3172 Uppsatser om Positive changes - Sida 41 av 212
Patienters emotionella upplevelser under första året efter en coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) / Patients' emotional experiences during the first year after a coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG)
BAKGRUND: CABG blir en allt vanligare åtgärd vid kranskärlssjukdom inom svensk sjukvård. Målet med operationen är att lindra symtom vid kärlkramp och hjärtinfarkt samt att reducera mortaliteten. SYFTE: Syftet var att beskriva patienters emotionella upplevelser under det första året efter en CABG operation. METOD: En allmän litteraturstudie som grundades på kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar genomfördes. Resultatet baserades på sju vetenskapliga artiklar som söktes fram via elektroniska databaser och därefter granskades och analyserades.
Browser Wars : Kampen om webbläsarmarknaden
The first browser war took place during the second half the 1990s, and Internet Explorer cameout as the winner over Netscape Navigator. Today a new browser war is being fought withmany competitors and the future is uncertain. The purpose of the thesis is to find out how theweb browser market has developed since the start of the previous conflict, and we ask ourselveshow it will continue to develop in the future. This is accomplished with, among otherthings, interviews, tests and already existing statistics. The thesis' conclusions shows that theweb browser market has developed in a positive way from several perspectives, both for theusers as well as for the web developers.
Film som kommunikation : En studie av gymnasieungdomars filmarbete
The starting point for this work was a discussion between my supervisor and myself during my teaching training. The discussion concerned the appropriateness of allowing students make films with sexual content. Film gives young people the opportunity to express their feelings and broaden their views. If the film then disseminates to unknown people via in-ternet, which it most likely will do, maybe it is no longer so positive. The aim of this study is to shed light on various aspects of identity and ethics that are important to keep in mind when young people in school make films.
Den internationella redovisningens framtida roll i Sverige - IFRS på bolagsnivå?
Throughout many years there have been discussions within the European Union (EU) regarding harmonization and improvement of accounting rules for companies with listed shares or other securities. The ambition exists to adopt, the within the union applied accounting standards, to those applied globally. These discussions lead the year 2002 to adoption by the council and parliament of international accounting standards (IFRS). The ordinance meant that all listed European companies have to adopt international accounting standards, accepted for application within the EU, for their consolidated accounts.During July 2003 the Swedish Government Official Reports issued a report (SOU 2003:71) stating, among other things, the differences and oppositions of implementing IFRS on a corporate level in Sweden, since corporate disclosure is regulated in Swedish law by Bokföringslagen (BFL) and Årsredovisningslagen (ÅRL). One of the main obstacles for the full implementation of IFRS is that a company?s annual report underlies the governmental taxation and an implementation of IFRS would affect this balance.
Value creation from a gender perspective – a case study of Caran
Caran has a strong belief that women leaders affect the financial profitability positive. Since women leaders are intangible resources it is very difficult to calculate its exact value. The authors found that one of their measurement methods can’t be used to calculate the value of women leaders. The other measurement method can calculate significance between women and men leaders and provides an index to be compared to other groups. But there is no prove that women are better creating value than their men colleagues, the figures indicate that women add more value due to their lower wages.
Vi sitter tillsammans : Upplevelser av samhörighet och ledarskap i ett traditionellt kontorslandskap.
The office is the working environment in which an increasing proportion of the population spends their days . One type of office are open plan offices which are characterized by several people sitting together in the same room without spatial boundaries . The general discourse of this kind of offices is that they constitute an advantageous design that allows organizational changes without the need for redevelopment . From a work perspective, this office design is both criticized and acclaimed . Problems with noise is frequently reported in research which can lead to ill health.
Hygienisk kvalitet hos svensk älgfärs med avseende främst på förekomst av koagulaspositiva stafylokocker och Escherichia coli :
In this study the hygienic quality of minced moose meat was examined with
regard to the prevalence of different bacteria. The methods used are
described in NMKL, "Nordic Method Committee for Food". The results show
that the levels of Escherichia coli and coagulase positive
staphylococci in the meat are too high. The reason for this might be environmental
factors, such as high temperature and humidity during the time when the
carcasses are hanging and when the meat is cut up..
Bedömning ur ett elevperspektiv
In society and school today there is a major focus on assessment, and this can for example be seen in an increased research on assessment over the last ten years. But one research topic still quite unexplored is how students perceive assessment. The main purpose with this study is to explore students? experiences of assessment, how assessment interferes with their volition and if the extent of the impact on the motivation varies depending on how the assessment is performed.
In order to answer these questions a quantitative investigation was performed at first. 83 students answered a questionnaire about what kind of assessment they experience in school, if they receive feedback, what is important for being successful in school, if they know on what grounds they are assessed, what impact failure and/or success has on their motivation, if they are stressed by school etc.
