

2111 Uppsatser om Physical punishment - Sida 10 av 141

Spelifierings påverkan på motivation för fysisk aktivitet med utgångspunkt från Bartles taxonomi

To encourage and increase the motivation to physical activity by using new information and communication technology, in order to change our behaviours into a more healthy lifestyle, could be one approach to promote public health. In our study we examine how gamification, which is about implementing classical game design elements from the computer world in a non-gaming context, can be a tool to increase the motivation for physical activity. Since similar studies already have been done we chose to focus on analyzing how different player types from Bartle?s taxonomy can be affected by the usage of a gamification application. A group of students were therefore picked and during a two weeks? period they used the application Fitocracy where they logged their daily excercise.

Varför finns det soffor i biblioteket? Ett rumsligt perspektiv på barnbibliotekslokaler i Sverige.

The purpose of this study is to examine the physical space of children?s libraries in Sweden, and also to see which influences there are in the literature about the same subject. What ideas exist in the literature about the physical room of children?s libraries? We have studied how and if these influences can be seen in a selected number of children?s libraries. Our theoretical perspective is based on Anthony Gidden?s theory of construction.

Fysisk aktivitet som egenvårdsåtgärd och dess effekter vid hjärtsvikt hos patienter över 65 år : en litteraturöversikt

BackgroundHeart failure is an increasing chronic disease in the western world due to an aging population and a changed lifestyle. The basic treatment is pharmacological with substantial lifestyle changes. Much is known about physical exercise in middle aged and younger patients but in the patients over the age of 65, little is known. AimThe aim of this study was to investigate the effects of physical exercise on patients aged over 65 with congestive heart failure. MethodA systematic review was undertaken in the databases Cinahl and PubMed.

Modellering, identifiering och reglering av skannern i ett laserbatymetrisystem

The purpose with this masters thesis was to model the scanner in a system for laser bathymetry. The model was then used to develop a controller for the scanner so a good search pattern was achieved. Two different types of models have been tested, a physical model and a Black Box model of Box Jenkins type. The physical model has been derived from Lagranges equations. Identification experiments have been used to compute the Black Box model and to find the unknown parameters in the physical model.

"Den bästa motionen är den som blir av"Distriktssköterskans upplevelser i rollen som FAR-förskrivare

AbstractIntroduction: The condition of human health and its lifestyle has become a great questioner towards the public healthcare of our country. Despite the recommendations of at least 30 minutes physical exercise per day, many individuals of our society do not get the recommended amount of physical activity.  To improve the situation a method called ?Fysisk Aktivitet på Recept, FAR (Physical Activity on Recipe). This means that licensed health- and medical staff, as district nurses are able to write prescriptions on physical activity to patients.Purpose: Was to highlight the district nurse?s experience in the role of the FAR-prescribers.Method: The study was conducted using qualitative method.

Skolans utformning, ett hinder för lärares eget lärande? : En studie av den fysiska arbetsmiljöns påverkan på lärares eget lärande

This essay is written about how the physical environment affects teachers? own learning. The purpose is to see how the teachers? work is affected by various factors, such as the uses and placement of the teachers? offices, common room, or any other places where a meeting may occur. The survey was conducted using both interviews and observations of the teacher?s office.

Meningsfull undervisning i ämnet idrott och hälsa : En studie av elevers uppfattning av innehåll samt lärares arbetssätt för att aktivera och motivera inaktiva elever.

Meaningful teaching in physical education ? A study of pupils opinions of the contents and teachers methods to activate and account inactive pupils.Nowadays people in society are getting more and more inactive, and we have during our practice at different schools, noticed that many pupils are uncalled for and inactive at the lessons in physical education. The purpose with the study is to see what pupils in the ninth grade thinks about the contents of the subject and what they want it to contain to make the teaching more meaningful. The study also looks in to different methods that teachers in physical education use to make the lesson feel meaningful for all the pupils and how they work to activate and account inactive pupils. To collect the information we chose to distribute questioners to pupils and do interviews with teachers.

Hypotermibehandling efter hjärtstopp : Kognitiv och fysisk funktion samt självskattad hälsa efter 6 månader relaterat till tidsåtgång i vårdkedjan och primär hjärtrytm

