

996 Uppsatser om Photo application - Sida 11 av 67

EU:s normativa närvarande i Makedonien : - en kvalitativ studie

This thesis treats the normative power of the European Union and its affect on Macedonia. The main purpose has been to look closer with the use of the application of Ian Manners theory of normative power on the Macedonian case. The focus will be to answer the following questions: Does the European Union act as a normative power in relation to Macedonia, if so, how are these values diffused? Has there been any effect of the spreading of these values? Based on six interviews and the available material of European Union strategies for the Macedonian membership I have attempted to understand to what extent the European Union?s normative power has had an influence in Macedonia. The result of my analysis is confirmation of the European Union as a normative power in Macedonia and the understanding of the methods of application..

Hör upp!!

In this Bachelor thesis I explore sound and room as elements in design of user interfaces, both theoretical and practical in a specific application domain, to identify some of the advantages and disadvantage associated with these elements. As application domain I studied email clients and their usage at home amongst students at Blekinge Institute of Technology. In the study I found an activity, which seems to be highly distributed in the physical room where the user is located. The activity was notification of email and could take place in an arbitrary location of the home. I then augmented this activity with ideas from my theoretical assumption about room and sound.

Att splittra en hierarki : Applicering av poststrukturalistisk feministisk teori på SAB-systemet

This paper analyses what effect an application of a specific poststructural feminist theory has on the Swedish classification system SAB. The purpose is to study if it is possible to open up the current representation of gender towards a more multiple one. The study is both theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part include a short presentation of both classification theory and feminist theory. The study also presents the critic that poststructual feminists submit.

Standardiserande CAN drivrutiner

This master thesis project will describe and evaluate the interfaces between applications and Controller Area Network, CAN, interface boards from different manufacturers. The interfaces have corresponding functions but the usage of parameters is different. The simply communication of sending and receiving messages is more alike than the supplementary functions between the different interfaces. The CAN communication is more controlled by the CAN protocol and is therefore more alike. The evaluation shows differences and similarities between different interfaces and also difficulties and options to translate them.

Bättre arbetsberedningar med hjälp av BIM : Hur de kan utformas för implementering av BIM

During the past years Building Information Modelling (BIM), which is a digital way to work, has begun to spread amongst the parts of the construction process. At the construction phase the larger companies has started using the new way to work. This expansion has not been developed amongst smaller companies leading to the purpose of this report, to investigate in which ways the smaller companies can implement BIM by changing their way to work. The thesis is delimited to work preperations with the objective to define how the work preperations should be structured to enable the implementation of BIM. To achieve the objective of the report, information about the subject has been collected by interviews and literature studies.

Alla barn är lika mycket värda : En kvalitativ studie om hur barn framställs i KappAhls reklamfilmer

I have written an essay called ?All children are equally worth - A qualitative analysis of how children are produced in KappAhls commercials?.The purpose of this thesis is to do a study of the swedish clothing company KappAhl?s commercials. My purpose is divided into three questions: With which clothing colours are girls and boys represented in the commercials? Is there any difference in the making of ?non-white? and ?white? children in the commercials? and What is being transmitted in KappAhl?s commercials, where the focus should lay on the clothes?My material consists of three selected video clips from KappAhl?s Youtube channel. The three commercials are named: 1, Back to school, 2, Children?s christmas and 3, KappAhl 3 för 2 på alla överdelar för barn (translation: KappAhl 3 for 2 on all children?s tops).

A Collaborative VolumeViewer

This study has been carried out as a part of the EC funded project, SMARTDOC IST-2000-28137, with the objective of developing application components that provide highly interactive visualization and collaboration functionalities. The low-level components from the graphics library AVS OpenViz 2.0 are used as the development basis. The application components can be inserted into electronic documents that allow embedded controls such as web documents or Microsoft Word or PowerPoint documents. Instead of displaying results as static images, a SMARTDOC component provides the ability to visualize data and interact with it inside the document. Although the principal goal of the SMARTDOC project is to create components in a number of different application domains this study concentrates on developing a medical imaging application component in collaboration with the project partners AETmed and professor Alan Jackson at the University of Manchester.

Lagerprogram för Satellitlager

Texo Application has created robots that they call for satellites; with these you can feed in storage pallets into a satellite storage. Satellite storages consist of channels in height (e.g.3 to 8 pieces) and width (e.g.3 to 100 pieces). Channels can be different long (e.g. 5 to 200 pallets). At deposit of a storage pallet the truck insert the satellite in a channel and then the pallet, the pallet is driven into the channel until it reaches another pallet or the other end.

