

2076 Uppsatser om Physical Cues - Sida 39 av 139

Det lidande djuret: från ett djurvänligt svenskt folk till ett humant samhälle. En diskursanalys av föreställningar om djur i svensk djurskyddspolitik under efterkrigstiden.

Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.

Idrottande ungdomars attityd till doping : - En studie bland idrottsgymnasister i Karlstad och Torsby

Sports research in the field of social science has shown that regular physical activity leads to wellbeing and positively affects the quality of life. A natural part of being an athlete is learning the functions of the human body, and what?s harmful and destructive, such as drugs (RF 1995). Doping is a constant problem in professional sport. Doping and manipulation of medical preparations in order to maximise performance is one of modern sport?s major problems, according to Blom and Lindroth (1995).I thought it would be interesting to see what the next generation of athletes thinks of doping.

Begreppet fostrans vandring från plan till handling : En studie om idrottslärarens fostransroll i den svenska grundskolan

AimThe aim of this essay is to investigate some local curriculum?s interpretation of the upbringing assignment that is expressed in Lpo 94, together with how the physical education teachers in these schools interpret and give expression to this assignment in their teaching. The questions are:? How does the local curriculum interpret the upbringing assignment of the PE teachers?? How does the PE teacher interpret the concept upbringing?? How does the PE teacher work with the upbringing role in their daily teaching?? How does the different experiences regarding to uppbringing and the schools development affect their or the PE teschers? daily teaching?? Is there any difference in the subject teacher?s upbringing role compared to the PE teacher?s?MethodThis study is qualitative and based on four deep individual interviews of teachers, two at the age between 25 and 35, and two at the age of 45 or older. In addition, four local curriculum?s have been investigated with consideration to upbringing.

Stadsdelsförnyelse i Norra Björksätra, Sandviken

The housing estates in the outskirts of Sandviken, consist of relatively large scale apartment buildings. This report, that is a B.A. thesis at 10 Swedish university points, aims to investigate and describe the opportunities to improve safety and security for inhabitants in Norra Björksätra. The purpose with this report is to make Norra Björksätra to a more attractive place to live in, by changing the negative trends in the area. Since demolition of at least some of the houses could be of current interest in some years; the purpose is also to investigate whether demolition or renewal of the area is the best solution.

Att fly sin kropp. En studie om gränsöverskridning i Sara Stridsbergs prosa

Sara Stridsberg?s novels Happy Sally, Drömfakulteten and Darling River are all brimming withliterary images of movement and becoming. The physical aspects of being a female subject inbecoming highlights the enfleshed body as important. Themes such as sexuality, power andviolence can be traced in the beautiful but most disturbing narratives of Stridsberg.The purpose of this study is to show the reader how the literary female characters aretranscending the physical borders of their bodies in order to become something more than what thehuman form allows them to be. Heteronormative sexuality, sickness, closeness to water andanimaling are bound together by the way they enact the female characters to stretch beyond thesurfaces of their skins.

Skolrelaterad stress hos kvinnliga gymnasieelever : En jämförelse mellan yrkesförberedande och teoretiskt program

AbstractLoeva, J (2013). Schoolrelated stress in female students ? a comparison between vocational and theoretical program. The Academy for health and working life, University of Gavle.Purpose: To investigate and compare perceived stress and recovery among Swedish femalestudents (high school, third degree) in a vocational program versus a theoretical program.Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted on forty female students (vocationalprogram, n=20; theoretical, n=20) to give a cross section of the population in question. Datawas collected by questionnaries, which included questions on perceived stress and energylevels, demand, control and social support at school.

Ungdomars fysiska självkänsla : En kvantitativ studie baserad på en grupp ungdomar mellan 16-18 år

Denna studie handlar om ungdomars fysiska självkänsla och baserar sig på en grupp ungdomar med åldrarna 16-18 år. Syftet är att ta reda på om den fysiska självkänslan skiljer sig ur ett genusperspektiv, om det finns en signifikant skillnad. För att undersöka ungdomarnas fysiska självkänsla används en bearbetad enkät av Raustorp (2006) som kallas Sådan är jag! (Bilaga 2). Den ursprungliga enkätens namn är Children and Youth-Physical Self-Perception Profile (CY-PSPP) som utvecklats av Fox och Corbins Physical Self-perception Profile. Enkäten delades ut till 100 elever på ett praktiskt gymnasium i Skåne.

"Ibland hjälper han mig mer än vad alla ni i personalen gör." : Hur djur i vården påverkar välbefinnandet hos personer med långvarig ohälsa - en litteraturstudie

Background: Animals have been shown to have a positive effect on people. The nursing science approach says that a person can experience well-being despite illness. The positive attributes of animals can be used in health care to help ill people experience well-being. An animal-assisted intervention can be a form of activity or therapy involving pets (AAA / AAT) or horses (EAT).Aim: The purpose of this study was to elucidate how animals in health care promote well-being for people with long-term illness.Methods: Literature review based on fourteen original scientific articles, with both qualitative and quantitative approach.Results: The compilation of the results led to four main categories with two subcategories respectively. These were: Physical aspects with subcategories Physical well-being and Bodily functions; Psychic aspects with subcategories Psychic well-being and Reduced psychiatric symptoms; Existential aspects with subcategories Quality of Life and Safety; Social Aspects with subcategories Social behavior and Relationships.Discussions: Review and discussion of the selected method.

