

996 Uppsatser om Photo application - Sida 28 av 67

Övning ger färdighet?: vad kan övning ge en sångerska inom J/R?

My intention with this study is to evaluate, as a singer and a voice teacher, a number of routines for daily vocal practice through practical application. Seven different routines are presented, five of them originating from interviews with Swedish vocal teachers and singers and two chosen from literature. These routines are then tried out and evaluated. Using the results of these evaluations as a basis, I make an attempt at formulating my own personal practice routine, optimal for my own needs. I will also try to address motivational issues related to practice with hints acquired through the interviews.

Det implicita avkastningskravet på Stockholmsbörsen: En jämförande empirisk studie med avseende på antalet börsintroduktioner för 1999 och 2012

This study examines the equity cost of capital between two periods distinguished by substantial differences in IPO activity. In light of the stemmed IPO flow to the Swedish stock exchange in 2012, this study regards the conjecture that the IPO count is related to the prevailing cost of equity capital for certain periods. By application of the Residual Income Valuation model the cost of equity capital is abstracted from sampled stock prices and compared at two points in time for which extreme highs and lows of IPO activity were observed. Using randomized samples from 1999 and 2012, significant differences between the estimated costs of capital are established. The findings indicate that the equity cost of capital, much as it may help influence, nevertheless plays a subordinated role in the going-public decision..

Konfigurationshanteringsverktyg (CM-verktyg) och CM-kriterier, dess tillämpning för presentation av migreringsdata

The purpose of this thesis is to present and describe which criteria, according to the systemfamily Configuration Management, should be met when developing a CM-tool to handlemigration data.ACT is a tool developed by Microsoft to gather information about, analyze, test and mitigateapplications in a network when migrating the IT-infrastructure of an organization to a newoperating system. The organization that is being studied wants to present the data about theanalyzed applications in such a way, that a customer can choose what to mitigate and migrate.The goal is therefore to develop a prototype (CM-tool) that will present this data.The study has shown that ACT lacks certain requirements stated by the organization when itcomes to presentation. But when it comes to the rest of the functions, ACT performs as expected.The investigation resulted in specifications and technical solution for the new CM-tool. CMcriteriafor migration data was put forth and parts of the prototype were also developed..

Interaktiv vittneskonfrontation : Utvecklandet av ett Directorspel för Internet

This final-year project has been performed at Strix production Efterlyst. The task has been to make a page under their homepage, with a game application that?s supposed to be interesting and also have a strong connection to the TV- program. In the first part of the report, the reader will learn about the preparing work that was done before the work with the final game began. It is in these two test versions all the technical problems were tested, to finally be used or thrown away.

System Monitor : Ett felsökningssystem för Paperline

When an error occurs in an IT system that is vital for the production of a major industry, the consequences can be great. To quickly identify and correct errors is important as a stop in a system can lead to a break in production, which is costly for the industry. Our task in this thesis has been to develop a system for ÅF that facilitates the debugging process of the system Paperline. The system's target audience is ÅF-call personnel that provides support for Paperline 24 hours a day if something goes wrong. The system consists of a Windows service, a database and a web application and is developed mainly with the techniques C#.NET, MVC 5, Google Charts, Javascript, HTML, CSS, and Entity Framework.

Det implicita avkastningskravet på Stockholmsbörsen En jämförande empirisk studie med avseende på antalet börsintroduktioner för 1999 och 2012

This study examines the equity cost of capital between two periods distinguished by substantial differences in IPO activity. In light of the stemmed IPO flow to the Swedish stock exchange in 2012, this study regards the conjecture that the IPO count is related to the prevailing cost of equity capital for certain periods. By application of the Residual Income Valuation model the cost of equity capital is abstracted from sampled stock prices and compared at two points in time for which extreme highs and lows of IPO activity were observed. Using randomized samples from 1999 and 2012, significant differences between the estimated costs of capital are established. The findings indicate that the equity cost of capital, much as it may help influence, nevertheless plays a subordinated role in the going-public decision..

Jämförelse mellan tekniker för att lagra data i webbläsare : Kan webbapplikationer anpassas för att användas offline?

Denna rapport undersöker olika tekniker för att spara data lokalt i webbläsare, föratt möjliggöra att webbapplikationer kan användas i webbläsare närinternetanslutning saknas, och för att minska mängden data som behöver överförasmellan webbserver och webbläsare.Undersökningen genomförs genom att en befintlig webbapplikation först undersöksför att avgöra vilka datamängder som behöver sparas i webbläsare.Sedan jämförs olika teknikers egenskaper och tidsåtgång för att spara data av olikastorlekar.Resultaten från undersökningarna visar att stödet i webbläsare för FileSystem APIoch IndexedDB inte är tillräckligt för att teknikerna ska användas i publikawebbapplikationer, varför HTML5 Application Cache i kombination med WebStorage är det bästa alternativet att använda för att möjliggöra attwebbapplikationer kan användas utan internetanslutning..

