

12 Uppsatser om Personarkiv - Sida 1 av 1

Vem tar plats i arkivet? : - Riksarkivet och personarkiven 1901-2002

Uppsatsen behandlar hur Riksarkivet, trots avsaknaden av tvingande juridiska bevarandekrav, agerat i frågan kring bevarandet av Personarkiv och hur detta i sin tur har avspeglats i arkivinstitutionens beståndsprofil under perioden 1901-2002. Ämnet är av intresse då tidigare forskning kring Personarkiv främst koncentrerats till ordnings- och förteckningsprinciper eller frågor kring Personarkivens användningsområden för forskarsamhället. Undersökningens teoretiska ramverk utgår från att arkiven inte är neutrala förmedlare av historien, utan aktivt formas av den rådande tidsandans idéer och förutsättningar. Därigenom blir arkivarierna, genom sina ageranden och ställningstaganden, viktiga aktörer i konstruktionen av det förflutna. En annan viktig teoretisk utgångspunkt för studien är hur minneskategorierna; kollektivt minne, personligt minne, arkivminne och historiskt minne, interagerar med varandra för att forma vår förståelse av det förgångna.           Undersökningen består metodologiskt av två delstudier ? en kvalitativt inspirerad studie av myndighetens egenproducerade handlingar för att utröna agerandet i Personarkivsfrågan, och en kvantitativ motsvarighet för att belysa hur detta avspeglats i myndighetens Personarkivsbestånd, där källmaterialet bestått i Riksarkivets beståndsöversikt över person- släkt- och gårdsarkiv. Resultatet visar att Riksarkivet under åren 1901-2002 går från att vara en institution med ett ganska svalt intresse för Personarkiv till att bli en aktör som på ett aktivt sätt både insamlar och genererar nytt Personarkivsmaterial.

Gerd Enequists personarkiv

The Swedish geographer Gerd Enequist (1903-1989) left behind great amounts of private and work material when she passed away. This was donated to the University Library of Uppsala, Carolina Rediviva, in three different accessions. This resulted in three different record. The subject of this report is the progress of assembling these record into one complete record.The registering led to many important decisions such as the role of provenance and the relation of private and public documents. Above all the special nature of personal archives have been a topic of discussion.

Ett förlorat kulturarv? : Digitala personarkiv ? problem, lösningar och framtid

This thesis has focused on digital born personal archives; how they are different from analog paper archives and possible ways to overbridge these differences. It is also studied how archivists and librarians are dealing with digital archives, what they think about new proactive solutions when collecting private papers and collections and positive and negative effects with this way to work. The thesis is delimitated to only private collections and digital created material. It do not concern digitized material or electronic documents in government or business organizations.The challenges in digital curation and administration are discussed in aspect of the Records Continuum Model. The empirical material is also put in relation to research in Personal Information Management and identity theory.

Renhet och smuts i personarkivet : Ett antropologiskt perspektiv på ordnandet och förtecknandet av personarkiv

Personal archives are a largely neglected subject in archival theory. Among the consequences of this is the absenceof any general established or formalized practices when it comes to arrangement and description. Thisstudy opposes the notion that an archival institution without formal systems of arrangement and description doesnot order and describe archives in accordance with a general conceptual framework of a correct order. Supportingitself on the anthropological theory of Mary Douglas on dirt and cleanliness, it studies the implicit notions oforder that can be found in the archival descriptions of the personal archives kept by the Swedish national archives.Several patterns where revealed by the study: among them the primacy of quantity stood out. The vaguesystem of categories based on Martin Grass description model appears only to be employed loyally where quantitiesof the particular categories are such that they constitute complete volumes, which seem to be the cardinaljustifier of categorical division within the archive.

Allan Petterssons personarkiv : Digitalt eller i pappersform?

Digitization is a concept that has become popular in terms of collections of old heritage-related material such as books, photographs and paper documents. This work is a study of the Swedish composer Allan Pettersson (1911?1980) and his personal archive stored at Section for Manuscripts and Music at Uppsala University Library. My issues are What happens to the archive of the digitized? Will there be a "new" archive of the digitized? What guidelines are Uppsala University Library using for their digitizing and how do they look? What will be the result after digitization? What about copyright and the material? Allan Pettersson's personal papers consist a large collection of sketches of musical notes, newspaper clippings and concert programs.