Riskfyllda aktivitetsutrymmen? : En studie av två barn med utländsk bakgrund bosatta i miljöer med skilda socioekonomiska förutsättningar

This study has as an objective to compare and evaluate the living conditions of two immigrant children residing in different places in Sweden. Given that immigrants often are looked upon as a social and physical vulnerable group in relation to disadvantageous socioeconomic conditions the children's lives were analyzed in relation to four public health objects. By using Runkeeper, GIS, Equipop data, time geographic material, telephone conversations and a web survey the children lives are analyzed within their activity spaces. The children formed their lives in different socioeconomic environments and adapted their lives after their conditions. The perspective on individual level can be put in contrast with studies based on society level.

Motivation till fysisk aktivitet : en kvalitativ intervjustudie bland fysiskt aktiva medarbetare på Saab i Linköping

I studiens bakgrund säger forskning att fysisk aktivitet är en förutsättning för god hälsa i samhället och på grund av det blir begreppet motivation automatiskt betydelsefullt. Vill samhället satsa på fysisk aktivitet och öka folkhälsan behöver individer motiveras på ett rättvist sätt. Syftet med studien var att få förståelse i vad det är som motiverar fysiskt aktiva medarbetare på Saab i Linköping till att vara fysiskt aktiva, men framförallt förstå varför de är motiverade. För att besvara syftet användes Saab i Linköping som arena då de historiskt sätt haft ett aktivt hälsoarbete. En kvalitativ intervjustudie användes som metod för studien, med ett riktat urval till fysiskt aktiva medarbetare.

Arbetstidsförlagd och subventionerad träning/motion och effekter på sjukskrivning

During the last Century a tremendously technical advancement has taken place and brought a change in society, which has affected workplaces in a monumental way. Many heavily and moveable physical working tasks at the work placement have been replaced with much easier and sedentary tasks.Two of the major reasons for sick absence in Sweden are illness in the locomotive organs and pain, which can be treated and prevented with physical activity on a large scale. Many employers offer their employees? subsidized exercise cards, which can be used during their free time. A health care exercise hour is one benefit that employers can offer their employees and normally takes place once a week during fully paid working time.

Stadsodling : möjligheter och begränsningar

Urban farming can be viewed in several contexts. The first part of this work brings up the beneficial effects of farming on our physical and mental health, knowledge as well as on social life in cities. The introduction of gardening in schools can contribute to an increased awareness on both agricultural practices and importance as well as ecological processes. It can also be used in teaching of other subjects. Farming can also contribute to improving the household economy, and the economy on a municipal or national level.

Reglering av matarsystem vid höghastighetskapning

Today small metal parts are mass-produced as for example rollers in cylinder bearings. At high velocity cutting the metal is cut with a great force in a scissor-like device. Both precision and repeatability is important to be able to guarantee good quality, but from an economical point of view it is also important to keep a great manufacturing capacity. The part of the process that is most time consuming is when the metal bar, that is about to be cut, is fed to the right position. Therefore it is interesting to examine if the time used for positioning can be reduced.

I vilkas intressen förs den nya svenska biståndspolitiken? En textanalytisk studie i vilkas intresse den svenska biståndspolitiken har förändrats och vilkas intressen som återspeglas i den nya biståndspolitiken.

Introduction: The health for individuals with intellectual disabilities is asubject that is prioritized by the Swedish Institute for Public Health. Socialsupport has been proven to be important for health and quality of life. Despitethis fact there is no research available regarding the influence social support hason health and quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden.Aim: To describe social support and the consequence of social support forhealth and quality of life for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Method:A litterature review of research in a defined area with a descriptive design.Systematic searches for articles were done in several databases and ultimately16 articles were chosen. Themes and categories were created with respect to theaim of this study during the analysis of the articles.

Fotbollsledare om styrketräning för barn : ? når forskning ut?

Fysisk träning för barn har alltid varit ett kontroversiellt ämne som berör såväl etiska och fysiologiska som medicinska frågor. Styrketräning är den form av träning som ställer dessa frågor på sin spets. De svenska officiella organen Idrottens Forskningsråd (IFR) och Riksidrottsförbundet (RF) har genom åren lagt fram rekommendationer och riktlinjer som ska fungera som underlag vid utformning av den träningsverksamhet som bedrivs i idrottens föreningsliv. Eftersom forskningsrön har förändrats i takt med forskningsframsteg har också rekommendationer och riktlinjer från officiellt håll varierat över tid. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka om fotbollsledare har kännedom om de senaste rekommendationerna vad gäller styrketräning för barn.

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