

6923 Uppsatser om Personal transport - Sida 9 av 462

Det finns bara en av dig och det är du? : -personliga varumärken som ansökningsstrategi-

The climate at the labour-market in Sweden today means that students who have recently passed their examinations find it quite difficult to find work. The competetiveness calls for a strategy to find advantages in the employment process. The strategy explored in this thesis is called personal branding. We believe that by building a strong personal brand you can increase the possibilities to influence the decisions of those responsible for recruitments in our society. The question we ask ourselves in this essay is how to build a personal brand with the power to give students a competetive advantage in the employment process.

Personliga nätverk: en fallstudie om personliga nätverk inom musikindustrin

The purpose of this thesis was to illustrate the connection between personal networks and entrepreneurial business in the music industry. It also aims to examine how and why entrepreneurs in the music industry use personal networks in their entrepreneurial business activities. In order to explore the extent to which entrepreneurs in the music industry obtain support through personal networks, a case study was conducted based on interviews with entrepreneurs in various areas of the music industry. The study has shown that entrepreneurs in the music industry clearly see distinct advantages through the use of their personal networks, especially in terms of an enhanced supply of resources and through an increased amount of business opportunities. Personal networks have also shown to constitute a considerable amount of moral support for the entrepreneurs in the development process of the entrepreneurial business.

Stockholms destinationsutveckling

This essay is about personal assistance for persons with considerable intellectual disabilities.The purpose with the study is: to examine personal assistance for individuals, who can`t speakfor themselves, to examine how the individuals can determine and get influence into theirassistance and how they can get help with it, to examine the role of an representative inrelation to the serviceuser´s assistance and examine if there are factors of gender in theinterviews.The chosen method is qualitative interviews.The interviews has been analysed through earlier research about personal assistance andtheoretical perspectives like: influence, integration and citizenship and discussed throughperspectives of social psychology.The main conclusions are: the influence the serviceusers can have is through persons whoknow them very well, the role of the representatives are indistinct, the serviceusers can´tdetermine their assistance themselves and need help with it from relatives, representatives,personal assistants and managers, the persons who know the serviceuser intimately are best totransform the needs to assistance. The factors of gender, are that there are more men aspersonal assistants than in the care of elderly, and the representatives are mostly men. Thepersonal assistants appreciates the time they have for the serviceuser, the work can be lonelyand demanding..

Personligt Varumärke och Ledarskap : En kvalitativ studie om hur företagsledare använder sig av personligt varumärke i sitt ledarskap

The meaning of being someone and standing for something is getting more important today in the Swedish business market. Our thesis has a qualitative approach that aims to study the usage of personal branding in the upper-management of Swedish organizations. Theories collected from literature and articles include marketing branding, personal branding and leadership. Our main target is to identify components that obtain usage of personal branding which are, attributes and strengths, communication, values, and vision and mission. The empirical data is gathered from six personal interviews with managers.

Språk och utveckling eller språkutveckling och identitet

Msc in Logistics and Transport Management.

Stubbtransporter och bränslekvalitet hos stubbved :

Stump wood is a hot alternative when the heating plants demands more and more forest fuel. The aim with the study has bean to calculate the costs in four different systems for transportations of stump wood, examine if there are any differences in fuel quality for the stump wood in the different systems, analyse if the fuel quality in stump wood is affected with the time it lays by the road side and how much space the stump wood demands on the road side. To calculate the costs for the different systems a system analysis was carried out, where some of the costs were collected through field studies on Holmen Skog stump experiment and other costs were collected from literature and contacts. Data for the fuel quality study was collected from Eons heat plant in Norrköping. Data for the study of how much space stump wood takes along a roadside was collected from field studies.

Produktutveckling av kylväska för transport av vacciner i svåråtkomliga platser

Examensarbetet har genomförts i samarbete med konsultföretaget i3tex AB i Göteborg samt med Aircontainer Package System Sweden AB (APS) i Stockholm. APS utvecklar och säljer standardiserade och kundanpassade förpackningslösningar för att transportera temperaturkänsliga produkter. Ett av APS önskemål är att i framtiden kunna erbjuda fler alternativ av kylväskor. Ett av dem är en kylväska som skulle kunna användas vid transport av vacciner i svåra miljöer eftersom det idag inte finns med i deras utbud. Examensarbetet fokuseras därför på att ta APS befintliga blodväska som referens och att ta fram ett nytt koncept för transport av vacciner, samt utveckla ergonomiska egenskaper för att underlätta och optimera användningen för de som jobbar i fält på organisationer som t.ex.

