3268 Uppsatser om Political relevance - Sida 57 av 218
Domäner i dialog - En studie av det balanserade styrkortets kommunikativa potential i en sjukvårdsorganisation
Denna studie undersöker vilken potential det Balanserade Styrkortet har att förbättra kommunikationen mellan olika domäner inom sjukvården. Vår utgångspunkt är Kouzes & Micos teori som beskriver sjukvårdsorganisationen som svårstyrd och uppsplittrad i tre domäner: en professionell, en administrativ och en politisk. Det huvudsakliga materialet består av sex kvalitativa samtalsintervjuer. Fyra vid Paramedicinska avdelningen på Ljungby Lasarett och två i ledningen för Landstinget Kronoberg.Vårt resultat pekar på att det Balanserade Styrkortet har en potential att öka informations- och kunskapsspridningen mellan olika nivåer i sjukhusorganisationen, förbättra helhetssynen samt förbättra dialogen kring vision, strategi och mål. För att potentialen ska kunna realiseras krävs emellertid ett ihållande engagemang och kunskap om det Balanserade Styrkortet.
Biblioteksresurser och måluppfyllelse. En lokal undersökning av skolbibliotekens relation till grundskolans måluppfyllelse i Norrtälje kommun
The Swedish working-class author Ivar Lo-Johansson (1901-1990) wrote a collection of one hundred short stories between the years 1968-1972. His other productions, generally speaking, have partially different social reform purposes, but, according to himself, these short stories were written with the intention to be totally free of tendencies (even though he himself doubted that he succeeded with this).During the same period that these short stories were published, the Swedish social democrats were under the challenge of radical movements that, mainly on the radical left?s ideological foundation, had a relatively strong influence in Sweden, among other countries, from the mid 1960?s to the late 1970?s. Since Lo-Johansson mainly seemed to have supported the politics of the social democrats, the purpose of the investigation in this thesis has been to see if he ? in the three short stories: Vikingakärlek (1970), Rikslögnaren (1971) and Ansgars resa till Sverige (1972) ? is conveying an ideological use of history and basic political values that were used by the social democratic party during this time period.
Herr Talman, det luktar politisering? En argumentationsanalys av riksdagsdebatten rörande utnämningsmakten
Hur regeringen hanterar tillsättningen av högre chefer har debatterats under lång tid i Sveriges riksdag. Att förvaltningen politiseras, och skiljelinjen mellan politik och förvaltning är hotad, påpekas och förnekas. Vår undersökning studerar denna debatt genom en argumentationsanalys av konfrontationsmodell. En litteraturstudie har gjorts kring skicklighets- och förtjänstbegreppet, utnämningar i praktiken och tänkbara förändringar av utnämningsprocessen. Syftet med analysen är att försöka konkretisera debatten och få fram sakargument samt att undersöka hur debatten kring utnämningsmakten tett sig.
Rysslands politiska utveckling : En fallstudie över svensk säkerhetspolitik
The Swedish security policy has changed from stressing neutrality to embrace co-operation within the EU and other organisations. New threats like terrorism, boarder-crossing criminality and natural disasters require new ways to deal with this type of problems to protect the society. Since the beginning of 21st century the high Russian economic growth has made it possible for the country to play an increasingly role as a superpower on the international political stage. In the same time the democratic development has been replaced by an autocratic rule which has obstructed the Russian- European relations. From a Swedish security policy view the Russian political development is of importance and the picture of Russian as a threat has changed from 1996 to 2008/09.
Kan läslust bygga demokrati? En undersökning av huruvida ett läsfrämjandeprojekt i Tensta hade en positiv effekt på elevernas språkutveckling
The Swedish working-class author Ivar Lo-Johansson (1901-1990) wrote a collection of one hundred short stories between the years 1968-1972. His other productions, generally speaking, have partially different social reform purposes, but, according to himself, these short stories were written with the intention to be totally free of tendencies (even though he himself doubted that he succeeded with this).During the same period that these short stories were published, the Swedish social democrats were under the challenge of radical movements that, mainly on the radical left?s ideological foundation, had a relatively strong influence in Sweden, among other countries, from the mid 1960?s to the late 1970?s. Since Lo-Johansson mainly seemed to have supported the politics of the social democrats, the purpose of the investigation in this thesis has been to see if he ? in the three short stories: Vikingakärlek (1970), Rikslögnaren (1971) and Ansgars resa till Sverige (1972) ? is conveying an ideological use of history and basic political values that were used by the social democratic party during this time period.
