

3440 Uppsatser om Post-modern feminism - Sida 2 av 230

Den postfeministiska reklamkvinnan : en kvalitativ studie om den postfeministiska kvinnoframställningen i kvinnotidskrifternas reklamannonser

Women magazines are like guides to women and girls, due to the fact that they consistently upgrade their women audience about different trends. Advertising ads that are directed toward women are enjoying being in the atmosphere of women magazines, based on their frequent presence in women magazine?s content. Postfeminism is regarded as being an escape from feminism or as the opposite of feminism because they don?t share feminism?s ideology about equality, gender, and feminism?s questions about power struggle.

Myten om nudlarna : Hur ser bilden av studenten ut?

This study is based on interviews with six students from Stockholm that have shared their feelings/opinions about how they experience their identity as a student. The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine how the identity of students is constructed but also how the post modern society affects the life that the students are living. With a higher demand on education and responsibility of making the right decisions, the student?s main concern is not only her studies, but also the goal to succeed in her life.

"I believe it." : En luthersk-teologisk analys av Veronica Roths Divergent-trilogi.

The aim of this essay is to examine what happens when Veronica Roths Divergent-trilogy is read with a lutheran theological pre-understanding. Using reader-response theory and lutheran theology written for and in a post-modern context, three lutheran figures of thought are presented as one way of understanding the trilogy. The conclusion is that it is possible to reveal lutheran ideas concerning justification, guilt, forgiveness, mercy and self-sacrificing love in the Divergent-story. .

Lettiska Identitet och Kultur i Sammanhanget med Öst Invigdning av Europeiska Unionen

This research addresses the issues of identity and culture in Latvia in the context of the upcoming European Union enlargement in 2004. Political self- determination of Latvia was historically indebted to culture. The phenomenon of cultural identity, so important 12 years ago when Latvian independence was regained, is largely ignored by politicians in the upcoming enlargement process. This is especially worth attention since the 8-th parliamentary elections took place in October 2002. The obvious lack of interest in cultural issues on the part of politicians is compensated by the apprehensions in the society (reflected in mass media) to loose Latvian specific culture and identity when joining the big European family.

?Varför tar man för givet att feminismen måste vara sekulär?? : En studie om muslimska feminister i svensk kontext

The purpose of this study is to examine how two Muslim feminists perceive themselves to betreated by the Swedish majority society and within the secular feminist movement. Thesurvey was conducted using qualitative method with a total of two interviews. For the study'stheoretical perspectives, I have used postcolonialism and postcolonial feminism. The result ofthe survey and the analysis show that the informants say that they face an image of Muslimwomen as considered being under oppression. The informants believe that this stereotypicalimage has its origin from the colonial period.

Bränn mitt bref! : En poststrukturalistiskt inspirerad studie av författaren Marianne Lundegård-Hagbergs utträdande ur historien

AbstractThis thesis discusses and analyses a 19th century female author's vanishing from history. The study investigates social relationships as figured and described in the epistolary form, based on letters between the author herself and different members of her family. It also tries to identify the author's position and situation in her time and society according to important themes and motifs in her novels. The main purpose is not to reconstruct history, but rather to show the many complex histories that can also be described, apart from the simplified and generalized one. The aim of this study is to, from a post-structuralist perspective, analyze the position of author Marianne Lundegård-Hagberg, and her role as a performative, discursive person that history forgot..

Behöver tillväxten en stad? Om Dublin som politisk arena, aktör och tillväxtmotor

This thesis intends to examine the role of the city, Dublin, in the Irish economic growth during the 1990s. It is a case study where Dublin is compared with current theories on post modern cities as growth machines and increasingly prominent actors in the global context. The study has an interdisciplinary approach but focuses on political science issues such as power distribution, global-local governance and local political organisation. It is a theory driven study that also intends to add aspects to the understanding of the cities of our time. I argue that Dublin has faced a lot of changes during the last decades in accordance with the post modern city.

"Alla kära feminister" : En diskursteoretisk analys av de feministiska antologierna Det heter feminism och F-ordet.

This thesis is a discourse theory analysis of two feminist anthologies - Det heter feminism! and F- ordet.  By analyzing these texts through the three categories feminism & feminists, gender equality & equality and sex/gender & sexuality I have raised questions about the feminist debate in Sweden in the 21st century.The discourse theory?s ideas of descriptions of reality and fixation of meaning lies as a foundation for this thesis. The concepts of social constructionism, post structuralism and essentialism/anti essentialism are central for the analysis as well as concepts connected to the three previously mentioned categories.The intention of this thesis is to describe and analyze a fraction of the Swedish feminist debate in the 21st century and discuss its meaning in a societal context. A number of conclusions were reached in the final discussion.

Samtal om sexualitet(er) : ur kuratorers perspektiv

The goal of this essay is to analyse how women belonging to a right wing political discourse talk about feminism and equality. This analysis will be used to determine if right wing feminism exists. The analysis is based on Laclau and Mouffe´s  discourse theory as the primary base. The focus is articulation, antagonism and hegmony; the central terms of Laclau and Moffe´s theroy. The material consists of five interviews with representatives of women wings of liberal political in Sweaden; Liberala kvinnor, Centerkvinnor and Moderatkvinnor.The study shows that there are different opinions regarding feminism in the liberal political discouse, and that those opinions have an antagonistic relationship.

