

7968 Uppsatser om Personal values - Sida 38 av 532

Är objektiva moraliska värden möjliga utan Gud? : en teoriprövning av Moralens Landskap

What drove me to write this paper is the will to  examine if there is a philosophically and scientifically viable  alternative foundation for an objective morality other than what we like to refer to as "God". The  American philosopher and neuroscientist Sam Harris presents in his book The Moral Landscape a thesis for an objective morality based on science in which he states that  science can determine human values. The purpose of this paper is to perform a theoretical trial of The Moral Landscape, examining Harris' thesis and it's relations to the philosophical obstacles that stands in its way, these being mainly the famous philosophical principle "Hume's Law" and G.E. Moore's "Naturalistic Fallacy and Open Question Argument" and thus will serve as my main theoretical foundation. The results of my study was not conclusive since Harris in fact doesn't succeed in bridging the gap between facts and values on a scientific ground.

22§ LAS - ett hinder för kommuner att tillvarata personal med kompetens och skicklighet?

Medarbetarnas kompetens och skicklighet är direkt kopplat till en verksamhets lönsamhet och effektivitet. Skånska kommuner står de närmaste åren inför en ekonomisk kris, vilket bland annat troligen kommer att medföra uppsägning av personal. Denna studies syfte är att undersöka om skånska personalchefer, inom kommunal verksamhet, upplever att turordningsreglerna i Lagen (1982:80) om anställningsskydd (LAS) påverkar deras möjlighet att tillvarata personal med kompetens och skicklighet vid uppsägningar och i så fall hur. Vi har intervjuat fem personalchefer (eller motsvarande befattning) i fem olika kommuner om hur deras respektive kommuner arbetar med kompetensförsörjning och hur deras inställning är till 22§ LAS. Resultatet visar att 22§ LAS, till viss del, upplevs begränsa kommunernas möjligheter att tillvarata personal med kompetens och skicklighet vid uppsägningar. Möjligheterna att tillvarata kompetens och skicklighet ansågs begränsas ytterligare av de fackliga organisationernas ovilja till att upprätta avtalsturlistor.

Ideologier i biblioteksbyggnaden ? en fallstudie av Arlövs bibliotek

Library architecture today is a complicated history. Public libraries are no longer merely a place for book storage, but also a virtual library a social meeting place and a place for study. All these diverse tasks and roles emerge in the democratic designing process of a new library and also transform into the architecture. The underlying process is the evaluation and negotiation of the libraries overall tasks and ideas, ideals and values. Multiple ideologies are incorporated in library architecture.

Erfarna oskulder och arbetande hemmafruar : en studie kring kvinnor i moderniseringsprocesser

This is a theoretical study of changing relations between men and women in the context of modernisation. Ideas derived from a general theoretical discussion will be illustrated by examples from countries that are going through societal changes affecting the lives of men and women; Uganda, Morocco and Mexico. Focus will be on connections between changes in the public sphere and interpersonal relations in the private sphere. One part examines certain effects of women?s increased participation in politics and in the workforce, concluding that these changes may cause conflicts with traditional values and consequently tensions in inter-gender relations.

Millesgården : vårdprogram samt förslag till förbättrad tillgänglighet

Millesgården is a museum on the island of Lidingö outside Stockholm. It contains the buildings which were the home and studios of the artist Carl Milles and his artist wife Olga. It also contains the grounds that originated as the garden of their home. Carl Milles later developed the garden into a sculpture park where a great part of the sculptors works are on display. In this report only the sculpture park is treated.

Simulering av vindkraftverk och närliggande elnät vid Risholmen i Göteborg i SimPowerSystems

With background in the rapidly growing need to find solutions for sustainable energy production and the increasing interest for wind power, this report was written. With take-off point from the wind power plant Big Glenn, which has been built in the harbour of Gothenburg, a model of the adjacent power grid has been created in Simulink/SimPowerSystems. Parameters for the power grid and its components has been provided by Göteborg Energi Nät, that has also been the supplier of measurement data of produced power, the power need from loads in the vicinity, voltage levels, current values and also the variation of power factor at the wind power plant.The SimPowerSystems model has been used to perform simulations of power flow in the grid. These simulated values have then been compared to the measured values to verify the functionality of the model. Further, the model has been used to perform simulations of a grid fault, which causes a voltage drop.

