

996 Uppsatser om Photo application - Sida 57 av 67

Avspecialisering som framgångskoncept för jämnare arbetsfördelning?

The application of the LSS law and how the public organization (Municipality of Hudiksvall) later had to reform their organization to fit the new demands is the foundation to this master's thesis. An internal evaluation was performed due to this reorganisation process within the social care department (LSS unit). The aim was to investigate and evaluate if the reorganization resulted in a better working environment and if the work load (distribution of work) became more evenly divided between the different unit managing directors. The primary empirical information to this master's thesis is collected from that evaluation report. The main aim of this master?s thesis is to answer if the organisational choice between specialised or de-specialised working tasks has an effect (experienced and measured) on the level of stress among the unit managing directors.

Microsoft Visual Studio och osCommerce - en jämförelse mellan två verktyg

This report represents a comparison between two different tools used to create an online store that was developed by two students at the Technical University in Jönköping. The web shop will be of great benefit to both customers and administrator in a food firm known as Mattias' Livs. The company wanted an online store that facilitates the sale section and gives a full control of their stocks. The aim of this thesis is to create an online store that offers customers the ability to shop online and help the staff to operate the company in a simpler and more efficient way, which reduces the need for human resources and thus leads to less costs for the company. The aim also includes a comparison between the two different tools used to create the online store.

Information till mjölkföretaget : vilken information behövs och hur bör den utformas när gården ska ta investeringsbeslut?

The fast developments in information and data technology during the recent years have accentuated the need for the business manager to interpret and act on information from the surrounding environment. Today we know little about what information is really used in the unique decision-making. Further, little is known about how information should be designed to fit people with a more intuitive approach to interpreting information. This study is therefore about the difference between peoples approach to interpreting information and how information should be designed to fit those with a more intuitive approach to interpreting information. The application is made to dairy farms in Sweden. The literature review describes the strategic leadership, the decision-making process and the intuitive and the analytic thinking.

Riskhantering : Hur applicerar svenska fondbolag teoretiska riskhanteringsmodeller i praktiken?

There are different types of risk, examples include credit risk, liquidity risk and financial risk. In DeMarzo & Berk (2011, s. 293) is a study presented which is based on the yield of different types of financial assets between 1925 and 2009, the study show that a high risk gave substantially higher reward. With the study as a background, it is interesting to study practical risk management within participants of the financial markets of Sweden. In risk management there are several theories about whether risk can be calculated and analyzed with scientific methods in practice.

Framtidens stadsträd för en fungerande grönstruktur

The effect of climate change places demands on how we build cities. Cities have to be built denser to meet the objectives of sustainability but as a result of this densification city green areas are at risk of exploitationand disappearing. The question this raises is whether there has to be an opposition between a dense and a green city?Urban trees are playing a very important role in cities. They stand as the major part of the vegetation in citieswhich are otherwise dominated with concrete and stone.

SOAPIF ? Ett ramverk för utveckling av tjänsteorienterade API:er

Denna studie syftade till att ta fram ett ramverk för utveckling av API:er för tjänsteorienteradearkitekturer. Studien tar sin utgångspunkt i forskningsprojektet e-Me (utvecklingenav en integrationsplattform för att underlätta studenters vardag) samt en benchmarking avde i nuläget mest använda API:erna på webben. Studien har fem faser: En litteraturstudie,en benchmarking, en kvalitativ genererande intervjustudie, en teoribildande fas (framtagningav ramverket), samt en kvalitativ validerande studie. Litteraturstudien tar upp sådanafenomen som utvecklingsmetoder, systemarkitekturer (bland annat SOA) samt metautveckling.Denna studie låg till grund för den första intervjustudien, som i sin tur låg tillgrund för benchmarkingen. Resultatet av dessa två studier bildade tillsammans en grundför ramverket SOAPIF (Service-Oriented Application Programming Interface Framework),som till en början innehöll fyra olika faser: Conceptualization, där man försökerbilda sig en uppfattning om vad API:et skall exponera; Definition, där man försöker definieraett kontrakt för API:et; Testing & Implementation som tar sin utgångspunkt i testerför att implementera API:et; samt Delivery, som är den fas där API:et skall levereras.

