

3630 Uppsatser om Pharmacological care - Sida 1 av 242

Nöjd och glad : Icke - farmakologiska omvårdnadsåtgärder i demensvård

abstractBackground: Dementia affected patients have increasing problems with memory , impaired language ability, which affects communication and behaviour is considerable. These difficulties may provide an outlet for aggression, agitation and anxiety, and are common in dementia, which is exhausting for patients and their relatives and carers. Behavioural changes are common condition in patients with dementia and affects quality of life and cause unnecessary suffering . Pharmacological treatment that is inserted to relieve these symptoms have many side effects. Printed out more knowledge about non- pharmacological nursing interventions that can facilitate care for patients , relatives and carers are great.Aim: To describe non- pharmacological nursing interventions in dementia care .Method: A general literature review of thirteen scientific papers compiled and described in a result.Results: Compilation resulted in two themes,  Music in dementia care and Stimulation in dementia care and four subthemes, Singing in the care, Listening to music, Activities and Consolation and fillip that showed a dominant positive effect on dementia affected patients and carers and there by create opportunities for caring in dementia care .Conclusion: The different nursing interventions may be useful in dementia care when they show a dominant positive effect on various behavioural changes, it seems memory stimulant and promotes communication between patients and carers which favours caring .Keywords: Agitated behaviour, dementia, non- pharmacological, literature review, nursing. .

Individers erfarenhet av icke farmakologisk behandling vid långvarig smärta : En litteraturöversikt

Aim: The aim of this study was to highlighting the experiences of individuals of non-pharmacological treatment for chronic pain.Method: The study was designed as a literature review with aim to review andcompile the articles results. This study has been based on a systematic literature search of supplementing out of an unsystematic search were 11 articles were found.Results: The participants in the studies had experienced a good effect out of non-pharmacological treatments for their pain and a improved quality of life. Based on participants´ experiences of treatment two categories occurred: body awareness and relaxation. Body awareness arose through treatments like yoga, mindfulness meditation and CBT. Relaxation occurred through treatments, like music, heat, massage and meditation.Conclusion: This study highlights how non-pharmacological treatments is experienced by individuals with chronic pain and two key areas have been identified.

Sömn, depressionssymtom, livskvalitet och Alzheimers sjukdom

Background: Sleep-disturbances in persons with Alzheimer´s disease are prevalent. They are characterized as increased frequency and duration of awakenings, decreased slow-wave sleep, REM-sleep and increase of day-time napping. Depression and lower quality of life are associated with sleep-disturbances. Altogether a significant source of stress for caregivers and an important factor in institutionalization. Non-pharmacological treatment alternatives are rare.Method: Single-case A-B-C design, with non-concurrent multiple baselines, a pilotstudy.Aim: To explore if an educational program on sleep, sleep disturbances and behavioural change directed towards caregivers improved sleep, depression and quality of life in persons with Alzheimer´s disease living at home.

Sociala mediers inverkan på självkänsla Påverkas ungdomar av sitt Facebookanvändande?

BackgroundResearch shows that the majority of patients feel anxiety before and during anesthesia. It has been shown in several studies that preoperative anxiety may cause adverse effects in the postoperative course. Nurse anesthetists have a key role in creating a safe environment and the opportunity to use different interventions to reduce the degree of anxiety.AimThe aim of the study was to examine which interventions may reduce anxiety in adult patients before and during both general, local and regional anesthesia.DesignSystematic literature review with a quantitative approach.ResultsSeveral studies indicate that gabapentin and pregabalin can reduce anxiety before and during anesthesia. The anxiety reducing effect appeared to be dose dependent. The naturopathic drugs Citrus aurantium blossom and Passiflora incarnata Linneaus were found to reduce anxiety before anesthesia.

Enhetschefs främjande av anställdas psykosociala arbetsmiljöEn kvalitativ studie på kommunala äldreboenden.

BackgroundResearch shows that the majority of patients feel anxiety before and during anesthesia. It has been shown in several studies that preoperative anxiety may cause adverse effects in the postoperative course. Nurse anesthetists have a key role in creating a safe environment and the opportunity to use different interventions to reduce the degree of anxiety.AimThe aim of the study was to examine which interventions may reduce anxiety in adult patients before and during both general, local and regional anesthesia.DesignSystematic literature review with a quantitative approach.ResultsSeveral studies indicate that gabapentin and pregabalin can reduce anxiety before and during anesthesia. The anxiety reducing effect appeared to be dose dependent. The naturopathic drugs Citrus aurantium blossom and Passiflora incarnata Linneaus were found to reduce anxiety before anesthesia.

Överviktiga barn - Sjuksköterskors och föräldrars reflektioner : En litteraturstudie

Background: The prevalence of dementia increases both in Sweden and in the rest of the world. People with dementia often display some types of behavioral and psychological symptoms. These symptoms include, among other things, aggressiveness, inactivity, activity disturbance, anxiety, hallucinations and depression. The symptoms can create a negative impact of those with dementia, their caregivers and their next of kin. Aim: To describe the effect of non-pharmacological treatments have on the behavioral and psychological symptoms of people with dementia.