En knuten näve i silkeshandske - Kan statliga informationskampanjer stärka samhället och medborgaren?
Public opinion can be shaped as well as transformed in a number of ways. Government authorities occasionally make use of public information campaigns to educate and steer the public. In this thesis the balance between public and private, the individual and the society is analysed in terms of dimensions of individualism and communitarianism. These dissimilar theories on how the society ought to be constructed can be used when analysing many different policy areas, however, they also pinpoint the controversies seen in the public debate regarding Swedish information policy. Based on this analysis an empirical study identifies what kind of knowledge the state wants the citizens to possess and public information campaigns can be problematic.
Inuit Circumpolar Conference, en till synes avvikande NGO - En fallstudie av en ursprungsbefolknings organisering kring miljöfrågor och deras sociala och kulturella rättigheter
With ever-increasing environmental problems in the world, I have with this thesis aimed at studying how the Inuit people of the Arctic organize themselves around the issue of environmental degradation. In focus for this thesis is the organization Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC), an NGO that focuses on saving and protecting the social and cultural rights of the Inuit people, along with the environment in the four arctic regions. This aboriginal population has a strong connection to the environment they dwell in, as the area serves as a source of income and nutrition as well as an historically important place for their culture.I will in this thesis primarily investigate the methods of operation amongst NGOs, as well as their ability to influence and interact with the UN. These are three concepts that I, as a hypothesis, considered to distinguish ICC from other NGOs. With help from three theories about NGOs, I conclude that certain central elements of ICC differ from the average NGO, making ICC a new kind of actor in global politics..
Varför blev det fred i Indonesien? ? Kan rational choice förklara fredsuppgörelsen??
The conflict in Aceh had been going on for 30 years time, but ended after a tsunami hit the area in 2004. The impact the natural catastrophe had on the conflict was that both GAM and the Indonesian government was brought together with the intent of reaching a peace agreement. The authors to this thesis paper ask the question of why it became peace after such long time of war, but also if rational choice theory can explain this event. The answer to the first question is that the tsunami was the main reason to why it became peace. As to the second question, the conclusion would be that, depending on which view of human nature one has, rational choice theory can only answer the question if cultural, religious and emotional factors are disregarded.
De svenska fastighetsbolagens redovisningsval för förvaltningsfastigheter och dess effekter på redovisningens kvalitativa egenskaper : En studie av noterade respektive onoterade svenska fastighetsbolag efter implementeringen av internationellt regelverk
AbstractTitle: The Swedish real estate companies choices of valuation within investment properties and its further effects on the qualitative characteristics of accounting.-A study of the Swedish real estate companies listed and non - listed on the stock market, after the application of the international rule board.Background and Problem: From January 2005, all companies, listed on a stock market within the European Union, are required to prepare their consolidated accounts using common set of International Accounting Standards, IAS/IFRS. In Sweden, this opportunity has also been given to non-listed companies, to voluntary implement these rules in their consolidated accounts. One difference between Swedish accounting rules and contemporary International rules, deals with the accounting treatment of investment properties, which foremost affects the real estate market?s accounts. In contrast to the Swedish Financial Accounting Standards Council?s recommendation RR 24, the new standard, IAS 40, permits a choice between different accounting alternatives.
Högskolan och det omgivande samhället ? Den tredje uppgiftens komplexitet
AbstractI den svenska högskolelagen anges det att svenska lärosäten ska samverka och informera om sin verksamhet. Något som har kommit att kallas ?Den tredje uppgiften?. Vår ambition med vår uppsats har varit att genom en kvantitativ och kvalitativ enkätundersökning se hur fyra lärosäten i södra Sverige samverkar med det omgivande samhället. De undersökta lärosätena är; Lunds Universitet, Malmö Högskola, Växjö Universitet och Högskolan Kristianstad.
