9514 Uppsatser om Personal approach - Sida 29 av 635
Hur patientens välbefinnande påverkas av fysisk beröring i omvårdnaden : En litteraturstudie
Bakgrund: Fysisk beröring är ett grundläggande behov hos människan och är en central del i omvårdnaden. Fysisk beröring kan lindra eller förhindra lidande och skapa förutsättningar för välbefinnande. I omvårdnaden skapar beröringen ett humant sätt mellan patient och personal att ta kontakt med varandra. Syftet: Hur patientens välbefinnande påverkas av fysisk beröring i omvårdnaden. Metod: Studien utfördes som en litteraturstudie baserad på sju vetenskapliga kvalitativa artiklar.
Musik i reklamfilm : Synkroniseringsprocessen och dess effekter
The purpose of this paper is to analyse, identify and clarify:- The integration of music and brands in commercials that are created for television, cinema or internet,- The effects that this integration has for the involved parties and the movie that is being created.Music is a big part of today's society and advertising is a big part of people's everyday lives. It is therefore natural that music in advertising can have the power to affect, attract, influence and interest human beings. We think that the music in commercials is a fascinating subject to study because the phenomenon is relatively unexplored in the academic sphere. The knowledge of the synchronization process of music and commercials is also becoming increasingly important for involved parties to understand and manage. The essay is developed through a qualitative methodology. We have conducted six interviews, with different players who all have extensive experience and knowledge about the chosen topic.
Valfrihet eller inte? : En kvalitativ studie av svenska riksdagspartiers motionerande över privatiseringen av skolan.
The aim of this work was to investigate how it is to move in hierarchy from crew toofficer within the seafaring profession and how to be affected by this. How you areperceived by the crew when going from to represent a part of a system to represent adifferent part of the same system and if you are ready to assume the responsibilities of thenew role entails?This is relevant and interesting as we will soon is facing at this transition. The work isbased on a qualitative approach. The choice of this method gave the information neededfor a perfect result.Interviews were conducted through personal meetings with active officers which alsoprovided the opportunity to ask follow-up questions and the respondents were given theopportunity to share their experiences.
Frilekens betydelse för barn i förskolan : En kvalitativ studie av några pedagogers syn på den fria lekens betydelse för barns lärande
The aim of this study is to increase knowledge and understanding of free play or free fun time importance for children of age around five years in preschool, in order to promote children?s development and learning. The focus was on exploring and better understanding of teacher?s and educators? approach to the free fun play time as a tool in their educational work, and also about their own role in this context as well as analyzing of forms, rules and structures spontaneously created by groups of children having free play fun time. Another important moment of this study was to give more light on approaches to this issue in education theories by Piaget, Vygotsky and Freud among others.As to the practical experimental part of the study it has been performed at a preschool and kindergarten in a suburb at the outskirts of Stockholm, with four employed educators there and with groups of children of age around five.
Demokratin blir till - Ungdomars demokratiföreställningar och skolans roll
This study is about youths, democracy and school. It seeks to describe and problemize the school's role in the democratic society. Firstly, using Social Representations Theory, 44 upper secondary shool pupils? representations, or conceptions, of democracy are described and discussed. These representations are then analyzed in relation to the school's role in the democratic society, as it is described by different researchers.The results show that many of the youths have a rather simplistic and abstract view of democracy, describing it only in terms of general principles and the main features of the representative democracy, such as voting in national elections.
Kulturella skillnader i vad som bidrar till arbetsmotivation och hur belöning påverkar uppfattad arbetsmiljö ?En kvantitativ studie på svensk och amerikansk personal inom detaljhandeln
Bakgrund och problem: Detaljhandeln är en konkurrensutsatt marknad. Det blir allt vanligare med belöningssystem inom organisationer för att motivera sin personal för att undvika yttre påtryckningar. En problematik ligger i vad som motiverar personal till bättre prestationer i förhållande till kulturella olikheter, och hur belöningssystem på bästa sätt skall anpassas efter den kulturella kontext den avser att användas i. Därför kommer kulturell- och arbetsrelaterad motivation studeras både inom Sverige och USA.Syfte: Syftet med aktuell studie är att få ökad kunskap om belöningssystem, att undersöka om det finns skillnader mellan amerikansk och svensk personal inom motivationsfaktorer, samt att undersöka om det finns skillnader mellan amerikansk och svensk personal i upplevelsen av arbetsplats i relation till belöningssystem.Metod: Studien är av kvantitativ utformning och datainsamlingen genomfördes med en redan framtagen enkät (QPS nordic). Urvalet bestod av totalt 103 personer, varav 53 av dessa var svensk personal och 50 var amerikansk personal.
Marknadsföring via Webb-TV - En studie som handlar om möjligheter och begränsningar med att annonsera på Webb-TV
Purpose: The purpose of the essay is; to explain and clarify how the company is acting to lead members in social media to achieve valuable external communication. The authors believe that it is important to act with credibility and quality in social media, to accomplish long lasting relationships. When employees communicate with consumers their conduct is relevant to the company's credibility.Methodology: An inductive approach has been used for the empirical data collection since the authors have been studying the reality without existing theories. A qualitative research method has been used for collecting the empirical material. Primary data was collected from telephone interviews with seven companies, active in social media.Conclusions: The study shows that the power of employees? can be used when designing strategies for social media.