Ha lite jävla stake! : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av hur manlighet respektivekvinnlighet framställs i Filip och Fredriks podcast

The purpose of this study is, based on theories of gender and hegemonic masculinity, to studyhow masculinity and femininity is constructed and reproduced in one of the most popularSwedish podcast: Filip & Fredriks podcast. The main theory in this study is that gender issocially created and sustained by humans through language and interaction with others.The study's research questions is: How are gender roles/gender portrayed in Filip & Fredrik'spodcast? What characteristics are attributed to men and women in Filip & Fredrik's podcast?How does Filip & Fredrik's podcast represents conditions and power relations between menand women?Through an linguistic textual analysis, which is an application of discourse analysis, I seek toget beneath the surface meanings of texts and examine more implicit social meanings andideologies regarding gender. It includes an analysis of metaphors, word choices and syntax.The analysis shows underlying values and ideologies that indicates gender structures in abroader societal context. Choice of words and metaphores in Filip & Fredriks's podcastexpresses symbolism where men and male-typical attributes are highly valued, whilst womanand female-typical attributes is being devalued and representative of the opposite.Masculinities and femininities are also constructed and represented in various ways throughsentence constructions that guides the listeners in certain directions.

Application of Design for Safer Urban Roads and Junctions: Selected Countermeasures

Road design with focus to safety has been extensively developed in last decades in Nordic and some other EU countries with the main aim to achieve a decrease in a number of accidents and fatalities on the roads. These countries gained many valuable experiences, but they had to sacrifice great effort, expenses, and time to reach the present art-of-state. The purpose of the Master?s Thesis is to review some design approaches with focus to safety and discuss the general way that they may be applied. The Master?s Thesis studies safety in three levels: (i) general - design standards, national safety policies and road hierarchy; (ii) local authority and road administrator; and (iii) three specific safety countermeasures - junctions, pedestrian crossings and traffic calming.

Blood compatibility of biomaterials made of recombinant spider silk

Native spider silk is an attractive lightweight natural polymeric material with a unique combination of strength, extendibility and flexibility. Synthetic, recombinant spider silk is an attractive biomaterial with several possible fields of application. When a foreign material is introduced to blood, this can for example cause unwanted coagulation and complement activation. The aim of this study was to investigate if coatings of heparin or albumin could improve the blood compatibility of films of recombinant spider silk and to develop an initial method to do so. Hypothetically, objects like pacemakers, stents and dental implants could be covered with spider silk films of high blood compatibility to reduce potentially harmful foreign body reactions caused by the immune defense. Increased blood compatibility would likely lead to improvements for both the individual patients and the society thanks to reduced load on healthcare institutions. Our objective was to assess the blood compatibility of both functionalized and non-functionalized recombinant spider silk by evaluating coagulation and activation of the complement system of the immune defense. Coagulation was evaluated visually on glass slides and complement activation was analyzed by measuring the concentration of the complement system mediator C3a in blood samples that had been exposed to the different materials. This study introduces a non-toxic and easy performed method of improving the blood compatibility of recombinant spider silk films by adding a heparin coating. Heparin coated surfaces had statistically significantly higher blood compatibility than uncoated surfaces. The effects of albumin coating of films were less clear compared to the results of heparin coated films. Complement activation could not be evaluated because of high activation in all samples prior contact with the materials that were included in the study..

