3268 Uppsatser om Political relevance - Sida 43 av 218
När kommunikationen krisar : En studie av myndigheters informations- och kommuniktionssamverkan under beredskapsövningar
The research of the essay will be about Solidarity, the Polish trade union that began to rise in the beginning of 1980. In more specific tendencies to the empirical study, it is interesting getting to know about when the free trade union was created with a view to liberate the Polish people from Communism.The essay will be studied as an empirical case study, with a qualitative text analysis. The content will also include how power is allocated to the political, economic and social aspects of the national, and international relations. Therefore it will be relevant to use a method of ideology analysis to the qualitative text.The result of the theoretical analysis was that it is difficult to apply the social movements into a political change, even if it leads to success. According to this, participants in social movements are able to use the most potential and most necessities of resources, just as activists tend to do in reality..
De jordlösas rörelses roll för demokratin - är en annan värld möjlig?
MST, eller O Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurias Sem Terra (Rörelsen för Lantarbetare utan Jord), är en av latinamerikas och kanske världens största och mest inflytelserika sociala rörelser. Rörelsen är dessutom verksam i en av världens största politiska, ekonomsika, kulturella och sociala smältdeglar.I vår uppsats vill vi undersöka, dels vilka metoder som en social rörelse kan tillämpa när det gäller att driva frågor om demokrati framåt. Som teoretiskt ramverk tillämpar vi befintliga teorier i kombination med egna begrepp. För att kunna svara på frågeställning har vi genom en bred empirisk bas försökt åskådliggöra den kontext i vilken MST arbetar och utifrån denna information dragit våra slutsatser..
Nordkorea - En nutida Furstestat?
This essay is about North Korea, Kim Jong Il and how the future looks for the states political system. The purpose is to explain how Kim Jong Il and the North Korean regim rules the state and with help of Machiavellis theory about the Prince, tell about the states future. The essayinvestigates how well Kim Jong Il and the North Korean regime are keeping their power overthe state and if their possibilities to continue in the same way are good or bad. The essayinvestigates North Koreas possibilities for further reign through Niccolo Machiavellis theory.The argument is that the North Korean state and Kim Jong Il have few or noneconditions to continue with the same political system that the state in this time have.The result shows that, through a Machiavellian perspective, Kim Jong Il and the North Korean regime have bad conditions to continue ruling the state in same way as now. The investigation, unfortunately, do not show when and how North Korea will be exposed to a government switch , but the result points to a change..
Diamonds from Sierra Leone: Hur diamanter påverkar konflikter
The civil war in Sierra Leone was a very complicated conflict, both in its origin as well as in its realization. Many actors, along with the diamond trade, played vital parts in making the war carry on for a decade. In this paper I will try to clarify the relations between the actors and the diamonds, first and foremost the part the diamonds played in the conflicts start and continuation. I will also show what has happened in the country and in the diamond industry after the wars conclusion. What I find is that diamonds did not play the only part in the origin of the conflict but that the poor economic state the country was in had its part.
Att styra och ställa En styrningsstudie med ResursCentrum för kvinnor som fall
In 1994 it was decided that a new network based organizational model was to be initiated to face the problems of some of the gender inequalities in Sweden. The organisation structure was named Resource Centre for Women (ResursCentrum för kvinnor).This essay constitutes a qualitative case study of governing, with this organisation structure as my field of inquiry. My ambition has been to outline and explain what kind of governing has been used and how it works. I have also tried to identify potential changes of the ways of governing over time. To help me out with that task, I have applied a theoretical framework, characterized of a governance perspective, and have used terms as: governing with networks, partnership, projects and visionary government to interpret my empiric material.My result shows that there have been various changes in the ways of governing, from a more hierarchal government form of governing to a more governance based one..
Ett Omtvistat Himmelrike : En komparativ historiebruksanalys av Ridley Scotts epos Kingdom of Heaven med utgångspunkt i postkolonial och genusinriktad teoribildning
The following study is a comparative analysis on the usage of history in Ridley Scott?s epic Kingdom of Heaven. Based on the thesis that this movie has a lot to say about contemporary political values, it compares the theatrical version from 2005 with the 45 minute extended Director?s Cut, which came out on DVD in 2006. Firmly based in the popular-cultural context I tried to evaluate whether these changes related in any way, to matters concerning the current gender debate and post-colonial theory.
Integration, assimilation eller segregation? -en undersökning av integrationspolitiken i Landskrona
In this thesis I discuss and analyze the integration policy of the community Landskrona, if they have any at all and how they in that case use it in their daily work to counteract the obvious problems with segregation, racism and negative attitudes towards people with other ethnic background than Swedish.During the second half of the 20th century Sweden has received a lot of immigrants who built our country and contributed to the rich variety of people we see today. Landskrona was one of the towns who received a lot according to its size, and with the economic crisis in the 1990s it was easy to blame the immigrants for our own deteriorated situation.Today Landskrona is working for an implementation of integration policies in all institutions and organizations to make it a matter of course just like equality. It is not the ethnic background that is the problem; it is being an outsider and economically segregated that lead to resistance of the society. The community is prioritizing the four areas job for everyone, living, education and culture..
Vad driver socialdemokraterna? - En fallstudie av motiven bakom århundradets skattereform
In 1988 the Swedish Social Democratic Party decided to reform the tax system. In this essay I analyse the motives behind their acting on a basis of the party strategic theories of Przeworski and Sjöblom. The reform commonly referred to as the tax reform of the century, was although they considered that it was a high risk project pursued together with the Liberal Party. The new tax system implicated a less progressive income tax scale, actions against tax avoidance and raised value-added tax. The empirical analysis is primarily based on memoirs written by the key actors.
