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Application of Design for Safer Urban Roads and Junctions: Selected Countermeasures
Road design with focus to safety has been extensively developed in last decades in Nordic and some other EU countries with the main aim to achieve a decrease in a number of accidents and fatalities on the roads. These countries gained many valuable experiences, but they had to sacrifice great effort, expenses, and time to reach the present art-of-state. The purpose of the Master?s Thesis is to review some design approaches with focus to safety and discuss the general way that they may be applied. The Master?s Thesis studies safety in three levels: (i) general - design standards, national safety policies and road hierarchy; (ii) local authority and road administrator; and (iii) three specific safety countermeasures - junctions, pedestrian crossings and traffic calming.
Trädslagsinverkan på markvegetationens utveckling i odlingsförsök med tall och contorta :
In the 1970?s it was predicted that in the beginning of the 21st century there would be a timber shortage in Sweden and a large scale introduction of the exotic tree species lodgepole pine started. An introduction of a foreign tree species means a risk of a negative influence on the forests ecosystem. Today, the stands that were established in the 70?s are middle-aged and the effect on the forest floor vegetation can be studied.
Identifiering av fel i skogliga beståndsregister med hjälp av satellitdata :
This thesis has focused on the possibility to use a satellite image method developed by Metria Mijöanalys to identify stands that are wrongly registered in Holmen Skogs database. The method is only intended for identifying stand with poor descriptions in Holmen?s database that needs to be updated and not for updating the stand information.
The study area is located several km west of Hudiksvall on the borderline between Gävleborgs- och Västernorrlands län. The area is covered by a SPOT image from 2005. By which Metria Miljöanalys has made estimates of forest parameters for all stands in the area, and compared them with corresponding estimates according to the stand database.
En karneval går inte att stoppa! : En designpedagogisk undersökning om barn och normer
A carnival can not be stopped! A design pedagogical study of children and norms In Basel, the only Protestant carnival in Europe takes place. The carnival is called Fasnacht. For three days, there is a wild and uninhibited play with tradition, crossing borders and social criticism.The aim of this thesis is to expand the understanding of the concept of the carnival, and how to use it for an educational purpose. Three children from Basel have been involved in an workshop where they designed and talked about norms and power structures through the carnivalesque principle. The study is based on the questions: How can you use the carnival as a starting point for designing and talking about norms and power structures together with children? And; How can the design process support such a project? To spot this, I made arrangements for a design educational project.
Kvarteret Veiberg : från sluten innergård till öppen mötesplats
The object of the thesis is to propose a new design for the neighbourhood of Veiberg that is situated in the small Norwegian town Jessheim. My approach was to first make an analysis of the whole community and the structure of the town, and then gradually focus on the actual neighbourhood to continue the research there. On the basis of my research the block will be redesigned. The research will lead to a well-planned design of the neighbourhood, which will adapt it to its surroundings in a sustainable and constructive way.
The project will lead you through the history of the town and the intentions and aims of the municipality. The project also examines the structure of the town and the function of the neighbourhood in the town today as well as investigation of the history, the structure and the qualities in the area.
Överlevnad, tillväxt och skador i planteringar av sitkagran (Picea sitchensis) efter stormen Gudrun
Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr) is just like Norway spruce (Picea abies) a species in thegenus picea. The natural range of Sitka spruce is a narrow strip along the west coast of North America. Itis the most coastal of all picea species, and very dependent on the mild and humid climate along thepacific coast.Sitka spruce has been grown a long time in the countries around the North Sea, particularly in GreatBritain where it currently is the most important species in British forestry. Sitka spruce has not beenplanted in Swedish forests to any large extent before the storm Gudrun in 2005. Several studies indicatethat the production of wood biomass is higher for Sitka spruce compared to Norway spruce.
Site preparation, planting position and planting stock effects on long-term survival, growth and stem form properties of Pinus contorta on southern Iceland
In order to evaluate different afforestation methods for exposed heath lands a field experiment was established in Mosfell on southern Iceland in 1989. The trial comprised six different site preparation methods (control, herbicide application, tree shelters, patch scarification, TTS trenching and mounding). In total 960 container seedlings (1+0) and 960 Nisula roll transplants (2+1) of lodgepole pine were planted. Various planting positions (furrow, hinge, no site preparation (control) and on top of mounds) were tested within the site preparation treatments. This study involves renewed measurements and analyses of the trial.After 19 years the overall survival was 51,7 %.
