7968 Uppsatser om Personal values - Sida 40 av 532
En utveckling av samverkansformen partnering. Från splittrat begrepp till gemensam modell.
At this point seamen have a lot of tasks of administrative character, beyond the traditional tasks aboard a ship. Due to the new conventions that are formed by IMO, more requirements are added which often lead to time consuming administrative tasks and documentation that should be spent on activities which are contributing to the ships safety. The issue has been observed by IMO that has through BIMCO done a study with the aim to identify and reduce administrative burdens at sea.The primary aim of this study is to find out if safety officers aboard Swedish ferries consider that SOLAS Chapter III, 8.3 och 19.5 regulations are administrative burdens, restricted to muster lists and documentation of training aboard the ship.The secondary questions to the study are if it is possible to remove, combine or change the documents and how much time can be saved by doing this. The question about timesaving could not be answered, because the values were scattered and could not be used for further investigation. The observed values were accumulated by a survey and the result indicated that safety officers did not experience the two regulations as administrative burdens.
Den orala hälsan hos patienter som har tecknat frisktandvård år 2001 0ch år 2004 vid Folktandvården i Bromölla
The aim of the study was to describe the oral health development among patients at the Public Dental Care clinic in Bromölla who made an agreement regarding Healthy Dental Care during the years 2001 and 2004, compared with patients who did not made such an agreement. The study material was obtained from dental journals in total at 150 patients. Data regarding age, sex, health status, tobacco use, plaque- and gingivitis values, pocket depht, initial- and manifest caries, risk assessments, preventive measures by dental personel and acute dental care between year 2001 and 2004 was obtained from dental results. Almost twice as many man made an agreement compared to women. Tobacco use was higher in control group both 2001 and 2004.
Innovationsupphandling : innovationspartnerskapets tillämpningsområde
The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects. The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.
Den privata läsupplevelsen blir social. Tre kvinnor i en läsecirkel berättar
The purpose of this Bachelor Thesis is to examine what happens when the solitary reading experience becomes a social activity. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with three women belonging to the same reading group. I have used Sten Furhammar?s reading dimensions and categories to explain their reading experience, and Jenny Hartley, Elizabeth Long and Immi Lundin to explain the function that the reading group has for them, and the relationship between reading experiences in a book-discussion.My result shows that they started the reading group because they lacked an opportunity to discuss their readings with people that had the same interest in books. They do all have different ways to read, which is displayed by Furhammar?s categories personal and impersonal reading for experience.
Demokratiuppdraget: ett viktigt uppdrag : En kvalitativ studie om hur fem lärare för årskurs 1 tolkar skolans demokratiuppdrag
According to the Swedish curriculum the education should establish respect for human rights and democratic values (Skolverket, 2011, s.7). The purpose of this study is to investigate how five first grade teachers understand the democracy education and how they practice it in reality. I have, based on the purpose of this study issued following questions:What is the teachers interpretation of the democracy education? How does the teachers work with democracy in practice?What difficulties does the teachers see with the democracy education?This study is made through a qualitative method based on interviews with five teachers. The results show that the teachers at both schools, despite the different definitions of the concept of democracy, yet interprets democracy education relatively equal.
Bildlärares kamp om att få sina röster hörda hos ledningen
Sara Lidman?s second novel Hjortronlandet (1955) unfolds in the north of Sweden in the early 20th century. It describes the progress of modernity and the conflicting interests of an old local culture and a new more ?civilised? one. The two cultures are constituted by different value systems and in the novel they are represented by two neighbour communities.
Ensamkommande barn : En studie om möjligheter och svårigheter personal ser i arbetet med ensamkommande barn
Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka möjligheter och svårigheter personalen ser i arbetet med ensamkommande barn. Studien använder en kvalitativ metod med hermeneutisk inriktning. I resultatet presenteras fem teman, trygghet, skilda förväntningar, samverkan mellan personal och andra aktörer, makt- och delaktighet och att förhålla sig till motstridiga känslor. I resultatet framkom vikten av en trygg relation, empati och förståelse. Kulturella skillnader kan ge upphov till konflikter.
Kundlojalitet inom spa-industrin - är personalen avgörande?
Denna uppsats undersöker följande frågeställningar: Spelar personalens agerande en avgörande roll för huruvida kunden återkommer till spa-salongen? Hur bör företaget förhålla sig till endera utfall? Vi har valt att undersöka spa-industrin då vi finner lojalitetsproblematiken i denna kontext intressant då tjänstemötet omfattas av en hög interaktion och intimitet spa-personal och kund emellan. Uppsatsen baseras på ett induktivt angreppssätt då vi utgått ifrån vårt empiriska material och sedermera jämfört detta med teorin. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativt präglad metod genom intervjuer med spa-besökare och spa-ansvariga. Vidare har vi utformat ett frågeformulär som riktats emot spa-besökare som kompletterar vår kvalitativa metod.
