

996 Uppsatser om Photo application - Sida 17 av 67

Y-OQ 2.0 SR : En studie om behandlingens villkor och att tillämpa mätinstrument i behandling av ungdomar

The Youth Outcome Questionnaire 2.0 Self Report (Y-OQ 2.0 SR) has been implemented in residential treatment centre in the Municipality of Örebro as a result of the strive for a more evidence-based working approach within social work. This study aims to examine how personnel and adolescents describe the treatment/counseling and support and the application of the Y-OQ 2.0 SR in the units. The questions cover the values the personnel and adolescents ascribe to the application of the Y-OQ 2.0 SR, if the result from Y-OQ 2.0 SR is congruent with how the adolescents have been affected during the placement, which obstacles and/or possibilities emerge in the management of the instrument and if there are any indications that the Y-OQ 2.0 SR is advantageous or disadvantageous in the treatment process. The study has a qualitative approach; four interviews were carried out with adolescents and five with personnel. The result shows that structure is an important component in attaining a change in behaviour.

Topplistan som motivationsfaktor

Väldesignade spel är naturligt motiverande för att hålla kvar sina spelare. För att ett spel ska bli framgångsrikt är det viktigt att det innehåller motivationsförstärkare. På senare år har element hämtade från speldesign även använts inom andra områden, utanför sin vanliga kontext. Detta sammanfattas i begreppet gamification (sv. spelifiering).

Gamification in a sales context : Designing for motivation and commitment

Länge har utvecklare kämpat för att genom kreativa implementationer av gryende teknologi, särskilja och sprida sina applikationer och tjänster i konkurrensen av ett ständigt växande utbud. En av de senaste trenderna för att framkalla ett ökat engagemang och förbättrade prestationer bland användarna är gamification. Detta innebär processen att införa spelliknande moment i applikationer för att öka deras interaktionförmåga och på så sätt möjliggöra för motivation att uppstå inom användaren. Lyckade exempel på gamifierade applikationer har snabbt sprungit om sina konkurrenter både vad gäller användarlojalitet och popularitet vilket får många att fundera på nya användningsområden för tekniken. I detta arbete vill vi besvara frågor kring hur gamification kan användas för att öka engagemang, kunskap och prestation hos användarna i ett av dessa nya områden, försäljning.

Ledarskap och ledarstilar i klassrummet : en intervjustudie utifrån ett lärarperspektiv

The purpose with this examine was to study the teachers perception of leadership in the classroom and also how they experience the conditions of this. The method used was qualitative, and builds on a total of six interviews. Stensmos five leadership tasks in the classroom that constitute leadership context have provided the theoretical basis of this study. The leadership tasks have therefore been used as theoretical tools in this study to analyze the teachers? reasoning about their own leadership style.

 EU, "Unity in diversity" eller en klubb för privilegierade medlemmar?

The primary purpose of this thesis is to investigate the operation of membership criteria, which are applied against countries that wish to join the European Union (EU). More specifically, the importance of some criteria in comparison to others is considered. To answer this proposal, three questions are posed: What are the EU membership criteria? Are some criteria more important than other criteria? Does the EU treat candidate countries differently in applying the membership criteria? Three countries are used in this analysis, each country representing one recent enlargement round: Poland (2004), Romania (2007), and current candidate country Turkey. Both official documents, such as EU treaties, and unofficial documents such as statements from EU leaders are used to analyze the application of membership criteria.

Kundlönsamhetsanalys som avbildande kalkyl och medskapande praktik: En fallstudie av Billerud

In recent years, customer profitability has become a focal point of academic discussions on business performance. However, researchers remain divided as to how evaluation of customers ought to be conducted, resulting in uncertainty of how accounting systems should be adapted to prevailing conditions. This paper aims to investigate the application of customer accounting techniques and the role they play in the organisational and commercial context in which they take place. In a case study of Billerud, a Swedish company providing materials and services for packaging solutions, the interplay between customer accounting techniques and customer relationship characteristics has been examined through the application of a theoretical framework developed by Lind and Strömsten. Particular emphasis has been put on deviations from the prescribed pattern of the framework.

Sinnesmarknadsföring : En jämförelse mellan två galleriors tillämpning av sinnesmarknadsföring

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the application of sensory marketing in malls.Problem discussion: The competition between malls is increasing, where visitors are increasing demands on the shopping malls layout. Shopping malls surface and its atmosphere becomes essential in the design of a mall so it will be attractive enough. Sensory marketing can be an appropriate method to stand out from the crowd and attract visitors. Sensory marketing is a process of engaging visitor?s senses to create a strong relationship between the brand and visitors.