Skogs- och energibolagens attityd till förnybara drivmedel vid upphandling av transporttjänster i norra Sverige

Sweden's government is dedicated to the goal of having a vehicle fleet that is independent of fossil fuels by 2030. Achieving these goals requires, among other things, new types of fuel that give lower net emissions of carbon dioxide. The present market includes stations offering lowlevel blends of renewable fuels in conventional diesel as well as some stations offering renewable fuels only. The purpose of this study is to survey purchasers? attitudes to the use renewable fuels in roundwood and bioenergy transport in forest- and energy companies. The study was based on qualitative interviews through a combination of face-to-face meetings and telephone interviews with each sample group. The total number of respondents was ten (10), consisting of five (5) from forest companies and five (5) from energy companies. Transport service purchasers were generally positive to renewable fuels and considered these necessary in the future.

Handlingsplan för rening av dagvatten från hårt trafikerade gator i Örebro

The main purpose with the project has been to approximate the magnitude of the pollution transport from the actual road surfaces and to get an approximation of the possibility to collect the pollutants to reduce the load to the water and improve the water quality.The quantity of pollution transport from the most trafficated roads areas in Örebro city has been calculated. Roads whith a traffic exceeding 10 000 vehicle/day. The study has been done with the calculation tool StormTac. Through analysis of traffic loads and road surface, which together with a different kinds of parameters gives an approximation of the pollutant transport.The calculation has included some metals and other substances in the stormwater and has also included the present of suspended solids. Included the overall study, some smaller areas has also been calculated for the possibility to remove pollutants.The work also includes calculation for three different areas for stormwater treatment.

Betydelsen av ledarens personliga varumärke för företagets varumärke : En kvalitativ studie om fyra ledare och deras uppfattning om sina personliga varumärken samt betydelsen varumärkena har för mervärdet i deras företags varumärken.

The personal brand derives from the marketing brand, and argues that a person can take control over other people?s perceptions about him or her. The personal brand can benefit the person but it can also give advantages to his or her company. The interest in, and the purpose of the personal brand, has increased the last ten years. Leaders of large companies in Sweden consider it to be of utmost importance to have an influence on their co-workers.

Marknadsanalys av ett svenskt transportsystem med höghastighetsgodståg.

In Sweden plans to build high speed railways have been around since the early 1990s and the planshave developed to be more precised since. The future Swedish high-speed rail network is supposedto consist of two lines. Götalandsbanan; from Stockholm to Gothenburg, and Europabanan fromJönköping through the Öresund Region to Hamburg.The description of the aim to build high-speed railways in Sweden has in former reports always beento achieve rapid passenger traffic between big Scandinavian cities and Europe. There are almostnothing mentioned about the possibilities of high-speed transports of cargo on these railways. Thisstudy aims to clarify the freight transport market for Götalandsbanan and Europabanan.Today there is only one transport system with high-speed freight trains.

Ute och cyklar? : på jakt efter en metod att mäta upplevelse

Well-functioning bicycle paths are relevant issues in today´s society as a way to increase active transport. Active transport means working for a better global climate, urban environment and public health. What we experience on a bicycle affects the choice of a bicycle path and is a subject where there is much left to explore. This essay examines methods in environmental psychology literature that measure the experiences of landscape. The aim is to find and apply methods to measure the experience of two bicycle paths in the Skåne plains.

Realistisk restidsberäkning för comodal reseplanering

With increasing traffic congestion problems in bigger cities, it is becoming more and more important to provide the traveller with correct information about all transport alternatives. When doing that, the traveller gets the opportunity to make the best decision based on the current traffic situation. Instead of traditional travel planners, where public and private transport modes are presented separately, the co-modal travel planner offers a combination. In order to make the comparison correct and fair, the travel times have to be estimated realistically and on equal basis. This master thesis focuses on how to estimate travel times in the city of Stockholm for journeys by cars, public transport, bicycles and also for walking.An investigation of the available data on maps and travel times shows where the currently used methods are lacking.

Kundcentrerade miljöåtgärder - En studie av Pan Nordic Logistics kunders krav på miljövänliga transporter : Customer centered environmental measures - A study of Pan Nordic Logistics customers demand for environment-friendly transport

Traditional product features such as price, quality and supply service have been extended and nowadays includes environmental aspects as well. It raises new and increasing demands on haulier companies. The transport sector is responsible for a large part of the pollutants causing today?s environmental problems. The business is being closely monitored and to operate environmental friendly is seen as one of the most important elements for the industry?s future development.

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