

3900 Uppsatser om Physical activities - Sida 19 av 260

Fysisk kapacitet hos fysiskt aktiva och inaktiva ungdomar

Background: During the last decade physical activity among Swedish adolescents has decreased. Changes regarding physical fitness can also be seen, for instance the cardio respiratory capacity has decreased mainly among young men while muscular capacity has decreased in both genders. Physical inactivity and impaired physical fitness are both important health related parameters. 18-year olds have fulfilled their physical development and are physically on top of their development, it makes this group interesting to examine. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate differences between physically active and inactive young men and women, concerning cardio-respiratory fitness, muscular fitness and balance.

Integrationspolitik i praktiken : En utvärderande fallstudie av Storstadssatsningen på Bergsjöns bibliotek

The purpose of this Master thesis is to increase the knowledge about how public libraries can contribute to fulfil political programmes aimed towards integration. To achieve this we have conducted an evaluative case study about a public library in Sweden and the activities they carried out within the framework of the metropolitan policy programme Storstadssatsningen?. The questions raised consider which the political aims for integration within this programme were, which activities the library did accomplish, what the result in comparison with the politically decided aims was, and what conclusions can possibly be drawn from this? The theoretical framework consists of theories regarding evaluation, political programmes, integration and segregation, and public library-activities.

Uppsala centrums gator : möjligheterna för stensättning

Throughout the history, the theories which have shaped our cities have varied from time to time. We have gone from a city development characterized by spontaneousness, where commerce and people side by side shared the space, into a function-based planning where people and functions are being increasingly separated. Regardless the forms of planning the city design causes implications for those who live there when the physical environment controls were we live, work and meet. In today's society where `sustainability ' has become a watchword the current community planning needs to be questioned so we, in the best possible way, can meet future changes. Searching for new planning strategies is part of this and in this essay the term `mixed-use´ will be investigated and analyzed in terms of its social aspects.

Implementeringen av Lagen om valfrihetssystem inom primärvården i Västmanlands län : -Information och styrning

Title: Older people's experiences of exercise training: a survey based on a descriptive design.Course: Public Health: Theory and method of application and degree, 30 credits. University of Gävle, health education program.Author: Helena AnderssonPurpose: According to earlier research the western population is aging. This may affect, the older peoples`s physical disability in one form or another. The consequences may be that the need off care can increase. However elderly can prevent a variety of age-related diseases by being physically active.

Vägar till skönlitteratur: En studie av den läsfrämjande verksamheten vid fem gymnasiebibliotek, dess motiv och bakomliggande ungdomssyn.

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine the reading support activities performed by the school libraries of five Swedish upper secondary schools. It focuses upon fiction reading. Two main research questions are asked: the first one in order to find out what kind of ideas of fiction, fiction reading and young people that are held by the librarians of the five libraries, the second one in order to find out what the motives behind the reading support activities are. One additional research question is asked to examine how the librarians estimate the results of the reading support activities, and furthermore how the students seem to respond to them.

Wii Sports och Sport : En jämförelse av fysiska och emotionella skillnader och likheter i träningsspel jämfört med riktig träning

AimThe purpose of this study is to compare the level of activity between playing wii Sports Tennis and wii Sports boxing, and the usual sports, and to see how the two variants are perceived.Issues:- How much strain ratio and energy consumption it gives to exercise wii sports compared with the playing of sport for real?- How do the test participants experience the different tests?- How are the two wii sports games against each other in terms of activity and fitness in the school environment?MethodThis is an experimental study in which 10 test participants (5 men and 5 women) have carried out four different physical tests. The tests consisted of either playing an exergame or playing a sport for 25 minutes. Physical activity was measured during the test using a heart rate monitor. All test participants completed all tests in the same order.

Ny i Inre Skandinavien : Webbaserad Personutställning - Ett verktyg för visning och underhåll av intervjuer

Some people do not have the opportunity to visit a physical exhibition because of limited time or long travelling distances, it is here the need for a web-based exhibition arises.This dissertation describes the development of an interactive web-site representing a part of a physical exhibition of over 200 interviews on different peoples immigration to inner Scandinavia. The interviews contain text, audio clip, pictures and video clip.The website contains modern programming technologies such as HTML5, ASP.NET MVC3, SQL, JavaScript and jQuery.A cover of the technologies used and how the project has been designed and implemented is explained in the dissertation. In the end of the dissertation we discuss about how the result of the project follows the goals we set up in the start phase. The result of this project is an interactive and easy to use web-site showing a part of the physical exhibition online. An easy administration to insert new information and edit existing without any major computer knowledge..

Motiverad? : en reviewstudie på motiverande samtal med fysisk aktivitet

AimThe aim of this study was to find out whether Motivational Interviewing can affect people to change their behaviour in form of increasing physical activity. What results do studies conducted at healthy adults using Motivational Interviewing with physical activity as an outcome present?MethodTo fulfil the aim of the study we chose a review process. During the research two data-bases were used, PUBMED and CSA. Studies including participants under the age of 18 or studies where the participants suffered from diseases were excluded.