AbstractAim of the study: Aim of the study was to investigate whether there were any connections in time between different parts of care in patients with cardiac arrest and hypothermia treatment and cognitive and physical function six months after cardiac arrest and to investigate neurological outcome related to primary registered cardiac arrest rhythm after six months and if there were any changes in cognitive and physical functions as well as self-related health between discharge from hospital and six months after cardiac arrest.Method: The study included 39 patients admitted to three Swedish hospitals between 2008-2011. Cognitive and physical function was evaluated with Cerebral Performance Cathegory, CPC completed with Mini Mental State Examination, MMSE for cognitive function and Bartels Index, BI for physical function and Euroqol-VAS for evaluating the self-related health.Result:  A significant connection was shown between time to start hypothermia treatment and BI, patients with longer time showed improved physical function after six months.Majority of the participants (66,7 %) had Ventricular fibrillation/Ventricular tachycardia, VF /VT, as primary registered cardiac arrest rhythm and in this group CPC and BI was significant better compared with the asystole /Pulsless Electrical Aktivity, PEA group.CPC, MMSE, BI and Euroqol-VAS were all improved over time.Conclusion: Participants with VF /VT as primary registered cardias arrest rhythm had significant better cognitive and physical function 6 months after hypothermia-treated cardiac arrest compared with participants with asystole/PEA as primary registered rhythm. This shows the importance of access to defibrillators in public places in the society and in hospitals and optimal education of lay people and medical staff. Cognitive and physical function and self-rated health improves over time, which might be a very important reason to convey patients, relatives and medical staff to continue cognitive and physical rehabilitation. Keywords: Cardiac arrest, hypothermia, cognitive and physical function, wellbeeing.

Ambulanspersonals uppfattning om fysiska tester och fysisk träning inom ambulanssjukvården

There is no standardized test to control the appropriate physical ability in the Swedish ambulance service. The county in question does not perform annual physical tests. A project has been going to develop science-based physical tests, designed for the ambulance service. The research has resulted in the Aasa-test.Objective: The aims of this study were to examine the ambulance staff perception of the Aasa-test relevance, introduction of annual tests and the importance of their own physical training in relation to ambulance work.Method: A quasi-experimental study with a comparative design has been conducted. Aasa-tests were conducted in 41 randomly selected staff at an ambulance station in central Sweden.

Kartläggning av skidinstruktörers hälsostatus : Generellt förekommande skador inom detta yrke

Good physical, psychological and social health is pursued both at work and at home. There is no current research into the health of ski instructors despite the physically demanding nature of skiing and high injury rate. The purpose of this study is to map out ski instructors physical and psychological health and see if there are common injuries amongst them. This study is a descriptive and correlating study including a survey of ten questions with self reported data from the instructors. Five ski schools from Sweden participated in the study and 86 surveys got sent out to the ski school directors.The result from this study shows that ski instructor´s physical, physiological, well being at work, stress level and self efficacy is good.

Föräldrars attityder till övervikt hos barn

Background: Overweight in children has been an increasing problem in recent years and research show that early intervention is important. The parents? diet- and exercise habits are important to lay the foundation for a healthy lifestyle for their children. Aim: To investigate parents? attitudes towards overweight in children.

Vägen till ett självständigt liv? : en studie om Rekryteringsgruppens betydelse för ryggmärgsskadades rehabilitering

Aim?Rekryteringsgruppen? (RG) is an organisation that through co-operating with the National Health service aims at optimizing the ability for physically disabled persons to rehabilitate. RG is a non-profit organisation ?using physical and mental exercise for disabled people, mainly neurologically disabled persons.? One of the goals that RG wants to achieve is ?that the target group will be able to live such an active and independent life as possible?. As no previous studies have been done in order to review the adaptation of RG:s work and its effects on the disabled, the purpose of this paper is to examine spinal cord injured individuals perception of independence concerning situation of life, ability to function and physical activity.MethodData have been collected by using three questionnaires.

Konditionstester i rehabiliteringssammanhang : - En litteraturöversikt

During the past few years there has been an observed decrease in physical fitness within different patient groups. As a part of the rehabilitating physiotherapy treatment it is important to acknowledge the physical condition of the patient. Physical fitness testing might be difficult due to physical limitations within different patient groups. A broad range of exercise tests is therefore of importance in clinical practice. The aim of this overview was to describe exercise tests used in rehabilitation contexts, and to define areas of use and restrictions.

Fysisk träning för ordningspoliser : Har fysisk träning någon betydelse för den stillasittande polisen?

Research shows that policing is mostly sedentary but physically and mentally demanding tasks occur and that policing includes factors like police inherent stress which may impair the health of police officers. Research has also found that physical exercise can play an important part for coping with these negative elements associated with policing. The overall purpose of this study is to contribute knowledge about the importance of physical exercise for policemen. The study is based on five semi-structured interviews with police officer?s working with emergency response.

Ämnet Idrott och hälsa som grund för ett längre arbetsliv

The purpose of this study is to examine how well the teaching of physical education meets the needs of a future life in the building and construction industry. In order to answer the survey's purpose, we have carried interviews with teachers for the subject Physical education and health as well as with teachers for the Building- and construction program in order to through their experience gain understanding of common health problems in the profession, but also to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of the subject Physical education and health for this profession. We have reported and described previous research and then analyzed it during our processing of collected data material. The result of the interviews showed that the teachers as far as possible are trying to adjust the lessons to suit this practical program. They also indicate several aspects to consider in order to further customize the education for students in the Building- and construction program.

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