Rättsäkerhet i den psykiatriska tvångsvården : Lagstiftning och tillämpning

This study examines whether or not there are inherit flaws in Swedish legislation concerning psychiatric institutional care, or in the application of the act, which might lead to the failure of rule of law for the private citizen. Law (1991:1128) concerning psychiatric institutional care in certain instances (LPIC) aims to establish rules which will ensure rule of law for the mentally ill in case of psychiatric institutional care. Despite this, there are legal cases which indicate that these rules, and their implications, are not always considered at the psychiatric wards.The questions at issues which this study aims to answer are thus: Are there any deficiencies concerning rule of law in LPIC 2?3 §§, 4?6 §§, 7?10 §§,15?25 §§ and 32?33 §§ ? This section focuses on LPIC and its design. Whether or not the act adheres to rule of law is examined through a definition which has evolved through discussions of concept based in Peczeniks definition of rule of law.

IFRIC 15 : och dess påverkan på byggföretagens intäktsredovisning

The number of studies on IFRIC 15 is very limited. The available studies have either been conducted before the introduction of IFRIC 15 or at an early stage of the implementation. This study examines IFRIC 15s practice from a longer perspective. The purpose of this study is to explain the effect that the interpretation IFRIC 15 has had on accounting objectives and qualitative characteristics of the revenue recognition of Swedish construction companies. The study will also analyze whether the construction companies has changed their perception of IFRIC 15 after applying it form a longer time perspective.

Accelerometertillbehör till mobiltelefon : - Utveckling av Blåtands ansluten accelerometermodul till smartphone

This master thesis has been carried out as a prototype development project. The project hasbeen performed in cooperation with ÅF Combra AB. The purpose with the master thesis is toconstruct a Bluetooth interface between an accelerometer and a smartphone and constructinga physical prototype containing an accelerometer. This is done to test a new user interface tomobile phones. The master thesis has also included a research about the possibility toimplement distance measuring with Bluetooth.

Interactive Visualization of Statistical Data using Multidimensional Scaling Techniques

This study has been carried out in cooperation with Unilever and partly with the EC founded project, Smartdoc IST-2000-28137. In areas of statistics and image processing, both the amount of data and the dimensions are increasing rapidly and an interactive visualization tool that lets the user perform real-time analysis can save valuable time. Real-time cropping and drill-down considerably facilitate the analysis process and yield more accurate decisions. In the Smartdoc project, there has been a request for a component used for smart filtering in multidimensional data sets. As the Smartdoc project aims to develop smart, interactive components to be used on low-end systems, the implementation of the self-organizing map algorithm proposes which dimensions to visualize.

Varför terrorism? - en studie av Irländska republikanska armén

AbstractThis study has two aims:[X] to create an analytical framework consisting of factors that might trigger terrorism[X] to apply the analytical framework on the case of IRA, in order to be able to examinewhich factors that exist behind the appearance of terrorism in the current caseTo reach the first aim the author has studied the theoretical discourse on the complexed issueof terrorism. This has constituted the point of departure for the creation of an own analyticalframework. The purpose of the framework is to bring clearness to why terrorism appears. Theanalytical framework is not only suited for application on the case of IRA, but for applicationon terrorismcases in general. To reach the second aim the framework was applied on the caseof IRA.The aims of this study have been fulfilled through the method of qualitative text analysis.

Programvaruutveckling med visuell programmering i en pedagogisk tillämpning

In visual programming the developer specifies her code, using visual tools. Within the range of visual programming languages lay icon-based languages, form-based languages, and diagram languages.Mediator is a multimedia authoring tool that allows the user to create interactive CD-ROM presentations, dynamic HTML pages and Flash projects, without any coding or scripting. The user can create interactivity in her project, using event driven and icon-based visual programming, through a ?drag and drop? user interface. This report intends to determine some of the qualifications of a tool of this kind, as well as its limitations.The report is based on a case study, in which a smaller software application was to be updated using Mediator 9.

Design- och marknadsundersökning av en applikation för smartphone

?Medicines are available in different forms and often have different types of compound components. More and more drugs are found on the market. This means that professionals who handle different medicines must have access to more and more information.The information available includes information about side effects, active substances, interactions and pill identification. You may want to access different information, depending on your profession.

Effektiv metod för tydliga, skrivna instruktioner för produkttillverkning

St. Jude Medical Inc is one of the worlds leading companies in the medical technology area with cardiovascular devices as its specialty.Manufacturing implantable medical devices such as Pace Maker Electrodes requires complex design, safe processes and well trained operators. User friendly manufacturing operations are a necessity.Lately there?s been an increase of the manufacturing volume which also increased the number of operators. More operators need to be trained and cross-trained.

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