REDOGÖRELSE FÖR SPRICKARMERING FÖR KONSEKVENT DRAGNA BETONGPLATTOR PÅ MARK : Analys av skillnader mellan BBK 04 och Eurokod 2 med tillämpning av svenskt och danskt nationellt annex

In this diploma work the approach of determining the required amount of reinforcement in slabs exposed to pure tension is processed, on behalf of Ramböll Uppsala. It is a well-known problem in the industry that there are uncertainties in the determining of the amount of crack reinforcement, especially for structures exposed to pure tension. Cracking caused during the time of dehydration in concrete slabs is the most common defect according to statistics made by CBI[1], which provides numbers as high as 35 % of all the defects caused on slabs are generated by cracks. Comparisons between Sweden's former national standard BBK 04, Building Regulations for concrete structures due to restrained forces of shrinkage, and the current European standard Eurocode 2 are carried out through theoretical studies and concludes with several examples of calculations. Rigorous calculations of both standards, BBK 04 and Eurocode 2 with application of the national annex in Sweden and Denmark are performed.

Klassifikationens roll på www: en studie av webbmiljöns påverkan på klassifikationens principer och funktioner

Principles that guide how a classification system should be structured have existed for more than a century. Traditional classification principles can be of great value for the design of classification schemes directories on the web. However, there are differences between the library context in which these principles originated, and the web. This thesis aims at investigating how changes in the context of classification affect the application of traditional principles of classification on the web. Another purpose is to see what implications this has for the design of classification schemes on the web.

Kommunikationshjälpmedel Sound and Display Communicator

During the last year in the Innovation Engineering Program, at Halmstad University, a degree project was performed that was carried out during Fall semester in 2006 and Spring semester 2007. The project was performed by two students in corporation with LIC Audio AB, a company in Stockholm. The degree project was meant to result in a communication aid for people with a cognitive handicap. The project focused on people suffering from dementia because of the expressed need within this group. This aid should first and foremost help in a conversation between a person with dementia and another person, like a relative or nursing home staff.

Busshållplatsers kapacitet : Utvärdering av tillämpbarhet av modell från Highway Capacity Manual 2000 med uinderlag från busstrafik i Stockholms innerstad

Stockholm is growing with almost two fully loaded SL-buses a day. One of the consequences that derive from this is the increase of public transport travelers who put the regionally governed public transport up to the test in terms of its capacity. The Transport administration in Stockholm County initiated 2015 a project with the purpose of simplifying the calculation of bus stop capacities. A hypothesis (set up by the Transport administration) based on that a model for calculation of bus stop capacities could be calibrated for Stockholm conditions is being researched in this bachelor?s essay.The study is implemented by self-collected traffic data from bus stops located in the Stockholm city center.

Ett underlag för utformandet IT-baserade förslagslådor

En kvalitetsförbättrande metod som senaste åren blivit vanlig inom Hälso- och sjukvård är Lean Healthcare - en verksamhetsfilosof som går ut på att eliminera slöseri och skapa värde för patienterna. I takt med att informationssystem och informationsteknik (IT) har utvecklats har informationsförsörjning fått en allt viktigare roll i vårdprocessen. Tidigare undersökningar visar dock att vårdpersonalen upplever att det finns många brister kopplade till informationssystem och IT. En explorativ fallstudie genomfördes där kvalitativ data samlades in med hjälp av intervjuer, dokumentstudier samt observation. Syftet var att beskriva hur informationsförsörjningen påverkats i ett kliniskt mikrosystem och i en vårdprocess som infört Lean.

Den internationella redovisningens framtida roll i Sverige - IFRS på bolagsnivå?

Throughout many years there have been discussions within the European Union (EU) regarding harmonization and improvement of accounting rules for companies with listed shares or other securities. The ambition exists to adopt, the within the union applied accounting standards, to those applied globally. These discussions lead the year 2002 to adoption by the council and parliament of international accounting standards (IFRS). The ordinance meant that all listed European companies have to adopt international accounting standards, accepted for application within the EU, for their consolidated accounts.During July 2003 the Swedish Government Official Reports issued a report (SOU 2003:71) stating, among other things, the differences and oppositions of implementing IFRS on a corporate level in Sweden, since corporate disclosure is regulated in Swedish law by Bokföringslagen (BFL) and Årsredovisningslagen (ÅRL). One of the main obstacles for the full implementation of IFRS is that a company?s annual report underlies the governmental taxation and an implementation of IFRS would affect this balance.

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