

7298 Uppsatser om Physical activity in school - Sida 14 av 487

Effekter av 20 minutrs daglig fysisk träning av kondition, styrka, rörlighet och balans. : En 10 veckors interventionsstudie av kvinnliga lokalvårdare

Public health focuses on interventions related to physical activity during leisure and at work under conditions where health care is offered during working hours. Increased physical activity offers many positive effects on health in general and reduces the risk for most injuries and illnesses. Female cleaners represent a profession that is largely composed of women at high risk of overload injury and rarely participate in wellness initiatives offered at workplace. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 20 minutes of daily physical exercise for 10 weeks of intervention for healthy female cleaners. A total of 40 female cleaners in a larger organization participated in the study and were divided in into an intervention group and a control group.

Nätmobbning : Skolkuratorernas kunskaper och handlingsutrymme gällande nätmobbning

The purpose of this study is to understand the knowledge of the school counselor and their room for manoeuvre regarding cyberbullying among students. We have used a qualitative method, which consists of eight semi-structured interviews with six middle school student counselors and two high school student counselors, in a middle-sized municipality in Sweden. Our study showed that the school counselors have limited knowledge about cyberbullying due to the fast development of the internet, and limited time in their work. The limited knowledge affects the school counselor?s way of work, and how they use their room for manoeuvre on cyberbullying.

Värdet av FaR - Fysisk aktivitet på recept i kampen mot livsstilsrelaterade sjukdomar

Livsstilsrelaterade sjukdomar är ett växande globalt problem, och fysisk inaktivitet är en av de största riskfaktorerna. En av sjuksköterskans uppgifter är att motivera till hälsosammare levnadsvanor. En hälsofrämjande metod är fysisk aktivitet på recept, FaR®, som används i flera länder, men vars effekt även har ifrågasatts. Syftet med studien var att undersöka värdet av FaR® och vilka faktorer som påverkar det värdet. En granskning av 12 vetenskapliga artiklar genomfördes.

Kokosvatten och återhämtning/ vätskebalans efter fysisk träning - En systematisk översiktsartikel

Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: Coconut water and recovery/water-electrolyte balance after physicalexcercise ? A systematic overviewAuthor: Irene Eriksson and Alexandra ÖquistSupervisor: Henriette PhilipsonExaminer: Frode SlindeProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: April 09, 2014Background: During physical exercise, it is common with dehydration, which affectsperformance negatively. To restore the fluid balance it is optimal to drink fluids containingsalt and carbohydrates. In theory, coconut water should be a good recovery drink because oftheir nutrient content.Objective: To evaluate the scientific evidence available, to investigate whether coconut wateris better than water or sports drinks for rehydration after physical exercise.Search strategy: PubMed, Scopus and Cochrane Library have been used in the literarysearch. Keywords used were recovery, fluid balance, fluid therapy, water-electrolyte balance,rehydration, dehydration, hydration, exercise, physical activity, resistance training, activity,sports, training, coconut water in varying combinations, in order to cover as wide area aspossible.

Skolkuratorers föreställningar om det skolkurativa arbetet

The aim of this study was to examine how some Swedish school counsellor?s describe their school social work and how they look at its content. Further more the aim is to look at what restraining and promoting factors the school counsellor?s experience in their working situation. The approach of the study is qualitative and interviews have been made with five school counsellors.

Obesa barns upplevelse av fysisk aktivitet

Fetma är ett ökande problem hos barn och ungdomar i hela västvärlden. Träning och fysisk aktivitet har en viktig roll i arbetet med behandling av barn med obesitas, speciellt i kombination med kostråd och beteendeterapi. Syftet med studien var att undersöka obesa barns upplevelse av fysisk aktivitet. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod för att ta del av barnens egna tankar och erfarenheter. Fem barn i åldrarna 10 och 12 år med obesitas intervjuades.

Minoritetsspråkliga elevers undervisning : En jämförelse mellan svenska och norska styrdokument

Many students in the Swedish and Norwegian compulsory school do not have quali­fi­cation to search for further education. There is a large part of those pupils who have a different native language than the country?s majority language. These students? possi­bi­lities to a fair and equal education is regulated in national laws and regulations of school activity, the so-called governing documents. The purpose of this study is to compare Norwegian and Swedish governing docu­ments regarding education for pupils with another native language.

