3172 Uppsatser om Positive changes - Sida 42 av 212
?Women will never fight in the UFC? : En kvalitativ inneha?llsanalys av kvinnlig MMA?s framsta?llning i media
?Never!? That was the answer UFC President Dana White gave when asked when women would be seen in the UFC. Two years later the first fight between two women took place and now there?s more than 50 female competitors in the UFC - an organisation that earlier was reserved only for men.?Women will never fight in the UFC? ? A qualitative content analysis of the depiction of women?s MMA in media is a study which focuses on how women?s MMA and Ronda Rousey as an individual athlete are portrayed in american internet based MMA media, with a gender research perspective. This study also investigates how the introduction of the first women?s division in the UFC might have affected the depiction women?s MMA in media.The theoretical framework consists of gender theory concepts such as gender performativity, the man as norm, sports and masculinity.
To achieve a sustainable development, three aspects have to take equal place in the society; environmental, economical and social. To reduce the impact on the environment and the amount of greenhouse gases supplied to the atmosphere, industrialized countries and less developed countries must start cooperating. Also the use of renewable energy sources, like solar, hydro and wind power, have to increase.Wind power has great potential as a future energy supply. It is cost efficient, quickly developed and the resource is abundant and available worldwide.Examinations made in Sweden, indicates that there are difficulties establishing wind power at the same pace as the environmental goals, set by the Swedish government, requires. Mainly because people living nearby potential areas for wind power farms, appeal against the decision.This study aims to investigate differences between how people in Sweden and Brazil look at wind power as a future energy source and at the establishing process.
Strävan efter det legitima polisväsendet : En jämförande studie mellan tre postkonfliktländer
Products and services have for a long time competed with their brands. For some time now, cities have begun to compete with each other to attract visitors and other stakeholders to come to their town. It is important that the citizens feel as they are a part of the message that the city sends out in its communication.Cities are today working actively with their brands, much like regular companies, in order to create the profile and image in order to be competitive against other cities and places. Cities and places are part of a dynamic process which includes both positive and negative events. These events might have an impact on the brands, and therefore it is a necessity to be able to react on these events to make the most of positive things and deal with the negative in a way that minimizes the effects on the brand.Citybranding as a research field is quite new.
Lärares uppfattning omutomhuspedagogikens påverkan på barn med koncentrationssvårigheter : ? i den traditionella undervisningen
The objective for this study was to acquire a greater insight if children with concentration difficulties are assisted by outdoor education in the traditional teaching. With the use of a qualitative methodology four teachers were interviewed. The outcome gave evidence for that the teachers thought that outdoor education has a positive outcome for children with concentrations difficulties. The findings were divided into three key categories: the teacher?s reflections about outdoor education, outdoor education for children with difficulties in concentration and if there was any difference in how the children behaved indoors after having educations outdoors..
Bakom dubbla murar : en sociologisk undersökning av klosterverksamheten vid Kumlaanstalten
In the prison of Kumla, Sweden`s highest security classified institution, spiritual retreats are pursued since 2001. The aim is to offer the inmates a possibility to enter deeply into spiritual contemplation. This spiritual contemplation is made possible through the fact that the prisoners carry out a retreat designed after guidelines written by Ignatius of Loyola in his Spiritual Exercises. The purpose of this examination is to study how ordinary institutional life in comparison to monastic life defines and creates different attitudes and roles amongst the inmates. A secondary aim is to describe the consequences of the retreat on individual basis.
Evaluation of a selective media for the detection of gram-positive bacteria in leg ulcers and pressure wounds
Hard-to-heal ulcers are resource intensive due to the fact that they are difficult to treat and especially vulnerable to bacterial invasion. The bacterial culture contaminating these wounds often consist of several different bacterial organisms that originate from endogenous sources. Necrotic material in ischemic ulcers provide nutrition which support bacterial reproduction, increasing the risk of infection. Determining causative pathogen in infected ulcers proves to be difficult when culturing swab samples, however Staphylococcus aureus and hemolytic streptococci generally act as primary pathogens. The aim of the study was to investigate if the detection rate increased for S. aureus and hemolytic streptococci when culturing swab samples from ulcers on Columbia CNA; a media selective for gram-positive bacteria.
Får handen och foten någon chans mot boken? : Om att lära in matematik ute. En studie i utomhusmatematik.
The aim of this paper is to find out to what extent outdoor mathematics is used in preschool and elementary school. I have chosen to use interviews to find it out. I made my interviews in five different schools in Karlskoga, with teachers in preschool and in first and second class. Focus has been on the positive effects in outdoor activities. The paper also deals with some of the prerequisites necessary to organize such activities.