Det Blomqvistska släktarkivet

For my advanced degree in archival science, I have organized and catalogued the Blomqvist family archive.  The Blomqvist family archive consists of records from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 21th century. The records in the archive depict and describe different aspect of the Blomqvist familys life and work. Specific problems and theoretical questions that appeared during the cataloguing of the Blomqvist archive were related to the great presence of objects and photographs in the archive. A discussion concerning the role of objects in archives and within archive institution took place. The problem with cataloguing photographs as well as the problem of searching for photographs in archives, were also discussed.       .

Johan Axel Björkman och P.A. Björkman : Två prostarkiv

This essay has its background in the work I?ve been conducting organizing and cataloging two personal archives concerning the life and work of two vicars, Johan Axel Björkman and P.A. Björkman. The time span of the papers stretches from 1823 to 1982.The main problems I?ve been confronted with during this work have to do with respecting provenance and original order.

Samlingen som verktyg : Personal Information Management  och konstna?rers personliga samlingar

The study set out to find how artists organize and use their personal collections from a Personal Information Management (PIM) perspective, and how that use affects their practice and their art production. A secondary object of the study was to articulate the ways that personal collections are utilized as tools by creative users.  The empirical data consisted of five qualitative, semi-structured interviews with Swedish and Norwegian sound artists. The constant comparative method was used for analysis, and Activity Theory was used as a theore- tical framework for the study. The study concluded that artists? personal collections, while diverse in content and structure, serve the same functions as tools in creative processes, and that attention to the uses of personal collections highlight needs that could be better met by integrated PIM-functionality.

Allt som finns kvar : Om personarkiv hos föräldrar som förlorat små barn

The object of this two years master's thesis has been to study a specific genre of personal archives by examiningthe archives of nine parents who have lost one or several infants. Using internet-based methods, (e-mail, Skypeand digital photographs), I have conducted qualitative research using a general interview guide technique. Usingresearch from archival theory as well as other fields, my material has been arranged and analysed according tothemes and recurring thoughts picked up from my informants during the interviews.My main theoretical aid has been that the role of parent who has lost a child is the starting point for the creationof the personal archives. Another important theory is my definition of the term ?document? as not dependent onmedium and format, but on usage: if an object has been used as a part of an archive, it is a document.

En jämförelse mellan två släktarkiv : Ordnandet och förtecknandet av det Gardtmanska och det Hamnströmska släktarkivet

For my advanced degree in archival science, I have organised and catalogued two family archives; man Family Archives ("Gardtmanska släktarkivet") and the Hamnström Family Archives ("Hamnströmska säk- tarkivet"). Though both could be labelled "family archives", there were many differences between the two. The Gardtman Family Archives contained the records of several family members from a period of several centuries, spanning from the early 17th century, to the early 20th century. It was by far the larger of the two archives. A substantial part of the records consisted of documents regarding various agricultural estates the family had owned or been involved with in one way or another.

Hans Alséns arkiv 1986 - 1992 : Att ordna och förteckna en landshövdings handlingar

Hans Olof Alsén, born 16 august 1926, is a Swedish Social Democrat politician who served as the County Governor of Uppsala from 1986 to 1992. During the 1960s, -70s and -80s he had several political commissions including Member of Parliament and government Undersecretary. In addition he had numerous Board of Directors assignments in different business corporations as well as in non commercial associations both prior to, during and after the County Governor period.This paper describes the organizing and cataloguing of Hans Alsén's personal archives. The documents at hand were deposited at the regional state archives (Landsarkivet) in Uppsala in 2008 and 2009 by Alsén himself. The documents almost exclusively cover the County Governor years 1986-1992.

Personarkiv på Kungliga biblioteket -ordningar, kopplingar och krockar på ett nationalbibliotek

The departure point of this thesis is the context of the institution and the processes surrounding the handling of personal archives at the National Library of Sweden. These processes are examined using Actor Network Theory. Around the personal archive a network is constructed and contained by actors ? the archive itself, the librarian, the conservator, the researcher, organizational structures and others. Within this network choices are made of what is significant.