Bilder på Facebook : 24 ungdomar om social bildkommunikation på Facebook

Vi har genom intervjuer i fokusgrupper undersökt hur gymnasiestuderande 18-åriga ungdomar i Sundsvall reflekterar över bilder och bildpublicering på det sociala mediet Facebook. Tre fokusgrupper bestående av kvinnor, tre fokusgrupper bestående av män har resonerat kring frågor som berör fyra teman: medialisering, integritet, självbild och etik. Totalt ingick 24 ungdomar i undersökningen.Studien besvarar frågor kring varför ungdomar publicerar bilder på Facebook och vilka problem och konsekvenser denna bildpublicering kan resultera i, samt om det finns några skillnader mellan män och kvinnor i deras svar.Studiens ungdomar lever ett medierat liv. De återberättar händelser ur verkliga livet på Facebook med hjälp av bilder. Studiens ungdomar använder sig även av bilder för att skapa sina digitala jag, och ser dessa bilder som en viktig del av hur de uppfattas av andra.

Personalens bedömning av tillämpningen av ett återhämtningsperspektiv inom vården

AbstractThe purpose was to investigate whether a recovery perspective, viewed from a psychosocial approach is applied in municipal / private and county related care and rehabilitation. A recovery perspective means that the attending staff ensures that the clients are viewed as holistic individuals, where all aspects of life are considered to ensure adequate care and rehabilitation. A questionnaire was answered by staff in psychiatry, social psychiatry and addiction treatment from different areas of the municipal / private and county related sector.The results show no difference in application of a recovery perspective between these two types of organizations. However, there is a slight tendency (non-significant) to lower-rated general individual competencies for municipal / private. There is also a strong tendency (non-significant) to a general difference between the aspects of the implemented recovery perspective, where the tendency is that the respondents as a whole estimate that the organization to a greater degree creates good conditions for a recovery perspective compared to the degree they are actually working on that basis.

Tvådimensionella rum

We are always surrounded by space, not just only in a room with four walls, but also when we are outdoors.Constantly we move in a flow of space that changes whenever we move. Unaware we are affectedby this threedimensional surrounding of ours, and it reacts with our perception. Many times, we chooseto translate it into something two-dimensional, for example when we take a photo, recording a movie orframing a view with a window. It helps us to catch a moment, a piece of reality and restore it in our ownway. In this project I?ve chosen to explore this process, to interpret and create my own theories about thistranslation from space to a two-dimensional surface.

Integration av affärssystem och e-handelssystem

Denna rapport behandlar ett tämligen outforskat delområde inom elektroniskt handel, nämligen integration av affärssystem och e-handelssystem. Huvudfrågan i denna rapport går ut på att undersöka hur företag har integrerat sitt affärssystem med sitt e-handelssystem. För att besvara huvudfrågan delades den upp i tre delfrågor. Dessa sökte besvara dels på vilken nivå inom Enterprise Application Integration som företagen hade integrerat systemen, dels vilka integrationstekniker företagen använder för att integrera systemen samt dels vilka effekter integrationen medfört för företagen. För att besvara problemställningen utfördes telefonintervjuer med fyra företag.

En undersökning av Quicknets Customer Relation Management

This report is focused on a research to find out if the Customer Relation Management (CRM) of Quicknet AB works and if their customers are satisfied with it. During this investigation I tried to see if the customers had a need for taking the CRM and use a tool called Social CRM. The report will conclude if the clients of Quicknet think that there is something that can be done in the relation between both parts and how it can be improved. At the same time I am going to build an application which relates to the problems of this report.To solve the problem I am going to do a survey which will include the CRM and also try to find out if the customers of Quicknet share the same thoughts about having a Social Customer Relation Management. Also if this survey shows what the customers think about the CRM, it could improve the relation between Quicknet and themselves. The result from the survey showed two things.

Minnet sviker Aldrig : Att utnyttja volatil data i Krypterade system

When the use of encryption amongst the regular computer user grows morewidespread than ever it makes the life of the IT-forensics experts difficult.Hampering the judicial investigations that otherwise could have lead to convictions.In this report we will treat the subject of crypto analysis with a focus on decrypting files and devices encrypted with the software TrueCrypt. A solution will be presented that can facilitate the future work involving encryption. The application DFEAT that has been developed during the writings of this report is faster than the corresponding software EFDD, and attacks both partitions and bitwise copies of entire harddrives where PKF fails.DFEAT is a lightweight application that is almost 50 times smaller compared to EFDD and 200 times smaller than PKF's portable version..

Träningsappar som verktyg i hälsofrämjande syfte : - Användares erfarenheter och upplevelser

Physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality. To prevent and change this the society need to develop good approaches and interventions to promote physical activity. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate which experience existing users have of smartphone training applications. Also to study if this can be a possible resource for health promotion. Six active users applied to participation after they had seen an ad in social media.

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