Personuppgifteshantering och identifiering inom myndighet, skola och förtag

The authors of this thesis have studied the handling of personal information in various kinds of organizations, because the perception is that the knowledge in this area is weak relative to the weight of the subject.The purpose of this paper has been partly to shed light on how knowledge of this area in the organizations that we have visited during the study but also to answer questions about handling, knowledge and security, and identification of individuals in different systems. What kind of problems the processing of these data creates and why these problems occur.In the beginning of our study we understood the importance of using the correct identifier and therefore chose also to examine what the various identifiers used by the organizations and why they chose these particular identifiers.In the qualitative analysis, Datainspektionen´s general rules and advice has been used as a basis together with the laws applicable to the organizations to get a good picture of how management of personal information is in these organizations.What we have found in this paper is that knowledge about how personal data is handled and what laws and rules are saying is very much dependent on how central the information is to these organization's activities. The police use so many different types of records for their organization to function well and they have very good knowledge of laws and regulations. In contrast, schools that do not handle as much of personal data themselves nor have the same knowledge among staff and do not have enough resources to cope with keeping the same knowledge base as the police. This is something that applies to all types of handling, depending on how important the information is for the organization, the better the security and knowledge in handling the data is..

Balansgången ?mellan ?kommersiell? framgång? och? exklusiv? image : ? ?Att? lyckas ?med ?varumärkesutvidgning ?nedåt ?av ?lyxvarumärken

Many? luxury? companies? within? the? fashion? industry? today? choose? to? extend? their? brands downwards? in? order? to? reach? new? customer? segments? and? hence? increase? their? profitability.? A? brand? extension? strategy? that? leverages? the? core? values? of? the? luxury? brand? is? a ?new ?possibility ?for ?luxury ?brands ?to ?position ?themselves ?towards ?a ?broader ?customer ?base.?? Meanwhile? there? is? a? risk? that? the? extension? dilutes? the? image? of? the? luxury? brand? and? has? a? negative? effect? on? the? company? in? the? long? term.? Thus? a? tradeoff? exists? between? becoming? more? accessible? and? maintaining? the? exclusivity? of? the? luxury? brand.? The? objective? of? this? thesis ?is ?to ?investigate ?how ?luxury ?brands ?that ?perform? downward ?brand ?extensions ?to? reach? new? markets? can? succeed? with? this? strategy? without? diluting? the? brand? image.? This? is? achieved? by? studying? the? perceptions? of? the? new? target? segment? towards? the? extension? of? luxury? brands.? The? results? of? the? study? show? that? the? risk? of? brand? dilution? is? minimized when? the? core? values? of? the? luxury? brand? are? transferred? to? the? brand? extension? while? the extension ?at ?the ?same ?time ?is ?successfully ?targeted ?towards ?the ?specific ?customer? segment..

Kurator på Akuten? : En empirisk intervjustudie om behovet av en kurator på en akutmottagning -  Ur ett personal perspektiv

Bakgrund: Dagligen sker akuta besök i hälso- och sjukvården med medicinska, praktiska, sociala och emotionella behov där det medicinska behovet är första prioritet. Personalen möter dagligen situationer som inte bearbetas då det inte finns tid och resurs för detta.  Anhöriga kommer ofta i kläm då det kan saknas tid, resurs och kunskap för att möta deras behov. Det kan ge problem och konsekvenser för involverade patienter, anhöriga och vårdpersonal. På vissa akutmottagningar används en kurator som arbetar med patienter, anhöriga och personal ur ett helhetsperspektiv. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka vårdpersonalens uppfattning av behovet av en kurator på en akutmottagning.

