

3900 Uppsatser om Physical activities - Sida 62 av 260

Activity-based management : En begreppsprecisering

Background: In the eighties the debate concerning the declining relevance of the traditional calculation started. The reason was that the method of calculating not had been changed despite that the costs and manufacturing had changed in many companies. This led to the development of activity-based costing. Management by means of activity information is called activity-based management, but there is no general accepted definition of what the term com- prises. Neither are there any studies which describe within which areas activity information is used as a base for decisions.

Barn i familjehem: En studie, om långtidsplacerade barns fysiska och psykiska hälsa, tonårsgraviditet, skolgång samt om föäldrarnas psykiska hälsa och mortalitet, i en undersökningskommun

The main purpose of the study was to analyse the well being of children placed in foster care for at least two years, in one sample municipality. An assessment was made of how the social service admistrated and took responsibility for these children in terms of schooling, physical and mental health. To further understand the situation of the children three areas of investigation were added concerning; teenage pregnancy, the mental health and mortality of the biological parents. To receive answers to those questions a qualitative interview method was used, with structured questions to social workers working with foster care. The author also studied journal notes and child investigations to receive a more comprehensive picture.

?Att vara där människor är? En kvalitativ studie av sex folkbiblioteks användande av sociala medier

The objective of this bachelor thesis is to examine how some larger Swedish public libraries reason about the use of social media as part of their activities and outreach. To attain the purpose three research-questions were established; why does the public library use social media? How does the public library utilize social media? What extra value do librarians believe that use of social media can add to the libraries? function? The methodology used in the thesis is qualitative interviews. Six interviews were conducted with librarians in charge of social media at their respective libraries. Five of the interviews were conducted by telephone and one by email.

Värderingar som styrmedel : en studie av Clas Ohlson ur ett nyinstitutionellt perspektiv

Values, where an organization describes the attitude its members should have towards their work, are being used to a larger extent than before. The neoinstitutional theory describes organizations? attempts to create legitimacy through activities that are not really connected to their core activities. On the basis of the aforementioned theory this study examines to what extent employees and store managers at Clas Ohlson use and relate to the values of the organization in their everyday work. The study covers these individuals awareness of the impact of values in their work as well as the way they relate to values.

Byteskostnader på svenska fasta bredbandsmarknaden

AimThe purpose of this study is to, from a perspective of a PE teacher, look at how teachers of physical education in elementary school designs and assesses the teaching of swimming. The issues underlying the study are as follows:Which elements are included in the swimming education and how do teachers work with these operations?What does the PE teachers classify as swimming ability and what do teachers experience as obstacles for the students development of swimming ability?How do the PE teachers interpret the knowledge requirement in Lgr 11?MethodThe study is based on six interviews of qualitative nature, with PE teachers from various municipalities in the region of Mälardalen.ResultsThe result yielded by the study is that the swimming classes can take different forms depending on whom the teacher is. Common to all the teachers in the study is that they teach emergency management and lifesaving. When it later comes to teaching how to swim and practice, the teachers who teach in the younger age groups work more concentrated and continuously with swimming, while the teachers who work with the older age groups just checks whether students can swim or not.

Hälsa i skolan : En studie om hur elever i grundskolans årskurs åtta beskriver ämnet idrott och hälsa i skolan.

AbstractMy purpose with this composition was to investigate how the pupils at the nine-year compulsory school year eight describe the subject sport and health in school. The results from the interviews were compared with some of existing ideas and theories that are used in work for health of today. The studies that earlier has been done in the subject have in the most cases had focus from an adult perspective, with a view to look at the subject sport and health. I choose to examine what possible experienced health factors from a perspective of pupils, witch are important for the pupils to reach physical between the subject, what did they learn about health at the lessons and how they define the conception of healthIn my qualitative study I used interview to investigate the pupils describe of the subject sport and health in school. The choice of method was inductive in purpose to develop ideas and hypothesis in the subject.

Self-efficacys påverkan på bänkpressprestationer.

Syftet med studien var att med en experimentell design undersöka ifall individens tro på sin förmåga, d.v.s. self-efficacy påverkar utfallet av idrotts prestationer. Detta undersöktes genom att manipulera self-efficacy i en bänkpressövning och därefter mäta eventuella prestationsförändringar under tre sessioner. 21 deltagare (10 kvinnor, 11 män, M = 23, SD = 2.95) med lite eller ingen tidigare erfarenhet av styrketräning deltog. Deltagare delades slumpmässigt in i tre grupper: (LG) lättare vikt än deltagarna trodde, (TG) tyngre vikt än deltagarna trodde och (KG) kontrollgrupp, vikten överensstämde med deltagarnas uppfattning.

Den strävsamma bonden och andra berättelser. En diskursiv studie av ska?nska hembygdsfo?reningars historiebruk.