Att aktivera deltagande : Design av ett crossmediakoncept
In this thesis we present the procedures and outcomes of adopting two roles in a study: the role of a researcher and the role of a designer. The subject is crossmedia design. Crossmedia is a growing and changing trend for media producers of today its design is of great importance. The purpose is to create a concept from scratch that stands out from the crowd and engage people with the use of cross media as the approach. We also aim to investigate if a cross media designer can rely on previous research made within this subject or if the scene has changed.In order to test and to fully understand the process of the subject, we designed a crossmedia concept, based upon previous and related research.
Mångfald i planering : Uppsala stadskärna, en mångfald av människor och verksamheter?
AbstractTitle: Level/Degree/Grade:Authors:Supervisor:Research question:Purpose:How the bank may improve its financial counselling ? A qualitative case study.Bachelor Thesis; Business administration; Corporate finance.Andreas A?strand, Anton Persson, Kristoffer Wedebrand.Hans Mo?rner.How may the bank improve its financial counselling to private investors using portfolio theory?Our purpose is to examine the advice, with basis in portfolio theory, the bank?s financial advisors provide to their clients, the investors, and how they can improve. If we can identify and point out areas of improvement in the financial counselling, we hope to raise the question and contribute with an improved financial counselling. Another positive effect we are hoping for is to improve the situation for the investors whereas all parties benefit from an improved portfolio selection.This study is conducted through a qualitative case study, where we used a deductive approach and collected our data through personal interviews.The conclusion that emerges is that the financial counselling could potentially be improved if financial advisors improve their knowledge in portfolio theory.The originality shapes through the opportunity to investigate a specific bank and because of that an opportunity to examine a specific case more thoroughly was created. Our thesis contributes with opening La?nsfo?rsa?kringar?s and other banks? eyes to how their financial counselling could be improved through new knowledge in portfolio theory.
Mindfulness: medveten närvaro i socialt arbete
Our curiosity was awakened when we became aware that many social workers use "mindfulness" methods in their profession. In this study, we used qualitative methodology in our desire to examine and understand why the mindfulness approach, with its roots in eastern philosophy, is becoming established in society at large and, simultaneously, being used in the social work field. We were interested in when and why social workers choose to use mindfulness with their clients. Our prior research has revolved around development and use of methods in social work, and on the human reaction to stress.We conducted seven semi-structured interviews, which incorporated four comprehensive questions:1. Why has the mindfulness method become established in the social work field and in the culture in general?2.
Kniven mot strupen! : En kvalitativ studie om hot och våld på HVB-hem för ungdomar ur ett personalperspektiv
Att äga kunskap om hantering av hot och våld är alltid en värdefull egenskap, speciellt för personal på HVB-hem för utagerande ungdomar. Studien undersöker hur hot och våld definieras, gestaltas, uppstår och hanteras på HVB-hemmen samt hur personal uppfattar hanteringen. Resultatet av sju intervjuer med personal på HVB-hemmen redovisas. Hot och våld är något som är oacceptabelt men vanligt förekommande. Studien visat att hot är vanligare, mer svårdefinierat och oftare förekommande än våld.
Alla kan inte vara Riche : En studie om personalomsättningen i hotell- och restaurangbranschen
Statistik visar att personalomsättningen i hotell- och restaurangbranschen är högst av alla branscher i landet. En hög personalomsättning påverkar branschen i stort, företagen, och personalen som jobbar inom den. För företagen orsakar personalomsättningen problem såsom kompetensförluster, kostnad för rekrytering och försäljningsförluster. Dessutom sliter en hög personalomsättning på den befintliga personalen och därmed sjunker produktiviteten och motivationen på företagen. Denna uppsats ska öka förståelsen för de faktorer som ligger bakom den höga personalomsättningen i branschen.
Under vilka omständigheter blir ett upplevt behov också ett institutionaliserat behov? : En studie om socialtjänstens förfarande när kvinnor utsatta för våld i nära relation söker skyddat boende tillsammans med sällskapsdjur
The aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how social services utilizing Chapter 5. Section 11 of the Swedish social service act when it comes to identify the needs of women experiencing domestic violence. Furthermore the study aims to investigate how the social services look at the need of women experiencing domestic violence seeking protective shelter together with their pets. The study's purpose and research question was answered with a qualitative approach where semi-structured interviews were conducted. Eight social workers from seven municipalities where participating in the interviews.
Från manskap till befäl : en studie om att ta steget inom samma verksamhet
The aim of this work was to investigate how it is to move in hierarchy from crew toofficer within the seafaring profession and how to be affected by this. How you areperceived by the crew when going from to represent a part of a system to represent adifferent part of the same system and if you are ready to assume the responsibilities of thenew role entails?This is relevant and interesting as we will soon is facing at this transition. The work isbased on a qualitative approach. The choice of this method gave the information neededfor a perfect result.Interviews were conducted through personal meetings with active officers which alsoprovided the opportunity to ask follow-up questions and the respondents were given theopportunity to share their experiences.
En homogen grupp är inte svaret på en lyckad klass : Pedagogers attityder till inkludering av särskolans elever i ordinare grundskola.
The aim of this study is to examine physical education teachers? and students? views on the thesis and its part in the physical teacher education program at The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences.Does the view on the thesis differ between techers/students and the program with its curriculum and other policy documents?What does students/teachers value in a thesis?Does teachers/students have a mutual habitus concerning the thesis in the form of essay writing and how is this expressed?The study is based on a qualitative survey in which the respondents mainly answered open-ended questions with written answers. These answers have been categorized and analyzed with the aims of the study and the previous research in mind. The views on the purpose of the thesis differ, both within the group teachers/students and to a certain degree in relation to policy documents. The value of the thesis differs within the group.