Effekten av icke-farmakologiska behandlingar i omvårdnaden av personer med demens och beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom : En litteraturstudie

Background: The prevalence of dementia increases both in Sweden and in the rest of the world. People with dementia often display some types of behavioral and psychological symptoms. These symptoms include, among other things, aggressiveness, inactivity, activity disturbance, anxiety, hallucinations and depression. The symptoms can create a negative impact of those with dementia, their caregivers and their next of kin. Aim: To describe the effect of non-pharmacological treatments have on the behavioral and psychological symptoms of people with dementia.

Livet efter en viktminskningsoperation : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med kvinnor som genomgått en viktminskningsoperation

Background: Sleep-disturbances in persons with Alzheimer´s disease are prevalent. They are characterized as increased frequency and duration of awakenings, decreased slow-wave sleep, REM-sleep and increase of day-time napping. Depression and lower quality of life are associated with sleep-disturbances. Altogether a significant source of stress for caregivers and an important factor in institutionalization. Non-pharmacological treatment alternatives are rare.Method: Single-case A-B-C design, with non-concurrent multiple baselines, a pilotstudy.Aim: To explore if an educational program on sleep, sleep disturbances and behavioural change directed towards caregivers improved sleep, depression and quality of life in persons with Alzheimer´s disease living at home.

Interventioner som reducerar oro inför och under anestesi hos vuxna patienter

BackgroundResearch shows that the majority of patients feel anxiety before and during anesthesia. It has been shown in several studies that preoperative anxiety may cause adverse effects in the postoperative course. Nurse anesthetists have a key role in creating a safe environment and the opportunity to use different interventions to reduce the degree of anxiety.AimThe aim of the study was to examine which interventions may reduce anxiety in adult patients before and during both general, local and regional anesthesia.DesignSystematic literature review with a quantitative approach.ResultsSeveral studies indicate that gabapentin and pregabalin can reduce anxiety before and during anesthesia. The anxiety reducing effect appeared to be dose dependent. The naturopathic drugs Citrus aurantium blossom and Passiflora incarnata Linneaus were found to reduce anxiety before anesthesia.

Vägen till beröring i det palliativa skedet

In the palliative care there are many close encounters between the care-taker and the care-giver. To be touched is foundational to every human being and the care-giver shows his presence to the care-taker, when he touch the care-taker. Touch is an important tool for the care-giver in the care for the care-taker. It becomes a natural way of communicating. The aim of this literature study was to describe which factors that are important, for the care-taker in the palliative care, to receive touch in the purpose of feeling well-being.

Sjuksköterskans upplevelser av patienter med psykossjukdom och deras delaktighet i den psykiatriska öppenvården

Several studies show that the clinical reality in psychiatric care does not correspond to the demand of consumer participation from a variety of policy documents that has been produced recently. Studies also show that there is a lot to do in improving, patients with sever mental illness, becoming more involved in their own care. The nurse has a central role in this work. The Norwegian nursing theorist Jan-Ka?re Hummelvolls holistic, existentialistic model for psychiatric nursing were used as theoretical ground.The aim of this study was to examine how nurses in psychiatric outpatient units, caring for patients with psychotic disorders, experiences consumer participation.Qualitative phenomenological method was used.

KBT-gruppbehandling av bipolär sjukdom : En pilotstudie

Bipolar disorder is a chronic affective disorder, characterized by episodes of mania and depression. Previous studies have shown beneficial results for CBT in conjunction with pharmacotherapy over pharmacological treatment alone. The aim of the present study was to evaluate a CBT treatment in group for patients with bipolar disorder, run by Norrlands universitetssjukhus. The treatment group consisted of pharmacologically stabilized patients (n=12) who received group CBT. They were compared to a control group (n=5) who received pharmacological treatment only.

Förebyggande av smärta vid propofolinjektion : Jämförelse mellan lidokain och remifentanil

Propofol is an intravenously administered, hypnotic and short- acting pharmaceutical. One common sideeffect (>1:10) and therefore a disadvantage with propofol is the local pain that arise when the initial injection is given. Why the pain arise is not clearly understood. A majority of different pharmacological treatments, different doses and combinations, alternative administrations methods and physical interventions have been tried to reduce the pain when injection of propofol is given. One important task for the nurse is to relieve pain for patients.

Så är det inte längre : Närståendes vardag efter patient- och närståendeutbildning vid bipolär sjukdom

Several studies show that the clinical reality in psychiatric care does not correspond to the demand of consumer participation from a variety of policy documents that has been produced recently. Studies also show that there is a lot to do in improving, patients with sever mental illness, becoming more involved in their own care. The nurse has a central role in this work. The Norwegian nursing theorist Jan-Ka?re Hummelvolls holistic, existentialistic model for psychiatric nursing were used as theoretical ground.The aim of this study was to examine how nurses in psychiatric outpatient units, caring for patients with psychotic disorders, experiences consumer participation.Qualitative phenomenological method was used.

Vägen till ett självständigt liv : Utslussning och eftervård av unga vuxna efter avslutad samhällsvård

The aim of this study was to investigate the leaving care services provided to youth leaving residential care in Sweden. Through the use of qualitative research interviews residential care workers perception of what practical and emotional needs youth leaving care have, and whether current aftercare services meet these needs, were examined. The study further sought to compare the swedish and english leaving care services. The main findings of the study were that the residential care workers interviewed expressed that they had a good working relationship with the local social services and that they through the residential care services were able to provide some degree of aftercare. They further identified loneliness as the most prominent emotional need of youth had after leaving care.

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