Revisorns val av förhandlingstaktik med klienten : Har ett transformativt ledarskap och självförtroende inverkan på valet?
Title: The auditors? choice of negotiation tactics with the client. Has a transformative leadership and self-efficacy any impact on the choice?Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor: Patrick Fransson, Sara EskilssonSupervisor: Jan SvanbergDate: 2015 - 05 Aim: Previous studies indicate different results regarding which tactic the auditor usually use in negotiations with the client. Therefore, this study describes factors that may affect the auditors choice of tactics, that not previously been explored in relation to the tactics that are examined in this study.
Medborgardeltagande i planering - Uppsala kommuns trafikplan
The purpose of this study is to explore the factors affecting an individual's working life mobility and how this mobility is perceived by the individual. The study has a qualitative approach and the theoretical part is based on Castells', Giddens' and Bauman's theories of modern society and employment in relation to the individual. The study concludes that external circumstances in combination with internal driving forces are the reasons behind changing careers. The process is predominantly perceived as positive, especially education tends to strengthen self-identity. Work in general is regarded as important for a person's identity and new career changes are expected in the future..
Vägen till ett självständigt liv? : en studie om Rekryteringsgruppens betydelse för ryggmärgsskadades rehabilitering
Aim?Rekryteringsgruppen? (RG) is an organisation that through co-operating with the National Health service aims at optimizing the ability for physically disabled persons to rehabilitate. RG is a non-profit organisation ?using physical and mental exercise for disabled people, mainly neurologically disabled persons.? One of the goals that RG wants to achieve is ?that the target group will be able to live such an active and independent life as possible?. As no previous studies have been done in order to review the adaptation of RG:s work and its effects on the disabled, the purpose of this paper is to examine spinal cord injured individuals perception of independence concerning situation of life, ability to function and physical activity.MethodData have been collected by using three questionnaires.
Den stolte bilbyggaren : En studie om lönearbetets betydelse för delaktighet och identitet
The purpose of this study is to find, understand and discuss the experiences of former employees at SAAB, and present how this can be understood according to my core theoretical concepts, which are participation and identity. The questions asked in the study are based on how the labor is described, characterized and what comes forth as valuable, which is compared to absence of labor work.First, labor is described in an historical and social context, and at the same time related to the core theoretical concept. Second, the methodology chapter is presented, which mainly consists of 11 observations and 10 interviews. Third, the chapter regarding former theory leads to an analysis model, which is used on the empirical material of the study.The result shows that labor work at SAAB primarily is described as important for socializing, security and the possibility to be independent. The tasks at SAAB are described as backbreaking and monotonous, while the lack of labor work influences the physical and mental wellbeing.
Isolera bakterien, inte patienten! En litteraturstudie om MRSA-bärarares upplevelser av isolerings- och barriärvård.
The purpose of the study is to investigate MRSA-positive individual´s perceptions of source isolation and barrier nursing, to find nursing inventions witch can provide these patients wellbeing. Eight scientific research reports have been examined, using the guiding principles of Polit et al (2001). The result of the study shows the patients experiences of mentally health/illness, information and communication, physical restrictions and barrier nursing..
Vilka statsfinansiella effekter erhålls vid ökad produktion av förnybar energi?
BackgroundThis paper is based on an issue raised by the organization Energigas Sverige, which together with the Ministry of Finance has posed the question about the fiscal impact of an increase in biogas production. Since the fiscal effects of an increased biogas production are both positive and negative, due to reduced use of fossil fuels, we want to investigate this further.PurposeThe purpose is to describe and explain the obtained fiscal impacts of an increased biogas production and based on our problem: ?What are the obtained fiscal effects caused by an increase in biogas production?? we could see the following fiscal effects: positive impact on employment, increased revenues of social security contributions and income taxes, reduced unemployment costs and reduced tax revenues on fossil fuels. These effects are summarized in a negative tax revenue of 2,6 billion SEK. Along the summarized negative effect we also accepted one of the two prepared hypotheses, which stated that an increase in biogas production leads to a negative fiscal impact. Design/Methodology/ApproachWe have chosen to work from an Anglo-Saxon scientific tradition and furthermore, we have a positivistic approach when we want to explain the relationship between cause and effect of an increase in biogas production and the following fiscal impacts.
MATSVINN FÖRSVINN - En kvantitativ studie om hur ett CSR-argument kan involvera konsumenten i kampen mot matsvinn i butik
Every year 67000 tons of food is wasted by Swedish retail stores. The waste implies financial losses for the retailer and it has a huge impact on the global environment. Reducing in-store food waste is thus a win-win situation for both retailers and society. The most effective way to reduce waste is primarily by optimizing the logistics of supply, but customers expect a store with a wide range of products and stuffed shelves. Thus there will always be products about to expire.