

8197 Uppsatser om Permitting process - Sida 60 av 547

En ny Upplevelse - En studie i formgivande av interaktioner på webben och effektivisering av arbetsflöden

We?re all aware that technology progresses forward with giant leaps on a daily basis. In one-way or another this affects us in our everyday life. It can affect us in the way we?re shopping, communicating, researching, planning future events or how we choose to be entertained. That the web is an increasingly stronger tool for communicating in more or less every type of business is becoming more evident for people.

IT-tjänstefiering inom industrin : En studie om hur IT är värdeskapande vid tillverkningsindustrins övergång mot tjänsteorienterade affärsmodeller

The manufactory industry, due to decline in profit margins, is seeking new business opportunities by moving towards servitization and value-adding services in after-sales. We have therefore conducted a case study to investigate a manufacturing company in their current transformation towards servitization. By studying the management perspective, we aimed to understand how Information Technology, by adding value, could play a role in the transformation process. This study shows that information technology can take an integrating role, by supporting new value-adding services to provider and customer, as well as a co-creating role, where both provider and customer benefits by learning from each other, in the changing work process initiated by new services. The study has also shown that Information Technology, together with organization, information and people, are crucial components in the manufactory industry?s transformation towards servitization.  Furthermore, the study has also shown that the value chain has the potential to drastically change due to the value-adding that the information technology brings to the progress of servitization..

Konstruktion av lapputmatningsmaskin

The vision of this thesis was to create a concept that can be used as a base for amachine construction. The purpose of this project was to use different methods todevelop a concept that on the best way meets the sat up requirements. This projecthas been divided into three stages/parts; principle, primary and the final solutionstage.This thesis has been conducted in collaboration with Västkustägg AB. It is aconstruction project designed to construct a machine that will automatically putlabels on the egg packages. Västkust AB wanted to automate this process.


Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur ett HVB-hem för ensamkommande flyktingbarn i Gävleborgs län arbetar för att främja ensamkommande flyktingbarns integration. Fokus i studien låg på metoder och strategier samt svårigheter som verksamhetens företrädare upplever i sitt arbete. Metoden som användes var kvalitativ intervju och under arbetet hade författarna en hermeneutisk infallsvinkel och materialet analyserades utifrån systemteori. Resultatet visar metoder och strategier som berör trygghetsskapande, samhällsorientering och nätverksskapande. Svårigheterna berör till stor del balansen som de ensamkommande flyktingbarnen måste hitta mellan de erfarenheter de bär med sig och den situation de befinner sig i idag.

Processer och metoder som möjliggör för en effektiv produktframtagning

The high level of competition and the rapidly growing technology development has created new challenges for today's businesses where they are forced to deliver more customized products at a lower price and a shorter time period. This places high demands on the companies' ability to design and develop better products in a more efficient way. In addition to developing products, the design process focuses on securing long-term success for the company by developing nourishing skills. However, to achieve an effective design process the companies must improve their ability to plan as well as use their knowledge base in a more efficient manner. Toyota's product development system is a critical component for companies to address challenges that they?re facing and offers a great potential to create significant competitive advantages.

Att planera, markera och dokumentera tid

For a long time I have felt that there is a lack of time planning productson the market that attracts me to use them. Therefore I wantedto explore the possibilities of developing something that I reallywanted to use.At first I tried to come up with a more general tool for planningand structuring time, different from the products that are alreadyavailable. But soon I found it more interesting to see myself as theprimary user. This way I felt that I could experiment more and Ididn?t have to take things like production, cost and possible targetgroups into consideration.As I set out with an aim to try and understand my own problemswith planning and structuring time the project became a very personalone.

Läslust eller litterär kanon? En attitydundersökning genomförd i den estniska skolan

The purpose of the study was from the perspective of young people that has completed a stay at HVB-home. The respondents are between 15-21 years both boys and girls. The basic questions were: How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service process? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service contents? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service regarding available information and how the staff is available? What positive and negative experience do they have from their stay at the HVB-home? We also wish to get a picture of what is important to change to improve the quality on this HVB-home. To receive answers to those questions we formed a questionnaire.

Folkbibliotekens roll i rysk patriotisk fostran. En närläsning av tidskriften Biblioteka

The purpose of the study was from the perspective of young people that has completed a stay at HVB-home. The respondents are between 15-21 years both boys and girls. The basic questions were: How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service process? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service contents? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service regarding available information and how the staff is available? What positive and negative experience do they have from their stay at the HVB-home? We also wish to get a picture of what is important to change to improve the quality on this HVB-home. To receive answers to those questions we formed a questionnaire.

