

49 Uppsatser om Physiology - Sida 1 av 4

Arbetsprov i fält på ridhästar

Sport horses are widely used for performance in jumping, dressage, endurance etc. To enable comparisons of horses, training facilities, programs or physical status, an exercise test can be used. Exercise tests are also important to increase knowledge about exercise Physiology of the horse considering different ways of training to compare training methods or individual qualities, development of an individual or other investigations of equine exercise Physiology. Since several investigations are done on standard- and thoroughbred horses but less on sport horses, it is of great importance to get an overview of the investigations done. Most common is to investigate heart rate and lactate concentration.

Reproductive physiology of the female cat

The cat is one of our most common pets. Understanding the reproductive Physiology of the queen is important, not only for the knowledge of our domestic cats but also for wild undomesticated feline species, many of which have been reported endangered. Understanding the mechanisms behind the estrous cycle, ovulation and pregnancy is also important for handling the feral cat populations that are a problem in several countries. The purpose of this literature study is to look into the hormonal patterns of the reproductive Physiology of the female cat, with focus on ovulation, pregnancy and pseudo-pregnancy, and from this information determine in which fields more research would be needed. The female cat is seasonally polyestrous in Sweden, meaning that she can have several estrous cycles during the breeding season but goes through a long period of reproductive dormancy during the darker months of the year. The queen is considered an induced ovulator, with copulation triggering the release of luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland needed for ovulation.

The cow eye-Function and effect of light on milk yield

The purpose of this review was to study the cow eye Physiology, focusing on how it registers light, and to see how light affects the cow?s milk yield. It has been showed in studies that more hours of light per day (16 hours of light a day) as opposed to about 9-12 hours of light a day, increases milk yield for dairy cows. This review contains suggestions on how this is connected with the Physiology of the eye. Vision is an important sense for many mammals, and is used to check out the animals surroundings. Sensor cells in the eyeball help in turning photons from the light into signals to the brain.

Litteraturstudie om möjligheterna att analysera och modifiera talsignaler

This bachelor thesis is a literature study of the possibility to analyze and modify speech signals and will act as a pilotstudy for future theses in speaker verification.The thesis deals with the voice anatomy and Physiology, synthesizer history and the various methods available when thevoice is used as a biometric method.A search and evaluation of existing programs have been conducted to determine the relevance of the attacks on theparameters used for speaker verification.

Tamillern : beteende, hantering och omvårdnad

This essay is intended for veterinary nurses and its purpose is to contribute to an increased knowledge about the ferret and there by a better nursing care at clinics. The essay discuss in briefness origin and earlier use of the ferret but also anatomy, Physiology and reproduction. The senses of the ferret, as vision and hearing, are described in connection with behaviour. The part of the essay where nursing care is described bring up procedures as handling when collecting blood, medical techniques and how the clinic best should be suited for these animals. The main part of the essay is based on literature studies but it also contains a study visit at Blå Stjärnans animal hospital in Göteborg. 23.

Kronisk hjärtsvikt hos katt

This student report is a literature study about cardiac insufficiency in cats and it is written mainly for veterinary nurses. It is about cats with an underlying heart disease that has led to an incompensated heart failure.It presents a general basis on normal anatomy and Physiology, and also how to make the diagnosis, therapy and intensive care.The student report is also about the role of the veterinary nurse during the process of the disease, how to help the veterinarian in the best way, how to handle anesthesia in cats with a heart disease, which factors that can have a significant matter in feeding, and what advices to give to a pet owner with a cat with a incompensated heart failure..

Klinisk omvårdnad av den dräktiga tiken och hennes neonatala valpar

Nursing and care for the pregnant bitch and her neonatal puppies is an important part of the animal nursing profession either if it concerns normal reproductionPhysiology, pregnancies, diseases or complications at home of the animalowner. This piece of work gives a guidance of what a Veterinary nurse at a clinic should have in mind while given treatments, complications and normal Physiology with the bitch and her neonatal puppies in order to be able to perform a professional cooperation with the veterinary surgeon at emergency teatmentcases and to make the animal owners satisfied with enough knowledge to answer their questions about the subject..

Djuromvårdnad vid fång, bärrandsröta och spiktramp hos häst

60 million years ago the horse was the size of a small dog, and walked on four toes. Today it can weigh up to 500-1000 kg and has evolved to walking on only one phalanx. The anatomy of the horses? legs and hooves allow them to run at high speeds, and at the same time enables them to bear the extremely high concussions applied to the foot at high speeds or jumps. Every horse owner has his or her own opinion on how to manage their horses? hooves, and whether the horse should be shod or unshod. The knowledge, commitment and attention of the owner determine the quality of the hoof care, but also the time between the arising of symptoms of abnormalities of the hoof until care is sought with a farrier or veterinarian. New laws will be applied at the beginning of 2015 which bring on changes in authorization for farriers.