Värdepåverkande faktorer för bostadsrätter i småstäder i Sverige : Value-influencing factors for cooperative flats in small towns in Sweden
There are various value-influencing factors that have various effects on the value of a cooperative flat for buyers. What generates value is individual and different from buyer to buyer, but also between buyers and real-estate agents. Consequently, the real-estate agents who perform valuations can make incorrect estimates of a residential value. Therefore, it is important to examine which factors are important for buyers to prevent incorrect valuations. To find out which these factors are and which of them that are the most important for potential buyers, previous research has been done in larger cities in both Sweden and other countries.
Satellitbildsbaserade skattningar av skogsområden med röjningsbehov
En komponent i skogsskötseln är röjning, vilket nyttjas för att öka produktiviteten och
den ekonomiska lönsamheten i skogsbruket. Den klassiska metoden för att identifiera
skog i behov av röjning är genom fältinventering. Metoder har även utvecklats för att
göra skattning av röjningsbehov med hjälp av satellitbildsinformation och digital
bildanalys, bland annat med Arc View och Enforma som används i denna studie.
För analyserna har fastigheten Kulbäcksliden l :3 använts. Fastigheten ligger drygt 5
mil nordväst om Umeå i Västerbottens län.
Tjustempiren : fallstudier av Casimirsborg och Blekhem
This paper concerning the regional architectural term known as the Tjust Empire style analyses manor houses built in the Tjust area by the east coast of Småland in the period 1810-1860. The term Tjust Empire style was invented in 1937 by PhD. Manne Hofrén in his dissertation on architecture in Kalmar län in the period 1650-1850. The aim of the paper is firstly to determine whether there is a distinct difference between the regional Tjust Empire style in architecture and the common Swedish empire style or as its Swedish equivalent is known; the Karl Johan style. Secondly, the paper strives to analyse why and how the Empire style became so popular in the area during this period, focusing on architecture as a means to express social identity and status.
Majstorovi?, Z. Utsöndring av stenbildande substanser i urin ? kan stickprov er-sätta dygnsmängder? Examensarbete i Biomedicinsk laboratorievetenskap 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö högskola: Hälsa och samhälle, Utbildningsområde Bio-medicinsk laboratorievetenskap, 2011.
Mjukvaruplattform för riggstyrning
Today the competition in the automobile industry is getting all tougher. The technology behind cars becomes more advanced. To get ahead of competitors car companies has to look into new areas of innovation.One important area is vehicle safety. Bigger companies have come so far in vehicle safety that difference between cars more depends on the car type (size) than the technology behind it.There is one area where vehicle safety that still has great opportunities for improvement, which is in active safety. The term active safety states that the car has the ability to identify treats and automatically respond to the treats.
Hur effektivt är finasteridbehandling mot ärftligt manligt håravfall?
The most common form of hair loss in young and old people is androgenic alopecia. Hereditary hair loss affects both men and women. Hereditary hair loss in some women begins at the age of 30, but as a rule hair loss begins in post-menopausal women. In women the hair thins out in an oval portion of the front part of the scalp. In men, hair loss can start as early as at the age of 20.
Attitudes towards hedging by diversified and non-diversified farmers : a comparative qualitative study
Deregulation on the market for agricultural products leads to a more globalised market with increasing price fluctuations. This, in turn, places the farmer in positions influenced by new risks but also improved opportunities. The farmers are faced by uncertainty in terms of financial outcome. To be able to utilise these new market conditions it becomes increasingly important for farmers to continuously follow the price trend, and to develop strategies how to manage the risks exposed by a volatile market.
Farmers with different conditions perceive risk in different ways. Hence, their risk management behaviour will vary.
Hybridlandskap : nya möjligheter för offentliga platser i staden
This project explores how artificial landscapes as parks and squares above ground can save space by using the vertical voids in urban environments and how they can create spatial and social as well as ecological qualities and connections.
Hybrid landscapes are a phenomenon of current interest within the field of architecture and urbanism. Architecture as surface, where facades and roofs become possible to tread, is a relatively recent occurence that has over the past few years become an increasingly common sight in architectural magazines and on international architecture exhibitions. Many of my selected reference projects have often been associated with sensational contemporary design trends generated by advanced computer software. But the phenomenon is also a result of other different currents of change that exist within today?s society, such as densified cities with a lack of open space, which is also expressed in architecture.