687 Uppsatser om Perioperative documentation - Sida 46 av 46
Det svenska spionaget i Baltikum 1943-1957 : En studie av ett fiasko?
During and after World War II Sweden was spying in the occupied Baltic countries which had been occupied, from 1943 by Nazi Germany and from 1944 by the Soviet Union. It began in 1943, with the Germans still occupying the Baltic countries, when Sweden and its intelligence service ?C-byrån? recruited volunteers among the Baltic refugees in Sweden and sent them back to the countries they had fled from. Many of the Baltic refugees to Sweden were men aged 25-45 so the Swedish intelligence service had a good recruiting source. This started the first period of intelligence operations in the three Baltic countries.
Förstudie för automatisering av gjutgodsrensning
This thesis work has been performed at the Division of Assembly Technology at Linköping University for a period of ten weeks. The work is part of the project ProFlexA, which is a research project in collaboration between Linköping University, Lund University, and industrial partners such as Combi Wear Parts and Smålands Stålgjuteri AB.The casting process creates random incurred burrs and defects, which must be removed during a cleaning process to make sure that the cast can be sold. Automation has long been sought for the cleaning of castings due to, among other things, poor working conditions for staff, but this has proved difficult to implement with today's technology. Automation has for some time been available for more capital strong companies with large annual volumes, but for smaller companies with small-and medium-sized volumes, automation has not been an option.The goal of ProFlexA is to develop an automated cleaning cell aimed at small-and medium-sized volumes.The goal of the thesis is to do a pre study at ProFlexA?s partners on cleaning of castings, and develop concepts for automated cleaning of castings.By recording the process and cycle times, the cleaning of castings has been documented as it works today, and on this basis, information and statistics has been compiled.
Linderödsgrisen : en inventering av populationsstruktur och produktionsnivå
In 1993, Sweden signed the Convention on Biological Diversity and thus agreed to conserve our indigenous biological diversity. As a part of the convention, Sweden is obliged to conserve a number of domestic animal breeds and among them the Linderöd pig. In 1952, the zoo, Skånes Djurpark, took care of a pregnant sow that was regarded to be related to the old "forest pig". The old forest pig was thought to have been extinguished by the early 20th century as a result of the ban on boars not approved by state inspectors. However, according to later accounts, several farmers still kept some of these non-approved pigs.
Outsourcing av urval och inköp : En studie av hur bibliotekariens kompetens och yrkesroll påverkas av Bibliotekstjänsts profiltjänster
Traditionally, the majority of Swedish public libraries have carried out most of their acquisitions through Bibliotekstjänst's binding booklets. In recent years, however, many libraries have complemented the binding booklets and other services from Bibliotekstjänst by other ways of acquiring books, such as Internet bookshops, while other libraries have stopped using the binding booklets altogether. There are various reasons for this development, such as Information Technology making it possible for librarians to compare prizes and services from different retailers. Another important reason is the need for public libraries to meet new needs from their patrons, while remaining on a restrained budget, which often causes a need for reorganization of staff and resources.As a way of meeting the new needs for libraries, Bibliotekstjänst has created Profile Services (profiltjänster), a service in which a library outsources its acquisitions to Bibliotekstjänst. The staff of the library, in dialogue with Bibliotekstjänst, design a profile for the acquisitions for the library in question, in order to determinate which types and genres of literature the library and its patrons are requesting.
Kv. Tvättstugan, ett flerbostadshus med massiv trästomme : Ett examensarbete om akustik- och brandkrav samt en jämförelse av energi- och fuktaspekter
Title: Kvarteret Tvättstugan, an apartment building with massive wood construction. A thesis about acoustic and fire requirements and a comparison of energy and moisture aspects. Earlier restrictions in the Swedish legislation have resulted that only a small percentage of the apartment buildings that have been built are designed with a massive wood construction. It has been allowed to build unrestricted with wood since 1994 as long as the function of requirements are fulfilled. This change in the rules together with the great environmental benefits of wood has led to that more companies choose to build apartment buildings with wood. One of these companies is Folkhem Production AB.
Att rätt fira sin gudstjänst : Gudstjänstens relevans för kyrkan och för den kyrkotillhörige sett ur anställdas och förtroendevaldas perspektiv
The Church of Sweden had barely 6.5 million members in 2012. Just over 1% of the members visit a church service regularly every Sunday. The number of visitors in worship services has diminished continuously for a very long time. From 1990 to 2010, the annual number of visitors at the main worship services has decreased by 50% from 9 million to about 4.5 million. The service activities can still be maintained at the current level because the many passive members still pays their membership fee.
Klyftan mellan byggare och arkitekt : markentreprenören och landskapsarkitekten
In my work I have received a lot of concrete advice about improving the cooperation between landscape architects and contractors. Here is a list of suggestions from both cathegories:
Landscape architect's advice:
? Be humble, show respect.
? A practical approach makes cooperation easier.
? Call together a startup meeting with all the consultants and builders.
? Establish a network of contacts with serious
contractors whom you can recommend to
? Don't hesitate to ask the contractor for advice; they often have lots of useful knowledge.
