

7298 Uppsatser om Physical activity in school - Sida 6 av 487

Operationsklinikers riktlinjer och arbete med oavsiktlig anestesiinducerad hypotermi.

Background: Students, at a secondary upper school, attending a practical programme have a lower physical capacity than students from theoretical programs. Our physical self-esteem has a great significance for our motivation in being physically active and thereby also for our health. The purpose: of this study is to find out if there is a difference between perceived physical self-esteem and objectively measured physical activity between students attending a practical programme and a theoretical programme. Method: Four classes, in a medium-sized town in the southeast of Sweden, participated in the study, two classes from practical programmes and two classes from theoretical programmes. All the students were in their final year at the upper secondary school, when they were part of the study during the autumn of 2011.

Spelifierings påverkan på motivation för fysisk aktivitet med utgångspunkt från Bartles taxonomi

To encourage and increase the motivation to physical activity by using new information and communication technology, in order to change our behaviours into a more healthy lifestyle, could be one approach to promote public health. In our study we examine how gamification, which is about implementing classical game design elements from the computer world in a non-gaming context, can be a tool to increase the motivation for physical activity. Since similar studies already have been done we chose to focus on analyzing how different player types from Bartle?s taxonomy can be affected by the usage of a gamification application. A group of students were therefore picked and during a two weeks? period they used the application Fitocracy where they logged their daily excercise.

Hälsoskolor kontra ?vanliga? skolor : skiljer sig undervisningen i ämnet idrott och hälsa?

AimThe purpose of this study is to investigate how schools who have a health concentration and schools who haven?t are teaching physical education and if possible compare these schools.This study is based on following questions: How do schools with a health concentration and schools who haven?t, in compulsory school, teach physical education and health. How do physical education teachers describe their teaching and how do the students describe it.MethodMy study is a qualitative study based on interviews with teachers and students from different schools. The interviews have been made on four different schools from all over the country. I have interviewed one physical education teacher and four students, two boys and two girls, from each school.

Föräldrars attityder till övervikt hos barn

Background: Overweight in children has been an increasing problem in recent years and research show that early intervention is important. The parents? diet- and exercise habits are important to lay the foundation for a healthy lifestyle for their children. Aim: To investigate parents? attitudes towards overweight in children.

Träningsappar som verktyg i hälsofrämjande syfte : - Användares erfarenheter och upplevelser

Physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality. To prevent and change this the society need to develop good approaches and interventions to promote physical activity. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate which experience existing users have of smartphone training applications. Also to study if this can be a possible resource for health promotion. Six active users applied to participation after they had seen an ad in social media.

Fysisk aktivitet och fysisk självkänsla : Är det skillnad mellan elever på yrekesförberedande och studieförberedande gymnasieprogram?

Background: Students, at a secondary upper school, attending a practical programme have a lower physical capacity than students from theoretical programs. Our physical self-esteem has a great significance for our motivation in being physically active and thereby also for our health. The purpose: of this study is to find out if there is a difference between perceived physical self-esteem and objectively measured physical activity between students attending a practical programme and a theoretical programme. Method: Four classes, in a medium-sized town in the southeast of Sweden, participated in the study, two classes from practical programmes and two classes from theoretical programmes. All the students were in their final year at the upper secondary school, when they were part of the study during the autumn of 2011.

Föreningsidrotten-en hälsosam plats för vuxna människor? : Intervjustudie om drop in-aktiviteter för vuxna inom föreningsidrotten

This paper has it?s background in Physical Activity on Prescription, a projectwhich the Swedish sports movement is part of. The study refers to a limiteddivision of sports for adults, namely a phenomenon here by referred to as dropin-activity. This form of physical activity is characterized by an understandingthat the participant often lack experience and that it is possible to pay for eachoccasion. The purpose of the study was thus to take a closer look on organized,non-profit sports clubs which offer this type of exercise for adults.

Betydelsen av fysisk aktivitet för barns koncentration i förskolan : En studie om betydelsen av fysisk aktivitet för barns koncentrationsförmåga vid samlingar i förskolan

The purpose of this investigation was to investigate how being outdoors and participating in physical activities affect the concentration in a collection situation among children.The methods I chose were observation of two groups of children two times each and interviews with four educators.The results showed that the concentration in the collected situation depends on past activity, where it has taken place and that the environment has an impact. If the previous activity been more active and physical the subsequent collected situation is calmer and the children more concentrate. The facts that the children have been outside in an inspiring environment that encourage playing and movement also have a position impact on the child´s ability to concentrate. The collected situation is an important moment in the preschool day when the kids need to congregate and get a chance for social interaction and a sense of togetherness with all the children and teachers. The conclusion is that there is a relationship between movement, physical activity and an increased concentration.

