

1419 Uppsatser om Post operative muscle str - Sida 13 av 95

The rabbit as an animal model in dental implant research : with special reference to bone augmenting materials

Dental implants that are integrated into the jaw bones are widely used to replace lost teeth in human beings. Tooth-loss is often related to loss of the surrounding alveolar bone. This can make implant placement difficult and a bone substituting material may be required. The standard method is to use a bone graft harvested from the patient which requires additional surgery than that needed for implant placement. Limitations in the amount of bone that can be harvested also pose a problem.

Vad kan få en anställd att tappa tråden?

Mobiloperatörer har under en längre tid haft en stark fokusering på konsumentmarknaden och i flera avseenden försummat företagsmarknaden för mobila tjänster. Detta har till viss del förändrats under de senaste åren i takt med utvecklingen av mobil e-post som primärt riktas mot företag och organisationer. Vi har uppmärksammat denna förändring och därmed intresserat oss för organisationers användning av mobila tjänster. En marknad som vi tror kommer att expandera än mer under de kommande åren. Syftet med vår uppsats är att empiriskt undersöka vad som påverkar anställdas användning av mobila tjänster.

Antikroppsstatus mot kattpest hos lejonen i Kolmårdens Djurpark :

The lions at Kolmårdens zoo are vaccinated against Feline Panleukopenivirus (FPV). In 1994 there was an outbreak among the lions at the zoo of FPV disease. A retrospective study has been made to measure the antibodytiters in vaccinated lions and lions that lived during the outbreak. An ImmunoPeroxidase Monolayer Assay (IPMA) was used to analyze the titers in the sera from the lions. Lions were divided into five groups. Group 1, 2 and 3 contained lions vaccinated one, two and three times respectively (a total of 40 animals). The lions of Group 4 were born in 2004 (six lioncubs) and were vaccinated according to different regimes and the changes in antibodytiters were followed as respose to vaccination during the spring 2005.

Från pre-human till post-human : Embryots reproduktiva status i skärningspunkten mellan stat och medicin

The aim of the thesis is twofold: the first aim is to identify a number of reproductive logics that are used to construct Swedish regulation of embryo donation for reproductive use as either ethical or unethical in the governmental ? and medical discussions ? and to examine how these logics are interconnected with notions of gender and parenthood. The second aim is to identify a number of tensions that arise in the application of the governmental ethical logic on the embryo and embryo donation and discuss how these tensions can be solved with a feminist material approach. I argue that the terminology used to distinguish between genetic, biological, social and legal parenthood in my material is insufficient for understanding the value of the embryo outside its pre-human status. I therefore argue for an embryonic feminist bioethics that is attentive to the embryos post-human status, and for a reformulation of the parenthood terminology in line with what I call ?reproductive ties?..

Hälsopromotion som ledningsstrategi : -ett sätt att få medarbetarna att identifiera sig med organisationen

Health and physical exercise has a become trend in today's society and the work with health promotion has increased in organizations. This is not only a way for organizations to get healthier and more efficient employees, but also a way to regulate the employee?s identity by getting them to identify with the organization. This bachelor essay studies how health promotion can be used as a management strategy. This is done by interviews and by performed observations at the recruitment company, Adecco, in the Stockholm region.

?De svenska journalisterna? : En kvalitativ studie av medierapporteringen kring Martin Schibbye och Johan Persson

The purpose of this essay is to analyze the media coverage of the case with Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson in the four biggest newspapers in Sweden in order to see how social constructions is created through the use of language. It is also of interest to see how nationality is represented in the material. The theory is based on Edward Said?s theory of post colonialism and the prejudices that has developed from the western way of viewing ?The orient?. It is also based on Richard Dyers theory on whiteness and binary oppositions, which shows how ?whiteness? is viewed as the norm and is also never questioned.The method is critical linguistics and based on Norman Fairclough and Michael Halliday.

Gender, labor and decision-making : the woman?s situation in family businesses in a Swedish agricultural setting

The inequality and separation of sexes seen in organizations may lead to inefficient use of human resources. Therefor, a more equal organization could lead to higher productivity and efficiency. Inequality within organizations is a problem also for the society as a whole since who is chosen for a position is not depended upon merits, leading to inefficiency. To not reflect upon traditional division of labor and decision-making could also lead to an undemocratic and unjust society. The aim of this thesis is to explore women and men?s engagement a family business in an agricultural setting. Gender theorists argue that gender arises from the social situation in society.

Komprimering av e-post

E-postmeddelanden är något som de flesta av oss använder. Hur vi använder oss av e-post skiljer sig från person till person. Vi har identifierat flera olika användningssätt, till exempel att skicka en text, bifoga filer eller skicka en rolig bild. I den här rapporten studeras ett par olika sätt att med hjälp av komprimering av hela e-postmeddelanden minska datavolymen och därmed den tid det tar transportera meddelanden. Caslon Analythics spår att det 2005 kommer att skickas 236 miljarder e-postmeddelanden.

Empire and Multitude - Den globala klassanalysens nya subjekt?

