687 Uppsatser om Perioperative documentation - Sida 26 av 46
Portal till det förflutna : en arkeologisk kvalitetskontrollerad ämnesportal som resurs för universitetsutbildning i Lund.
The purpose of this essay ("Gateway to the Past. An archaeological quality controlled subject gateway as a resource for higher education in Lund") is to examine how a quality controlled subject gateway could increase the quality of the information supply for the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History at Lund University. The essay gives a brief background to subject gateways and also describes the Department and its subjects (prehistoric archaeology, medieval archaeology, osteology and classical studies) . The essay consists of a questionnaire distributed to parts of the target group as well as an investigation of three particular subject gateways: NordArk, ARGE and The Labyrinth. The essay also contains an exposition of how archaeologists seek information, of the structure of the archaeological subjects and of classification systems for quality controlled subject gateways.
Informationssökning på Internet - att välja verktyg
The Internet offers an abundance of information. This information is easy to access in technical terms, however it is difficult to find. At present there is a wide variety of search services to choose from. This master's thesis is about selecting the appropriate search service for a certain question. Are different types of services suitable for different types of questions, and if so, which services for which questions?To answer this, I have undertaken one theoretical and one empirical study.
Nyanlända flykting- och invandrarbarns skolintroduktion : En jämförande studie om två skolors arbetssätt
The objective with this study is to investigate the school introduction of newly arrived students, by focusing on the latter years of high school, by comparing two schools method of working.This was done by a qualitative survey based on half structured interviews and existing school documentation.The questions of the study targeted the schools method of working, how well the education was adapted to the students and if it was appropriate to them. We also asked about the school resources to meet the need of the newly arrived students. Our theoretical assumptions were based on Haugs? terms ?including integration? and ?excluding integration?, Lahdenperäs? theory about intercultural education, Vygotskijs thoughts about adapted education and finally Blossings? description of different cooperative cultures. Our results showed that school introduction for newly arrived students were formed from the schools? view on learning development and adapted education.
Chatt och e-post : ett möte på folkbibliotekets publika datorer?
Ten years ago the public computers with Internet access were introduced in the public libraries. The purpose of the public computers was to give the possibility of searching information. Along with the Internet came also communication media like chat and e-mail. This type of communication was a new function for the libraries and the reactions among the librarians were mixed. It has been a source of big frustration and attempts to block it has not succeeded.
Biblioteksservice till barn med utländsk bakgrund - vilken service skulle kunna erbjudas på bibliotek i segregerade förorter
The aim of the paper is to examine how public libraries can develop their services for children with ethnic minority backgrounds as a user group. This is achieved through studying the conditions for library services provided for children aged 9-12 in this group by public libraries in suburbs densely populated with ethnic minorities. The paper uses both a literature review and empirical research on the community libraries in Rinkeby and Rosengård as well as the town library in Lund. Services potentially available to these groups are analysed and discussed in the later chapters. The overall conclusion is that those services provided for ethnic minority children are largely the same as those provided for in children library services in general.
Sjuksköterskans dokumentation av postoperativ smärta : en journalgranskningsstudie
Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ett föräldraperspektiv undersöka behov av och önskemål om stödsom föräldrar med diagnos inom autismspektrum beskriver i sin föräldraroll. Ett annat syfte är att bidra med ökad kunskaptill en diskussion kring utformandet av stödinsatser för dessa familjer. Studien är kvalitativ med intervjuer som gjorts ihalvstrukturerad form. Åtta föräldrar har intervjuats. Föräldrarna beskriver att deras svårigheter gör det svårt för dem isamspelet med barn och partner.
"Ett plus ett blir mer än två om man samarbetar" : Användarnas perspektiv på biblioteks- och informationsservice i Skåne Nordost
Eight libraries, seven public libraries and one college library, in the northeast of Skåne serve as foundation in a collaboration where students and adult learners are placed in the center of attention. The aim of this Master's thesis in library and information science was to study how the students and adult learners in the northeast of Skåne perceive the library services that are developed with their needs in mind.Our method for this thesis was a quantitative interview study. We aimed to conduct interviews with users at the public libraries within the cooperation and thereby find out whether or not users within the target group were aware of the services that are developed and established within the northeast Skåne collaboration.The results showed that only a few respondents in the key target group did in fact know about certain parts of the library services especially developed for the northeast of Skåne-collaboration. The majority of the key target group also thought that study-related literature and reading rooms were the most important means that the libraries have to offer them in their studies. The northeast of Skåne-collaboration had many ideas concerning library services.
A literature study and survey of sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) in southern Sweden
Sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) is a common broadleaved species throughout Europe, however often
of minor interest to the forest sector. There is currently a lack of research on sycamore maple, and some of its
characteristics have throughout history contributed to a negative reputation in both literature and the forest
society. Since broadleaved species in general are of great importance to the forest sector in Europe and
presumably of enhanced significance in the future, deepened research is needed and particularly Swedish.
