

2360 Uppsatser om Planning lessons - Sida 24 av 158

Hur kan jag veta det när det inte står i texten? : Läsförståelse bland gymnasieelever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar

Studies show that some pupils with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) can have difficulties in understanding written texts. The present study seeks to examine whether pupils with ASD differ in their reading comprehension of a factual text and a literary text. Another aim of the study is to obtain a picture of the reading habits of high school pupils with ASD, what reading strategies they use, and how they work with texts in Swedish lessons in school.The study uses texts from PISA surveys from 2009 and 2000. The factual text Varmluftsballongen (The Hot-air Balloon) was taken from the try-out for the 2009 survey and the literary text Gåvan (The Gift) was taken from the 2000 PISA survey. To gain some idea of the pupils? reading comprehension of the texts, the present study used the tasks accompanying the texts, with certain changes in the questions about the text on the hot-air balloon.

Stora Södergatan : communicating a street´s potential through site reading

In urban planning and design today interventions tend to take place in already existing areas and inevitably effect also surrounding areas. The many parties involved in any change leads to a demand for a shared language around these areas. This thesis aim to, through understanding and communicating a site, Stora Södergatan in Lund Sweden, inspire to a novel way of looking at an urban site preceding design- or planning interventions. Based on a theoretical framework where site is considered as a relational construct, material as well as immaterial, a framework for site thinking is constructed. Further, with theory of representation, the communication of the site is emphasized and accounted for as part of the framework.

Nya PBL- vad hände sen? : En fallstudie kring den reviderade lagens påverkan på det kommunala planarbetet med fokus på klimataspekten

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the revised Planning and Building Act (SFS 2010:900) have influenced the comprehensive planning in Swedish municipalities. A focus is directed at examining how the new law regulates a greater consideration to climate aspects and the what consequences this results in regarding the implementation of the law in Swedish municipalities comprehensive plans.The paper is a case study, containing both quantitative and qualitative methods. The case study is based on three municipal comprehensive plans. Based on quantitative material three municipalities have been selected to constitute the sample of this study. These municipalities are A?lvsbyn, Sollentuna and Olofstro?m.

Förslag till miljöförbättrande åtgärder i Hammarkullen

Hammarkullen tillkom under slutet av 1960- talet och början av 1970. Området har formats av den tidens ideal med breda vägar och uppdelade funktioner. I Hammarkullen har få förändringar och förbättringar gjorts sedan det blev till. Genom att studera området, hur det ser ut idag, kvaliteter och brister, samt genom analyser har jag valt att främst fokuserat mitt arbete på: ? komplettering av bebyggelse ? utveckling av den yttre miljön ? utveckling av torget Huvuddelen i mitt examensarbete ligger i planförslaget.

Cykelstaden - en studie av planeringsåtgärder och infrastruktur för en cykelvänligare stad

Ett samhälle där en hög andel av transporterna sker på cykel har många fördelar för miljön, hälsan och ekonomin. Inom staden har cykeln även fördelen att den tar lite utrymme i anspråk och kan bidra till en attraktivare stadsmiljö. Syftet med detta arbete är att presentera åtgärder som ger förutsättning för en ökad och säker cykeltrafik. Baserat på svenska och utländska riktlinjer samt exempel från städer med en hög cykelandel ges en överblick över olika sätt att främja cykling i staden. Det handlar om att inkludera cykelplanering i övriga stadsplaneprocesser, att skapa strategier för stadens utveckling av cykling, att satsa på fysisk infrastruktur anpassad efter cyklisters behov och att informera och följa upp de mål som sätts.

Att fysiskt utforma en attraktiv stadsdel - en strategiplan över Salöts södra udde

I planeringssammanhang är det vanligt att tala om en attraktiv stad, men begreppet är svårdefinierat. Dels därför att det är starkt kopplat till individens egna värderingar, men också därför att begreppet består av många faktorer. Det är därför praktiskt omöjligt att utforma en attraktiv stad om inte begreppet attraktiv stad definieras. Det finns många teoretiker som forskat inom området, genom olika tidsepoker och med olika infallsvinklar. Trots den allomfattande forskningen finns det idag ingen enskild teori eller definition på vad som utgör en attraktiv stad. Examensarbetet har lett fram till en undersökning av begreppet attraktiv stad, som sedermera lett fram till olika faktorer och beståndsdelar som bygger upp definitionen attraktiv stad.

Hur uppnås ekologisk hållbarhet? Samverkan & Motkrafter

Begreppet hållbar utveckling har växt fram kring orsaker och lösningar för globala försörjnings- och deponeringskriser. Begreppet är mycket brett och diskuteras runt om i världen. Diskussionen om hur samhället ska uppnå en hållbar utveckling har påverkat fysisk planering och trafikplanering. Grunden till en hållbar utveckling ligger i en samordnad och miljöanpassad bebyggele- och trafikplanering. Det är bland annat viktigt att det finns förutsättningar för en effektiv och miljöanpassad kollektivtrafik och ett effektivt gång- och cykeltrafiknät.

Metodikmodell för styrning vid inköp

The work with this report has been focused on developing a methodology model for control at purchase. The methodology model covers parts classification, dispatching systems, batch shaping and more. The aim with the methodology model is that it will be used as an aid for a cost effective material planning to increase the value for customer.The work covers also a description of the present situation and the purchase process at Company X. Six parts have been applied, two from each class (A, B and C), in the methodology/model. The parts that have been applied are included in the flow between Company X and their supplier Company Y.Data have been collected trough literature studies, interviews and the company?s business system.