Det trådlösa stetoskopet : kardiovaskulär data över GPRS

Inom området för telemedicin efterfrågas praktiska sätt för läkare att snabbt och tillförlitligt kunna ställa preliminära diagnoser. Genom att använda GPRS kan stetoskopljud överföras över långa avstånd. På så vis kan en patient bli undersökt utan att behöva träffa sin läkare. Den här rapporten förklarar arbetet med att konstruera ett trådlöst stetoskop som använder sig av GPRS. In the area of telemedicine practical methods are wantedfor a doctor to quickly and reliably be able to set a preliminary diagnose.

Brain Gym® - En väg till ökad självkännedom i lärandesituationer? En studie vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö utifrån ett lärar- och studentperspektiv

Title: Brain Gym®? An approach to increase self-knowledge in situations of learning?- A study at the Malmö Academy of Music from a teacher and student perspective. Brain Gym® is a method developed by Paul Dennison in his studies of Physiology and aims to eliminate potential blockages during the process of learning. During the influence of stress, as in learning, we do not possess a total access to our perceptive ability. Instead we are limited to our so called dominance profile.

Går det att mäta blodtryck med fotopletysmografi och bioakustisk sensor i kombination?

The aim of the work was to investigate the possibility to combine information from PPG and bio-acoustic technology to extract information that is related to the blood pressure. The measurements have been carried out with several different configurations. First the relation between arterial sounds and the PPG-signal was studied. After those measurements with both PPG and the bio- acoustic technique was concluded on people in different positions and after riding a bike. The goal was to vary the blood pressure.

Hållning av kastrerade och icke kastrerade försöksmöss i par som en lösning på aggressivt beteende

Aggression between laboratory mice is a common problem and can result in welfare issues such as mice hurting or killing each other and also stress. Swedish laws and regulations clearly states that mice must be housed with a companion due to their natural social structure. Many studies have investigated the effect off enrichment, group size, cage size and other potential changes in in their environment on the occurrence of aggression. Even with these changes aggression can exist and therefore a new solution was tested in this paper. The proposed solution was to house an intact mouse with a castrated one and thus fulfill laws and regulations while still maintaining the Physiology of one of the mice for the purpose of medical experiments.

Vilken arbetssituation, ingångslön och upplevelse har den nyutexaminerade tandhygienisten av sitt arbete som legitimerad tandhygienist -En enkätstudie

The aim of the study was to describe how hygienist`s receiving their certificate during 2003 and 2004, perceive their working situation, salary and impression of their first employment as a registered dental hygienist. A questionnaire was sent out to new dental hygienist`s examined year 2003 and 2004 in Sweden. Most of the new examined dental hygienist`s found the education adequate or more than adequate. A few individuals found it inadequate. The ones finding the education inadequate wanted more clinical practice and more training in administrative work.

En kombination av Bluetooth och LabVIEW för ett universellt mätdatorsystem inom medicinsk teknik

Examensarbetet är utfört på Linköpings Universitet, Institutionen för Medicinsk Teknik och bygger på att undersöka möjligheterna för trådlös överföring av mätvärden via Bluetooth. Mätningarna gäller två olika hårdvaror som med metoden PPG mäter blodflöde, en ny förenklad hårdvara och en mer avancerad och tidigare utvecklad hårdvara. Arbetet är tvådelat, under första delen upprättades en kommunikation med Bluetooth och två metoder för överföring av data undersöktes. Under andra delen togs ett gränssnitt fram i utvecklingsmiljön LabVIEW för styrning av hårdvarorna samt för åskådliggörandet av mätdata. Metoderna som undersöktes för dataöverföring är att antingen kontinuerligt skicka samplat data direkt från en AD-omvandlare eller att fylla bluetoothmodulens minne för att därefter skicka samtliga värden samtidigt.

Vindkraft och rennäring

The Swedish Parliament has decided to increase the share of electricity produced by wind power. The same parliament has decided that the Sami have the right to herd reindeer over 50% of the country's land area. In this literature review the potential impact wind power development and associated infrastructure may have on reindeer husbandry conditions are examined. The unique Physiology of the reindeer enables it to live out of grazing in the arctic climate in the north of Sweden. For reindeer husbandry to be long-term productive and sustainable, it is important that there is enough land for grazing. The research available on how reindeer are disturbed by human activities such as roads, mines, hikers, etc., clearly indicates that the reindeer avoids areas close to such disturbance.

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