Systemintegration baserad på WCF

Denna rapport beskriver arbetet med att utveckla ett API (Application Programming Interface) till Eurocons projekteringssystem SiteBase. Utvecklingen av systemet har bedrivits som ett examensarbete på uppdrag av Eurocon Consulting AB i Örnsköldsvik. Examensarbetet har bedrivits som en examinerande kurs för en högskoleingenjörsexamen med inriktning elektronik med en specialisering mot datorteknik och inbyggda system.Arbetet består av att utveckla ett API, till ett projekteringssystem baserat på WCF (Windows Communication Foundation), som är konfigurerbar så att den relativt enkelt ska kunna integreras med andra system.Syftet är att underlätta och minska den utvecklingstid det tar att integrera andra system med SiteBase, att skapa en bas att utgå ifrån för framtida integrationer.Systemet är utvecklat i C# med Visual Studio 2010 samt med Microsoft NET Framework 4.0 som ramverk. Utvecklingen av systemet har framställts i faser där delar av systemet utvecklats innan nästa del påbörjats..

Utvärdering av gränssnittet hos en VOD-tjänst : En undersökning av användbarhetsproblem hos Netflix? gränssnitt med hjälp av en lätt modifikation av Jacob Nielsens ?usability heuristics?

For better understanding of how users interact with the video on demand service Netflix a study was conducted in 10 Swedish households. This study is based on the well-established heuristic evaluation method of Jacob Nielsen, which we modified slightly by letting the users to act as ?evaluation experts? and informing them about the heuristic rules of thumb during the evaluation process. The purpose of this study was to identify usability problems when people interact with Netflix? interface.

Förändring av rädslans rum : med trygghetsskapande

This project has resulted in an website at www.tinadunker.se, where you also can download the project in it´s written form to get a deeper view of the project. This project aims to explore fear of violence in public places. Fear of violence reminds us that there is a problem in our urban environment that leads to spatial consequences in using public space. Many groups in our society experience fear in their everyday life but this project has focus on women?s fear.

dotNet som multimediaplattform

As the speed and complexity of computers have increased so have software and the expectations of users. Software development follows a straightforward evolution where complicated tasks are made easier by better tools; this repeats itself as those tasks in turn are automated.Software mechanics that were seen as revolutionary a decade ago are seen as obvious requirements that no multimedia application can be without.dotNet is the next step in line and makes it easier and faster to build software.This report focuses on the development of a multimedia platform developed in dotNet. It does this by developing the tools and framework from which a complete game can be built.A game is selected because it combines the most aspects of multimedia development, such as interaction, graphics, sound & music. The report goes further by describing why the game looks like it does as well as the mechanics of the game and the benefits of the dotNet platform..

Måste det vara så grönt? Ett visuellt Förpackningskoncept för ett ekologiskt livsmedelsmärke

»Does it have to be so green?« is a visual communication project focused on packaging design. I attempted to challenge the clichés of graphic design for organic products and designed a packaging concept for a fictional food brand. The project had a special objec¬tive which was to explore ways to use the package as carrier for in¬formation about the enviromental impact of the packaging itself.The process included research about packaging design and its ef¬fect on the consumer, an investigation of the Swedish market for organic foods, creating and defining a brand, and designing a cohe¬rent packaging concept for a product line which communicates the brand?s values and appeals to the intended target group.The project resulted in prototypes for a muesli package, tea car¬ton and honey jar, as well as a manual that explains the application of the graphic program..

67,44 miljoner skäl till demokrati : En studie av processerna i EU-finansierade projekt

In a global context the traditional democratic process is facing new challenges. Scholars are talking about a transition from government to governance, where local and regional networks as well as international collaboration are an important part in how regional policy is produced and implemented. In this paper the processes in regional projects funded by the European Union are considered, and related to the traditional democratic process. The study has been fulfilled through informant interviews with representatives from four EU-projects. The interviews are supplemented by a qualitative text analysis of current statutes.

Design av verklighetsanknuten matematikundervisning

The aim of this study was to design short interventions based on the literature study, which will change the pupils? posture on mathematics and connections between problem-solving in mathematics and everyday life. An experimental group of 17 pupils in fifth grade participated in the study and were educated in everyday mathematics 20 minutes a day during four weeks. The intervention was measured in a pre- and after questionnaire, in order to control the design and discover possible changes in the pupils? posture on mathematics and connections between problems and everyday life.

Bildernas byggstenar : En studie om pixlar och vektorers egenskaper i form av digitala material

With a new digital world that runs parallel with our physical one, we are also facing a new type of architecture and new materials that this new architecture is built on. In this thesis I examine pixels and vectors, two of the digital materials used to create pictures. By approaching them as digital materials, I have mapped their different qualities, when and where one or the other is more or less applicable and the reason behind it. My main research question asked was the following: Are the (digital) materials challenged outside their primary fields of application, and in that case, in which way? With this question in mind, I carried out a semiotic picture analysis on four pictures, later on dividing them into four different categories, based on their different qualities and their ability to deliver information.

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