Varde ljus!... tyvärr stod det ett hus i vägen. : En studie om dagsljus och vilken plats det har i Stockholms planering

The importance of daylight for humans has been known for a rather long time. Applying this knowledge in the science of urban planning is not very common, at least not in Stockholm, Sweden. Living in a country far from the equator with great differences between daylight and darkness during the year, daylight gets even more important for our wellbeing. This study aims to highlight the subject of daylight planning and contribute to the discussion about how to include daylight in the process of urban planning. By critically observing a new built district in Stockholm and applying guidelines of how to use daylight planning, this paper shows how important it is to include daylight planning early in the process.

Framtagning av reläskyddsinställningar för en transformatorstation

A substation must be properly protected against lightning and other external effects to the equipment in the station or staff, for that we use relay protection. They should also protect against internal errors which may occur as ground faults. There are different types of protection relays, but most common are overcurrent-, distance-, residual current- and differential protection.The purpose of this thesis was to deepen our knowledge of relay protection and to use the theoretical knowledge we got from the university studies in the work process. In the process we discovered which parameters were the most essential and calculated these for all relay protections on the substation. We also carry out a comparison between two brands of relay protection, ABB and Alstom.During our work we will test and simulate the over-current relays in a program called NEPLAN, the program will also calculate the fault currents.

För Sverige i tiden? : En studie om den svenska monarkins relation till samhället och sekulariseringsprocessen mellan 1858-2012

Christendom has under a long period of time in Swedish history been the central component in legitimating the monarchs' power, a continuous process than can be clearly observed through the customs of royal coronation and baptism rites. However, during the 20th century those close ties between the state and the church of Sweden have been dissolving at a steady rate, alongside a growing societal democratization and modernization process. Officially the monarch still had a clear constitutional power legitimated through the transcendent, but unofficially his power was in reality heavily reduced. How do the Swedish monarchy relate to a rapidly changing society and secularization process? This pilot study investigates this relation by analyzing the news reports of the royal coronation and baptism rites between 1858 and 2012 from two leading newspapers, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter.

Konsumenternas köpvanor inom olika försäljningskanaler : Skillnader mellan konsumenter som handlar i fysiska butiker, onlinebutiker samt inom brick and click

In Sweden today, the consumers have the opportunity to use the different sales channels; physical store, online store and brick and click, a combination of both. For the past decade, the use of ecommerce has spread tremendously and the fashion industry is one of the top three industries in this category. This, together with the growth of technology, have created new opportunities for consumers during their online shopping. The purpose of this study is to examine the differences between consumers who use physical store, online store or both. This study aims to look into consumers' shopping habits within these sales channels and factors that are affecting them.

Outsourcing eller Business Process Outsourcing : En jämförande studie

Denna studie behandlar de två koncepten outsourcing och business process outsourcing samt möjligheter och risker med nämnda koncept. Genom studier av ämnena business process outsourcing samt traditionell outsourcing har författarna påträffat sådan information som indikerar och tydliggör sådant som i litteraturen uppfattas som centralt då det kommer till möjligheter och risker då med de båda koncepten.Syftet med studien är att beskriva dessa koncept och jämföra dess risker och möjligheter. Någon förförståelse av det studerade området har inte författarna. Med anledning av att leverantörerna av ovanstående tjänster inte haft möjlighet att delge författarna vilka deras kunder är har studien begränsats till skriven litteratur samt leverantörernas uppfattning om risker och möjligheter med dessa tjänster. Studien är utformad dels med en deduktiv metod vilket inneburit litteraturstudier, samt med en kvalitativ metod som inneburit tre djupintervjuer.Genom att studera outsourcing- och BPO-branschen har författarna kommit fram till tre respondenter vilka anses representativa och väl anpassade för studien, då dessa levererar båda ovan nämnda former av tjänster.

Textil och glas ? ett universum

This work is about presenting the weave in a new and different context, by bringing textile and glass together. The work is characterized by material and shape experiments with silver and copper weave and hand blown glass. From experiments and sketches, the work has resulted in four sculptures, symbolizing four selected stages in a lifecycle; the birth, the development, the maturity and the death. One important part of the work has been to combine different materials and techniques.Studies of literature, sketching, handweaving and integration of silver and copper weave in the glass have been important methods in the working process. Inspired by the flower, the human being and the universe, a story about the life cycle has taken shape.The paper describes the working process with choices and analyses.

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