

9514 Uppsatser om Personal approach - Sida 58 av 635

Yrkespersonlig utveckling på Musikhögskolan i Malmö - En undersökning av lärarstudenters tankar kring självreflektion i lärarrollen.

The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether personal development, from the professional perspective, could be a relevant part of the music education department at Malmö Academy of Music. The thesis explores whether students would gain a better understanding of the professional teacher's role through personal development, and also the kind of educational structure that would be most suitable to achieve this understanding. A qualitative focal group interview was used as a method, and the participants where four students at Malmö Academy of Music. The results show that the students generally would be open-minded to integrate personal development in their educational program, and they also have a lot of interesting ideas regarding how a framework for the integration of personal development in the educational program could be structured. A number of suggestions how to integrate self reflection in the educational program are presented in the thesis.

Jämförande studie av LEM2 och Dynamiska Redukter

This thesis presents the results of the implementation and evaluation of two machine learning algorithms [Baz98, GB97]based on notions from Rough Set theory [Paw82]. Both algorithms were implemented and tested using the Weka [WF00]software framework. The main purpose for doing this was to investigate whether the experimental results obtained in [Baz98]could be reproduced, by implementing both algorithms in a framework that provided common functionalities needed by both. As a result of this thesis, a Rough Set framework accompanying the Weka system was designed and implemented, as well as three methods for discretization and three classi cation methods. The results of the evaluation did not match those obtained by the original authors.

Impleamini agnicione voluntatis Dei : En predikan ur Skoklosterhandskriften

This essay describes my work as a director in a specialized orientation within psychodrama, surrealistic psychodrama. Using the language and performance techniques of theater and under the guidance of a director, psychodrama creates an improvised narrative or story. The essay describes several dramas I have directed, reflecting on my actions and choices as a director and group leader. I examine whether my working method has allowed me to be spontaneous and creative, which I believe the example of "The dangerous bear" demonstrates. The process enabled me to establish trust and receptivity so that a newly constituted group dared to investigate conflicts in symbolic ways associated with illness and death.

"Så lycklig han var sen när han själv hade skrivit det han ville" : En studie om barns språk-, läs och skrivutveckling i förskolan.

Följande studie fokuserar på barns språk-, läs-, och skrivutveckling i förskolan. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att med utgångspunkt i ett sociokulturellt perspektiv undersöka hur personal i förskolan beskriver att de skapar möjligheter för barn att samspela i förhållande till olika aspekter som kan skapa förutsättningar för barns språk-, läs-, och skrivutveckling. Studiens frågeställning är: Hur beskriver personal i förskolan att de arbetar med samspel för att skapa förutsättningar för barns språk-, läs-, och skrivutveckling i förskolan? För att besvara studiens frågeställningar har vi analyserat insamlad empiri med utgångspunkt ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Tidigare forskning tyder bland annat på att pedagogerna är dem som skapar förutsättningar för att utveckla barns läs och skrivförmåga.

Hur presenterar du ditt jag? : En kvalitativ studie baserad på statusuppdateringar på Facebook

Syftet med studien är att försöka få en bild av hur personal inom akutsjukvård upplever hot och våld, samt vilka föreställningar om fenomenet de ?bär? med sig. Det saknas konsekvent definition av begreppen hot och våld, därför vill vi också försöka ta reda på hur personal klassificerar hotfulla och/eller våldsamma situationer och personer. Studiens perspektiv är interaktionistiskt och dess fokus är möten mellan personal och besökare på en akutmottagning. Vi har främst inriktat oss på att få en förståelse för situationen på mikronivå, där en konfliktsituation baseras på situationen som sådan och enskilda individers deltagande. Uppsatsen är etnografiskt inspirerad med kvalitativ metoddesign.

Genusmedvetenhet i förskolan : Pedagogers genusmedvetenhet i dagliga arbetsituationer inom förskolan

My purpose with this study is to examine whether or how teachers are gender-conscious in preschool everyday situations. That is, if they are aware of their attitude and treatment of work on gender and what gender concept has relevance for educators. In much of the practical literature that I read, it appears that many teachers are not aware of their responses and attitudes to children based on gender aspect. I have examined how the gender work differs in the two preschools that I chosen to study.The questions that this study is based on isDoes the educators at the preschools work gender conscious in everyday situations?-Is it boys or girls who get the most attention from educators in everyday situations?What do the teachers at the preschool concept of gender?What approach have been the teachers of preschool to counteract traditional gender patterns in everyday situations?I have made ??a qualitative study where I interviewed five educators and made ??observations on the two preschools.

Vad får personal att stanna på en arbetsplats?

Personalomsättning är kostsamt för de allra flesta organisationer och därför kan det vara av intresse att kunna beräkna och planera hur organisationen skall få lojal personal. Syftet med studien var att arbeta fram kvantifierbara verktyg i form av prediktorer som kunde användas för att predicera lojalitet till arbetsgivaren (mätt med tre utfallsmått). Lojalitet förstås här som personals benägenhet att stanna i organisationen där de arbetar. Delar av levnadsnivåundersökningen 2000 användes som datamaterial. En ansats görs till att undersöka möjligheten att predicera lojalitet hos medarbetare genom 16 prediktorer.

Gruppdynamik : en social gemenskap

The purpose of this work is to create more knowledge about the teacher's perceptions of group dynamics and its impact on school activities. How do teachers opportunities and obstacles in order to influence group dynamics among students. The questions I have answered is how the teachers see the importance of a functioning group dynamics in school, how teachers work with group dynamics and how teachers describe the opportunities and obstacles for effective group dynamics. The method I am using at work is a qualitative research method that involves obtaining the teachers' own thoughts, feelings and experiences around the right questions. I have interviewed three teachers in primary schools in the county of Stockholm to find out their particular approach.

