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Research on the power of customer involvement, and in particular recommendation is very resourceful. Many studies have mapped the reasons for why customers are willing to recommend, however they often ignore potential differences among brands and how that may affect these reasons. This study is built on a quantitative survey investigating how consumers interact with brands, depending on category affiliation. The categories used were Bhat and Reddy's symbolic and functional, consisting of three brands respectively where each brand represented a different product type.The evolvement of social media has also transformed the platform of recommendation from physical to virtual and changed the way people connect. Thus, taking the investigation further, potential differences between symbolic and functional brands was tested in different social media platforms.

Vänsterhandsteknik för klassisk gitarr

In this examination paper I?m using the qualitative method: phenomenographic analysis to present twenty educated and working pre-school teachers opinions about being outdoors in Swedish pre-school. The purpose is to describe the variation between different pre-school teachers? opinions, not to focus on wrong or right.    The paper starts with a review over the opinions presented by the literature on the subject.

Resonemang omkring motivation : En undersökning av elitsatsande gymnasieelevers motivationsfaktorer i fotboll vid en NIU skola i Sverige.

Abstract: Elite soccer in combination with education is a unique and demanding task. The path towards a glory career in sports takes hard mental and physical training. The objectives in this study are 6 elite focused high school students studying high school education programs in combination with football profile. They are 3 of each gender. The purpose of the study was to find out more about their perspective of motivation and what makes them keep going towards a career in football in beside their education.The study is of empiric hermeneutic survey used qualitative method and interviewing to collect data.

Gröna tak som del i ett hållbart stadsbyggande

Green roofs have seen a revival in the society of today. They provide many functions of which both society as a whole and the individual can take part. In particular extensive green roofs, that requires little or even zero maintenance, provides very valuable functions. Green roofs affect our environment and our economy in a positive manner as well as the physical expression of buildings. In this bachelor thesis the impact of green roofs on society has been examined throughout literature studies. The result as a compilation of contemporary research in this field is presented together with a discussion about the use of green roofs in general. The two major arguments for an extended use of green roofs are, the high stormwater retention capacity and the cost-benefits seen over time compared to a conventional roof.

Beröring - Ett sätt att få vård. Ett sätt att ge vård. : En systematisk litteraturstudie

Syftet med studien var att belysa faktorer som påverkar äldre, över 65 år, patienters upplevelse av beröring, dess effekter samt belysa sjuksköterskans upplevelse av att ge beröring. Metoden är en systematisk litteraturstudie, baserad på 15 vetenskapliga artiklar sökta via databaserna Cinahl, Cochrane och sökmotorn Elin@dalarna.Resultatet visade att genus, livserfarenhet, yrkeskompetens hos sjuksköterskan, relationer samt vilken del av kroppen som berördes var faktorer som styrde patientens upplevelse av beröring från sjuksköterskan.Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att ge beröring visades genom en helhetssyn av patienten, ge bekräftelse, vårda med respekt samt kunna beröra på ett naturligt sätt. Beröring visades ha goda effekter både hos den äldre patienten och sjuksköterskan genom att relationsbanden mellan dem styrktes, minskade sömnproblemen samt lindrade smärta, stress och oro hos den äldre patienten..

Aktivitetsbegränsningar i vardagen hos kvinnor med fibromyalgi

Fibromyalgi karaktäriseras av utbredd, diffus värk i musklerna och ömhet vid beröring och tryck. Sjukdomen kan ha ett negativt inflytande på dagliga livets aktiviteter vilket kan leda till aktivitetsbegränsningar. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om kvinnor med diagnosen fibromyalgi upplever aktivitetsbegränsningar i vardagen. Syftet var också att beskriva vilka aktiviteter som begränsas, på vilket sätt de begränsas och vilka copingstrategier och praktiska lösningar som används. Metoden som användes var halvstrukturerade intervjuer som utfördes på fem kvinnor med fibromyalgi.

Ambulanspersonalens upplevelse av regelbunden strukturerad fysisk aktivitet

Ambulanspersonal (ambulanssjuksköterskor, specialistsjuksköterskor och ambulanssjukvårdare) förväntas klara av både fysiska och psykiska påfrestningar och samtidigt utföra en patientsäker vård. Framförallt de fysiska påfrestningarna kan skapa muskuloskeletala besvär hos ambulanspersonalen. Muskuloskeletala besvär kan leda till arbetsrelaterade förslitningsskador i nacke, skuldror, ländrygg och knän. Syftet med studien var att beskriva ambulanspersonalens upplevelse av regelbunden strukturerad fysisk aktivitet. Studien utfördes med kvalitativ design och en induktiv ansats där sex manliga deltagare intervjuades.

