2456 Uppsatser om Position - Sida 49 av 164
Managementska låneord bland låneböckerna: Om bibliotekariers attityder till marknadsmetaforer på biblioteket
Over the last decades, language in the public sector has changed due to influence from New public management. In this thesis, I seek to investigate librarians? attitudes towards a more businesslike way of speaking about libraries, referred to here as management-speak. For this purpose, I?ve used a modified version of the matched guise technique.
Skyddet av en camp vid internationella insatser mot komplexa hot
The thesis demonstrates protection solutions that can be suitable for a camp during internationalmissions in order to resist complex threats. The threats could consist of small arms, machineguns,RPG 7, anti armour missiles, mortar, artillery, HPM-weapons, car bombs, biological and chemicalweapons as well as sabotage and theft. It?s not the technology itself that makes the threat scenariocomplex it?s the way the opponent acts during the operations. The opponent acts usually incivilian clothes and therefore he is difficult to distinguish from other civilians.
En resa till företagets medelpunkt : - en studie av kompetens på mellanchefsnivå
The profit a company makes is dependant of its employees which means that their competence is important for the company to perform well. The middle manager has a central Position in the organization and is expected to take on different roles. This probably puts a lot of demands on the middle managers and their competence. We want to contribute with a comprehension of how learning, competence and needs for competence can look at a middle management level. Furthermore we also want to find out what kind of strategy for competence development the middle managers want the company to use so their competence development can be facilitated.
? Som en genre bland andra?? En studie av barnbibliotekariers uppfattningar om den tryckta barnboken i dagens medielandskap
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to gain insight into the attitudes of children´slibrarian towards the Position of the printed Children?s book in today?s medialandscape. The reason for our interest is our belief that librarian?s attitudes to newmedia and their work practice have an effect on how children perceive books andreading. The study is built on qualitative interviews among four children?s librarians.Our theoretical framework stems from a variety of researchers within the fields ofpedagogy and media studies such as David Buckingham, Sonia Livingstone, NeilPostman, Ylva Ellneby and Margaret Mackey.
Kulturproduktion och makt : En intersektionell analys av candombespelande kvinnor i Uruguay
This is a study of the way power relationships change when women start to play candombe in Montevideo, Uruguay. Candombe is a type of music, which is traditionally played by men within the black minority in the country. This study has been done with an intersectional point of view, taking the social categories gender, class and ethnicity in account. The method used was participatory observation in a field study made in Montevideo between November 2008 and February 2009.This study?s main conclusions are that the power relationships change with the participation of women in candombe in several important ways: The women legitimize an alternative way to be a woman when they take the men?s role as a drum player.
Europeiska Unionen- en demokrati? : En studie om demokratins utbredning och utveckling inom EU:s institutioner.
The purpose of this thesis is to study the level of democracy within the European Union (EU). To do so the following issues were examined: How the EU works and the efforts it has made to improve levels of democracy; and the degree to which the EU fulfils the criteria set by Robert Dahl in his theory of polyarchy.The study is based on a qualitative text analysis. The focus of the analysis is documents released by the EU that can be connected to democracy, and human and fundamental rights. The theory of polyarchy proposed by Robert Dahl and Joseph Schumpeter?s theory of democracy are the principal theories applied.
Strategisk ekonomistyrning i elitidrottsföreningar: en
fallstudie av tre elitidrottsföreningar
Dagens elitidrottsföreningar bedriver sin verksamhet, likt företag, i en omgivning som är alltmer dynamisk. Den föränderliga miljön bidrar till att det blir allt viktigare för elitidrottsföreningar att använda ekonomistyrning för att kunna konkurrera och överleva. Denna studie syftar till att kartlägga hur elitidrottsföreningar, utifrån ledande personers perspektiv, använder ekonomistyrning i syfte att uppnå strategiska mål. Undersökningen genomfördes, genom fallstudie, hos tre olika elitidrottsföreningar. Vi intervjuade totalt nio personer med tre olika befattningar.
Ungdomars självidentitet, arbetslöshet, kontakt med socialtjänsten och arbetsmarknadsinriktade insatser : en studie utifrån ungdomars berättelser
This essay examines how a group of five youths? self identities are affected by unemploy-ment, contact with the social services and by labour market interventions. In Sweden youth employment has been regarded as a social problem. Arbetslinjen that could be translated into the work model or the work line influences and is a necessity for the Swedish welfare system. With a hermeneutic scientific philosophical Position the method used to examine this has been to interview the youths, in the age of 18-25, individually.
