2456 Uppsatser om Position - Sida 61 av 164
Corporate Brand Positioning
PURPOSE: To investigate to what extent product brand Positioning models can be used to analyzecorporate brand Positioning;METHODOLOGY: The phenomenon is observed from a positivist epistemological Position within a primarilyinductive research design. The research strategy is defined as qualitative, while the method of ethnographiccontent analysis is implemented to analyze primary data;THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVE: Product and brand Positioning literature; Product brand Positioning rhombus;EMPIRICAL DATA: Ethnographic content analysis of brand commercials;CONCLUSION: As shown by the extensive literature review product brands (PB) and corporate brands (CB) coexistin corporate environments. One of key insights of this study shows that product brand Positioning(PBP) and corporate brand Positioning (CBP) processes can also co-exist in the same corporate environment.Moreover, PBs can be built based on the CB, making the investment in CB a long term return on investment.The study also observes that PBP messages include the ?against whom? attribute, highlighting differentiationin the competitive environment; when on the corporate level, this evolves, and in some cases becomes quitethe contrary, when the concept of ?from whom? or ?by whom? is stressed more than the differentiation amongother CBs in the competitive environment. This stresses the importance of including brand identity elementsin CBP..
Sjuksköterskors och vårdpersonals bemötande och förhållningssätt till kvinnor i en abortsituation.
Sjuksköterskors och vårdpersonals bemötande och förhållningssätt till kvinnor i enabortsituation - en litteraturstudieEva-Lena AnderssonJoanna LarssonBakgrund: Abort är ett kontroversiellt och laddat ämne. Kvinnor som söker vårdför abort befinner sig i en utsatt och sårbar Position. Reproduktiv hälsa, vilketabort är en del av, är en viktig rätt för kvinnor världen över som nekas på mångahåll. Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka sjuksköterskors och övrigvårdpersonals bemötande och förhållningssätt till kvinnor som söker vård förabort. Metod: Studien är en litteraturstudie med innehållsanalys sominspirationskälla.
Planering av en del av Vätterstranden i Jönköping
This essay will discuss the process of drawing a restaurant ? the Position of the house lot, requirements from the authority and architectural quality.During the summer months are many people celebrating their spare time in the beach in Jönköping, by the shore of Lake Vättern. There is some existing buildings in this area that is not used by a general public. In cooperation with the municipality of Jönköping and a person who wants to operate a restaurant on the beach, is this essay a proposal of how this part of the shore of Lake Vättern can look in the future.The focus of the work is to design a restaurant. This is made on the basis of the interviews that have been made with the operators of the area and a thought building, and from the existing rules of the performing and designing of a restaurant.The planned restaurant is placed in an area where it today is a public toilet.
Interdependens för Sverige: Hur svenska politiker påverkats av ökad internationell interdependens
This is an examination of how interdependence affects the behaviour of politicians and their ability to govern the way they want to. I analyze the memoirs of two Swedish prime ministers, Tage Erlander and Ingvar Carlsson to explore their experiences. I focus on how the increasing interdependence affects the politicians with regards to security, welfare, and financial policies. Sweden had a special Position between Soviet and NATO during the cold war. This meant Sweden gave priority to it's neutrality policy during the cold war, compared to increased trade cooperation.
Ledarens betydelse för företagskulturen då företaget expanderar till nya marknader
Titel: Ledarens betydelse för företagskulturen då företaget expanderar till nya marknader Författare: Marie Lood och Elisabeth Nilsson Handledare: Göran Alsén och Camilla Wernersson Institution: Managementhögskolan, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Kurs: Kandidatarbete i företagsekonomi, 10 poäng. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka om chefer verkligen har så stor betydelse som den allmänna uppfattningen tillskriver dem, och vi gör undersökningen med särskilt hänseende till bibehållandet av företagskulturen då ett företag expanderar till nya marknader. Vi tar reda på och klargör chefens betydelse för bibehållandet av företagskulturen vid företagsexpansion. Metod: För att studera förhållandet mellan chef och företagskultur intervjuade vi fem chefer i personliga intervjuer respektive per telefon, om deras erfarenheter vid företagsexpansioner. Genom att göra det lade vi den empiriska grunden för den analys vi därefter genomförde via kultur- och ledarskapsteorier vi fann i litteraturstudien.
CSR och företagsstrategier : En kvalitativ studie om den paradoxala strävan efter CSR och vinst
From a historical perspective, Sweden is a classic example of a social democratic state in view ofits early development of labor movements, democracy and focus on the welfare state. Today, as amember state of the EU, Sweden has however come to be influenced by America?s neoliberalpolities, where companies need to deliver more and better products/services while the consumerawareness and sensitivity has increased about company?s way to invest. Research shows thatScandinavian companies, primarily in Denmark and Sweden, has a leading Position when it comesto responsible corporate behavior which has been the reason to our choice of studying howSwedish companies do to achieve success in CSR. To carry out this study, we have usedqualitative analysis, using semi-structures to interview companies in different industry sectors.
Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av ställningstagande till att bibehålla eller avsluta livsuppehållande behandling: en litteraturstudie
Den medicinska vetenskapen och teknologin utvecklas hela tiden med syfte att förlänga livet. Beslut om bibehållen eller avslutad livsuppehållande behandling för kritiskt sjuka patienter blir en alltmer komplex och svår fråga. Sjuksköterskan har en central Position inom vården att bistå och företräda patienten. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelse vid ställningstagande till bibehållen eller avslutad livsuppehållande behandling. Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskor upplevde brist på respekt från läkare inför sin profession, bristande kommunikation med läkare inför beslut, konflikter inom och mellan de olika yrkeskategorierna angående beslut, samt frustration då sjuksköterskan inte kan företräda patienten enligt sina egna värderingar.
Södertörns Högskola - en skola för B laget? : En diskursteoretisk analys
Södertörn University was built in the suburb of Stockholm to bring hope for students that aren?t used to study. Ever since the university was built there has been a debate on internet message boards such as Flashback and a discourse has developed in the recent five years. The public discourse has had a negative influence on how the university is perceived by the public. The purpose of this study is to analyze how this discourse has developed the image of the university and how it has evolved.
Studier av varmöverföringsprocessen för verktygsstålet H13
Klenare dimensioner än 360mm av H13 varmöverförs idag från smidet till mjukglödgning, vilket troligen är orsaken till att sprickor uppstår i materialet stundvis. Detta leder till kassation samt sämre utbyte, vilket gör att en optimering av varmöverföringen är nödvändig. Materialet har ett temperaturintervall runt Mf som det då bör befinna sig i innan det ska mjukglödgas för att minska risken för sprickor. Detta temperaturintervall underskrids ibland beroende på att ugnskapaciteten kan vara otillräcklig när en stor mängd material produceras i ett kort tidsintervall. Sprickbildningen i materialet gynnas av en dålig kapyta, där ojämnheter i ytan agerar brottanvisningar som låter spänningar i materialet resultera i en spricka.
Arbetets värde. Om ungdomars uppfattningar kring arbetets betydelse.
The aim of this study is to examine the perception of work of young men and women. A central problem that the study focus on is how young men and women value work, what do they expect to get out of work, and what are their experiences of work. The study also examines what work value and work mean for them. Eight young men and women between the ages of 22-25, currently working in different field, were interviewed. The individuals interviewed had different educational backgrounds.
Demokratin och folkbiblioteket folkbiblioteket och demokratin: Hur demokrati, offentlighet och information omnämns i kulturpolitiska dokument från 1990-talet
This Master Thesis aims to study and discuss the occurence of three concepts in some influential cultural policy documents which includes the UNESCO public library manifesto, the Swedish libraries act, the Swedish cultural policy objectives, and a study from the mid nineties which deals with the cultural policy. The questions asked are: -Do the documents mention democracy? In what way? -Do the documents mention the public sphere? In what way? -Do the documents mention information? In what way? -How can we understand the content of the documents through relevant theories about democracy, the public sphere and information? Theories about the information society are used, as well as theories from Jürgen Habermas, Herbert Schiller and Robert Dahl. The way of method is document studies and abduktion, with influences from hermeneutic theory. The analysis deals with the documents through these concepts: democracy, the public sphere and information and puts forward the content, or lack of content, about democracy in the analysed material.
Ungdomars attityder till brott i samband med upplopp : En kvantitativ studie
This study aims to examine young peoples? attitudes towards crimes related to riots. It also examines if there?s a difference in attitudes to different crimes and if there is a connection between these attitudes and friends experience of crime, gender, socioeconomic Position or residential area. There is a lack of research in this area, most of the studies on riots focus on the reasons and driving forces leading to riots.
Specialläraren som skolans pedagogiska specialist : Språk-, läs- och skrivutvecklare i skolans alla ämnen
The aim of this thesis is to investigate, and thereby highlight, the new role of special needs teachers in conducting educational development in the fields of linguistics and literacy. The thesis defines how educational development, as described by special needs teachers, can be conducted and what conditions they perceive for such development. Factors which, according to special needs teachers, promote or hinder the development are discussed.The study uses a qualitative method involving knowledge-creating dialogues, analyzed hermeneutically, with two special needs teachers. Results are then discussed in light of relevant research and sociocultural theory. The study indicates that special needs teachers? main tool, to support teachers, is diverse use of dialogue.
En helhet som förenar? Aspekter på intern information inom Borås Stadsteater och Borås Stadsbibliotek
This is a qualitative study with a reflexive approach. The aim of this masters thesis is to describe how the internal information is managed in Borås Theatre and Borås Public Library related to the internal flow of information within the organisations according to descriptions of different units, staff and work tasks. Ten qualitative semi-structured interviews with employees at the Theatre and the Library have been conducted. The organisations have been studied separately. The interviews are presented according to six categories presented in the theory chapter as a result of the study.
Flervariabel reglering av industrirobot
The goal of this Master thesis has on the one hand been to create a simulation environment for robots, where not only the simulations in this work can be performed, but also similar robot simulations, and on the other hand to study regulators that can increase the possibilities of rejecting disturbances on an industrial robot. The robot model used has three degrees of freedom, corresponding to the three main links on ABB:s IRB7600. The simulation environment is created using Matlab, Simulink, and Robotics Toolbox. It is constructed in a general way and can be used for simulations of other robot objects created in Robotics Toolbox. A gain scheduling is added to the LQ-regulator, where the feedback matrix is varied depending on the arm Position in the workspace.