Desperata kvinnliga självmordsbombare och politiska manliga terrorister En granskning av medias sätt att framställa kvinnliga respektive manliga självmordsbombare
Fenomenet med kvinnliga självmordsbombare är en relativt ny företeelse. De senaste åren har det dock visat sig bli allt vanligare i till exempel Ryssland och mellanöstern. Media utformar rapporteringen kring kvinnliga respektive manliga självmordsbombare olika. Diskursen är låst till uppfattningen om att mannen är norm och att det finns olika anledningar till varför kvinnor jämfört med män väljer att använda sina liv som vapen. Till exempel framhålls ofta en kvinnliga självmordsbombares skäl till handlingen som personliga.
Säkerhetspolitik i dynamisk förändring. En diskursanalys av hur CFSP påverkat den svenska säkerhetspolitiken
Uppsatsen beskiver den europeisering av den svenska säkerhetspolitiska diskursen som har skett sedan det svenska inträdet i den europeiska unionen. Genom att utgå från konstruktiv teori förklarar arbetet hur normer inom det europeiska utrikes- och säkerhetssamarbetet (CFSP) förs över till den svenska säkerhetspolitiska diskursen. I arbetet framhålls att den svenska säkerhetspolitiken, efter det kalla krigets slut och Sveriges medlemskap i EU, i allt större utsträckning börjat korrelera med den europeiska säkerhetspolitiska diskursen. Korrelation framträder framförallt när den svenska neutralitetspolitiken studeras, en politik som omvärderats sedan inträdet i EU. Uppsatsen belyser också hur både den svenska och den europeiska säkerhetspolitiska diskursen har förändrats över tid..
Kan Olikheter ena? En studie om sociala rörelsers potential att skapa dialog
In the process of globalization, identity has become one of the central factors.An understanding of the difference that makes up our society has made thequestion of weather is it possible to envision a society where difference is thecommon ground, one that has been up for contest. To answer this we need to seeif this kind of democracy is possible at all. For this I?m turning to the socialmovments who while they are working close to the reality also can give us somereal answers. Therefore I have looked at how social movements adress identity,difference and conflict and concluded that three things are crucial in organizing ongrounds of difference.
Demokratins gränser. Ett liberalt alternativ till påverkanprincipen
What every theory of democracy has in common is a reference to ?a people? who are, in one way or another, collectively self-governing. Given that, surprisingly little attention has been paid to the so called boundary problem of democratic theory, or, in other words, the question of who should be included in the democratic community. Lately, the historically given boundaries have been questioned in favour of a cosmopolitan democracy. Still, little has been said about the boundary problem in general, especially from a theoretical point of view.
På uppdrag av Allah - En studie av legitimiteten i den saudiarabiska statsapparaten
Since 2003 Saudi Arabia is under attack from domestic Al Qaida-cells which, by random shootings of westerners and bombings of compounds and official state buildings, is trying to challenge the stability of the royal regime. According to Al Qaida, the Royal family is attacked because of their friendly relations to the US and for not implementing Islam in the Saudi society as profound as they ought to. Political analyst finds it obvious that the Islamic Al Qaida-cells by terrorism is trying to erode the stability in the kingdom.An important foundation for stability for any government is legitimacy. The aim of this thesis is to examine the royal legitimacy strategy in the state bureaucracy of Saudi Arabia. The question at issue is: how has the royal family constructed the civil, military and religious bureaucracies to maintain and promote stability and legitimacy?The thesis focuses on the on three different units within these three bureaucracies and it surveys the way they are staffed and organized to strengthen and maintain legitimacy for the royal family.
The US-India Deal En fallstudie av USA:s och Indiens strategiska partnerskap
Uppsatsen granskar det avtal mellan Indien och USA som ingicks under 2006.Utifrån det rationella aktörsperspektivet har vi undersökt hur man kan förklara debeslut USA och Indien tog då de ingick avtal med varandra. Vi har använt oss avfyra grundbultar som utgångspunkt: målsättning, alternativ, valmöjligheter ochkonsekvenser. Med dessa fyra bultar har vi försökt förstå vilka för- och nackdelarIndien respektive USA haft när de ingick avtalet och hur de kan ha resonerat införundertecknandet av avtalet. Vi har också försökt se vilka konsekvenser avtalet kanha fått för icke-spridningsavtalet NPT och för andra länder i världen.Vi kom fram till att både Indien och USA agerat rationellt utifrån sinanationella intressen och att detta samarbete trots flera risker är betydande för bådaländerna och värt de uppoffringar som man gjort..
Bang! Let's smash the patriarchy Hur svenska serietecknare konstruerar och förhandlar feministiska diskurser
This essay analyzes three Swedish cartoon artists: Elias Ericson, Lisa Ewald and AmandaCasanellas. The aim is to examine how they construct feminist strategies through their workand how they convey this visually. The issue of whether these Swedish cartoons can be seenas a part of a bigger political platform is central. Through semiotics and post-colonial andqueer feminist theory, some answers to these questions are searched for.The result shows that all three of the artists can be seen in a bigger activist context, even ifthey work in and through different platforms. Casanellas questions the racism in Swedenand how we should prevent it.