim of this Master thesis is to examine the debate to identify the different discourses and what they reveal about ideas concerning the role of literature in society. The empirical material used for the analysis consists of 46 debate articles from three important newspapers. The combined theory and method applied is the discourse analysis described in Ernesto Laclau?s & Chantal Mouffe?s discourse theory.
Pilgrimsvandring som verktyg f?r f?r?ndring. Pilgrim?s Walk for Future?s aktualisering av pilgrimsteologin under nyliberala villkor
In the essay the author examines how pilgrimage can be used as a tool to radicalise democracy in a late modern society marked by neoliberalism. Applying a dialectic perspective on social movements the essay puts forward how the pilgrimage movement Pilgrim?s Walk for Future, administrated by Church of Sweden, is working in line with the historical pilgrimage theology - a modern critical ecclesiology- to mobilise political action to prevent climate change. The result of the study shows how PWFF meet the neoliberal hegemony with a mobilisation of alternative values beyond the order of capitalism, in line with Christian theology and tradition. The mobilisation is made possible by new forms of identifications with oneself and the social world that meet a modern power/knowledge- regime based on rational thought, and which questions norms and practises by paying attention to their negative effects on nature and on human life in general.
Stroke mitt i livet : en intervjustudie om hur män upplever sin sexualitet post stroke
Det finns tidigare forskning som visat att sexuallivet påverkats efter en stroke. Många studier kan påvisa de fysiologiska förändringarna som kan ske i samband med en stroke. I denna studie är syfte att få en djupare förståelse kring män och deras sexualitet post stroke. Deras syn på manligheten och tankar kring rehabiliteringen.
Intervjustudien omfattar sju personer som alla drabbats av en stroke för mer än ett år sedan.
Livsmedelssäkerhet, konflikt och hållbar fred - en teoriutvecklande studie om matens makt
In our world, more than two billion people are living under insecure food conditions and more than eight hundred million people are estimated to be starving. The majority of these people live in developing counties which are poor and often subject of civil war. The past fifty years the main subject of security analysis has been the sovereign and rational state and the threats have been viewed in terms of military and weapons of mass destruction. This has come to change over the last decades and security as a concept has broadened, which better represents the reality of today. Within this broader conceptualization of security the main referent of security is the individual, rather than the state, and threats are not only analyzed from a military point of view, but also seen as threats against human rights and freedoms.
Muslimska baddräkter : - En effekt av globaliseringen
Denna uppsats är en intervjustudie som omfattar sex utvalda muslimska kvinnor där jag valt att undersöka hur dessa kvinnor ser på muslimska baddräkter. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda huruvida dessa kvinnor uppfattar olika typer av muslimska baddräkter och även redogöra för vilka skiljaktigheter det finns mellan dessa kvinnors åsikter och vad dessa skillnader kan bero på. För att få fram olika representationer vad gäller dessa kvinnors tolkningar, kommer jag att använda mig av begreppet flerstämmighet för att lyfta fram olikheterna med hänsyn till de olika tolkningarna som finns inom en religiös grupp. Detta är för att diversiteten som finns inom den egna gruppen ska tydliggöras. Min teoretiska utgångspunkt är Olivier Roys post-globala teori som jag anser vara relevant för det valda temat.
LAURA: Kognitiv beteendeterapi för kvinnor med psykisk ohälsa till följd av en traumatisk förlossning : En randomiserad kontrollerad studie av internetadministrerad vägledd självhjälpsbehandling
The purpose of this randomized controlled study was to investigate the effect of internet- administered guided self-help for women suffering from psychological problems following traumatic childbirth. The eight-week treatment program consisted of written chapters based on cognitive behavioral therapy. 56 participants were randomly assigned to a treatment group (n = 28) or a waiting list group (n = 28).The results showed that post-traumatic symptoms decreased as a result of the treatment, with large within-group effects measured by both the Traumatic Event Scale (TES) (d = 1.33) and the Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R) (d = 1.3). The difference between the groups was only significant when measured by the IES-R in which case the between-group effect was large (d = 0.97). The proportion of the participants who showed clinically significant improvement was considerably greater in the treatment group than in the waiting list group.
Drömjournalen : En studie av vårdmedarbetares upplevelser av samtida och framtida vårdkommunikation
The effectiveness of communication in the Swedish healthcare system context has long been the subject of debate. Issues stemming from usability, accessability and interpretation affect the lives of patients, and yet the vocal groups in the healthcare communication debate are patients and administrators, not healthcare professionals. With the advent of eHealth services and new demands being put forth on the ability of healthcare professionals' to handle increasingly numerous and innovative systems, it is of more importance than ever to understand the healthcare professionals' work context. This article is based on interviews with five healthcare professionals concerning their views on electronic health records (EHR), eHealth services, trends in healthcare services development in Sweden, as well as their views on the future of eHealth solutions and health information technology (HIT). Analysis of collected information shows an apprehension among healthcare professionals towards electronic communication, as well as a dissatisfaction with the usability of modern healthcare systems.