This essay contains a comparative analysis of Erik Olin Wrights Marxist class analysis and Michael Hardt and Antonio Negris post-Marxist class analysis as presented in their books ?Empire? and ?Multitude: War and democracy in the age of Empire?. I discuss the shift in analytical focus from state level to global level that Hardt and Negri's analysis represent and the ensuing relevance of this for contemporary class analysis. The essay also address the challenge and implications posed to class analysis by the ever increasing economic globalization, from a material production to an ever growing immaterial service economy and the decrease in state power in controlling capital and labor movement. I propose that analytical understanding of class conflict help us to a better understanding of the mechanisms and dynamics that generate social and economical inequalities and that an updated Marxist class analysis still have much to contribute to our understanding to how these issues not only shape our society but also our capacity to counteract them..

De Levande Döda - Tecken, Myter och Levande Legender

SAMMANFATTNINGUppsatsens titel: De levande döda ? Tecken, Myter och Levande LegenderSeminariedatum: 2007-06-07Kurs: MKV 404:3 Magisteruppsats 10 poängFörfattare: Michael RübsamenHandledare: Fredrik MiegelExaminator: Peter DahlgrenNyckelord: Diskursanalys, Offentliga Personer, Paparazzi, Post-strukturalism, konsumtionSyfte: Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka och problematisera den diskurs som reglerar konstruerandet av tecken och myter från offentliga personer. Uppsatsens mål är att utveckla befintliga teoretiska resonemang för att förstå diskursens återverkningar i verklighetenMetod: Uppsatsen är baserad på teoretiskt resonerande med stöd av befintliga teorier. Observationer från verkligheten fungerar som stöd för resonemangen som förs.Teori: Uppsatsen är byggd på litteratur om post-strukturalistisk samt postmodern teoribildning. I analysen används teorier om det hyperreella och simulacra, tillsammans med feministisk konstvetenskap samt Zygmunt Baumans moralteoretiska perspektiv.Slutsats: Skvaller konsumeras som historier.

Grön kemi och hållbar utveckling : Laborationsdesign för gymnasium och högskola

This thesis is about sustainability within chemistry, the so-called, green chemistry. With this work  I seek to combine green chemistry with sustainable  development  and find methods for teaching green chemistry in a laboratory environement.  I have designed  and tested two labs with ingredients of green  chemistry and sustainable development in my study. I wanted to determine if my design model  leads to conception for the students. The students have through forms and interviews declared their perspective on the education and their conception. In a laboratory environment the pros of a laboratory way of work should be recognized.

Post-transsexualismens juridiska (o)möjligheter

Sverige är det första landet som gav människor med transsexualism möjligheten att ändrajuridisk könstillhörighet. Den första lagen om ?Fastställande av könstillhörighet i vissa fall?infördes 1972 och krävde att personen skulle vara över 18 år, ogift, folkbokförd i Sverige samtsteril. Nu krävs endast att personen är över 18 år och boende i Sverige efter flera års politiskkamp för trans*personers mänskliga rättigheter. Steriliseringskravet är äntligen borta men är viframme än? Vad händer enligt svensk lag när den juridiska könstillhörigheten är ändrad? Finnsnågon risk för intrång i människors integritet och rätt till privatliv efter ett fastställande av nyjuridisk könstillhörighet? Vad händer med folkbokföring av släktskap? Min undersökningsynliggör juridiska dilemman för personer som har ändrat juridisk könstillhörighet.

Korruption i Bosnien och Hercegovina

Since the war ended in Bosnia and Herzegovina in1995 the country's economic and political crisies has grown dramatically. As in so many other Post-communist states the corruption has become a large problem for the whole society. The ethnic entities in which Bosnia is divided makes it possible for the national parties to operate and rule the same political propaganda that was the result of the war in the first place. However the international forces like the EU and the USA have made this kind of no non-centralised governmentship possible through the Dayton peace agreement, according to many experts this has to change in the constitution by any means possible if Bosnia will have a future. By the thesis of Professor Susan Rose-Ackerman the theoretical analysing tool should be followed for the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

BVC-sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av att stödja samspelet mellan mor och barn vid post partum depression: En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Föräldraskapet innebär en stor livsförändring och medför både positiva och negativa upplevelser. Det är viktigt att föräldrar och barn får ett fungerande samspel för att ha möjlighet att utveckla en god anknytning. Bristande samspel har konsekvenser för barnets utveckling men även för hela familjen. Nyblivna föräldrar befinner sig i en sårbar period i livet och var tionde kvinna drabbas av en depression efter förlossningen. Familjen behöver stöd från omgivningen och BVC-sjuksköterskan har en viktig del i detta stöd.

Gilla, dela och kommentera ? Användarrespons på bibliotekets Facebookinlägg

The focus of this thesis is to examine posts on library?s Facebook pages and to investigate possible connections between posts and user response. The study examines posts published from thirty different libraries Facebook pages over a two week period to examine if any correlation between different subjects or types of posts affects the degree and type of response from the users.The findings show that photos stand for the majority of the published post concerning its type and that activities at the library was the most common subject of posts. After using eta as measure of association a tenuous connection between degree of response and the posts subject and between the degree of response and the type of post was found. The standard deviation, however, was high in the majority of the variables used.

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