Får idrottande elever högre betyg? : en fallstudie på tre samhällsvetenskapliga program för att visa eventuella samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och höga betyg

Abstract AimThe purpose of this study has been to investigate the possible differences in grades and attitudes towards further studies that can be explained by the student?s level of physical activity. The questions we wanted answers to were:- Does students in more sports-oriented programs have better grades than students in more theoretical programs?- Is there a relationship between physical activity and study-results?- Are there any differences in attitudes towards further studies for students at the different programs?- Which other variables could be affecting the students grades?Method The extent of this study has included 3 municipal schools and 6 classes (2 from each school) ? in all 119 students and 6 teachers. 3 different social sciences programs have participated ? two sports-oriented and one without any sports-oriented concentration .

Man kom så knäckt, trasig till kropp och själ Föräldraperspektiv på barnets deltagande i stödgruppsverksamhet

Support group activities for children with mentally ill parent´s, without a parallel parent group, is by far the most common form in Sweden. The activities have primarily focused on increasing the frequency of the protective factors around children. Of course, parents and the families are also influenced of children´s participating in these activities. Most studies examining support group activities for children from the child's perspective. The experiences of parent?s perspective have not been well studied.

Testarbete inom utveckling och förändring av integrationsplattformar

This thesis focuses on the testing activities at the stages of development and change regardingintegration brokers. The study aimed to examine the overall challenges that exist regarding thetesting activities within this context, and the thoughts towards the development method testdrivendevelopment (TDD). TDD emphasizes high level of test coverage and where the testprocess is well integrated with the development process. To seek answers to our question weapplied qualitative interviews with companies and respondents to try to understand the globalchallenges that are related to this work and processes. The main conclusions presented in thisstudy is that the overall challenges are involving and educating project participants in the testingprocess activities and the contributory effect test have on the end product.

Hur kan den interaktiva skrivtavlan fungera som ett stöd i matematiklärandet i F-3?

The purpose of this thesis is to examine which role public libraries play or could play within bibliotherapy. The study is based on qualitative interviews with five librarians who, in one way or another have experienced bibliotherapy activities. Further, we have interviewed two treatment assistants and one counsellor, who have cooperated with the librarians, to get their view. We have used the following research questions: Which bibliotherapeutic activities, if any, are pursued in public libraries in Sweden, and how do they look upon bibliotherapy? What role do public libraries play/could play within bibliotherapy? Ever since the term bibliotherapy was coined in the beginning of the twentieth century, the definition has been under debate. We have identified four main subjects of discussion.

Elevers intresse och upplevelser av redskapsgymnastik : En kvalitativ fokusgruppstudie

Gymnastics is a reoccurring event in the physical education of many students. Despite this, there is still today limited research which describes the students? perspective and interest for this activity and if there are any differences between genders. The purpose of this study has therefore been to investigate students? interest for gymnastics and if there are any experiences, which can affect this interest.

Effekter av fysisk aktivitet på recept

En litteraturstudie om effekter av fysisk aktivitet på recept av Anneli Björk-Andersson och Jenny Bylund, Institutionen för hälsovetenskap Luleå tekniska universitet. Tanken med studien var att ta reda på effekterna av fysisk aktivitet, hur man arbetar med fysisk aktivitet på recept i Norrbotten samt hur det ser ut i övriga landet. En litteratursökning som innefattade 45 artiklar, rapporter och uppsatser samt fem olika läns landstings webbsidor genomfördes. Några av landstingen har kommit långt i sitt arbete med fysisk aktivitet på recept och eftersom det var lättast att hitta material om dessa valdes de ut. Resultatet var tydligt, man har mycket att vinna på att vara fysiskt aktiv.

Biblioteket om biblioteket: En studie om hur den fysiska biblioteksmiljön uttrycker biblioteks verksamhetsidéer

The subject of this thesis is studying how physical libraryenvironments express ideas on the function of the library, asstated in guiding documents. The ?physical library? isdefined as everything inside the library building, andexcludes the library architecture, focusing on things likefurniture, furnishing and the arrangement of physical media.The two questions asked in this thesis are: What aspects ofthe idea of a public library?s function, as expressed in theguiding documents of the library, are possible to study in thephysical library environment? In what ways can theseaspects be studied in the physical library environment?The study of the thesis is divided into two parts, a ?prestudy?and a ?main study?. In the pre-study aspects areidentified by reading guiding documents from differentpublic libraries, and analysing the result together withprevious studies on physical library environments. In themain study three Swedish public libraries (located inHelsingborg, Åstorp and Klippan) are visited, and theirenvironments are studied based on theory on what items andmeans of expression can influence the experience of thelibrary function.The four aspects that are identified in the pre-study areculture, education, accessibility, and development.According to the results of the main study, culture isexpressed in the library environment through aesthetics,education through the environment being inviting andstimulating for studies, accessibility by the environmentbeing inviting, functional and democratic, and developmentby modernity.

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