Översiktlig kustzonsplanering - hur kustzonsplanering behandlas i översiktsplaneringen

Detta examensarbete på kandidatnivå i Fysisk Planering på Blekinge Tekniska Högskola är en studie av översiktsplanering över kustzonen. Syftet med uppsatsen att identifiera svårigheter och möjligheter med kustzonsplanering inom översiktsplaneringen genom att utifrån teorin analysera hur ett antal valda kommuner arbetar med kustzonsplaneringen och dess frågor i respektive översiktsplan med utgångspunkt i frågeställningen som lyder följande: ? Hur behandlas kustzonsplanering i översiktsplaneringen hos kommunerna? ? På vilket sätt tillvaratas relevanta miljömål, riksintressen och lagstiftning i kommunernas kustzonsplanering enligt översiktsplanerna? ? Vilka planeringsfrågor hanteras på översiktlig nivå inom kustzonsplanering? Fallstudien består av en analys av Blekinge Läns fyra kustkommuner Karlskrona kommun, Ronneby kommun, Karlshamns kommun och Sölvesborgs kommun. Analysen utgår från forskningsfrågorna. För att få en bakgrund och ett stöd till fallstudien har ett teorikapitel utarbetats.

Lean och värdeskapadnde sjukvården : En fallstudie

Now a day?s there is dramatic change from traditional to digital information processing in construction industry. This change can be visualized in the project concept stage where it now has accessibility to join all the data in one place. Location-based planning technique simplifies scheduling by visualizing the schedule efficiently and has many advantages such as might shortened the project period by about 10 - 20 % if the company uses location-based technology, reducing risks in many ways by maintaining production continuity and identify collisions between things etc. Vico Office software has been used for Location based planning technique and in this thesis.The purpose of this thesis work was to demonstrate how location -based planning technology change the scheduling stage in Peab, potentially reducing the project time.

Genuspedagogis i Förskolan

Several cities have implemented various projects to improve traffic safety in city centers.During 1970s and 1980s the city centers changed as the suburbs grew and large shopping centers were located outside the center. At the same time, several projects were initiated with construction of pedestrian streets and restriction of traffic in the center. In year 1994,shared-used areas were introduced in Sweden and these areas are often used in center environments.In Sweden, municipalities are responsible for integrating security in public places and in comprehensive plans and detailed development plans. The National Board of Housing,Building and Planning is the authority for administrating planning issues and develop general guidance about planning. Traffic is one of their key issues, although today there are no concrete guidelines from the National Board of Housing, Building and Planningfor the design of traffic safety in city centers.Traffic safety in city centers affects many people because the city center is a public place.It is therefore important that there are current guidelines available that are helpful for changes and improvements in traffic safety in the city center.The purpose of this report is to formulate guidelines for planning city centers from a traffic safety perspective.

e-infrastruktur som stöd för hemtjänsten

The annual cost of home care services of transport in Falun/Borlänge, is now at 31 million kronor. It is clear from previous research that it is possible to reduce these costs through a restructuring of the existing home-help service. The restructuring aims to have a higher proportion of older people, who are in need of care, to live in special accommodation, in order to reduce transport costs. Therefore there is a need for systems that allow home-help service to plan their operations in such a way that transport is working as efficiently as possible. Through better planning, there are profits to be done.

Evaluation of animal welfare education in primary schools in Lilongwe, Malawi

Animal welfare issues are not considered as high priority in Malawi, a developing country in south east Africa, due to problems affecting the human population. In Lilongwe, the capital city, education programs are used to increase the awareness of animal welfare issues among primary school children. A study was undertaken to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and practice of animal welfare in primary school children as well as two different teaching methods for animal welfare, namely humane lessons (HL) and Animal Kindness Clubs (AKC). The gender perspective, in terms of differences in attitude towards and knowledge in animal welfare, was also evaluated as well as the link between domestic and animal violence. The study was performed in collaboration with Lilongwe Society for the Protection and Care of Animals (LSPCA). A questionnaire of multiple choice character was handed out to 249 children aged between 9 and 15 from six different schools.

Psykosocial hälsa i samhällsplanering: en litteraturbaserad studie om kontextuella och kompositionella faktorer i bostadsområdet

ABSTRACT: Introduction: There are intentions from the Swedish government to provide guidelines and tools for a healthy social planning. The field is in a Swedish context relatively unstudied regarding psychosocial health and the neighbourhood. Aim: The study aimed to examine how social planning can affect the health of individuals. The focus areas were contextual and compositional factors related to individuals' psychosocial health and the contextual risk- and health factors that exist in the neighbourhood. Method: A literature-based study was conducted and 15 scholarly articles form the basis for analyse.

En trädgård, en boksamling och det väl valda ordet : genrepedagogik för skriftspråksutveckling hos framgångsrika respektive mindre framgångsrika skriftspråkare i gymnasiet

This is a qualitative analysis that, based on systemic functional linguistics, or SFL, and genre theory, has aimed to study the genre pedagogical implications on written language as they occur in narrative stories and expositions whilst the model is introduced. Systemic functional linguistics is a linguistic theory that views the organisation of language as functional options for meaning; language is a set of resources to channel meaning through realisation. Genre theory elucidates the pragmatic and educational uses of SFL in the categorizing of language in configurations of meanings as they are set and understood in different cultures.  The purpose of the survey is to do so with focus on successful and less successful writers by attempting to answer two primal issues:How is development of written language in reference to the introduction of the genre pedagogical model visible in the studied texts?How does genre pedagogical teaching influence successful and less successful writers as visible in their writing with a certain purpose?To answer these issues the survey is based on narratives and expositions written by high school students who have been divided into two groups according to the purpose of the survey. One text in each genre has been written by the students before and after lessons based on the genre pedagogical learning wheel explaining the relevant genres.

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