With a desire to hopefully increase the interest for sycamore maple, was the objective of the study to examine
the current status of the sycamore stands in southern Sweden. The study was carried out both as a survey with
inventory field work and as a literature study. Parts of the latter mentioned is also presented in the
The study shows that the majority of the sycamore stands in Sweden are growing well, producing fairly high
qualities and volumes.
Rättsäkerheten vid omhändertaganden av barn på 1950 - 1960 - talet : Studier av socialarbetarnas dokumenterade arbete
The main purpose of this study is to examine and gain increased knowledge concerning the legal security of children taken into protective care. The purpose is also to enable contemporary social workers to reflect around phenomena in today´s social work, among other things how investigations are carried out surrounding children taken into protective care thought this historical study. To find out how social workers dealt with caretakings I have chosen to examine the personel files that the social workers compiled for each child and also interview a man who worked as a social worker at the time of the investigation. The paper is divided into two part studies were the first one studies legal security through Mattsson´s (2002) further development of KjÆnstad?s way to analyse legal security, namely through investigating the clarity of the law, procedural rules and the comtetenay of the social workers.
SPRÅKUTVECKLINGENS MÅSTEN : En studie om hur omorganisationen av svenska som andraspråk på en gymnasieskola har lett till ökad motivation och därmed språkutveckling
Uppsatsen behandlar ämnet Svenska som andraspråk och syftet har varit att dokumentera och utvärdera omorganisationen för ämnet på en gymnasieskola. Syftet har också varit att utvärdera vad eleverna själva anser om sin språkutveckling, syn på kultur och identitet samt om deras motivation har ökat i ämnet efter omorganisationen och ett avslutat kulturtema. Metoden som har använts är samtal med lärarna, enkäter och djupintervjuer med elever som har varit med om omorganisationen. Resultatet visar att lärarna har genom att omorganisera sitt arbete ökat elevernas språkutveckling och motivation. Omorganisationen innebar ett temainriktat arbetssätt och här belystes temat Språk, kultur och identitet som har lett till ökad medvetenhet för begrepp som identitet, etnicitet och kultur.
Kunskapsorganisation av ämnesområdet arktektur : Klassifikation eller indexering av samlingarna på en arkitekthögskola?
This thesis analyses the problem of how to organise a multidisciplinary domain of knowledge like architecture. The study is both theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part include discussions of theories of knowledge organisation. Two different principles of classification were examined in relation to the domain itself, as well as in relation to the educational programme at the School of Architecture at Lund University and comparable schools in Sweden. The empirical part is a case study carried out at the School of Architecture at Lund University.
Munvård - Vårdpersonalens kunskap och prioritering av patientens munvård. En litteraturstudie
Bakgrund: Munvård har en stor betydelse för människan både genom nutrition och via kommunikation. Ökade möjligheter för behandling, ekonomisk ersättning och tillgänglighet av vård bidrar till att tandlöshet inte är lika accepterat av samhället idag. Med ökad levnadsålder ökar både behoven och riskerna för att problem uppstår. Trots det är munhälsan ett stort problem inom sjukvård och äldreomsorg.
Syfte: Att undersöka vårdspersonalens kunskaper om munhälsa, samt hur vårdpersonal prioriterar munvården av äldre personer som är beroende av hjälpinsatser.
Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie och bygger på 5 kvalitativa och 5 kvantitativa studier. Dessa granskades och bearbetades för att slutligen analyseras till kategorier och subteman.
Digitala bibliotek - framtidsvision eller morgondagens verklighet?
In the wake of the electronic revolution digital library has become one of the central themes concerning libraries. The present study takes up the question whether digital library can function in the same way as the conventional library. The question can obviously be posed from different perspectives, e.g. technological-, the user-, or the organizational perspective. The study investigates if (and how) digital library can have the same functions as the traditional library.
Sjuksköterskor i ambulans uppfattning om prehospital avvikelserapportering : en fenomenografisk intervjustudie
Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ett föräldraperspektiv undersöka behov av och önskemål om stödsom föräldrar med diagnos inom autismspektrum beskriver i sin föräldraroll. Ett annat syfte är att bidra med ökad kunskaptill en diskussion kring utformandet av stödinsatser för dessa familjer. Studien är kvalitativ med intervjuer som gjorts ihalvstrukturerad form. Åtta föräldrar har intervjuats. Föräldrarna beskriver att deras svårigheter gör det svårt för dem isamspelet med barn och partner.
?Tala nu om för fröken vad du kan? : en komparativ studie om fem lärares syn på bedömning i skolår 1-3
The evaluation and assessment of a pupil?s knowledge is today an important part of a teachers work. The function of the evaluations for younger pupils (grades 1-3) has assumed a more prominent role in the school system due to the introduction of written assessments as well as national testing in grade 3. One of the purposes of this research has been to find out the teacher?s opinions of the written assessment in grade 3.