Politisk organisationsform i ett informationssamhälle: Kan globaliseringsrörelsen lära från näringslivet?
I denna uppsats behandlas ämnet politisk organisering. Frågorna som tas upp är huruvida globaliseringsrörelsen bör organisera sig i partier eller agera utomparlamentariskt i sociala rörelser och om deliberation är ett effektivt påverkansmedel för att förändra de institutioner de vänder sig emot. Utifrån en teoretisk diskussion om hur företag de senaste decennierna omorganiserats som en följd av bland annat 60- och 70-talens uppror och framstegen inom digital informationsteknologi samt debattmaterial från globaliseringsrörelsen diskuteras frågorna.Uppsatsens resultat är att den mest effektiva organisationsformen i dagens läge är nätverk av sociala rörelser. Deliberation framstår inte som särdeles effektivt kanske främst på grund av att det skulle innebära att rörelserna tvingas anpassa sig och bli mer lika de hierarkiska institutioner de vill förändra..
Kan buggning rättfärdigas? - En idéanalys av den svenska buggningsutredningen
The main focus of the essay is to investigate if bugging can be justified from two ethics perspectives, the teleological and the deontology. I?ve chosen to emanate from two specific values which I believe is especially relevant to the ethical problems of bugging, efficiency in fighting crime and the personal integrity. To be able to illustrate this conflict between different values did I do an analysis of an official report which had the task to explore if Sweden should introduce bugging as a new means of compulsion. The official report's statement was that the police should have modern instrument to fighting crimes efficient, including bugging.My examination of the report showed that they used several arguments derived from both the efficiency in fighting crime perspective and the personal integrity perspective.
Implementeringsproblem i skolan - ett elevperspektiv
I denna uppsats undersöker vi olika elevers uppfattningar kring implementeringen av värdegrund och normer i den svenska gymnasieskolan. Vi definierar läraren som en förvaltningstjänsteman och tar upp implementeringsproblematik som kan tänkas uppkomma inom skolan, i synnerhet de problem som uppkommer genom lärarens ställning som närbyråkrat.Vi har valt att göra en kvantitativ fallstudie där vi låtit elever svara på enkäter som vi sedan sammanställt i form av deskriptiv statistik. Vi har även gjort en litteraturstudie kring lärarens roll som förvaltningstjänsteman.Vår undersökning visade att endast drygt hälften av eleverna var medvetna om den värdegrund och de normer som skolan skall implementera. Vi menar att detta kan bero på att läraren har stor handlingsfrihet i kombination med oprecis och motsägelsefull målstyrning. Dessa faktorer skulle kunna leda till att värdegrund och normer inte prioriteras i undervisningen utan att läraren frångår sitt uppdrag..
Can we do it in Sweden? Yes we can! : En studie om politisk kommunikation i de sociala medierna inför riksdagsvalet 2010
Purpose The purpose is to analyze the parliamentary parties political communication in the social media channels before the election 2010.Methodology This essay is a descriptive study from nine interviews of the responsible people in the parliamentary parties. In addition to that two more interviews were done with social media expertsTheoretical perspective This essay is based on two-way communication and communication strategiesConclusions The parliamentary parties use social media as a complement to traditional media. The purpose is to create dialog and to minimize the gap to the voters, but in many ways it is being used as a one-way communication channel. The parliamentary parties are trying to use the social media channels in Swedish conditions, but in many ways they try to imitate an American used strategy..
Utvärdering av sökmaskiner - en textanalys kring utvärderingar av sökmaskiner på Webben
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse studies that evaluate Web search engines. This is done in four categories; the researchers? purpose, the evaluation measurements, the relevance, and the time aspect. Our method is based on a text analysis in which we use the direction of analysis of the content of sixteen evaluation experiments. Our results indicate fundamental differences in the way the researchers are tackling the problem of evaluation of Web search engines.