

2360 Uppsatser om Planning lessons - Sida 42 av 158

Potentiella armeringsfel inom byggproduktionen : En generell studie

Reinforcement is of great importance to fulfill the dimensioned strength of a concrete construction. This requires that the work needs to be carried out with adequate results that neither endangers the workers or the safety of the construction. Progressive development of the planning phase, construction documents, and construction methods is in constant need since the technology constantly evolves.In order for contractors to be able to get acceptances from their quotations requires that they have to increase their working pace in order to be able to leave a quotation with a lower price than the competition.Due to the increasing pace the different parts involved in the construction process is subjected to time pressure. The design stage, construction documents, work preparation and the execution are all affected when everything has to be finished quickly. To avoid problems, it is required that all parts are able to deliver good quality solutions and results under the influences of time pressure, which is not always easy.

Fysisk planering ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv ? fallstudie i Hjo

Hur samverkar de nationella folkhälsomålen med fysisk planering, och på vilket sätt kan folkhälsomålen beaktas för att förbättra förutsättningarna för ökad fysisk aktivitet hos barn? Denna studie är en fallstudie i Hjo kommun. Studien tar utgångspunkt i kommunens folkhälsoproblematik som visar att det finns en hög förekomst av övervikt hos barn. Intentionen är att undersöka vilka organisatoriska processer som kan underbygga det kommunala arbetet med folkhälsomålen, liksom att ta reda på vilka faktorer i den fysiska miljön som skapar förutsättningar för barns fysiska aktivitet. Avsikten med studien har varit att skapa ett underlag för Hjo kommuns översiktliga planering.

Effektivisering av råvarulager för lagerhållning av ett bredare artikelsortiment

SUMMARYInventory of raw materials holds an important role in companies within the manufacturingsector. The inventory works as a buffer that secure the supply of materials to the productionunit. The aim of the inventory is to ensure that the company is able to meet the customers?demands despite fluctuations and variations in the material flow. The size of the warehouseand the layout are physical limitations for the quantity of articles that can be stored.

Trängselskatt En jämförelse av systemet i Göteborg och Stockholm

SUMMARYInventory of raw materials holds an important role in companies within the manufacturingsector. The inventory works as a buffer that secure the supply of materials to the productionunit. The aim of the inventory is to ensure that the company is able to meet the customers?demands despite fluctuations and variations in the material flow. The size of the warehouseand the layout are physical limitations for the quantity of articles that can be stored.

Skyddsombudets Roll : En undersökning av skyddsombudets säkerhetsarbete på byggarbetsplatsen

Safety in the construction industry has become a question of top priority in recent years. Despite a massive investment of time, money and knowledge, the occur-rence of fatal accidents in Sweden alone is around one a month.The purpose of this study is therefore to improve the safety on the construction site. By an examination of the role of the safety agents and their cooperation with the construction workers and supervisors as well as examine how safety agents can improve safety on the construction site, which is the goal of the study.Four questions were formulated based on the purpose and the goal of the study.The methods used to answer the questions were a questionnaire survey, multiple interviews, a literature review and a document analysis.The report describes the safety agent?s role as a complex one with many different tasks. The role of the safety agents is regulated in the health and safety law, but it can sometimes be difficult to interpret and the agents can therefore interpret their role differently.

Bookcrossing ? vad är det? En kvalitativ användarstudie av bookcrossare

The purpose of this thesis was to explore the phenomenon called bookcrossing. To fulfill this I have asked the following research questions: Why do people participate in bookcrossing?What functions do books have for bookcrossers? The method used is qualitative, semi structured interviews. Four active bookcrossers have been interviewed. These interviews revealed that bookcrossing as an activity in a medium sized town is very small.

En klimatanpassad järnväg : Långsiktig planering av infrastruktur i ett föränderligt klimat

Global warming is going to affect our society in many ways. One can say that the problem we face has two different sides. One of those sides has received a lot of attention, namely how we can reduce our emissions of greenhouse gases. However, because of the climate system's inertia the climate will continue to evolve over a period, no matter how much we will cut back on emissions. Because of this, we have to start adapting our society to the climate changes that we cannot influence.

GIS-baserad habitatmodell för mindre hackspett, ett verktyg för att bevara skyddsvärda lövskogar inom Umeälvlandskapet :

Deciduous forests are, according to the National Environmental Quality Objectives, a priority area. Deciduous forests are rich in species and the occurrence of dead wood is an important factor for biodiversity. In order to identify valuable deciduous forests for bio-diversity, conservation needs good analyses and planning tools. Habitat models combined with geographic information systems can be used to study the spatial structure of suitable habitat. The Lesser spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos minor) has been proposed as an indicator species for deciduous forests, since this species is highly specialized on insect larvae in dead wood and requires large areas of deciduous-rich environments. Many riparian forest with high species richness and high nature conservation values are found along the Ume river in Umeå municipality.