Virginia Woolf - om hennes feminism

I denna uppsats presenteras och diskuteras Virginia Woolfs förstavågs- feminism genom en analys av The Voyage Out, Mrs Dalloway och A Room of One's Own. Analysen sker genom en närläsning av texterna, men även tidigare gjorda analyser används. Woolfs texter sätts här i relation till det tidiga 1900-talets patriarkala engelska samhälle, suffragettrörelsen men även Woolfs litterära- och yrkesmässiga liv är av betydelse. Resultatet blir en kvalitativ läsning där fokus ligger på tidig feminism och Woolfs kamp för kvinnans rätt till ett självständigt liv..

Teologi som kontrapunkt. En studie i Sarah Coakleys metod théologie totale

The theologian Sarah Coakley has developed a theological method, which she calls théologie totale.This essay examines the methodological criteria for this method. To understand how its anthropology, epistemology and theology are shaped, the criteria are analyzed within a theoretical framework, in which mainly David F. Ford's theological typology and Stephen Bevans models of contextual theology play parts. The material consists of Coakleys texts, essentially the first part of Coakley?s projected systematic theological work.

Om feminism : En jämförande studie av argument för och emot vänsterns och socialdemokraternas feminism i Göteborgs Posten och Dagens Nyheter

Den övergripande frågeställningen som besvaras i uppsatsen är hur journalistiken i Dagens Nyheter och Göteborgs Posten handskas med informationen om vänsterpartiets och socialdemokraternas feministiska politik mellan år 1998 och år 2002.Studien har visat att de vanligaste argumenten emot socialdemokraternas feminism oftast är kopplade till partiets ledare Göran Persson. Journalistiken framställer socialdemokraternas feminism som ett spel i och med att Göran Persson uppges vara en ofrivillig feminist.I de fall där det framkommer argument för socialdemokraternas feminism är argumenten dubbelbottnade och innehåller oftast en outtalad kritik av mot partiets feminism eller bristen på en feministisk politik. De vanligast förekommande argumenten som journalistiken förmedlar för socialdemokraternas feminism handlar om att de vill förändra en tidigare förd politik. En politik som socialdemokraterna själva anser har missgynnat kvinnorna.Journalistiken förmedlade en mycket positiv bild av vänsterns feminism och det fanns mycket få argument emot deras feminism. Argumenten handlade om att feminismen var ett spel.  Det fanns ett mycket stort antal argument för vänsterns feminism och vänstern lyckades väl med att föra ut partiets feministiska politik genom journalistiken.

The Complexities of Lifestyle Brand Segmentation - A Study of the Lifestyle Brand Converse

This master thesis takes its point of departure in the conflicting worldviews of modernism and post-modernism. As traditional segmentation theory springs from the modernist worldview, this study aims to contribute to the understanding of the complexity regarding market segmentation for lifestyle brands in contemporary society, where the consumer is often claimed to be post-modern. The research was conducted in Malmö and Lund and involved 25 Converse users as respondents. The methods used in this thesis starts with observations as a sampling technique in order to locate the respondents. Short interviews and photo documentation followed.

Feminism i socialt arbete En kvalitativ studie av femiismens plats inom den könsseparatistiska missbrukarvården

Detta examensarbete lyfter fram feminism i relation till socialt arbete. Mitt syfte var att se huruvida feminism är en del av den könsseparatistiska missbruksvården. Om könsseparatismen är feministisk samt om det finns en förändrigsträvan i arbetet. För att besvara mina frågeställningar har jag samlat in material samt genomfört tre temastrukturerade intervjuer. Mina informanter arbetar eller har arbetat inom den könsseparatistiska missbruksvården.

Kameraövervakning och deliberativ demokrati - En normativ studie av dagens kameraövervakning utifrån teorier om panopticon, den andre och det kommunikativa handlandet

The main aim of this thesis is to introduce a normative perspective to surveillance studies. I examine how the use of videocameras or CCTV-systems can create a social sorting and, then, try to answer why it ought to be reconstructed based on a normative study.For the empirical analysis I use Foucaults theory about the panopticon, maintained by the psychological subjection of the common citizen in the modern world, together with Lianos theory of a more socio-cultural surveillance in the post-modern world. The empirical examination is, furthermore, guided by a theory that describes the construction of the stranger, which today, is not explicitly excluded, because everyone is a stranger in some way, but rather depicted as the other due to institutionalization.The post-modern society today can no longer be built upon a common or divine moral or norm. Thus, I have chosen a normative method, using a deliberative democracy derived from Habermas, focusing on the communicative practice, that can engage and include every citizen in a democratic process. This is necessary for both deciding whether videocameras should be installed and whom and why some should be under surveillance ? to avoid a social sorting that both can constitute and undermine social trust and increase the gap between the governing and the governed..

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