966 Uppsatser om Popular fiction. - Sida 24 av 65
Människan bakom maskinen : En studie av hur subjektet "gruvarbetaren" retoriskt konstitueras i Sara Lidmans Gruva
The aim of this study is to study the construction of literary values. I have been looking at how literature awarded with sponsored literary prizes has been reviewed in four major English and American newspapers. I have been studying the reception of literature by Ian McEwan, Hilary Mantel, Colm Tóibín and Zadie Smith between 2000 and 2012. The prizes in focus are the Man Booker Prize, the Orange prize for fiction and the Costa Awards. There seems to be an increasing number of articles related to each author after they have been awarded a prize, however with little change in the content of the reviews.
Organiserat kaos - om det icke-linjära narrativet och hur det används i Christopher Nolans Memento
The non-linear film - a film telling a story using a reversed or scrambled chronology - has existed since the late 20?s, but just recently gained huge influence and popularity due to films such as Quentin Tarantinos cult-declared Pulp Fiction. In this essay I will analyze this form of narrative, and more specifically; how it?s used in my example film Memento. In my examination, I have seen the original version of the film, and then a re-cut version where the story is ?turned over? to form a ?normal?, linear narrative.
"Tears are not a Momans Only Weapon" : En historiebruksanalys av HBOs tv-serie Game of Thrones
The middle ages is a time in our history that is often used as a frame when portraying fantasy on tv. HBOs immensely popular series Game of Thrones could easily be counted as one of these. But to what extent does the creators of the series approach the history of our world while creating their own? The aim of this essay is to analyse a number of characters from the tv- series out of gender- and their place in the social structure and then compare the findings with the image of the middle ages that is given in academic research. By analysing the two released seasons of Game of Thrones the study has shown that there are many similarities between the fictional world and the actual world but that it also differs through choices made by the creators of the series. .
FLYKTEN FR?N VARDAGEN. Om fantasy, eskapism och verklighet
This paper investigates the relations between the fantasy genre and the phenomena of escapism. It also delves into the factors which motivates consumption of various fantasy mediums. This is done through interviews with six different fantasy-consumers, along with two observations; of which one is performed at a science fiction convention and the other at a table-top role playing game. The study resulted in a basic understanding of escapism ? it is not limited to the fantasy genre, and fantasy consumers do not deny that fantasy is a form of escapism.
Kropp, sexualitet och skönhet. En studie om framställningen av kvinnlighet i fyra ?tjejtidingar?
The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine how femininity, Silikon, Vecko Revyn, and Darling. The study is made from a critical discourse analytical approach and text, pictures, and layout are all analysed. Some of the main characteristics of the material are the division in the categories"we"and"them", double messages, and personal address to the reader. Femininity is strongly associated with body, sexuality, beauty, and looks.
Ledhälsostatus hos Shetland Sheepdog : en enkätstudie
The Shetland Sheepdog is a popular breed of dogs in Sweden. The breed is mostly used as a companion dog and is also popular within certain dog sports such as agility. The Shetland Sheepdog is not included in any breeding programs regarding joint health. The animal insurance company, Agria had recently informed the Swedish Shetland Sheepdog Club (SSSK) that they had noted an increasing number of arthritis in the elbow joints, therefore they wanted to exclude elbow joints from the insurance until SSSK started a breeding program against elbow dysplasia. After the start of this study Agria withdrew their demand, but the study went on as planned.
Aims of this study
The aims of this study was to investigate if there is any data that may show if there is a larger or smaller reason than before to suspect that the breed has a problem with elbow dysplasia and therefore would benefit from a breeding program regarding this.
?Jag undrar varför farbrorn inte hade ett koppel på hunden?? ? En interventionsstudie med syfte att främja elevers läsförståelse och läsintresse ?Jag undrar varför farbrorn inte hade ett koppel på hunden?? : - En interventionsstudie med syfte att främja e
The aim of this study was to investigate the result of an effort to support reading development and the reading motivation. My approach was an intervention study during four weeks, where intensive reading in a group of three pupils in grade one took place. Individual conversations and group conversations were central methods in combination with different ways of processing the texts. Interviews were conducted with the class teacher and the participating children to see the difference in reading and motivation before and after the project. The result shows that an intensive period with reading fiction books with subsequent conversations and different processing of the text is a useful developing method for decoding, reading comprehension and reading motivation.