Utveckling av Solbergsudde Från fritidshusområde till permanentbebyggelse - med bevarad karaktär

Västerviks kommun har under tiotals år haft en vikande befolkningsutveckling men under de senaste åren har en förändring skett och trenden har brutits. En stor satsning på att uppföra sjönära bostadsområden nära staden har lockat till inflyttning, och kommunen vill fortsätta den utvecklingen. Solbergsudde ligger strax utanför Västervik och det finns långt framskridna planer på att där uppföra ett nytt attraktivt bostadsområde med blandad bebyggelse. Solbergsudde präglas av en lantlig skärgårdskaraktär och idag finns där 17 bostadshus/fritidshus som ej är planlagda. Problem finns med både enskilda läckande avloppsanläggningar och brist på färskvatten.

Som små astronauter : -En idrottslärares berättelse om specialgymnastik i skolan

The aim of this work is to examine methodologies at remedial lessons for children with weak mobility, in a common Swedish municipal school in an attempt to determine if a connection to theoretical learning exists.Kadesjö describes how difficulties in concentration can arise as a result of problems with mobility and perception, and according to Piaget very young children develop cogitation through physical movements. These connections are not news but always current.At the meeting with Lasse the question was born whether learning problems in school that are a result of concentration difficulties, could be countered with mobility training.By the selection of Life history as method, it?s possible to follow a physical educator's experiences through his 30 years of work, and to some extent even his private life. Experiences and results are notified from a historical perspective from 1976 until 2006.He is bringing us on a journey that shows the changes in methodology and results after his contact with Sensomotoriskt Centrum..

Förslag till utveckling av Tullkammarkajen, resecentrum samt dess närområde i Halmstad

Examensarbetet utgörs av en omfattande analys samt bakgrundsmaterial som redogör för planerings-förutsättningar samt problematik för planområdet. Analyserna och bakgrundsmaterialet mynnar sedan ut i ett planförslag som vägt ihop alla tillgängliga fakta och skapat en fungerande och attraktiv helhet. I huvudsak består planförslaget av följande delar: Arbetet tar upp ett översiktligt förslag till ett nytt resecentrum byggt utifrån den befintliga stationsbyggnaden. Även närområdet kring resecentrumet utvecklas för att skapa en attraktiv helhet som passar in i staden. Längs med Tullkammarkajen utvecklas ett nytt bostadsområde med vattennära bebyggelse.

Camping - tält eller stuga?

Syftet med det här examensarbetet har varit att se hur campingsituationen ser ut i Tanums kommun idag och analysera denna för att ge exempel på hur campingverksamheten kan utvecklas åt ett håll som ger en långsiktigt hållbar verksamhet, och som om det är möjligt tillgodoser de behov som olika intressenter har..

Planering för hållbar landsbygd

This is my final thesis in landscapeplaning at the Swedish University ofAgricultural Sciences (SLU). I discuss howthe countryside should be planned, witha sustainable perspective. In the study Iexamine four important conditions forplanning.The countryside is often defined bywhat it is not which makes it difficult todescribe in general terms. The definition ofthe term countryside in this study is takenfrom the National Rural DevelopmentAgency (Glesbygdsverket). The conclusionis: Planners and scientists should have anunderstanding for the complexity of thecountryside; otherwise there is a risk oflosing the characteristics of the country.The legislation, goals and conventionswhich have an impact on the Swedishcountryside are both national and international.To find out how the settlementdevelopment is dealt with, I havestudied the Swedish building legislations(among others, plan- och bygglagen andmiljöbalken).Similar to the difficulties on finding asuitable definition for the term countryside,it is complex to define the term sustainabledevelopment.

Lärare om bedömning och betygssättning : Hur ser bedömningen och betygssättningen ut på olika skolor och hur likvärdig är den?

This essay examines how high school teachers in physical education and health thinks about assessment and grading. The essay show how teachers assess pupils during lessons and how teachers grade their students. The survey was based on interviews, in which six different teachers answered questions on the topic of assessment and grading. The issues surrounding assessment was linked to the theoretical concepts of formative and summative assessment, to see if the assessment methods teachers use. The issues surrounding grading was related to the theoretical concepts of validity and reliability in order to see how similar the grading is.The essay provides a picture of how the assessment and rate again looks different teachers.

Närvaro och frånvaro : en studie om elevers tankar runt skolk

Truancy is a problem in the Swedish schools today, just as well as in other European and other developed countries where educataion is gratuitous. Teachers all over Sweden go to classes with a clear and well-planned schedule for the day. But some are unable to do their work because of asent students. In this study I have chosen to focus on the perspective of the youths and the main question is: how do students discuss and think about truancy. During the study I have chosen a qualitative approach and have therefore done observation in various classes in a Swedish senior high school in a suburb outside Stockholm during twelve weeks.

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