Äldres individuella behov borde ligga till grund : En studie om dagstidningars framställning av äldre med omsorgsbehov
This bachelor´s thesis wants to look closer at librarians´ experiences of comics, manga and graphic novels. In order to bring these experiences forward qualitative interviews and the method of phenomenography was used. The material was then examend againstna theory of previous research, revealing that the problems librarians in Sweden face with these media are largely the same as the problems faced by librarians in other parts of the world. It also became clear that the participating librarians held a positive attitude to the presence of comics, manga and graphic novles in their libraries..
Bibliotekarier och forskare i samspel : Fallstudier på ett företag och ett universitet
Librarians like to think that libraries contribute substantially to the progress of research. However, libraries still seem to have serious problems getting integrated in their parent organization on equal terms with other parts of that organization. The degree of integration of the library is thus the main topic of this thesis and the purpose is to examine how the interaction between librarians and scientists is formed and can be developed. That issue leads to concrete questions concerning what part librarians play in the scientists work and which factors influence the cooperation or lack of cooperation. We have chosen, for reasons of comparison, to make two case studies; one is a branch of a university library and the other is a library in a large pharmaceutical company.
Örter som fodertillskott till häst : populärt komplement utan risker?
In the Swedish market, there is a wide selection of herbs as supplement to the horse´s feed. A trend today is that many companies are marketing herbal remedies with allegations of medical effects. If you want to sell the product for that purpose it must be verified and approved as drug or natural remedy by the Medical Products Agency. Some herbs may contain active substances. Nevertheless, only a few studies have been conducted on single herbs to investigate safe doses for horses.
Androgynitetens betydelse för det kreativa uttrycket i To the Lighthouse
A growing need to strengthen ones position on the market, even as a city in competition with other cities, has resulted in an increasing number of municipalities developing brand platforms. When the city of Umeå developed their platform, they identified decision makers and investors as one of four important target groups.The aim of this study is to explore the portrayed image of the city of Umeå in two Swedish trade journals which addresses the specific target group decition makers and investors in both public and private sector. The aim is also to compare the image of Umeå in the two papers, to the ambition of the municipality, expressed in the brand platform.In order to make the observations as firmly established as possible, the method of the study is a combination of a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative text analysis. The study draws on the theories of Eli Avraham and Philip Kotler, concerning how to improve city images and how to market a specific city among others. The study shows that the city of Umeå in large extent is portrayed in accordance to the ambition which the municipality expressed in the brand platform.Umeå is displayed as an expanding city.
ICA:s köttfärsskandal - ett år senare : En studie om konsumenters tillit till ett starkt varumärke efter en produktkris
This thesis aims to through certain parts of the brand equity investigate the trust of consumers for a brand that recently experienced a product-harm crisis. It also wants to investigate why this trust exist, if it does. Structured interviews were carried out at 60 respondents in Uppsala. The results show that the respondents have positive associations with ICA, they think that ICA maintains a high quality on their products and services and that 50% more often choose to do their grocery shopping at ICA. The conclusion of the study is that ICA has a strong brand equity resulting in brand trust from consumers, which is founded in the brand reliability and brand intentions of the company. .
Tre bibliotekariers uppfattningar om serier
This bachelor´s thesis wants to look closer at librarians´ experiences of comics, manga and graphic novels. In order to bring these experiences forward qualitative interviews and the method of phenomenography was used. The material was then examend againstna theory of previous research, revealing that the problems librarians in Sweden face with these media are largely the same as the problems faced by librarians in other parts of the world. It also became clear that the participating librarians held a positive attitude to the presence of comics, manga and graphic novles in their libraries..
Bärarskap av meticillinresistent Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) hos svenska hundar :
During the last years, meticillin resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius (MRSP) have caused an increasing number of infections in Swedish dogs. MRSP is resistant against a majority of the antimicrobials available for dogs in Sweden, making it difficult to treat the infection. Our knowledge of the bacterium is limited, making it hard to handle infected dogs in a proper way. The aim of this study was to investigate for how long time dogs, who have an infection caused by MRSP, become carriers of the bacterium. Other factors like treatment with antimicrobials, the correlation between clinical symptoms and carriage, common diagnoses and institutionalization where also looked upon.
Brucellosis in small ruminants : a seroprevalence study in peri-urban farming around the region of Dushanbe, Tajikistan
The mountainous Central Asian and former Soviet country Tajikistan is the least advantaged country economically among the former Soviet Union states. Approximately 6.5 % of the land is arable in a country where roughly 80 % of the households typically own small numbers of sheep and goats. Management practices and animal husbandry in the villages such as uncontrolled breeding, mixing of animals on pastures favor transmission of infectious diseases.
Brucellosis is a zoonotic bacterial disease caused by Brucella spp. The disease is endemic in Tajikistan. B.