Vilka tv-glasögon har du? : En studie i hur partipolitiskt aktiva personer tolkar tv-serien Scooby Doo
AbstractTitle: What TV-glasses do you wear? A study in how party-political people decode the TVshow Scooby Doo (Vilka tv-glasögon har du? En studie i hur partipolitiskt aktiva personer tolkar tv-serien Scooby Doo)Number of pages: 47 (54 including enclosures)Author: Christopher LandstedtTutor: Amelie HössjerCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Autumn term 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to make a study in how party-political people, 18-25 years old, both female and male, decode the messages in the TV-show Scooby Doo from 1969. Do they decode the show differently because of their political view, their gender or, and their social background? Is there a pattern in the decoding or is it based on a more individual level?Material/Method: A qualitative method containing a total number of 16 individual interviews with young adults, 18-25 years old, half of them female, the other half male, were used. All of the participants are members of political youth parties/organizations, equally divided in left and right wing parties.
Mat för äldre : Äldre och personals uppfattningar om maten på ett vårdboende
Syfte: Att undersöka hur äldre personer och personal på ett vårdboende som lagar maten på plats uppfattar kvaliteten på den mat som serveras samt huruvida det förekommer några skillnader i deras åsikter.Metod: Kvalitativ design med semistrukturerade intervjuer och kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Fyra äldre och fem personal, samtliga kvinnor, intervjuades på ett vårdboende i Uppsala. Dessa valdes ut med hjälp av kostombudet på vårdboendet, s.k. strategiskt urval.Resultat: Äldre och personal uppfattade maten som god, varierad och ofta förekommande. Valfrihet, hemlagad, traditionell mat och mat som varken är för stark eller salt är uppskattat av de äldre enligt både personal och de äldre.
Norm & form - att förstå makt och rum ur ett genusperspektiv, från kritisk analys till strategi
At this point seamen have a lot of tasks of administrative character, beyond the traditional tasks aboard a ship. Due to the new conventions that are formed by IMO, more requirements are added which often lead to time consuming administrative tasks and documentation that should be spent on activities which are contributing to the ships safety. The issue has been observed by IMO that has through BIMCO done a study with the aim to identify and reduce administrative burdens at sea.The primary aim of this study is to find out if safety officers aboard Swedish ferries consider that SOLAS Chapter III, 8.3 och 19.5 regulations are administrative burdens, restricted to muster lists and documentation of training aboard the ship.The secondary questions to the study are if it is possible to remove, combine or change the documents and how much time can be saved by doing this. The question about timesaving could not be answered, because the values were scattered and could not be used for further investigation. The observed values were accumulated by a survey and the result indicated that safety officers did not experience the two regulations as administrative burdens.
Att legitimera litteraturläsning i skolan
This essay will treat questions regarding why we should read literature, more specifically fiction, in schools. My issues regards how the curriculums of the swedish school subject legitimizes reading of literature, and my main focus is on the curriculums themselves. As a complement, I have completed three interviews with professional teachers to see how they legitimize reading for the pupils and for themselves. I have also discussed the potential democratic values of teaching and reading literature in schools, and I discuss my results in relation to the "values" of the swedish schools. My study is based on a study of the old curriculums, completed by Magnus Persson in 2007.
Falska erkännanden : ur ett beteendevetenskapligt perspektiv
The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects. The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.
Är 40 kap. 11 § IL förenlig med EU-rätten? : en analys av beloppsspärren
The purpose of this essay is to study the two cases ?The hijacking of a bus in Årdal? & ?The double murder in Ljungsbro? from media ethics aspects. The aim for this study is to clear up if the the Swedish newspapers have reported according to the mediaethic rules and to see if there is any differences between the newspapers reporting. The following theories has been used to reach the objective: the journalism task, news values, the liberty of press and speach, media ethical rules and discursive discrimination. The study has used a critical discourse method formed by Teun a. van Dijk to analyse the material, mainly through macro- and microstructures.
Gårdssmedjor i södra Gästrikland En studie av Hedesunda och Österfärnebo socknar
Poorly maintained forges are a common sight in the province of Gästrikland. Because of their changed appearance, possible move from the origin location and poor items related knowledge they will rarely qualify for the range of funds available through Länsstyrelsen. Therefore this study deals with the problems associated with the forges in southern Gästrikland, i.e. Hedesunda and Österfärnebo parishes.The aim of the study is to increase the items related knowledge of forges and perhaps form the basis for restoration projects in the area. Eleven forges have been examined and the changes they have undergone have been highlighted.A forge was erected on the farm and was used for the households needs such as producing and repairing tools.