Lekens roll i barns utveckling

Uppsatsen handlar om hur användningen av bemanningsföretag ser ut i två stora företag i livsmedelsbranschen samt varför dessa företag använder sig av inhyrd arbetskraft. En bakgrund med information om bemanningsbranschen presenteras för att ge läsaren en inblick i ämnet. Uppsatsen är baserad på en litteraturstudie och en kvalitativ undersökning i form två intervjuer som komplement. Empirin har analyserats med hjälp av teorin och genom studien har vi kommit fram till att de två livsmedelsföretagen använder sig av olika bemanningsföretag beroende på vad de levererar i relation till pris samt hur kommunikation med bemanningsföretagen fungerar. Slutsatser är att de mest förekommande anledningarna till att företagen använder sig av bemanningsföretag är snabbhet och flexibilitet.

? Genusdiskursens moderna verktyg

AbstractThe aim for this study is to establish how teachers and supervisors at the Child and Recreation Programme interpret the concept ?vocational knowledge?. It is also about how they substantially can see that the pupils are developing vocational knowledge, during their work placement training. The aim of this thesis is to create a base for teachers to work with continuing development in teaching practice. The empirical part of this study is based on interviews. Interviews were analyzed in three categories: definition of vocational knowledge, substantially developing in vocational knowledge and success factors. The result shows that knowing how and knowing why is salient in vocational knowledge.

En studie om hur finansanalytiker tillämpar aktievärderingsmodeller

Background: The interest in shares has increased over the years, despite several stock market crashes. One reason for this is the emergence of stock trading online,which makes it easier for individuals to trade in shares. However, there has been much criticism towards financial analyst with the lack of fundamental basis to support their recommendations.Objective: The purpose of this study is to examine the share valuation models swedish financial analysts today applies and consider appropriate. A comparison will also be carried out in previous studies, to see if the application of the modelsand their suitability has changed.Method: The study used a qualitative approach with deductive approach. Semistructured interviews were conducted and the basis for the study's primary data.The theories and previous studies obtained through secondary data.Results: Our results demonstrate that no single model applied, is appropriate.

Invandrares väg till arbete genom Arbets- och Integrationscenter

ABSTRACT This research explores how the Work Integration Center (AIC) supports unemployed immigrants in acquiring jobs and how the practical work helps immigrants in entering the labour market. It employs qualitative research approach through semi-structured interviews staff members at AIC and municipal commissioners of education and labour market in the municipality of Malmö. Its aim is to examine how governmental setup guidelines were represented in the practical work. These guiding principles of the organization are presented at the top of municipality. The findings suggest that even if the staff has no knowledge of the official measures of the integration plans, they have implemented the aims and criteria in their work with the immigrants.

Vilka statsfinansiella effekter erhålls vid ökad produktion av förnybar energi?

BackgroundThis paper is based on an issue raised by the organization Energigas Sverige, which together with the Ministry of Finance has posed the question about the fiscal impact of an increase in biogas production. Since the fiscal effects of an increased biogas production are both positive and negative, due to reduced use of fossil fuels, we want to investigate this further.PurposeThe purpose is to describe and explain the obtained fiscal impacts of an increased biogas production and based on our problem: ?What are the obtained fiscal effects caused by an increase in biogas production?? we could see the following fiscal effects: positive impact on employment, increased revenues of social security contributions and income taxes, reduced unemployment costs and reduced tax revenues on fossil fuels. These effects are summarized in a negative tax revenue of 2,6 billion SEK. Along the summarized negative effect we also accepted one of the two prepared hypotheses, which stated that an increase in biogas production leads to a negative fiscal impact. Design/Methodology/ApproachWe have chosen to work from an Anglo-Saxon scientific tradition and furthermore, we have a positivistic approach when we want to explain the relationship between cause and effect of an increase in biogas production and the following fiscal impacts.

Det vardagliga arbetet på ett bemanningsföretag : - samt hur dess ledare hanterar de problem som uppstår En fallstudie på Maxkompetens

The everyday work at a staffing agency and how its leaders deal with the problems that appears: A case study at Maxkompetens.The purpose of this paper is to increase the understanding of how leaders at a staffing company deal with the everyday problems that arise from a geographically dispersed workforce.The staffing industry has grown by 30-40 percent annually and has over the past 15 years been the fastest growing industry in Sweden. This shows that the interest and demand for the staffing industry and its activities are now rising at an increasingly faster pace. This is an industry that is operating under specific conditions and with a geographically dispersed workforce. This will make the leaders of a staffing company to an important link between the staffing leaders and the staffing personnel.The relationship between the staffing company's leaders and its personnel is important, but not completely trouble free. Difficulties arise in that the employees may be located in different places and at various client companies with the result that the leaders of the staffing company cannot have a daily personal contact with their geographically dispersed personnel.We have used a qualitative approach on our paper and our empirical methodology has been a case study with ethnography and interviews.

Konflikter och konflikthantering på institution ? en kvalitativ studie om personal och ungdomars erfarenheter

Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur personalens konflikthantering ser ut på två behandlingsinstitutioner för ungdomar i Västra Götalands län. Vi har utgått från följande frågeställningar:Hur hanterar personalen konflikter på institutionerna?Hur upplever ungdomarna på institutionerna personalens konflikthantering?Hur upplever ungdomar och personal de konflikter som uppstår på institutionerna?Studien belyser vilka erfarenheter personal och ungdomar har kring konflikthantering och konflikter som uppstår vid institutionerna. Undersökningen bygger på åtta stycken kvalitativa intervjuer, fyra stycken med personal och fyra stycken med ungdomar. För att tolka det insamlade materialet har detta analyserats med hjälp av inlärningsteori.

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