Mirror, mirror on the wall? -en kulturanalytisk studie av hur folksagor återberättas i vår tid utifrån exemplet Snövit och de sju dvärgarna
This essay examines two modern retellings of the classic fairy tale of Snow White and the seven dwarfs in the version of the brothers Grimm. By analyzing the differences in the modern version to the more original one my aim is to be able to see how these objects of popular culture are affected by the type of society they are created within.In my two-step analysis I have first used the theory of narratology to find what changes had been made in the two retellings. Here I have the help of several key concepts of the theorists Vladimir Propp, Gérard Genette and David Bordwell. The narrative differences, which turned out to concern the characters mostly, I have then sought to explain in the light of the sociological theories of Zygmunt Bauman regarding liquid modernity and liquid fears..
?Det var en tyst kamp? : En ekokritisk analys om utvandring och fo?ra?nderliga system i Vilhelm Mobergs Utvandrarna
The purpose of this essay is to do an ecocritical reading of Vilhelm Moberg?s The Emi-grants from 1949. By asking and answering the three following questions; How does a system present itself, What are the different reasons for emigration; Why does differentsystem fit some well and some not.By using two articles from Green Planets - Ecology and Science Fiction to illus-trate two different views; Different parts value in an ekosystem and The Ship as an ecosystem. I have also created, based on the literary text four different terms concern-ing the dynamic system; Stable, Static, Unstable and Collapsing systems. I have found that all system goes through changes, some drastic, that changes the way the parts of the systems fit with in it.
Autentiska texter som fiktion och möjlighet / Authentic Texts: Fiction or Possibility
I centrum för denna uppsats står så kallade autentiska texter. Uppsatsen vill uppmärksamma de teoretiska svårigheterna som är knutna till detta begrepp. Samtidigt vill den visa på de många möjligheter som begreppet kan rymma.
För att närma mig detta område har jag valt att kombinera ett teoretiskt och ett praktiskt perspektiv: dels undersöks olika definitioner av begreppet, dels intervjuas två lärare i engelska om deras användning av autentiska texter i undervisningen.
Trots begreppets svaga teoretiska grund tycks det ha en relativt stark position inom dagens språkundervisning. I uppsatsen hävdas att ett grundläggande ifrågasättande kan öppna för en djupare förståelse av begreppet. Det handlar inte om att ogiltigförklara begreppet, utan att upptäcka det på nytt.
Musik och språkutveckling : Hur pedagogerna på en förskola upplever att musik påverkar det språkliga uttalet.
This essay is about "factionstexter", a combination between fact and fiction, and the problems that can occur when reading them. I present previous resarch on this subject and I focused on docu drama and dramadoc. Bo G Jansson is the researcher I used most frequently in this essay. He describes various types of faction texts in film, television and literature. Annette Årheim´s thesis stands for the didactic portion of the essay.
Programmering till webben : Vad du ska utveckla din webbplats i för programmeringsspråk och varför?
This work is done to try to solve a scientific computer problem and its basis derived from the web, as there are a variety of ways to program to it. The most common languages used by developers, both private and corporate are PHP, .NET and Ruby. But why do companies or a private developer choose a specific programming language? Is it because it is better and has more features than the others, or because they are forced? This essay uses a questionnaire and through tests sees which is best and which one is the most popular/used. To illustrate the problem, a survey is conducted and sent to several companies and asked them to answer the questions regarding the issue.
Bilden av mannen i svensk kriminallitteratur
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine the image of the man in Swedish crime fiction. Gender theory based uponRobert W. Connell theoretical framework which discusses masculinities in plural is used. The method used is idea analysis and my supply for analyse is constructed on thebasis of Connell?s four ideal types regarding masculinity.The material in the investigation comprises of five novels published in Sweden 2007.The investigation reveals the complexity in forming masculinities; traditional male values remain mostly intact, but at the same time men must deal with emotions andrelations with women in a world where the male norm often is questioned.
Klockan 10.31 på morgonen i Khao Lak & The Impossible : Fakta och fiktion i två katastrofskildringar.
This essay is about "factionstexter", a combination between fact and fiction, and the problems that can occur when reading them. I present previous resarch on this subject and I focused on docu drama and dramadoc. Bo G Jansson is the researcher I used most frequently in this essay. He describes various types of faction texts in film, television and literature. Annette Årheim´s thesis stands for the didactic portion of the essay.
Mångbruksplan Äspinge 2:2
This plan of multiple-use is made on the private owned forestproperty Äspinge 2:2 in the middle of Skåne.
The term ?multiple-use? came to Sweden in the beginning of the twentieth century and has slowly grown until about 30 years ago when the laws of nature conservation and sustainability was written into the forest law. The so called ecoturism got more and more popular and people began to seek space and silence in difference to the life in the highly populated areas. This also encouraged foreign tourists to come to Sweden. Mostly danish, german, and dutch people.