Utvärdering av den upplevda användbarheten hos CySeMoL och EAAT med hjälp av ramverk för ändamålet och ISO/IEC 25010:2011

This report describes a study aimed at uncovering flaws and finding potential improvements from when the modelling tool EAAT is used in conjunction with the modelling language CySeMoL. The study was performed by developing a framework and applying it on CySeMoL and EAAT in real life context networks.The framework was developed in order to increase the number of flaws uncovered as well as gather potential improvements to both EAAT and CySeMoL. The basis of the framework is a modified version of the Quality in use model from ISO/IEC 25010:2011 standard. Upon the characteristics and sub characteristics of this modified model different values for measuring usability where attached. The purpose of these values is to measure usability from the perspectives of both creating and interpreting models.

En välfärdsstat i förändring. Friskolans intåg.

The main aim of this study is to examine the development policies of Sweden and the European Union from a postcolonial perspective. Sweden and the European Union are increasingly coming to be viewed as normative powers rather than military powers. So how does the colonial past of the western societies affect the policies of today? Are there any signs of the power structures of the past, and if so, how are these power structures manifested in the development policies of today? Since both Sweden and the European Union have come to be viewed as normative powers they are compared with each other to highlight their similarities and differences. The results of the study shows that both Sweden and the European Union can be seen as carriers of western values and interests.

?Det är viktigt att man pratar svenska ändå?tankar om flerspråkighet och språkstörning hos en grupp förskollärare och en logoped

Detta är en kvalitativ studie med hermeneutisk ansats som syftar till att undersöka en grupp förskollärares och en logopeds tankar om flerspråkighet och barn som har flera språk och en språkstörning. I studien ställs frågor om förskollärarnas och logopedens tankar om flerspråkighet och barn som har flera språk och en språkstörning. Vidare undersöks respondenternas syn på modersmålsträning, att arbeta integrerat med flerspråkig personal, samt deras tankar bakom strategierna för deras metodval i arbetet med barn som har flera språk och barn som har flera språk och en språkstörning. Studien grundar sig på intervjuer med sex förskollärare och en intervju med en logoped. Resultatet visar att flerspråkighet ses både som en resurs och som ett hinder av förskollärarna.

Kulturhistoriskt värdefulla textiler i bruk och på museer En jämförande studie av konserveringsåtgärder vid tre textilkonserveringsateljéer i Sverige

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Konservatorprogrammet15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2014:07.

Klassrelevans -Föreställningar kring klass på Lunds Socialförvaltning

This thesis is based on the conception that class is relevant. The thesis discussesclass relevance and consciousness of class amongst personal at the department ofsocial welfare in Lund.I have studied different theories of class from Karl Marx, Max Weber and PierreBourdieu. The study´s empirical survey is based on interviews with the personalat the department of social welfare in Lund. Then I have applied their view onclass on models based on the theories mentioned above.Out of my analysis I can draw the conclusion that the consciousness of class ishigh and that the applied models matches the interviewed personal. An importantaspect is that class perspective is bound to class.

Personalens upplevelse vid bältesläggning - Med fokus på unga kvinnor med personlighetsstörning och självskadebeteende inom psykiatrin.

Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka och beskriva hur personal på en psykiatrisk intensivvårdavdelning upplever och förhåller sig till bältesläggning. Jag har även valt att fokusera på hur personalen upplever och förhåller sig till bältesläggning av patientgruppen unga kvinnor med personlighetsstörning och självskadebeteende. För att få svar på mina frågor har jag valt att göra kvalitativa intervjuer med personal på en psykiatrisk intensivvårdavdelning. Jag har sedan analyserat min empiri utifrån ett maktperspektiv, då detta synsätt ger en intressant vinkel på de olika dilemman och svårigheter som personal möter i samband med tvångsåtgärder. Jag har tagit del av tidigare forskning för att få kunskap om ämnet men även för att fördjupa min analys.

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