Samband mellan självskattad fysisk aktivitetsnivå och aktivitetsregistrering via dagbok

Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka samband mellan hur universitetsstudenter skattar sin fysiska aktivitetsnivå och hur de registrerar aktivitetsnivå med hjälp av dagbok samt att se om de kom upp i ACSM (American College of Sport Medicine) och WHO´s (World Health Organisation) rekommendationer.Metod: Studien hade en icke experimentell, deskriptiv och korrelerande design där 26 försökspersoner, två män och 24 kvinnor, rekryterades via anslag. De fick först svara på en enkät och därefter registrera sin aktivitet via en 7-dagars aktivitetsdagbok.Resultat: Studenterna ansåg inte att de hade en stillasittande livsstil och alla deltagare utom en ansåg sig komma upp till ACSM´s rekommendationer av fysisk aktivitet 30 minuter per dag av måttlig intensitet alla dagar i veckan. Trettiofem procent kom inte upp i WHO´s rekommendationer och av dessa överskattade 67% sin fysiska aktivitetsnivå. Sextiofem procent kom inte upp i ACSM´s rekommendationer och av dessa överskattade 94% sin aktivitetsnivå.Konklusion: Studenterna hade en låg fysisk aktivitetsnivå utifrån ACSM´s rekommendationer och majoriteten av de som inte levde upp till WHO och ACSM rekommendationer överskattade sin fysiska aktivitetsnivå. Det krävs dock mer omfattande studier för att dra några generella slutsatser då denna studie hade en skev könsfördelning och ett lågt antal deltagare.Keywords: Self-estimation, Perception, Activity diary, Physical Activity level, Overestimation. .

Hör upp!!

In this Bachelor thesis I explore sound and room as elements in design of user interfaces, both theoretical and practical in a specific application domain, to identify some of the advantages and disadvantage associated with these elements. As application domain I studied email clients and their usage at home amongst students at Blekinge Institute of Technology. In the study I found an activity, which seems to be highly distributed in the physical room where the user is located. The activity was notification of email and could take place in an arbitrary location of the home. I then augmented this activity with ideas from my theoretical assumption about room and sound. The result was a rule-based agent for notification of email, which primarily uses sound as interaction style..

På spaning efter faktorer som påverkar studietiden vid musikskolor : En enkätundersökning bland rektorer för musik- och kulturskolor

The purpose of this investigation is to see if there is any difference in how long pupils are staying in the activity of the music- and culture schools in the country. I have compared this with how large the teachers engagements are in average at each school, how many teachers each school holds and if one teacher is teaching within different areas, e.g. on different instruments. Thru mail contact with the headmasters at the music- and culture schools I have gathered data concerning the length of which the pupils are staying at the schools, the number of teachers at each school, the size of the teachers services and in how many different areas each teacher is teaching.It has been hard to get to any results in the investigation since the music- and culture schools don?t compile statistics on how long their pupils are staying at their schools.

Skolbibliotekscentraler ? en undersökning av verksamhet och funktion

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine and present the programmes and activities of school library centres in order to see what functions (purposes) they can fulfil in a municipality and also if and how they can contribute to school library development. In order to fulfil my purpose I have made qualitative interviews with five librarians from school library centres. The theoretical framework is primarily based on David Loertscher?s.

Vilka faktorer medverkar till att professioner i primärvården förskriver fysisk aktivitet på recept (FaR)?

The aim was to study the factors that contributed to the prescription of physical activity on prescription (PaP) by the professions in primary healthcare. A qualitative method was used in the study. The sample consisted of six participants; two doctors, two physiotherapists and two district nurses in primary healthcare in Uppsala County. The data were collected with semi-structured interviews and were analyzed with a thematic approach. The results show a great variety in which type of patient that receive PaP, however people with lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity are often more represented.

Sjukgymnastik i skolan - behövs det?: en kvalitativ studie

The aim of this study was to investigate physical education teachers (PET) view of the needs of physiotherapy in compulsory school. Semi structured interviews were conducted with five PET. The study was carried out as a qualitative content analyse study. The interviews were coded in categories independently by the two authors. The categories were then brought together in four major categories: PET work situation, pupil health, physiotherapy and cooperation.

Uppleva eller leva upp till? : En studie om hur gymnasieelever upplever prestationskrav i idrott och hälsa.

AimThe purpose of the study was to investigate how upper secondary school students experience performance demands during their physical education and health classes (PE-classes). The questions were as following: Are there differing perceptions between the sexes whether students experience performance demands? In what situations do the students feel that the demands on their performance are high during PE-classes? Do the students experience of demands on performance differ whether the physical education and health teacher is male or female? Do students feel unfairly treated by the physical education and health teacher during PE-classes?MethodSeven upper secondary schools in Stockholm?s administrative district were randomly selected to participate in the survey. The principals were contacted for further information and to set a date for performing the survey. The project leaders were present during the days the surveys were taken by students in the social science and natural science programs.

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