The subject for this thesis is to examine the portrayal of the local farmer in four different museums in Scania. The purpose is to examine these two questions: 1. Which narrative and museal strategies are used in the portrayal of the local farmer by the local history societies? 2. How do the actors of the local societies relate to the living conditions and hierarchies of the rural society of Scania? The source material consists of guided tours and text material from the museums. The theoretical fields consists of history culture, use of history, historical narrative, museology and rural science act as our theoretical fields. Peter Aronsson, Anna Eskilsson and Maria Bjo?rkroth act as our main theoretical framework. Our research presents two central discourses in the portrayal of the local farmer.

Sjukhusbibliotekens roll i sjukvården - en fallstudie av biblioteken på Uddevalla sjukhus och på Norra Älvsborgs läns sjukhus i Trollhättan

This study is an attempt to examine how hospital libraries should develop its activities towards their target groups in time of reductions. The method was a case study of the hospital libraries in Uddevalla and Trollhättan. An opinion poll was carried out among a selection of hospital staff, patients, medical researchers and students. In addition a patient group at some wards was observed. The libraries in the study produce an annual report, which presents a proposal for developments.

Fysträning för ishockeyspelare

To become a successful athlete requires several different components in which one of themost significant is the ability to develop their own physical strenght. What weight exercises has the best transfer effects for skating?Participants in the study were 20 male senior hockey players from Div. II in the Västra Gö- talands Regionen in which all participants had at least 10 years of hockey experience.Test subjects had to perform a five-minute individual warm up followed by an opportunity to familiarize with the upcoming exercise. The first on-ice test was a 35 meters sprint test and the second test was an S-cornering agility test.

Från input till output: En kvalitativ studie om hur resultatkrav inom biståndet påverkar svenska civilsamhällesorganisationer och mottagarens möjlighet till participation

This bachelor thesis is based on the current discourse within the aid policy, whichhighlights and focuses on measurability and reporting of results within the development cooperation.The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Swedish CSOs Diakonia and Plan Sverige, bothoperating many of its activities through which Sida are directing Swedish aid, are influenced by theresults agenda in it?s work, and to investigate which impact this has on participation of the recipient.The research is based on information collected through examination of relevant text such asdocuments from the organisations, agencies and from debate articles and inquires. Together with datacollected through informant interviews with informants from the organizations this information hasbeen analyzed through a qualitative content analysis. The study show that the demands occurringwithin the development cooperation mainly generates quantitative, short term results in order tomaintain legitimacy as an organization. The focus has changed from a traditionally high reliance onthe organizations activities to instead focus on which results the organizations can present as a resultof its work.

Faktorer av betydelse för styrkeutvecklingen i nedre extremitet vid kombinerade uthållighet- och styrketräningsprogram: En beskrivande litteraturöversikt

Vissa studier som undersökt kombinerad styrketräning och uthållighetsträningjämfört med styrketräning har funnit hämmad styrkeutveckling vid kombinerad träning. Forskning har därför riktats mot att undersöka hur hämmad effekt kan undvikas. Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att genom att granska vetenskaplig litteratur i området beskriva faktorer av betydelse för styrkeutvecklingen i nedre extremitet vid kombinerade uthållighetoch styrketräningsprogram. En beskrivande litteraturstudie gjordes på ämnet. En litteratursökning genomfördes mellan 6-24/9, 2014 i databaserna Scopus, Proquest, Pubmed, Cinahl, AMED, Web Of Sciense.

Livskvalitet 2-7 år efter allogen stamcellstransplantation

This is an empirical cross-sectional study with the aim to examine the patient?s comprehension about their quality of life within two to seven years after their stem-cell transplantation with reference to physical, social, emotional, psychological and functional wellbeing and to investigate if the patient groups have disease specific problems. Differences in quality of life between men and women and also between allogeneic and stem cell transplantation with an unrelated donor (URD) were studied. The measurement Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy (FACT) and the bone marrow transplant subscale (BMT) is a 49 item, valid and reliable measure that was used. The questionnaire was answered by 43 of 47 patients (91%).There is a significant difference between men and women in physical, social and functional wellbeing.

AD/HD i förskolan

In this work, I have studied whether if one can detect AD / HD in preschool. I have read some literature and searched on the Internet. I have also tried to get to interview people who are familiar with this topic, which has not been easy. I have questioned 13 persons if they would participate in an interview, but most have refused because they do not have time. I succeeded anyhow to get three persons, two special educators and a nurse on the BVC.

Institutionella barriärer : en studie om korruption i Indien utifrån svenska företags perspektiv

The globalization today has led to increased global competition. As companies seek out foreign markets in order to internationalize their operations, it is common that they encounter many cultural problems. Bribery and corruption is a common problem in international trade. Corruption is strongly linked to the national culture which means that corruption is accepted in differing degrees within different nations. This can be a problem when companies establish their operations in foreign markets.The purpose of this essay is to examine and analyze how companies act in a corrupt market without participating in corrupt activities.The authors have performed both a qualitative and a quantitative study.

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