Skolskogen som ekosystemtjänst : En fallstudie om det sociala värdet hos skolskogen

The concept of school forest was drafted in 1970 by the Forest in School organization and is defined as an area occupied by a school for outdoor educational activity. The main purpose of this study was to examine how schools use the school forest in practice, how it can be linked to the forest as an ecosystem service and find out how the forest is taken into consideration in the spatial planning. The study is mainly qualitative in nature and has been based on interviews conducted with educators engaged in outdoor education at four selected schools in a municipality in Sweden. Focus has been on the cultural ecosystem services for school forest, for example the physical characteristics that are considered as positive, forest influence on students' physical / mental health and the educational benefits available to be in the woods. Search has also been made to see how the forest is taken into consideration in the spatial planning and also what a contract agreements involves.

Friidrottsungdomars fysiska kapacitet över tid : En retrospektiv studie av intagningstesterna vid friidrottsgymnasiet i Växjö mellan åren 1982 ? 2009

Background: Today when leisure time is spent, spontaneous sports activities decrease, due to a more comfortable way of living and physical capacity among non active adolescents decreases. There for it´s interesting to see how the physical capacity level has changed over time among young people participating in organized leisure time sports.Studies around the world show that young people standing outside organized sport activities have tended to decrease their physical activity levels over the last few decades. Less leisure time is spent doing physical activity and sometimes gets put into context with increased time spent behind the computer or inactivity.Design: A retrospective study of the test results on physical capacity between 1982 and 2009 for students applying to Växjö track and field high school. A total of 635 students (15 years old) have done 11 physical tests during the years. Five of these tests, with enough participants (at least 100) and documentation over at least 10 years, were used in this study.Results: This study shows that young track and field athletes have maintained the same physical capacity from 1982 to 2009.

Motiverad? : en reviewstudie på motiverande samtal med fysisk aktivitet

AimThe aim of this study was to find out whether Motivational Interviewing can affect people to change their behaviour in form of increasing physical activity. What results do studies conducted at healthy adults using Motivational Interviewing with physical activity as an outcome present?MethodTo fulfil the aim of the study we chose a review process. During the research two data-bases were used, PUBMED and CSA. Studies including participants under the age of 18 or studies where the participants suffered from diseases were excluded.

"Den bästa motionen är den som blir av"Distriktssköterskans upplevelser i rollen som FAR-förskrivare

AbstractIntroduction: The condition of human health and its lifestyle has become a great questioner towards the public healthcare of our country. Despite the recommendations of at least 30 minutes physical exercise per day, many individuals of our society do not get the recommended amount of physical activity.  To improve the situation a method called ?Fysisk Aktivitet på Recept, FAR (Physical Activity on Recipe). This means that licensed health- and medical staff, as district nurses are able to write prescriptions on physical activity to patients.Purpose: Was to highlight the district nurse?s experience in the role of the FAR-prescribers.Method: The study was conducted using qualitative method.

Möjlighet till rörelse : En studie om sambandet mellan utbudet av faciliteter på skolgården, och lågstadieelevers fysiska aktivitet under rast.

Aim and research questionsThe aim of the study was to examine pupils? physical activity on schoolyards in northern Stockholm?s surrounding municipalities, based on the schoolyards? design regarding supply of spaces, material, equipment and gender. The research questions were:1. Was there any association between how well spaces, materials and equipment were represented in the schoolyards and pupils? physical activity during recess? If so, how did the association come to expression?2.

Let´s Dance : För att utveckla motoriken?

AbstractDancing and the body`s ability to express itself has been an interest of mine for a long time. For that reason I would like to find out more on how you as a pedagogue can work with dancing as a way to develop motoric activity. The purpose of my research is to find out how pree-school-pedagogue`s and sportsteacher`s are working with dancing, and also how children in a pree-school class apprehends the idea of dancing before and after a dancelesson.My question for this paper is:How can dancetutoring in pree-school develop children`s motoric activity?To find out the answer for this question I have also chosen to use relevant litterature within the subject. Since the examination covers only the answers from four pedagogue`s and six children I can not make a generell conclusion that covers all children or pree-schools.

Fysisk aktivitet på recept - patientens upplevelse : - En intervjuundersökning

Jacobsson, A. (2013). Physical activity on prescription ? patient experience. C-thesis inPublic Health.

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