? It is important to have clearly written and thoroughly worked out documentation.
? Never let a newly graduated landscape architect visit the buiding site without the company of an experienced colleague.
Omvårdnadsepikriser: Från sluten somatisk vård till hemsjukvård
Distriktssköterskan är ofta den sista länken i vårdkedjan från den somatiska vården och hemsjukvården. En fungerande överrapportering från den slutna somatiska vården till hemsjukvården är av yttersta vikt för patientens trygghet och säkerhet och det är därför viktigt att innehållet i omvårdnadsepikrisernas uppfattas som relevant för den fortsatta vården. En omvårdnadsepikris skall innehålla en slutanteckning över de omvårdnadsåtgärder som genomförts på sjukhuset och en kort beskrivning över patientens aktuella omvårdnadsbehov. Syftet med studien var att beskriva distriktssköterskors uppfattning om omvårdnadsepikrisernas relevans och användbarhet i den fortsatta vården i hemmet av palliativa patienter samt att jämföra dessa med det faktiska innehållet i omvårdnadsepikriser skrivna av sjuksköterskor inom den slutna somatiska vården.Studien har genomförts med en innehållsanalys av 16 omvårdnadsepikriser insamlade från en kirurgiavdelning på ett större sjukhus i Göteborgsregionen samt semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem distriktssköterskor i Göteborgsregionen. Avslutningsvis jämfördes resultatet från de två datakällorna för att bedöma överensstämmelsen mellan dessa.
Markaryd Cantat - ett körprojekt belyst ur ett sociokulturellt perspektiv
I oktober 2006 presenterade jag för Utbildnings- och kulturförvaltningen i Markaryd idén att samla sångintresserade i Markaryds kommun till en projektkör för att uppföra ett större körverk med orkester. Målen med projektet var att stimulera till ökad sång- och körverksamhet i skola och kommun och genom denna aktivitet, dels skapa närkontakt med klassisk musik, dels att bygga broar mellan olika grupperingar i kommunen. Då man år 2007 firade Markaryds kommun 700 år, Markaryds kyrka 150 år och Linné 300 år tillkom aspekten att projektkören skulle kunna bidra med en konsert som avslutning på jubileumsåret. Min forskningsfråga i detta arbete är: På vilket eller vilka sätt har projektets målsättningar uppnåtts? Skriftliga utvärderingar med de deltagande körsångarna, reaktioner från kommunen, press och allmänheten samt en DVD dokumentation utav konserten ligger till grund för min resultatdiskussion.
Om fototextpoesi : Läsningar av mötet mellan fotografisk bild och poetisk text
What is the relation of image and word, of sentences and pictures? What kind of message does this combination produce when juxtaposed on a single material plane? And how do we read its ?infinite? relation? These are the questions at the center of this inquiry. My main interest concerns the exact nature of the relation between photographic images and textual elements of poetic language when these are juxtaposed in what I call Phototext poetry.The thesis calls into question the conventional reading habits of the conjunction of photographs and texts, and seeks to understand the more complex connections intrinsic to the relation image/word and its material and perceptual play in poetic works. Does a text always ?anchor? the multiple meanings of an image, as Roland Barthes argues? What if the alterations of an image could ?anchor? certain fractions of a poetic, polysemantic textual construct? Is a photograph indifferent to the visual, material permutations of texts that certain contemporary poetic practices produce?I discuss phototextual works and collaborations of various kinds, from Molin fontän [?Molin?s fountain?] (1866) over classic surrealist poetry to language-oriented writing.
Bedömningsgrunder för avsyning av textila material
Dagligen bedömer människan sin omgivning utifrån sina fem sinnen. Då ett intryck ges från omgivningen sker en process, signaler skickas till hjärnan via nerver ifrån det sinne som stimulerats. På grund av den olika uppsättningen nervceller upplevs samma intryck skilt bland människor. I textilproduktion används visuell bedömning genom hela produktionsprocessen, från garn till färdig vara där tyget slutligen kontrolleras i sin helhet vid avsyningen. Avsyningsprocessen sker vid ett avsyningsbord där en operatör matar fram tyg på bordet.
Stureholm - en herrgårdsträdgårds historia, utveckling och framtida skötselmål :
Stureholm Manor and garden is a relatively young farming unit on clay soil in the north
western part of Skåne, a province in Southern Sweden. Since the middle of the 19th century
the landscape has been actively cultivated and has been transformed from oak forrest into
farmingland of high efficiency.
The industrial era during the 19th and 20th centuries meant new posssibilites for cultivation of
these clay soils. With equipment like steam ploughs and the possibility to obtain fertilizers,
the harvest increased considerably. This increased prosperity provided estate Stureholm with
a beatuiful corps de logi, a manor.
The trends prevailing in Europe around the turn of the century 1800-1900 against the growing
industrialism, was turned into a artisan movement known as Arts and Craft. The Swedish
followers idealized our Swedish history and they took the turn of a national romantic
movement that later turned into neoclassicism.