Festivalturismens inverkan på destination och attraktion : En studie kring Storsjöyrans påverkan på Östersund

This essay will examine in which way festival tourism can affect the physical location of a festival and to operationalize this we implemented a case study of the music festival Storsjöyran. Storsjöyran is a Swedish music festival held annually in the city of Östersund and since the festival, with the accompanying festival week, attract up to 300 000 visitors annually, we wanted to see what impact the festival contributed to from a development perspective of the destination. The method for gathering data has consisted of both qualitative and quantitative approaches and the data was collected via interviews and questionnaires. We also presented various theories about festival tourism and destination development, as well as previous research on urban festivals. The conclusion is that Storsjöyran contributes to a variety of factors which can help Östersund to a destination development and increased tourism.

Arbetstillfredsställelse : En jämförelse mellan kvinnliga och manliga industriarbetare på två avdelningar

The purpose of the present quantitative study was to examine gender differences inperceived job satisfaction in two departments, with different work patterns, in a Swedishmanufacturing industry. The questionnaire contained 30 statements and five backgroundquestions. The questionnaire was designed in combination of Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS),Work demands, Social support, Control and Competence (ASK), Questionnaire forPsychological and Social factors at Work (QPS Nordic) and Minnesota SatisfactionQuestionnaire (MSQ). Job satisfaction was measured based on the categories influence atwork, leadership, employee influence, work requirements and the physical environment. Theresults of the present study showed an interaction of gender and department where the femaleindustrial workers, who worked with more monotonous and standardized work tasks, valuedall of the categories of job satisfaction the lowest, except for the category employee impact.The results are believed to depend on that the women in the department had greater demandsfor variety in the work..

Lindsberg : en kvalitativ undersökning av platsbunden entitetkontinuitet

This essay is an analysis of a three-day participant observation with sensitive people in a house with entity continuity. The purpose was to investigate the possible experiences participants had during their stay. The method used was modified based theory with Jungian application. The investigation showed that the core category was a peculiar atmosphere which the participants related to a different world than the physical. The place? atmosphere influenced the participants and led to transcendent experiences related to a spirit realm.

Sprickor i planeringen. Ett utforskande mönsterarbete om en storstad

The goal with my project was to explore what it is that distinguishes Berlin as a city and then translate that into abstract patterns. The patterns are made for wallpaper and are presented in a book as a collection.After spending six months almost constantly abroad visiting many different citys I began to wonder what it is that makes a city unique. Sometimes it feels as though cities are reduced to the sum of their famous sights. But of course a city is more than that. It?s the people who live in it, the history, architecture and culture.

I Staffan Wermes skugga : I maktens korridorer med en hegemonisk kommunstyrelseordförande

In this essay I try to find out how the local political climate in the Swedish Municipal Örebro looks like through the eyes of Michel Foucault. I?ve been focusing on the concept power, knowledge and politic. I?ve been applying the discourse theory on the study and the founder of that theory is Chantal Mouffe and Ernesto Laclau, the discoursetheory is a refinement of Foucaults thoughts about discourse.

Menstruationscykelns inverkan på kvinnors preferenser för mäns ansikten

Menstruationscykelns inverkan på kvinnors preferenser för mäns ansiktenSammanfattningDetta är en systematisk replikation av Penton-Voaks och Perrets studie (1999) då en preferens hos kvinnor för maskuliniserade ansiktsdrag under hög befruktningsrisk i menstruationscykeln hittades. Dessa drag tros vara en ärlig signal för goda gener och immunokompetens hos män. Oklarhet råder huruvida detta gäller för olika populationer. 36 svenska universitetsstuderande kvinnor fick därför välja ut de mest fysiskt attraktiva ansiktena, utifrån maskuliniserade och feminiserade bildserier, vid hög respektive låg befruktningsrisk. Ingen signifikant skillnad hittades mellan de olika faserna.

Betydelsen av högskolestudenters träningsbeteende på det psykiska välmåendet

Människans behov av fysisk aktivitet är lika stort idag som det alltid varit. Dock har människans genomsnittliga energiförbrukning minskat avsevärt i och med det mer moderna samhället. Enligt Fyss, (2008) är den åtgärd som skulle ha störst positiv effekt på folkhälsan ökad fysisk aktivitet. Fysisk aktivitet har visat sig ha positiva effekter på människors välmående, dock är verkningsmekanismerna okända. Idag använder samtliga landsting i Sverige sig av fysisk aktivitet som behandlingsform för olika sjukdomar.

Föräldrars upplevelser av att leva med barn som har neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder. : "Det är som en berg- och dalbana, det går upp och ner hela tiden"

The purpose of this study has been to describe and analyze how former foster children experienced foster care which have been filled with maltreatment and neglect and how this has influenced their adult life when it comes to health, education and relationships. We also wanted to study how the former foster children coped with their placement. Furthermore we wanted to study whether there has been any turningpoints during their growth. Finally we wanted to describe how the former foster children experienced the authorities control. To make the purpose of this study complete we chose to use qualitative interviews with six former foster children as our research method.

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