Andlighet och beroende : en intensivstudie om andlighetens betydelse för att bryta ett beroende och kvarstå i drogfrihet
Syftet med denna studie var att få en ökad kunskap och förståelse för betydelsen av andliga upplevelser för att kunna bryta ett beroende, samt vad andliga upplevelser betyder för att lyckas hålla sig drogfri. Den frågeställning som studien utgick ifrån var: Hur beskriver ett mindre urval av intervjupersoner sina erfarenheter av andliga upplevelser för att kunna bryta ett beroende, samt för att kunna kvarstå i drogfrihet? Datainsamlingen bestod av fyra djupintervjuer med personer med egna erfarenheter på området andlighet och beroende. Studien följde således en kvalitativ design och utgick från en hermeneutisk vetenskapsfilosofisk Position. De viktigaste resultaten visade på att erfarenheten av andliga upplevelser hos intervjupersonerna har haft stor betydelse för att kunna bryta ett beroende samt att kunna kvarstå i drogfrihet.
Att erbjuda största möjliga lycka: en kvalitativ studie av ett parledarskap på en somatisk vårdavdelning
The aim of this study was to investigate leadership in public health care. The methods used were shadowing and semi-structured interviews. The shadowing involved observing the shared leadership of two head nurses in an administrative management Position of a ward in their daily work during two weeks. The observation was supplemented by ten semi-structured interviews. A thematic analysis of the data was carried out and the result indicated that shared leadership is a form of leadership well suited for an organisation as big and complex as the clinic where the study took place.
Kvinnor, klimatförändringar och sårbarhet
Den afrikanska kontinenten beräknas att drabbas mer än någon annan region av klimat-förändringarnas direkta effekter. Samtidigt är anpassningsmöjligheterna här begränsade och ekonomin särskilt beroende av klimatrelaterade sektorer. Samband mellan ekonomisk svaghet och sårbarhet är relativt kartlagda i det internationella klimatarbetet. Dessa kopplingar belyser inte minst kvinnors utsatta Position i utvecklingsregioner, eftersom kvinnor utgör majoriteten av världens fattiga befolkningar. Sårbarhet inför ett förändrat klimat grundas dock inte enbart på ekonomiska och finansiella tillgångar.
Ytterkrage, pallkragsmontering
Ett arbete inom produktutveckling har utförts på uppdrag av Goodtech Solution AB i Karlstad. Den produkt som utvecklats är en prototyp av en robotcell. Robotcellens uppgift beskrivs som automatisk pallkragsmontering på en lina. Den här rapporten omfattar förbättringsarbetet för Ytterkragen och dess drift för vertikal rörelse och höjdPositionering. Syftet är att rapporten för detta arbete ska ligga som grund för prototypens förbättringsarbeten innan den släpps ut påmarknaden.Monteringen sker på en lina med rullband där emballaget monteras ihop i robotcellen innan det skickas vidare för nästa moment.
Dikten i "den nya fredens värld" : Litteraturdebatt i tidskriften Samtid och Framtid 1944?1949
This thesis analyses the literature debate in the overlooked Swedish magazine Samtid och Framtid 1944?1949. The magazine was first published at the end of World War II on the initiative of publisher Johan Hansson. After an interesting start, the terms of the debate in the magazine were changed after a power struggle on the editorial level. Thus, the magazine never became the influential arena for literary discussions that it first had potential of becoming.
Språkets roll för integration : en studie om de diskurser som riksdagspartierna och forskare konstituerar
The purpose of this essay was to examine the role of the acquisition of the Swedish language for integration of adult immigrants given by the seven parties currently in the parliament and other players on the field. The questions were meant to bring light upon the arguments used by the different players concerning the role of the Swedish language, to enlighten which discourses that are constructed, and the contradictions that exist between these. We parted from a postmodern Position and used social constructionism to back up our method and theory of analysis; discourse theory. The results revealed three different discourses concerning the role of the Swedish language in the integration process; the liberal discourse, the discrimination discourse and the social democratic discourse. The liberal discourse claims that immigrants have a responsibility to learn Swedish to be able to achieve employment and to provide for themselves.
Bostadsbebyggelse i Umeå tätort : Flerbostäders bebyggelse i relation till översiktsplaner mellan åren 1998-2014 i Umeå tätort
Urban planning in Sweden goes back to a prolonged tradition, and even since the beginning of the 16th century there´s been general plans for urban planning for cities in Sweden.Nowadays every municipality has a directive from the government to establish or re-new the general master plan covering the whole municipality every 4th year.The aim of this paper is to illustrate and shed light on the extent for the planning document and guidelines, and how they change from every active period and in what extent the provisional planning reaches its visions regarding the outcome of the actual city growth. This study was completed by studying the Position of every apartment building that?s been constructed for the chosen area over the years of 2000 - 2014 and draw comparisons between the current master plan main visions regarding constructions ? and comparing the two separate visions to pin out the differences in the same subject.The result shows that there are some deviations from the plans but not as much as one would have thought in the city growth, and some deviations from the different planning documents. Some of the deviations was greater than others but overall the visions was about the same..